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  • Herb
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  • Massage Therapy
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Clove Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Glycemic Index / Load
Botanical Name
Syzygium Aromaticum, Myrtaceae Family
Hindi Name
Chinese Name
Ding Xiang
Homeopathic Name
Syzygium Aromaticum   -   Mother Tincture

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Clove Cures

Super Effective


Action of Clove

Most Effective

Nutrients in Clove

Nature of


Parts Used

Dried Flower Bud , Essential Oil, Clove Oil

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Clove

Avoid use of cloves and clove oil during pregnancy.
It may cause Dermatitis.
Clove oil is very strong and can cause irritation if used in its pure form.
Internal consumption only on Doctor's recommendation.
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Clove is flower bud of a tree.
It is evergreen.
It belongs to the Myrtle family.
It grows in a tropical climate.
It grows up to 12 M.
Best used for Toothache.

In TCM :
Clove Oil : Ding Xiang You
Clove Leaf : Ding Xiang Ye
Clove Flower : Ding Xiang
Clove Fruit : Mu Ding Xiang, Ji She Xiang

Meridians associated : Spleen, Stomach and Kidney

Antagonistic activity :
Action of Clove and Wild Turmeric are opposite in nature. They may antidote, cancel, reduce and or adversely affect the prognosis of each other.


Common Names

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Materia Medica for Clove

Clove General

Clove is a monoecious evergreen tree. It belongs to Myrtaceae family. Clove is mainly grown in Indonesia, India, Zanzibar, Pema Island, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. It is mainly used as a spice.
Clove is a good herbal treatment for Stomach. It helps in constipation. Clove gives relief from problems associated with Indigestion. Clove is used for Nausea, Vomiting, Bowel ailments and Diarrhea. It helps in reducing the Intestinal gas. It stimulates the sluggishness of the Blood circulation and helps in Digestion. Clove reduces the frequent facial discharges from the bowels. It also helps in healing Peptic Ulcers. This helps in treating Ulcers in the Stomach. Cloves act as a stimulant and is very proficient in treating Spasmodic disorders. It cures Dyspepsia and also controls Gastric irritability. The anti inflammatory factors of Clove help reduce inflammation in the Stomach. The Anti bacterial properties inhibits the growth of bacteria in the Stomach.
It prevents the growth of Candidiasis.
Clove is effective for Arthritis and Sore Muscles. For Scrapes and Bruises Clove oil is quite beneficial.
If a diabetic patient consumes clove on daily bases, this may help him to control the blood sugar. Clove keeps a check on the levels of blood glucose. It enhances the insulins that helps control the Diabetes. It is beneficial for blood cholesterol also. It is used to control High Cholesterol.
Clove is a herbal treatment for Toothache. It is effective in curbing Dental and Oral Problems. It is a good remedy to get rid off bad breath and dry mouth. It is used as an ingredient in mouth rinses and gargles. To diminish the tooth cavities, Clove is the solution for the problem. Clove helps in lowering the risk of Toothache and prevents the other Dental Problems. Clove has an anesthetic effect on Severe Dental pain.
Chewing a clove controls bad breath and reduces of microbial infection in the tooth.
Clove is a good tonic for cough. It relieves the irritation in the Throat and reduces the inflammation in Pharynx.
Clove is advantageous in Lungs Infection and other Respiratory Disorders.
Tea made from Clove is used to treat Insomnia. It induces a sound sleep.
Clove is 'man's' friend. It is NOT an Aphrodisiac per se. But it helps to drink clove tea a few times a week. It improves the circulation of the genital area. Gives a better erection and delays ejaculation. Want to last for ever ? Add a few drops of clove oil to a carrier oil like sesame oil and massage the penis with it for a few days. About 15 minutes every day. And, its the glans you want to focus on because that is the sensitive part and you want to desensitize it. Caution ! If the oil stings, you have added too much clove oil. Dilute it.
Clove is also utilized for Cancer treatment. Its chemo preventive properties help in the inhibition of Cancer cells. Clove helps in curing Lung Cancer and also controls the replication of the Skin Cancer Cells.
Clove is a natural Mosquito repellent. It shields our body from Mosquito bites.
Keywords : Stomach problems, Dental problems, Cough, Acne Warts, Flu, Toothache, Gums Infection, Throat Infection, Bacterial Infection, Insomnia and Cancer Treatment.
Single Herb

Clove ( Laung ) for Candidiasis

Clove oil is strong. Dilute it with 15-30 drops of water. Take it 1-3 times a day.

