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Nutmeg Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Glycemic Index / Load
Botanical Name
Myristica Fragrans
Hindi Name
Jaiphal, Jayphal
Chinese Name
Rou Dou Kou
Homeopathic Name
Nux Moschata   -   Mother Tincture

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Nutmeg Cures


Action of Nutmeg

Highly Effective

Nutrients in Nutmeg

Nature of


Parts Used

Seeds, Oil

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Nutmeg

Avoid use during Pregnancy and Breastfeeding.
It should be taken in very small doses. Even a teaspoon may cause :
Burning in the Stomach
Dry Mouth
Excessive use excites the motor cortex and causes Epilepsy and Lesions in the Liver.
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Nutmeg is a tree.
It is an evergreen.
It belongs to the Myristicaceae family.
It grows in a tropical climate.
It grows up to 8 M.
Best use for Gastrointestinal Disorder.

The Homeopathic remedy , Nux Moschata is best used to treat :
Fainting fits with Heart failure
Faintness from seeing blood.
Globus Hystericus.

In TCM :
Nutmeg Seed : Rou Dou Kou
Meridians associated : Spleen, Stomach and Large Intestine.

Common Names

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Materia Medica for Nutmeg

Nutmeg General

Nutmeg grows on the tree. It is a tropical evergreen tree. It is native to Indonesia. It is cultivated in the West Indies, South Africa and the Molucca Islands. It thrives in well drained, humus rich and sandy soil. It grows at minimum temperature of about sixty degrees Fahrenheit.
The tree bears whorled branches. It has dark green leaves. It has pale yellow flowers and a brown, wrinkled fruit. The oval fruit is fleshy in appearance.
Nutmeg is made from the dried seed. The fragrance is spicy.
It contains an essential oil myristic-acid, myristicin myrcene, oleoresin, lignin, starch, protein, gum, fiber, geraniol, camphor, glucose, iron, limonene, linalol, linalool, linoleic acid, lycopene, beta sitosterol, calcium, magnesium, manganese, eugenol, oleanolic-Acid, Oleic-Acid, palmitic acid, P-coumaric-acid, pectin, phosphorus, phytosterol, pinene, potassium, quercetin, riboflavin, safrol, salicylate, epicatechin, catechin, potassium and zinc.
Nutmeg is used as a flavor for bakery products, drinks, meats, vegetables, cheese dishes and puddings.
Nutmeg is a bitter, spicy herb. It stimulates digestion and improves the appetite. It prevents gas and fermentation in the intestinal tract. It treats digestive tract infections and eases indigestion, colic, flatulence, nausea, abdominal distention and bad breath.
Nutmeg treats chronic diarrhea and dysentery. It is effective remedy for controlling vomiting and relaxing spasms. Nutmeg soothes the nerves, reduces tension, stress and anxiety. Nutmeg is best for lack of energy and fatigue. Nutmeg eases rheumatism, sore muscles, lumbago, abdominal pains and relieves toothaches.
Consume it in moderation if you are suffering from Depression and related symptoms. It may worsen the condition.
Overuse may cause severe headache, nausea and dizziness.
Pregnant and nursing women should not use this.
Great care should be taken during the use.
Single Herb

Nutmeg ( Jaiphal ) for Cough

Rub little Nutmeg ( Jaiphal ) with little water on stone. Take it with one teaspoon Honey ( Shehad ).

Nutmeg ( Jaiphal ) for Abdominal Diseases

Grind Nutmeg seeds to make powder. Take half tsp of it and add Honey to make paste. Have it twice a day.

Nutmeg ( Jaiphal ) for Diarrhea

Take a pinch of Nutmeg seed powder with warm Milk. Have it once a day.

Nutmeg ( Jaiphal ) for Headache

Use Nutmeg oil for massaging your scalp and forehead. It is easily available in market.
OR : Make paste of Nutmeg seeds and apply it on your forehead.

Nutmeg ( Jaiphal ) for Insomnia

Crush a Nutmeg and put 2 cups of boiling water over it. Let it cool. Strain and take One cup before retiring.

