• Disease
  • Herb
  • Action
  • Nutrient
  • Massage Therapy
  • Glossary

Cancer Herbal Treatment, Prevention, Symptoms, Causes, Cured By

General Name
Medical Name
Malignant Neoplasm
Hindi Name
Cancer, Kark Rog
Cancer Symptoms
Skin Changes
Unexplained weight loss
Unusual lump in the body
Indigestion, Trouble Swallowing
Bleeding in Stools, Urine, Vomit

Cancer Cured By


Acacia Melanoxy...
Adiantum Venust...
Aesculus Parvif...
Agaricus Subruf...
Aglaia Leucophy...
Ajuga Decumbens
Aloe Buettneri
Aloe Socotrina
American Mint
American Mistle...
Anoectochilus F...
Antilles Caloph...
Aquilaria Malac...
Beech Drops
Boletus Edulis
Brussels Sprout
Ceylon Gooseber...
Chanterelle Mus...
Cissampelos Cap...
Combretum Caffr...
Combretum Micra...
Crocanthemum Ca...
Crown Of Thorns
Cupressus Lusit...
Cynanchum Auric...
Davallia Solida
Dieffenbachia S...
Dioscorea Spica...
Euphorbia Ingen...
Euphorbia Lunul...
Euphorbia Proli...
Folium Revoluta...
Givotia Madagas...
Glabrous Sarcan...
Guibourtia Tess...
Hedyotis Chryso...
Heuchera Americ...
Himalayan May A...
Himalayan Musk ...
Himalayan Rose
Holmskioldia Sa...
Hot Biscuits
Hydrogen Peroxi...
Jerusalem Oak
Kashmir Iris
Lady Fern
Lespedeza Capit...
Liatris Chapman...
Maqui Berry
Medicago Lupuli...
Mikania Scanden...
Miracle Fruit
Mother Of Thous...
Murdannia Lorif...
Muscadine Grape
Ochrosia Opposi...
Ocimum Gratissi...
Osage Orange
Powder Puff Tre...
Radix Wikstroem...
Red Oak
Red Spike Thorn
Rosa Pisocarpa
Schefflera Insu...
Scoparia Dulcis
Scotch Thistle
Smilax Aspera
Snow Pea
Sow Thistle
Tiliacora Racem...
Toona Sinensi
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Cancer is a disease of the Cells.
The rapid, uncontrolled multiplication of the abnormal cells in the body is called Cancer.
The Cell is the basic constituent of any living organism.
Cells contain nucleus and cytoplasm. When the nucleus size expands, it divides itself.
But sometimes the growth of cells become uncontrolled which results in Infectious Tumor or a Lump. This is called Cancer.
The size remaining same, the cells may multiply at an exaggerated rate. This also is called cancer.
The cells grow into a tumor and starve the nearby healthy cells of nutrients.
When the anablolic activity in our body exceeds the catablolic activity, it leads to cancer.

Early Signs : The Body alarms you by sending signals. Do not ignore a prolonged pain, formation of a palpable lump, occasional bleeding, or a cough that is not getting relieved. These are the signs of an early tumor pressing on the surrounding nerves. Complete list of Symptoms is available above on this page.

Describing Cancer : A number of forms of Cancer exist. Distinguishing one Cancer from another gets difficult. Two person may have Cancer of the same organ but the stages might be different. Cancer is described by following methods:
Cancer may be present as a solid lump or as a fluid in the blood.
Cancer may be described in terms of the affected location in the body.
Cancer is described by the ongoing stage.