Clove ( Laung ) for Bad Breath

Prepare Green tea. Add few 1-2 drops of Clove oil. Drink 2 times a day.
OR : Add few drops in vodka. Let it seep. Use as a mouthwash.
Else : Chew 1-2 Cloves for quick action.

Clove ( Laung ) for Toothache

Take 2 Cloves. Chew them and place under the aching teeth.
OR Take the essential oil of Clove. Put it on a Cotton wool and place under the aching teeth.
OR : Put 2-3 drops of Clove ( Laung ) oil in a cup of warm water. gargle 3-4 times a day to get relief.

Clove ( Laung ) for Wounds

Sprinkle Clove powder on the Wounds. It relieves the pain and also prevents infection.

Clove ( Laung ) for Dental Abscesses

Apply Clove oil on sore gums and tooth using cotton ball.

Clove ( Laung ) for Muscle Sprains

Apply Clove oil on the affected areas. Rub gently.

Clove ( Laung ) for Painful Ejaculation

Drink a cup of Clove tea twice every day.
Take powdered Cloves in capsules twice daily. Cloves improve blood flow to all parts of the body and their aromatic smell provides relaxation to the nerves.

Clove ( Laung ) for Cholera

Boil a cup of water. Add 3 Cloves in it for 5 minutes. Drink it once a day.

Clove ( Laung ) for Gingivitis

Rub Clove oil on the inflamed Gum.

Clove ( Laung ) for Cold

Take 7 to 8 Clove ( Laung ). Boil in half glass of water till it remains 1/4 th. Inhale the steam twice a day.

Clove ( Laung ) Oil for Cramps

Heat 2 teaspoons Clove ( Laung ) Oil. Massage on the affected part twice a day and cover.

Clove ( Laung ) for Cough

Add one gram Clove powder in 1 tsp Honey. Have it twice a day.

Clove ( Laung ) for Dental Diseases

Dip cotton bud in Clove oil. Apply it over the affected areas.
OR : Add 3 g Clove oil in a glass of water. Swish using it.

Clove ( Laung ) for Bloating

Take Clove ( Laung ) oil. Add 4 to 5 drops in one glass of water. Drink it twice a day.

Clove ( Laung ) for Gastroenteritis

Have 2 Clove ( Laung ) orally with water.
OR : Purchase Clove ( Laung ) oil from market. Put 2 drops in one glass of lukewarm water. Drink it.

Clove ( Laung ) for Emphysema

Crush 2 to 3 Clove ( Laung ). Boil in a cup of water. Strain. Have 3 to 4 cups a day.

Clove ( Laung ) as an Antimicrobial

Apply Clove Oil over the infected areas. It kill microbes and heal that area fast.

Clove ( Laung ) for Diabetes

Consume 2 Cloves per day. It helps in improving the blood sugar level.

Clove ( Laung ) for Osteoporosis

Take 2 g Clove powder with lukewarm water once a day.

Clove ( Laung ) as an Imunity Booster

Consume Cloves either in cooked food or in raw form. It increases your Immunity which helps your body to fight various diseases.

Clove ( Laung ) as an Aphrodisiac

Soak 10 g fresh Ginger, 20 g Cloves, 12 g Cinnamon in one Liter water for 20 days. Drink 10 ml of it before breakfast. Take it thrice a week.

Clove ( Laung ) for Stye

Make infusion of clove. Dip a piece of cotton cloth in it. Put it over the eye for 5-10 minutes. Repeat the process 4-5 times a day.

Clove ( Laung ) for Acid Reflux

Chew a Clove ( Laung ) well and intake the juice.
It helps in immediately lowering Acid Reflux

Clove ( Laung ) for Altitude Sickness

Prepare an infusion of Cloves. Have a cup two times a day.

Clove ( Laung ) for Typhoid

Boil 4 Clove ( Laung ) in a glass of water until it remains to half. Cool and stain. Drink it twice a day.