Do not boil.

Nutmeg ( Jaiphal ) for Rheumatism

Use the essential oil to massage the painful area.

Nutmeg ( Jaiphal ) for Toothache

Apply the essential oil of Nutmeg ( Jaiphal ) with a cottonball to dull toothache.

Nutmeg ( Jaiphal ) for Acne

Crush Nutmeg seeds and add some Milk to make paste. Apply it over Acne. Wash after 1 hour.

Nutmeg ( Jaiphal ) for Rosacea

Rub Nutmeg ( Jaiphal ) on stone. Mix it with milk. Apply it on face. Wash with plain water after 15 minutes.

Nutmeg ( Jaiphal ) for Anorexia

Consume 2 g Nutmeg powder with lukewarm water. Have it twice a day.

Nutmeg ( Jaiphal ) for Conjunctivitis

Grind Nutmeg with Milk to make paste. Apply it on your infected Eye.

Nutmeg ( Jaiphal ) for Urticaria

Mix equal quantity of Olive Oil and Nutmeg Oil. Apply it over affected Skin.

Nutmeg ( Jaiphal ) for Dipsia

Put 1 g piece of Nutmeg in your Mouth. Do not swallow but suck the juice. Throw it out after 1 hour.

Nutmeg ( Jaiphal ) for Stomach Problems

Take quarter tsp Nutmeg powder with lukewarm water.

Nutmeg ( Jaiphal ) for Eczema

Apply grated Nutmeg ( Jaiphal ) over affected area.

Nutmeg ( Jaiphal ) for Blemishes

Add 1 tsp Honey in half tsp Nutmeg powder. Apply this mixture over Blemishes.

Nutmeg ( Jaiphal ) for Indigestion

Add 3-4 drops of Nutmeg ( Jaiphal ) oil in 1 tsp Honey. Have this mixture once a day.

Nutmeg ( Jaiphal ) for Anxiety

Put 2 drops of Nutmeg ( Jaiphal ) oil on your Wrist and rub. Inhale the smell.

Nutmeg ( Jaiphal ) for Low Back Pain

Add a half tablespoon Nutmeg Powder in Sesame oil. Heat the oil in low flame for 5 to 7 min. Apply this on the painful areas.
OR : Use Nutmeg oil for Massage to reduce the pain.

Nutmeg ( Jaiphal ) as an Aphrodisiac

Nutmeg enhances the sexual potency.
Mix Nutmeg with Honey and a half boiled egg. Consume it. It makes an excellent sex tonic. If taken an hour before intercourse it increases the pleasure during the sexual act.
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Multiple Herbs How to Use Herbal Treatment? Click Here +

Herbal Treatment For Toothache 1

Take Catechu ( Katha ) with little amount of Cinnamon ( Dalchini ) and Nutmeg ( Jaiphal ). Chew it for five minutes. Do this twice a day.
Caution : Excess Nutmeg may cause adverse affect.

Herbal Treatment For Stomach Ache 1

Boil 1 cup Acacia Tree bark in 1 litre water and sieve it. Add powdered Indian Pennywort in it. Also add the powder of 4 Black Peppercorns, 2 Cardamom, Cinnamon, 2 Cloves, 1/4 Nutmeg and 1/2 tablespoon Long Pepper. Mix it and leave it for a month before it is taken for medicinal use. Take One tablespoon twice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Sexual Debility 3

Take one tablespoon each of Winged Treebine and Nutmeg powder. Add one tablespoon ghee. Mix them. Divide in three equal parts. Have it thrice a day for a week.

Herbal Treatment For Sciatica 2

Grind a Nutmeg coarsely. Put it in 4 tablespoons of Sesame oil and fry. Filter. Apply lukewarm on affected parts.

Herbal Treatment For Hiccups 1

Take dried form of the following herbs in equal quantity :
Camel Thorn ( Javasa in India ), Ginger ( Adrak in India ), Black Pepper ( Kali Mirch in India ), Long Pepper ( Pippali in India ), Nutmeg ( Jaiphal in India ), Manjakani ( Majufal in India ) and Orris Root. Put them in a grinder together. Powder them. Have a teaspoon powder with Honey ( Shehad in India ) once a day.

