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Diuretic Herbs


Diuretic herbs are those herbs which increase the flow of urine. They increase the rate of urination. These herbs help to remove excess of water, salt and toxins from the body. Diuretic herbs effect the Kidneys.

Excess of Diuretic herbs may cause :
Dry Mouth
Kidney Failure
Low Blood Pressure


Acacia Melanoxylon
Acanthophoenix Rubra
Adenia Volkensii
Adiantum Venustum
Afzelia Africana
Ainsliaea Aptera
Ajuga Bracteosa
Allium Tricoccum
Allium Vineale
Alternanthera Pungens
Alyxia Reinwardtii
Amaranthus Blitoides
Amaranthus Campestris
American linden
American Plum
Anchusa Azurea
Andropogon Gerardii
Anthocleista Djalonensis
Anthocleista Madagascariensis
Anthocleista Nobilis
Anthocleista Procera
Anthocleista Vogelii
Aquilaria Malaccensis
Aquilegia Canadensis
Arnebia Hispidissima
Asphodelus Fistulosus
Asphodelus Ramosus
Atriplex Hortensis
Balsamorhiza Sagittata
Barathranthus Nodiflorus
Basil Thyme
Biophytum Candolleanum
Bitternut Hickory
Black Sassafras
Bladder Senna
Blumea Pubigera
Boswellia Elongata
Brassica Napobrassica
Bridelia Atroviridis
Bridelia Ferruginea
Calophyllum Tomentosum
Calystegia Sepium
Camel Grass
Camphorosma Monspeliaca
Cape Ash
Capparis odorata
Capparis Tomentosa
Cardamine Amara
Cardiocrinum Giganteum
Caribbean Grape
Caricature Plant
Cassia Angustissima
Cassia Sieberiana
Catharanthus Lanceus
Cenchrus Biflorus
Cenchrus Ciliaris
Cherry Stem
Chhal Mogra
Chinese Elm
Cinnamomum Iners
Cleome Amblyocarpa
Climbing Atalantia
Combretum Coccineum
Combretum Collinum
Combretum Micranthum
Commelina Benghalensis
Common Iceplant
Copaifera Langsdorffii
Copaifera Mildbraedii
Cordyla Pinnata
Cordyline Fruticosa
Corky debbar Tree
Corn Sow Thistle
Costus Lucanusianus
Cremaspora Triflora
Crithmum Maritimum
Croton Haumanianus
Cynoglossum Lanceolatum
Dalbergia Spinosa
Daniellia Oliveri
Dasymaschalon Clusiflorum
Datisca Cannabina
Dendrocnide Batanensis
Descurainia Pinnata
Descurainia Sophia
Desmodium Elagans
Desmodium Triflorum
Deutzia Compacta
Dictyosperma Album
Dilobeia Thouarsii
Dioscorea Hamiltonii
Dioscorea Hispida
Diospyros Rhodocalyx
Divine Jasmine
Draba Nemorosa
Drimia Indica
Dysophylla Auricularia
Dysoxylum Binectariferum
Endeavor River Vine
Ephedra Fragilis
Ephedra Gerardiana
Ephedra Intermedia
Ephedra Viridis
Equisetum Telmateia
Eriosema Chinense
Erycibe Paniculata
Eryngium Yuccifolium
Erythrophleum Africanum
Euphorbia Granulata
Fatoua Pilosa
Fern Tree
Ficus Septica
Foetidia Mauritiana
Fomes Fomentarius
Fraxinus Pennsylvanica
Gaillardia Pinnatifida
Garlic Mustard
Gentiana Dahurica
Geranium Ocellatum
Gomphocarpus Fruticosus
Green Bristle Grass
Greenwayodendron Suaveolens
Grewia Hirsuta
Guiera Senegalensis
Haemanthus Coccineus
Hedyotis Scandens
Heimia Salicifolia
Heliotropium Strigosum
Hepatica Acutiloba
Hesperis Matronalis
Hibiscus Asper
Hibiscus Macranthus
Hibiscus Trionum
Holarrhena Floribunda
Holmskioldia Sanguinea
Hoya Multiflora
Hydrangea Paniculata
Hydrocotyle Javanica
Hydrophylax Maritima
Hymenocallis Tubiflora
Hyoscyamus Albus
Impatiens Pallida
Indian Stinging Nettle
Indian Thorny Bamboo
Ipomoea Marginata
Iris Decora
Japense Star Anise
Jeffersonia Diphylla
Johnson Grass
Jungle Rice
Lady Fern
Laportea Canadensis
Lavandula Stoechas
Ledebouria Revoluta
Lepidium Iberis
Leucas Mollissima
Limnophila Rugosa
Lobelia Nicotianaefolia
Lolium Temulentum
Macleaya Cordata
Madras Carpet
Maerua Siamensis
Maqui Berry
Mentzelia Albicaulis
Morning Glory
Murdannia Nudiflora
Muster John Henry
Narrowleaf Bittercress
Nuttallanthus Canadensis
Nymphoides Peltata
Ocimum Gratissimum
Opuntia Elatior
Oval Leaved Pepper Plant
Oxeye Daisy
Panax Fruticosa
Persicaria Maculosa
Philadelphia Fleabane
Phyllanthus Fraternus
Phytolacca Acinosa
Pinus Monophylla
Piper Sylvestre
Polianthes Tuberosa
Polygonum Arenastrum
Polygonum Pensylvanicum
Populus Trichocarpa
Portulaca Pilosa
Premna Esculenta
Pulsatilla Patens
Ragged Mallow
Red Bistort
Reseda Odorata
River Birch
Rough Leaved Clivers
Rough Pigweed
Rubus Allegheniensis
Salvia Leaved Crossberry
Schkuhria Pinnata
Schoenoplectus Tabernaemontani
Scoparia Dulcis
Sea Bindweed
Sida Alnifolia
Smilax Aspera
Smilax Moranensis
Smooth Leaf White Violet
Solanum Amplexicaulis
Solanum Indicum Linn
Sow Thistle
Spilanthes Paniculata
Spiny Cocklebur
Squaw Root
Sterculia Villosa
Stylosanthes Fruticosa
Sugar Palm
Sunset Foxglove
Swallow Wort
Swamp Dayflower
Swamp Milkweed
Syzygium Malaccense
Temple Juniper
Terminalia Citrina
Tetracera Sarmentosa
Tetrastigma Harmandii
Thalictrum Dalingo
Threeleaf Arrowhead
Tinospora Crispa
Tinospora Glabra
Torch Tree
Tree Vernonia
Tulip Poplar
Typha Elephantina
Undir Kani
Unripe Bitter Orange
Utricularia Vulgaris
Velvet Burr
Veronica Persica
Virgin s Bower
Wall Barley
Water Lobelia
Water Speedwell
Wendlandia Bicuspidata
White Sweet Clover
Wild Jessamine
Wild Leek
Wild Onion
Wisteria Sinensis
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Materia Medica for