Clove ( Laung ) Oil for Scanty Menses

Put half teaspoon of Clove ( Laung ) Oil in a glass of lukewarm milk. Drink it once a day.

Clove ( Laung ) for Grey Hair

Massage scalp with Clove ( Laung ) oil twice a week.

Clove ( Laung ) for Insect Bites

Put a few drops of Clove ( Laung ) essential oil on a cotton ball and apply.

Clove for Entamoeba

Steep 1 teaspoon of powdered Cloves in one cup of hot water for 15 minutes. Drink it, twice daily for one week.

Clove for Schistosomiasis

Mix 1-2 Cloves in any prepared herbal tea. Drink it twice daily.

Clove ( Laung ) for Throat Disorder

Take one Clove and keep it in the mouth overnight and suck its juice.
It will provide relief from Pain in the Throat.

Clove ( Laung ) for Asthma

Mix one tablespoon of Honey and one clove of crushed Garlic in four drops of Clove Oil. Consume this mixture before going to bed and do not consume anything after taking this mixture.

Clove ( Laung ) for Stomach Ache

Take one Clove and crush it. Mix this crushed Clove with one teaspoon of Honey. Consume it.

Clove ( Laung ) for Headache

Take one Clove and crush it. Add this crushed Clove in one cup of hot Milk and a pinch of Common Salt in it. Consume it.

Clove ( Laung ) for Nausea

Crush one clove and mix it with one teaspoon of Honey. Slowly slowly lick it.

Clove ( Laung ) for Vomiting

Take one glass of water and add dried Clove buds in it. Boil this mixture for 10 minutes. Drink it.
It is an effective remedy in case of Pregnant women to provide relief from Vomiting.

Clove ( Laung ) for Fever

Prepare a decoction of 3 crushed Cloves, 2 tablespoons of Aniseed, 2 Cardamoms, 6 Basil leaves and 1 stick of Cinnamon in one glass of water. Boil it til it reduces to half. Strain and drink it two times a day.

Clove ( Laung ) for Indigestion

Take two teaspoons of Clove and roast it. Add this roasted Cloves in one cup of boiling water. Leave it aside for 30 minutes. Consume one teaspoon of this solution, three times a day.

Clove ( Laung ) for Coryza

Take 15 grams of Aniseeds and 6 dried Clove buds. Add it in 3 glasses of water. Boil it till it reduces to one-fourth. Add half teaspoon of Sugar in this solution. Drink it.
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Herbal Treatment For Stomach Ache 1

Boil 1 cup Acacia Tree bark in 1 litre water and sieve it. Add powdered Indian Pennywort in it. Also add the powder of 4 Black Peppercorns, 2 Cardamom, Cinnamon, 2 Cloves, 1/4 Nutmeg and 1/2 tablespoon Long Pepper. Mix it and leave it for a month before it is taken for medicinal use. Take One tablespoon twice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Diarrhea 4

Boil 1 cup Acacia Nilotica bark in 1 litre water and sieve it. Add powdered Indian Pennywort in it. Also add the powder of 4 Black Peppercorns, 2 Cardamom, Cinnamon, 2 Cloves, 1/4 Nutmeg and 1/2 tablespoon Long Pepper. Mix it and leave it for a month before it is taken for medicinal use. Take One tablespoon twice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Gum Diseases 2

Burn One Areca Nut and make ash. Add 2 tablespoon powdered Clove and a pinch of Catechu. Use it as a mouth wash Thrice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Toothache 2

Grind some Camphor with 4 Cloves or Black Peppers, Apply the powder on the affected area.

Herbal Treatment For Bad Breath 2

Take half cup of Azadirachta Indica bark, Chebulic Myrobalan, One cup of aerial roots of Banyan, One tablespoon Cloves and One tablespoon Camphor. Use this mixture as a tooth powder thrice a day after meals.

Herbal Treatment For Arthritis 6

Mix 2 teaspoons of Lavender Essential Oil and Chamomile Essential Oil. Add one drop of Clove Essential Oil. (Clove is a very strong herb. Just a few drops can add a lot of heat to the blend.) Use once a day.

Herbal Treatment For Pneumonia 1

Take 2 tablespoon of black pepper, five cloves and 1 tablespoon of edible soda. Boil it in 1/2 cup of water.
Give it to patient two times a day.