Herbal Treatment For Paralysis 2

Grind the bark of Drumstick with Orange peels. Add two tablespoon of Nutmeg juice. Take regularly.

Herbal Treatment For Hysteria 3

Grind Drumstick bark and take take with 2 tablespoon juice of Orange peel juice and Nutmeg. take thrice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Diarrhea 13

Grind Nutmeg ( Jaiphal in India ) and Ginger ( Adrak in India ) finely and mix One tablespoon pure Ghee in it. It gives relief in diarrhea caused by Cold.

Herbal Treatment For Diarrhea 16

Finely powder equal quantity of dry Ginger ( Adrak in India ), Beel ( Belpatra in India ) fruits, Nutmeg ( Jaiphal in India ) and Aconitum Heterophyllum ( Atvika in India ) together. Take 2 pinches of this powder with water thrice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Arthritis 9

Grind 10 grams each of dry Ginger and Nutmeg together. Boil this mixture in 75 ml Sesame oil. Cool and filter. Massage this oil on the joints.

Herbal Treatment For Libido Loss Male 1

Take the following herbs :
Withania Somnifera : 5 tablespoons
Asparagus Racemosus : 5 tablespoons
Dodder : 1.5 tablespoons
Saffron : 2 pinches
Anacyclus Pyrethrum : 1 tablespoon
Nutmeg : 1 tablespoon
Marsh Orchid : 1/2 tablespoon
Grind all ingredients together. Have half teaspoon with milk daily.

Herbal Treatment For Paralysis 3

Take the following herbs :
Orange : Rind : Powdered : 2 tablespoons
Horseradish : Root bark : Powdered : 2 tablespoons
Nutmeg : Juice : 1 teaspoon
Mix all ingredients. Have half teaspoon once a day.

Herbal Treatment For Hysteria 5

Powder the Horseradish root. Add 5 drops of Orange juice and Nutmeg juice in half teaspoon powder and take once a day.

Herbal Treatment For Acne 12

Mix Nutmeg seeds powder with Honey. Apply this paste on face for half an hour. Wash with cold water.

Herbal Treatment For Abdominal Disease 2

Take Nutmeg ( Jaiphal in India ) seed powder, dried Ginger ( Adrak in India ) and Cumin ( Jira in India ) seeds in the ratio 1:1:3. Grind them to make powder. Take quarter teaspoon of it before your meal.

Herbal Treatment For Irritable Bowel Syndrome 6

Mix Nutmeg powder, Indian Gooseberry powder and Celery seeds in 1:2:2 ratio. Take 4 gram of it during bedtime with warm Milk.

Herbal Treatment For Flatulence 18

Take 10 gram Nutmeg ( Jaiphal in India ) seeds, 10 gram dried Ginger ( Adrak in India ) and 30 gram Cumin ( Jira in India ). Powder them together. Have half teaspoon twice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Insomnia 10

Simmer 1 tablespoon each of Red Poppy seeds, Ginger ( Adrak in India ) powder and Nutmeg ( Jaiphal in India ) in 2 cups of water.
Take One cup before sleeping.

Herbal Treatment For Diarrhea 23

Take following herbs in mentioned quantity
20 g Poppy Seeds
40 g Sugar
10 g Cardamom
10 g Nutmeg
20 g Tragacanth Gum
Grind them to make powder. Take 3 g of the powder after every 3 hours with lukewarm water.