Water Retention General

There are many causes for water retention as mentioned above. Sometimes the cause cannot be identified. But, if you can diagnose the cause, some useful tips to accurately prescribe a remedy are offered below.
Dandelion. It is a herbal diuretic. Its advantage is that it is rich in potassium. As you know, excessive urination may result in depletion of Potassium. This herb boasts of having Potassium. So, the depletion is taken care of. You may safely use it even if the cause is not known.
Celery. you may use the plant and or the seeds. They are both effective as a diuretic. It is a general diuretic. The diagnosis of the cause is not important.
Yucca Root. If the water retention is due to the malfunction of the Kidneys, then Yuuca root is the answer.
Devil’s Claw Tuber. Water Retention may be caused by the clogging of the Lymph Nodes. This inactivity of the Lymph Nodes may cause the blood circulation to slow down, and hence result in the body retaining more water than necessary. Devil’s Claw Tuber is the answer.
Burdock Root. Water Retention may also be caused by an Allergic reaction. Something you ate or some medication you took. The body will produce Histamine and there will be fluid buildup. You will feel bloated and or congested. This condition will be relieved by Burdock Root. Burdock is an excellent Anti histamine. It is fast acting. Gives quick relief. The over the counter Anti histamine medication available with the chemists are themselves a major cause of water retention. This condition is also taken care of by Burdock Root.
Single Herbs

Kapok Bark as a Diuretic

Prepare a decoction of Kapok tree bark. It act as a diuretic.

Coconut Water ( Nariyal ka Paani ) as Diuretic

Drink 50 ml Coconut water daily. It helps in removing Kidney Stones and cure Urinary Tract Infection.

Adhatoda Vasica as Diuretic

Boil leaves of Adhatoda Vasica. Put these boiled leaves over your Bladder region. It helps in reducing Kidney swelling.

Sapodilla as Diuretic

Make a decoction of dried seeds of Sapodilla. Drink 50 ml of it twice a day.

Achyranthes Aspera Gereral

How to use Achyranthes aspera
1. Apamarga Jucie with water
a. Take 1-2 teaspoon Apamarga Juice
b. Add same quantity of water
c. Take it before taking food once a day.

2. Apamarga Churna with Honey or water
a. Take ¼-½ teaspoon Apamarga Churna
b. Mix with honey or with water
c. Take it after lunch and dinner.

3. Apamarga or Apamarga kshara Capsule with water
a. Take 1-2 Apamarga or Apamarga kshara capsule
b. Take it with water after taking lunch and dinner.

4. Apamarga Kshar with Honey
Take 1- 2 pinch Apamarga Kshar with honey after taking lunch and dinner.

Crape Jasmine for Oliguria

Boil 50 g leaves in 200 ml water. Strain and cool. Drink 10 ml of it thrice a day.

Common Milk Hedge for Oliguria

Warm the leaves of Common Milk Hedge. Tie them over Abdomen.

Black Nightshade ( Makoya ) as Diuretic

Take Black Nightshade ( Makoya ) stem and leaves in equal quantity. Prepare a decoction. Have 2 teaspoons twice a day.