Herbal Treatment For Premature Ejaculation Massage 1

Mix the following essential oils in a carrier oil.
Carrier oil : Jasmine suggested (100 ml)
Essential Oils : 5 drops each : Clove oil. Black Pepper. Asafoetida. Acmella Oleracea . Withania Somnifera . Saffron. Musk.
Massage the penis with this oil once a day, for two months. Do not wipe off the residue oil.
Method of massage : Apply oil liberally. Massage from the root of the penis to the glans. Glans must be included in the massage. Penis should be in semi erect condition. Massage for at least 15 minutes every day.
If essential oils are not available. This oil can be infused with the herbs at home.
Take 200 ml sesame oil in a small bowl. Place it in another pan with water. Put on low heat. Take a large pinch of all the above herbs. Semi powder them in a small grinder. Add to the oil. Leave on very low heat for about two hours or till all the ingredients have changed colour. . Monitor the heat. Do not overheat. Oil must not smoke. Add 200 ml Jasmine oil. Store. Use every day. It will have the same effect as the essential oils.

Herbal Treatment For Fatigue 2

Take one Clove ( Laung ), one Cinnamon ( Dalchini ) and 2 pinch of Chirata ( Cirayata ) powder. Mix all in one cup lukewarm water. Keep for 15 minutes. Strain. Add one teaspoon Honey ( Shehad ) and Drink once a day.

Herbal Treatment For Lower Back Pain 7

Prepare a paste of dry Ginger ( Adrak in India ) powder, Fenugreek ( Methi in India ) powder, Black Pepper ( Kali Mirch in India ) powder, 4-5 Cloves of Garlic ( Lehsun in India ) and Turmeric ( Haldi in India ). Take1/4 tsp at least twice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Asthma 15

Take equal quantities of Sodom flowers, Clove and Black Pepper. Grind them together. Mix a pinch of this mixture with lukewarm water. Drink this water once a day.
Caution : Do not use in excess as it may cause Diarrhea or Vomiting.

Herbal Treatment For Sinusitis 1

Take 10 Cloves, 10 Field Mint leaves and 10 Eucalyptus leaves. Boil in one liter water. Inhale the steam twice a day.
Attention : You may take steam of simple water, if these ingredients are not available.

Herbal Treatment For Premature Ejaculation 2

Take equal quantity of the following herbs :
Black Pepper, Clove and Camphor. Powder them together. Add water to make paste. Apply it on the Penis for half an hour once a day.

Herbal Treatment For Phlegm 6

Take the following herbs :
Coriander ( Dhaniya in India ) Seeds : 10 tablespoons
Black Pepper ( Kali Mirch in India ) : 1 tablespoon
Clove ( Laung in India ) : 1/2 tablespoon
Ginger ( Adrak in India ) Dried : 100 grams
Grind all ingredients together. Have half teaspoon powder with Honey ( Shehad in India ) each morning.

Herbal Treatment For Diarrhea 15

Grind equal quantity of dry Ginger ( Adrak in India ), Aniseed ( Choti For Saunf in India ), Cloves and seeds of Pomegranate ( Anar in India )fruits together. Mix a little Rock Salt ( Sendha Namak in India ) and take half teaspoon with Yogurt ( Dahi in India ) twice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Headache 7

Make a paste of Dried Ginger ( Adrak in India ) with 2 Cloves of Garlic ( Lehsun in India ) and apply on the forehead to get quick relief.

Herbal Treatment For Haematemesis 1

Prepare a decoction of the root of Adhatoda Vasica by adding a pinch of Clove powder. Have it before breakfast. If problem persist continue it for 3 months .

Herbal Treatment For Premature Ejaculation 1

Mix the powder of Anacyclus ( karkara ) Damiana and Cloves ( Laung ) in equal quantity. Take two tablespoon with a cup of milk twice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Acid Reflux 7

Put one Clove and one Cardamom in your mouth. Suck its juice.

Herbal Treatment For Bronchitis 11

Grind equal quantity of dried Ginger ( Adrak in India ), Cloves ( Laung in India ) and Black Pepper ( Kali Mirch in India ) together. Take it thrice a day with Honey ( Shehad in India ).

Herbal Treatment For Bad Breath 6

Chop Parsley leaves. Add some water in it with 4 Cloves. Boil. Use it as mouth wash.