Herbal Treatment For Blocked Nose 3

Mix equal quantity of Cinnamon powder and Nutmeg powder. Take 5 g of it with lukewarm water twice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Weakness

Weakness may strike anywhere. No matter where it shows itself, it mostly starts in the brain. It may be low libido. It may be in the form of depression. The cause may be stress. Most of the time one cannot put one's finger on the cause, yet a person may simply feel low. Sometimes you may just sit there, doing nothing, listless, not wanting to even move. Come on get up! Go take a pinch of your favourite powder. What ? You haven't made it yet. Then lets make it.
Powder the following dried herbs and mix them in the measure given against each:
Withania Somnifera ( Ashwagandha ) : 2 tablespoon
Saffron ( Kesar ) : 5 to 8 strands
Asparagus Racemosus ( Shatavari ) : 1 tablespoon
Nutmeg ( Jaiphal ) : 1 tablespoon
Golden Bamboo ( Baans ) : 1 tablespoon
Indian Kudzu ( Vidari Kanda ) : 1 tablespoon
Add the extract of the following two herbs :
Indian Spider Plant ( Safed Musli ) : Extract : 1 tablespoon
Asphaltum ( Shilajit ) : Extract : 1 tablespoon
Store in a glass jar. Leave it for a week. After a week, take 2 pinches with a glass of lukewarm milk on alternate nights before going to bed.
These two pinches will relieve you of stress, enhance your mood, remove depression and lead you to a bout of healthy sex.
Note 1. This is not a classic aphrodisiac. It is not to be used like viagra or cialis. It should not be considered a love potion. This combination is to improve your overall health.
Note 2. It acts equally well for male and female. If you are a female and feeling low. This is for you.
Caution : However, females need to exercise a little caution. Do not partake of this combination 2 to 3 days before, during and 2 to 3 days after your menses.

Herbal Treatment For Sexual Health

Today our lives have become fast and we face many day to day problems. It affects both our physical and mental health. Restlessness and Fatigue are the order of the day. Sex can and should be used as a cathartic. The secret lies in achieving a healthy orgasm. If that does not happen you are in deeper trouble than before. Why would you not have an orgasm? The Reasons may be physical and or psychological. Both sexes face the same monster.
Herbs can help. What is required is to improve your sexual health and to calm the nerves to pacify psychological disturbance. Overall permanent health should be the aim. What is not desired is to enhance the power to expend spurts of energy on debauchery. Just like sportsmen crave for a temporary boost in energy to enhance performance, some people take drugs to enhance their sexual prowess. In both cases it harms the individual and that is why they are and should be banned.
If overall health is your aim, a simple formula is given below. It will work for both sexes.
Take the following dried herbs
Velvet Bean ( Kiwanch ) : 10 gram
Indian Spider Plant ( Safed Musli ) : 10 gram
Black Musli ( Kalimusli ) : 3 gram
Indian Gooseberry ( Amla ) : 10 gram
Land Caltrops ( Gokharu ) : 10 gram
Nutmeg ( Jaiphal ) : Dried : 10 gram
Grind them together. Store in a glass jar. Take quarter teaspoon with milk at night. It will cure your deficiency and boost your energy.

Herbal Treatment For Anxiety 3

Take half glass of Orange juice. Add a pinch of Nutmeg Powder and half tablespoon of Honey. Take it 2 times in a day.

Herbal Treatment For Anxiety 4

Soak 8 to 10 Almonds in water overnight. The next morning, peel off the skin and grind them to make a paste. Add 1 teaspoon of Nutmeg powder and a pinch of Ginger Powder in it. Consume it.
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16 Jul 2015
What is your opinion for people suffering from ulcerative colitis of using jaifal.
Herbpathy Research Team
16 Jul 2015

Yes, Nutmeg is good for Ulcerative Colitis. However, it should be taken with the combinations of other herbs. Taking Nutmeg alone may cause some side effects.

For Ulcerative Colitis, you will find the following herbs better.
1. Pomegranate Seeds
In Ulcerative Colitis, the Intestines get weak, so it takes time to digest food. You may eat 2 to 3 tablespoon of Pomegranate seeds at initial stage. Later on increase the amount to 50 to 100gms. Please chew the seeds well. If you find hard seeds, then eat the outer soft red pulp and throw the hard portion of the Seeds.
2. Dried Leaves of Bael.
You may take in powdered form with Water or Buttermilk.