Yarrow as Diuretic

Make an infusion with leaves and flowers of Yarrow. Strain and cool. Drink 20 ml once a day.

Ephedra ( Amsania ) as a Diuretic

Add 1-2 tablespoon dried Ephedra ( Amsania ) in One cup cold water and drink every morning.

Betel ( Pan ) for Oliguria

Take 1 tsp leaf juice of Betel with Milk. Have it twice a day.

Bergenia as Diuretic

Crush roots of Bergenia and store the obtained sap. Take 3 ml of it twice a day.

Artichoke as Diuretic

Take flower bud of Artichoke. Make its decoction. Have 20 ml of it once a day.

Asteracantha Longifolia for Anuria

Consume 25 ml leave decoction of Asteracantha Longifolia thrice a day.

Avocado ( Makhanphal ) for Anuria

Boil 500 ml water. Dip 200 g leaves of Avocado ( Makhanphal ) in it for a night. Drink 1 cup of this infusion daily.

Abies Pindrow as Diuretic

Infusion of Berries is a good diuretic. Have half glass of Abies Pindrow once a day.

Balsam Weed for Anuria

Make a decoction with flowers of Balsam Weed. Drink 20 ml of it twice a day.

Golden Bamboo for Anuria

Make root decoction of Golden Bamboo. Drink 15 ml thrice a day.

Cynodon Dactylon ( Doob ) for Anuria

Consume 20 ml root decoction of Cynodon Dactylon once a day.

Broccoli for Anuria

Make a decoction using flower of Broccoli. Crush it in same water. Drink a cup of it once a day.

Cabbage ( Band Gobhi ) for Anuria

Consume Cabbage ( Band Gobhi ) in your daily diet either in soup or salad form.

Carrot ( Gaajar ) seeds as Diuretic

Add 4 g seed powder of Carrot ( Gaajar ) in a cup of lukewarm water. Have it thrice a day.

Java Tea as Diuretic

Add 5 g fresh leaves of Java Tea plant in a cup of water. Boil until it gets half. Drink twice a day.

Chayote as Diuretic

Make tea using leaves and or seeds of Chayote. Drink a cup of it twice a day.

Brown Rice Soup

Travails of modern life make us a little sick. Genetically engineered food makes us a little more sick. Pollution and pesticides make us more more sick. What to do ? Drink Brown Rice Soup.
Take about 250 gms of Brown Rice. Dry roast the Rice in a pan till they are very dark brown. Take care, do not burn them. Set aside in a glass bowl.
Boil two liters of water. Pour half over the brown rice. Retain the other half in the pan. Wait 5 minutes. Strain the water in a glass jug. Add the same rice to the water in the pan. Simmer on low heat for 5 minutes. Strain the water into the jug. Discard the rice. You now have a jug full of soup. Cool, store in fridge.
Drink one cup a day for one month at least. Repeat at least 3 to 4 times a year.
NOTE 1 : If you are a patient of High Blood Pressure, take the soup on alternative days.
NOTE 2 : Do not eat or drink anything ( other than water ) for half an hour before or after the soup. Can be taken concurrently with Health Soup. Health Soup preparation is given in Immunity Booster. Please do not mix them. Take at least three hours apart.
Recommendation. Take Health Soup in the morning, and Brown Rice Soup in the evening.
NOTE 3 :
If you are not sick or little sick, take little soup. You will not be sick any more. If you are more sick, take more soup.
Do not combine with high protein foods.
NOTE 4 : When the body corrects itself, there may be a reaction. It could be any or all of the following.
Itchy skin, Eczema, Diarrhea.
If you are on medication, or if you already have an Eczema, the reaction may be strong. Bear it. It will go away.
Patients with a head injury may get a headache. This is a good reaction, one you should want.
If a patient has eye disease, he may develop temporary blurred vision or itching around eyes. But, subsequently the eyesight will get better.
Body temperature may fall.

Watermelon Seed Oil as Diuretic

Massage the lower abdomen and middle back region using warm Watermelon Seed Oil. It helps to tone the urinary system and increase urine output.
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Multiple Herbs How to Use Herbal Treatment? Click Here +

Herbal Treatment For Gallstones 2

Mix 3 parts of Turmeric root ( Haldi in India ) with 2 parts of each Parsley root ( Ajmod in India ), Eupatorium Purpureum, Common Marshmallow ( Khatami in India ), Licorice ( Mulethi in India ), Ginger ( Adrak in India ) and Dandelion ( Dudal in India ).
Make small tablets and take 2 tablets thrice a day.
It is good for both Kidney and Bladder stones.
Avoid during pregnancy.

Herbal Treatment For Urinary Tract Infections

The presence of Amino acid and Asparagine makes Asparagus a natural Diuretic. Put two tablespoons of butter in a pan over medium heat. Add a bunch of fresh Asparagus and 4 crushed Garlic. Sauté it. Consume it daily for better results.
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