Herbal Treatment For Sinusitis 2

Take the following herbs in equal quantity :
Basil ( Tulsi in India )
Ginger ( Adrak in India ) Dried
Clove ( Laung in India )
Grind them with water. Apply paste on forehead. Leave it for 20 to 30 minutes and then wash.

Herbal Treatment For Indigestion 18

Take a Clove ( Laung in India ), Cardamom ( Choti ilaichi in India ), a small piece of Ginger ( Adrak in India ) and 4 Coriander ( Dhaniya in India ) leaves. Chew after your meal.

Herbal Treatment For Bad Breath 7

Take one teaspoon Carom ( Ajvain ) and 4 Clove ( Laung ). Boil in a cup of water. Strain and Cool. Swish with this water thrice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Toothache 10

Take 40 g Azadirachta Indica ( Neem ) bark and 10 g Cloves. Boil them in 600 ml water. Store the decoction. Apply it over the painful tooth.

Herbal Treatment For Bronchitis 15

Grind leaves of Indian Thorny Bamboo to obtain juice. Add quarter tsp powder of each Long Pepper, Cardamom, Jaggery and Clove in 1 glass of obtained juice. Drink 4 ml of the mixture once a day.

Herbal Treatment For Bronchitis 16

Mix dried Sodom flowers, Black Pepper and Clove in 4:2:1 ratio. Grind them to make powder. Consume 3 g of it with lukewarm water.

Herbal Treatment For Sore Throat 4

Put the below mentioned herb in one glass of boiled water.
Two chopped Parsley leaves.
2-3 Clove.
One tablespoon powdered Myrrh.
1/4 tsp of powdered Goldenseal.
Drink decoction two-three times a day.

Herbal Treatment For Irritable Bowel Syndrome 5

Take 20 gram Clove , 10 gram Cinnamon powder, 5 gram Cardamom and 6 gram Asafoetida powder. Grind to make powder. Take 1 teaspoon with warm water.

Herbal Treatment For Sore Throat 6

Take 1 Clove with quarter tsp Carom seeds and a pinch of salt. Chew twice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Dizziness 2

Soak the following herbs in water for half an hour.
1) Wheat - 25-30 grams
2) Poppy seeds- 15-20 grams
3) Almonds - 10-12 Almonds
4) Water Melon seeds - 8-10
Heat one tablespoon of ghee in a pan. Fry 2 cloves in it. Add all the soaked herbs in it. Take 4-5 tablespoon two times a day with milk.

Herbal Treatment For Diarrhea 22

Take 30 g pulp of raw Terminalia Chebula with 10 g Honey, 8 g Cloves and 5 g Cinnamon. Grind them to make paste. Take 4 g of it once a day.

Herbal Treatment For Acid Reflux 13

Crush some Cloves ( Laung ) and Cardamoms ( Choti Illachi ) together.
Take it as a mouth freshener after every meal.
It also prevents Bad Breath.

Herbal Treatment For Yellow Teeth 8

Take quarter teaspoon of powdered Clove ( Clove ). Add 5 pinches of Common Salt ( Namak ) and 8 to 10 drops of Brown Mustard ( Lal Sarson ) oil. Mix. Rub it on your teeth once a day before brush. It gives you strong, healthy and white teeth.

Herbal Treatment For Fatigue 8

Take a small stick of Liquorice ( Mulethi in India ) and 2-3 slices of Ginger ( Adrak in India ).
Add One tablespoon chopped Reishi Mushroom and half tablespoon powdered Cloves ( Laung in India ), Cardamom ( Elaichi in India ) and Cinnamon ( Dalchini in India ).
Put all the ingredients in 6-7 cups of water and bring to a boil.
Simmer for 5-10 minutes.
Cool and refrigerate. Do not strain.
Take Once early in a day for 2 -3 weeks.

Herbal Treatment For Scabies 4

Mix 8-10 drops of Clove ( Laung ) Oil with half cup of any Vegetable Oil.
Add half cup Water and Half cup of Honey.
Apply on the affected area before bedtime to prevent itching and painful rashes.