3. Please drink two glasses of water every morning. It will help in digestion and make your system strong.

Please avoid Milk, Clarified Butter ( Ghee ) and Sweet products. As it may make the condition worse.
Before taking any medications, Please consult your Doctor.

Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Arun kumar
17 Aug 2015
Nutmeg What problems does it cure ?
Herbpathy Research Team
18 Aug 2015
Arun Kumar,

Nutmeg is a spice that is used for culinary purposes. It is also used medicinally. Nutmeg is best used for treating Stomach Problems, Oral Issues and is a good Pain Reliever. It is also good for skin health.

Nutmeg powder taken with lukewarm water daily keeps stomach problems away.

To know more benefits, check the cures and materia medica sections above.

If you want information for any specific problem, please let us know.

Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
AVR KUMAR ( India )
05 Nov 2016
we found that the usage of Ayurvedic/Herbal medicnes is found to be most effective for cattle since they are hebivorous so we request Herbapathy authorities provide cattle Ayurveda
12 Mar 2017
Hi , is it good for piles / Hemorhoid also??? Please advice
Luthra Mahesh
15 Mar 2017
Yes, it is. Nutmeg powder when added to milk is used to cure Hemorrhoids.
You may take half teaspoon of nutmeg powder daily. Witch Hazel is another very effective cure for you. Drink 30 ml of radish juice daily for 15 days. This is by far the best cure. All the very best Raman.
Ram ( India/ Tamilnadu )
14 May 2017
Shall we take jathikai and kadukkai at the same time
Manorama ( India )
24 May 2017
Why do you even want to mix the two herbs ?
Has anyone prescribed you ?
What is the disease that you are suffering from, would you like to share ?
Please note, that during summers. it is not safe to eat the hot herbs like Nutmeg and Terminalia Chebula, which you call Jathikai and Kadukkai.
Both these herbs are hot.
Garvey ( Ghana/ accra )
09 Jun 2017
Can I mix tribulus, mucuna pruriens, acacia nilotica, clove, nutmeg and black pepper for premature ejaculation and stronger erectio?
Saarthak Bhisht ( India )
05 Jul 2017
See, if you make a formula by using these herbs, I will suggest that you be very specific. Because, Black Pepper, Nutmeg are hot in nature, so the amount of each herb to be added has to be appropriate. So, for Premature Ejaculation, you may try the following Regimen, which is being widely used-- Damiana capsules, one daily for 15 days.
Land Caltrops capsules, one daily or Tribulus Terristri tincture, 5 drops in a glass of water for a month. Buy Mucuna Pruriens, eat one capsule daily after you meal. take this for a month. Take 250 gm of Tamarind Seeds and roast them. Remove the skin and grind them with some sugar candy. Have 1 teaspoon with a glass of milk every day. Take it for 40 days.
Saran ( India )
14 Sep 2017
Did this Nutmeg will be useful for treating the nerve weakness? (like hand shakiness) Guide me on how to use this herb.

P.S - I'm a bachelor. So, give me some simple ways to include this herb in my diet.
16 Jan 2018
Saran, the best Herb for Nerves weakness or damage or disorder is St. John's wort. You may have it in the form of tea. Or take it in the form of tincture. Its homeopathic name is Hypericum Perforatum. The tincture is available in any homeopathic store. Take 5 drops , added to a glass of water for 20 days.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Vani ( Tamilnadu )
13 Jan 2018
How to cure uterine prolapse with herbs.
Snigdha Bose
16 Jan 2018
Uterine Prolapse can be cure by Manjakani. buy this herb in the form of capsules, take one capsule every day for a month. this will tone your Uterus and also will cure the Prolapse.
Lokesh ( Karnataka )
21 Feb 2019
How to cure premature ejaculation
Rani ( US )
04 Apr 2019
What is best spice for yeast infection and waitloss
26 Feb 2020
Jaiphal (nutmeg) although from the same plant is not the same as Javitri (Mace or the nutmeg covering).
Ahmed Nawaz Khan
22 Jul 2024
your Formulation are best but you add not add method how posiness herb are purified
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