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Valerian Essential Oil Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Valerian Essential Oil
Glycemic Index / Load
Valerian Essential Oil

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Valerian Essential Oil Cures


Action of Valerian Essential Oil

Nutrients in Valerian Essential Oil

Parts Used


Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Valerian Essential Oil

Avoid its use during pregnancy and breast feeding.
It may cause Skin Irritation.
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Valerian Essential Oil is extracted from the root of the Valerian plant.
It is made by steam distillation process.


Grown In

Common Names

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Materia Medica for Valerian Essential Oil

Valerian Essential Oil General

Valerian Essential Oil is processed from the Valerian root.
Valerian Oil either inhaled or diffused via vaporizer act as a Calming, Sedative and Antidepressant. It helps to deal with Depression, Stress, Insomnia and Anxiety. It eliminates the negative feeling and refreshes the mind. It promotes emotional balance and well-being. It eliminates Restlessness and gives a good sound sleep.
It regulates bowel movements and eases the upset stomach. It assists in nutrient absorption.
The Diuretic action detoxifies the body and promotes Urination.
It takes a good care of the heart. It regulates Blood Pressure.
It promotes healthy skin. It reduces Wrinkles. The Antibacterial action inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria. It treats Dry Skin, Burns, Cuts, Wounds, Eczema, Bruises, Itchiness, Insect Bites, Scars, and Acne.
It promotes mental health and improves Cognition. It sharpens the intellect and increases concentration. It enhances the speed of learning, increases retention and boosts memory.
It stimulates and regularize Menstruation and balances the Hormonal function. It provides relief from Menstrual Discomforts.
Besides, it also provides relive from involuntary Muscle Spasms. It is helpful in treating all kinds of Pain.
Single Herb

Valerian Essential Oil for Anxiety

Valerian Essential Oil stabilizes the mood and emotions thus relaxing the mind. Diffuse this oil in your home.
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