Herbal Treatment For Heart Disease 4

Take the following herbs :
Oregano ( Santra in India ) 2 tablespoons
Turmeric ( Haldi in India ) 2 tablespoons
Garlic ( Lehsun in India ) Crushed 2 tablespoons
Clove ( Laung in India ) Powdered 1 tablespoon
Cayenne ( Lal Mirch in India ) Powdered 2 tablespoons
Ginger ( Adrak in India ) Crushed 1 tablespoon
Put all in a blender together. Blend. Have one teaspoon with water once a day.

Herbal Treatment For Diabetes 13

Take the following herbs :
Turmeric ( Haldi in India ) Powdered 10 gram
Garlic ( Lehsun in India ) Pods Crushed 10 gram
Cayenne ( Lal Mirch in India ) Powdered 10 gram
Ginger ( Adrak in India ) Crushed 10 gram
Oregano ( Sathra in India ) Powdered 20 gram
Cumin ( Jira in India ) Crushed 10 gram
Fennel ( Saunf in India ) Crushed 20 gram
Black Mustard ( Kalee Sarson in India ) Seeds Crushed 20 gram
Cinnamon ( Dalchini in India ) Powdered 10 gram
Clove ( Laung in India ) Pods 10 gram
Put all ingredients in a grinder together. Grind. Have one teaspoon with water on an empty stomach.

Herbal Treatment For Lower Back Pain 16

Take One teaspoon each of Cloves ( Laung in India ), Black Pepper corns ( Kali Mirch in India ), and half teaspoon of Ginger ( Adrak in India ) powder. Boil all the ingredients in a cup of water for 10 minutes. Drink Once a day as a tea.

Herbal Treatment For Energy Tonic

Disease is not only responsible for laziness. Several internal factors stop you to be cool and active. An active person may win the top of the world. So lets do something to gain activeness. Take the following herbs in dried form :
Burdock : Fruit : 10 gram
Chaenomeles Speciosa : Fruit : 10 gram
Mandarin Orange : Kinoo : 20 gram
Acorus Gramineus : Haimavati : Rhizome : 10 gram
China Root : Cobcini : Root : 10 gram
Snow Lotus : Kutha : Root : 20 gram
Glehnia : Root : 10 gram
Yam Rhizome : Jimikand : 20 gram
Ginseng Siberian : Root : 10 gram
Stevia : Leaves : 20 gram
Liquorice : Mulethi : 10 gram
Clove : Laung : Bud : 5 gram
Put all ingredients in a grinder. Make powder. Store in a jar. Boil half a teaspoon in a cup of water. Strain. Have it early in the morning. This tonic increases your stamina and feels you energetic whole day. It cleans liver and gallbladder by removing toxicity. Results healthy and ideal immune system, good digestive system and keeps away morning sickness. Try it.

Herbal Treatment For Toothache 12

Add a pinch of Black Pepper powder ( Kali Mirch ) in 1/4 teaspoon of salt. Mix a few drops of Clove ( Laung ) oil and rub on the affected area.

Herbal Treatment For Arthritis 19

Boil 4-5 Cloves ( Laung ) with some Honey in half glass of water for few minutes. Take twice a day to get relief.

Herbal Treatment For Health tea

Sometimes we need to make a wall around us. Not like a brick wall, its just to secure ourselves from various bacterias or viruses. As it is commonly said that, "All big things come in small packages". Similarly, the same thing happens with this formula. A small formula cures almost all the diseases and makes you healthy. It builds up strong immunity to fight against the invaders. Make sure you follow the same as we mentioned below :
Ingredients you need :
Turmeric ( Haldi in India ) Powdered 2 teaspoons
Ginger ( Adrak in India ) Dried and Powdered 1 teaspoon
Clove ( Laung in India ) Powdered 1/2 teaspoon
Cinnamon (Dalchini in India ) Powdered 1 teaspoon
Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi in India ) Powdered 1 teaspoon
Take one liter of water in a pan. Add all the above mentioned ingredients. Put on a low flame. Boil for 10 minutes. Strain. Now the tea is ready to drink. Have a cup of this tea daily.
Note : In order to get rid of bitterness add 2 tablespoons of Almond ( Badam in India ) milk.

