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Anthelmintic Herbs


Anthelmintic herbs are those herbs which are used to destroy and expel out the parasitic worms. They destroy parasites of Helminth category. Anthelmintic is a type of Vermifuge. But, sometimes both are taken as a synonym of each other.

Effect of Anthelmintic herbs on Body :
These herbs directly effect wherever Helminthics are present. These worms may reside in Intestinal Tract, Blood, and Tissues.

How it works :
Anthelmintic herbs disturb the metabolic activities of worms that result in paralysis or Killing of the worms. Then they get expelled out with the feces.

Excess of Anthelmintic herbs may cause :
Intestinal Disorder


Acacia Ehrenbergiana
Acacia Melanoxylon
African Blackwood
Aglaia Leucophylla
Ajuga Bracteosa
Alangium Kurzii
Albizia Versicolor
Allophylus Abyssinicus
Aloe Buettneri
Alstonia Boonei
Alstonia Congensis
Amaranthus Blitoides
Amaranthus Graecizans
Amelanchier Arborea
Anogeissus Leiocarpa
Anthocleista Schweinfurthii
Anthostema Senegalense
Arara Nut Tree
Artimissia Pallense
Australian bottle Plant
Bauhinia Malabarica
Bischofia Javanica
Boscia Angustifolia
Broussonetia Greveana
Buchholzia Coriacea
Callichilia Barteri
Cape Ash
Capparis Tomentosa
Caralluma Edulis
Chamaecrista Nigricans
Chhal Mogra
Chrysanthemum Cinerariaefolium
Cissampelos Capensis
Cleistopholis Patens
Cleome Monophylla
Combretum Aculeatum
Combretum Coccineum
Combretum Collinum
Combretum Erythrophyllum
Combretum Molle
Combretum Mossambicense
Combretum Quadrangulare
Commiphora Agallocha
Corchorus Fascicularis
Crested floating Heart
Cyathocline Purpurea
Deinbollia Grandifolia
Dioscorea Hispida
Diospyros Mollis
Diospyros Rhodocalyx
Duguetia Staudtii
Erythrina Abyssinica
Erythroxylum Moonii
Euphorbia Granulata
Euphorbia Schimperiana
Euphorbia Unispina
Ficus Insipida
Ficus Rumphii
Filipendula Vulgaris
Fraxinus Latifolia
Gardenia Campanulata
Glycosmis Parviflora
Greenwayodendron Suaveolens
Guibourtia Tessmannii
Himatanthus Lancifolius
Indian Thorny Bamboo
Jerusalem Oak
Lady Fern
Leea Aequata
Malabar Embelia
Mango Seed
Merremia Peltata
Muster John Henry
Nymphoides Peltata
Pithroj Tree
Polygonum Arenastrum
Rheed's False Olive
Richardia Brasiliensis
Roxburgh s Wormwood
Salvia Leaved Crossberry
Sarcostemma Viminale
Sparrow false Pimpernel
Stephania Glabra
Swamp Milkweed
Syngonium Angustatum
Synotis Alatus
Tree Vernonia
Tulip Poplar
Vernonia Patula
Wild Himalayan Pear
Wild Leek
Zygophyllum Simplex
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Materia Medica for

Single Herbs

Rue as an Anthelmintic

Take extract of the leaves . Have it two times a day.

Cat Tail Plant as an Anthelmintic

Sprinkle dried leaf powder externally over Ulcers.

Sodom for Ascaris

Consume mixture of Sodom leaf juice and Honey twice a day.

Indian Mallow for Ascaris

Burn the seeds of Indian Mallow. Expose the rectal area of children over fumes of seeds.
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