Herbal Treatment For Swine Flu 3

Swine Flu may be combat with the help of below given formula. Take the following herbs in given quantity :
Basil : Tulsi : Leaves : 4 to 5
Black Pepper : Kali Mirch : 2
Clove : Laung : 3 to 4
Tinospora Cordifolia : Giloy : 1 to 2 inch
Boil in a glass of water for 2 minutes. Drink half cup daily.

Herbal Treatment For Cold 22

Orange ( Santra in India ) is a rich source of Vitamin C which provides relief in Cold. The expectorant property of Clove ( Laung in India ) helps to loosen the mucus and soothes the throat. Honey ( Shehad in India ) reduces Inflammation and relieves congestion.
Take the following herbs :
1 Orange
1 cup Honey
10 to 15 Cloves
Put sliced Orange and 10 to 15 Cloves in a Glass Jar. Add a cup of Honey in it. Mix them well. Close the Jar lid. Leave it for 2 to 3 hours. Have a spoon of it two times a day.

Herbal Treatment For Asthma 40

Boil a decoction of 10 to 12 Peppercorns, 2 to 4 Cloves and 13 to 14 leaves of Basil in a fresh water. Boil it for 14 to 15 minutes, strain this decoction and put 1 to 2 spoons of Honey. Drink this decoction once a day.

Herbal Treatment For Sore Throat 18

Add 1 tablespoon of Horseradish Root , 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of cloves to a glass of warm water. Take it after every one hour .

Herbal Treatment For Dental Abscesses 1

Ingredients :
Use any oil out of Mustard Oil, Sesame Oil, Coconut Oil, Oregano Oil or Olive Oil.
Take one tablespoon of Oil. Roast 2 to 3 Cloves and crush them. Add to the oil and do a gentle massage on Gums as well as teeth.

Herbal Treatment For Giardiasis

Grind Flax seeds and Cloves in a ratio of 10:1 . Sprinkle it over your meals. Have it for one month.

Herbal Treatment For Bad Breath 11

Dip few Asafoetida ( Hing ) pieces with 2 to 3 Cloves ( Long ) in half bowl of water. Leave it for overnight. Gargle with this water daily to avoid bad breath.

Herbal Treatment For Liver and Kidney Tonic

Following herbs, in conjunction are beneficial for Liver and Kidney nourishment.
Chinese Knotweed
Dong Quai
Ligusticum Wallichii
Angelica Dahurica
You may buy the formula, containing the above mentioned Herbs. Capsule form is readily available. Consume 1 capsule per day.
Queries on Clove
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Robin ( Dubai / Bur Dubai )
03 Mar 2016
Clove oil which available in the market with mention for tooth each can be use as an massage for pennis
Shyama Prasad Saha ( India/ West Bengal )
24 May 2016
Dear Sir/Madam,
Would you like to say What is chhachh(hindi) and it's medicinal value ?
Thanking you!
With best regards
Ruchita Sharda
27 Jun 2016
Dear Shyama Prasad Saha , Chhachh commonly known as Buttermilk in English is cool in nature. It cures gastro diseases, vomiting, excessive formation of saliva in the mouth, jaundice, diabetes, diarrhea, pain, leprocy, swelling and worms in the stomach. It drives away tiredness and thirst.
Ajay ( India )
27 Nov 2016
how use clove for constipation
29 Nov 2016
Clove is widely used to cure Constipation...You may drink Clove tea, every day for a week. Dandelion soup can be consumed every day for a month. Please try Isabgul. Cascara Sagrada is another very effective that can cure constipation very effectively.
So, you may decide for your self.
Kashdud ( Jharkhand india )
05 Jun 2018
How to increase the size of penis
Big ma ma
07 May 2020
Have somebody suck it
Hassan ( United Arab Emirates )
15 Feb 2021
Its mentioned above that take Black paper, clove and camphor in equal quantity, powder them and apply its paste on penis for 30 mins daily for premature Ejeculation. please clear that it should be applied on full penis including glands also or no.
Ngozi ( Nigeria / Niger State )
24 Feb 2021
What is the herbal treatment for inflamed membrane in the nose that blocks free flow of breathing-air?

What is the herbal treatment of adenoids enlargement?

What is the herbal treatment of tonsillitis?

Thank you

Please you can send a copy of your response to my Whatsapp 2348121700464. Thanks
31 May 2024
how do we use cloves to cure bad breath
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