Cancer Staging:
Cancer Staging is a way of describing the size and how far the cancer has grown from the primary site.
Stage 1 : It is the initial stage of Cancer. The Cancer is small or just begun in the organ. The patient is fearful for his/her survival. The patient is afraid and feels threatened on the ability to make his/her way in the world. Stage 1 Cancer is the most curable form of Cancer.
Stage 2 : The size of the tumor is large. The cancerous cells have not spread to surrounding tissues. The patient resorts to the acre of others. He/she may crave for comforting foods.
Stage 3 : The Cancer cells have spread into the surrounding tissues. The abnormal cells are even present in the lymph nodes. In this stage, the patient can become silent,reflective and may feel lost. Pyhysical symptoms, such as, Abdominal Pains can be experienced.
Stage 4 : The Cancer has spread to other organs from where it started. It is also known as Metastatic Cancer or Secondary Cancer. The person becomes intolerant and hostile. The symptoms are aggravated by the very things that ameliorated during the second stage.
Stage 5 : The patien wants to dance and desires to have a lot of sex. ( Libido is increased )A love for thunderstorms can be observed.
Stage 6 : It is the last stage of Cancer. The person feels sad,becomes feeble and feels too weak to even talk or walk. Symptoms such as mouth ulcers, schizophrenia can develop. The patient
TNM staging system :
TNM system explains the initial size of the Cancer, whether the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes, and weather it has spread to a different part of the body.
T explains the size of cancer and how far the cancer has spread. It can be T1, T2, T3 or T4.
N refers to the presence of cancerous cells in the Lymph nodes. It can be either 0 or 3. ( 0 means, no cancer cells in lymph nodes and 3 means cancer cells present in various lymph nodes )
M describes the spread of Cancer to another body part. It can be 0 or 1. Here 0 means, Cancer has not spread to another body part. 1 is used to show spread of cancer to another body part.

Types of Cancer:

Carcinoma : The Cancerous growth in the epithelial cells of the skin is Carcinoma. It affects the cells of the Skin, Mouth, Nose, Throat, Mucus membranes, Lung airways and Gastrointestinal tract.
Sarcoma : The uncontrolled growth of cells in the connective or non-epithelial tissues is called Sarcoma. It affects the Bones, Bladder, Kidney, Parotids and the Spleen.
Lymphoma: The uncontrolled growth of cells that occurs in the Lymph node and Immune system tissues, are called Lymphomas. The abnormal White Blood Cells called Lymphocytes accumulate in the lymph glands and give rise to tumor. Lymph glands are present around the groin, neck, spleen, armpits, chest and intestines. They filter and remove impurities from the system.
Leukemia : The Cancer in the Bone marrow that may affect the Blood Stream, is called Leukemia. The Bone marrow and other cell producing organs produce defective blood cells. The defective cells travel throughout the body and affect other organs.

Treatment of Cancer Modern Medical System: Difference between Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy.
1.Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy is a type of Cancer treatment, which is done by cytotoxic anti-neoplastic drugs. The action of these drugs is to kill cells which replicate very fast as the Cancer cells do. But, unfortunately, these drugs fail to differentiate between the good cells ( Healthy or non Cancerous cells ) and the Bad cells ( Cancerous cells ). As a result these drugs attack the healthy cells too. In human body, the cells which grow very fast are Hair Follicles and cells in the Digestive Tract. That is why, it is always seen, people undergoing Chemo have Hair fall and digestive problems.
The goal of treatment should be to kill Cancer cells only, not the healthy cells of the body.
2.Radiotherapy: It is another kind of Cancer treatment which is done with the help of special kind of rays. In this process, rays are been sent to the exact location of the Disease. The goal is to kill the DNA of the cancer cells, so that they would not replicate more. This treatment is painless and will not harm the surrounding Organs.

In Advanced stage of Cancer, both the treatments are done to control the condition.

Causes of Cancer
Bad Eating Habits
Emotional Stress
Acidic Metabolism
Carcinogen exposure
Ionizing radiations
Chronic Constipation
Heavy Metal Poisoning
Ultra Violet radiations
Nutritional Deficiencies
Betal Nut, (Areca Nut, Supari)
Toxic Chemicals through Pesticides
Consumption of drugs affecting Nucleic Acid.
If not treated properly Cancer may cause

Your best bet is, Garlic, Burdock, Rhubarb, Leek
A visit to the Doctor is a must

Note : Allium and Cruciferous family is full of anticancer vegetables.
Allium family contains Garlic, Leeks, Green Onions and Yellow Onions.
Leeks and Garlic are regarded as the top anticancer foods. Leeks is good in fighting Kidney Cancer and Garlic is useful in following types of Cancers..
Lung Cancer
Brain Cancer
Breast Cancer
Kidney Cancer
Stomach Cancer
Prostate Cancer
Pancreatic Cancer
Childhood Brain Cancer
The Cruciferous family contains Cauliflower, Broccoli, Kale, Brussels Sprouts, Red cabbage and Curly Cabbage. All these vegetables are useful in preventing and treating various forms of Cancer. Include these in your daily diet.

Cells become cancerous when deprived of oxygen. Get Oxygen.
Cancer cells feed on Sugar. Reduce sugar.
Cancer cells love an acidic environment. Alkalize or Suffer.
Eat foods like Apricot kernels, Buckwheat and soursop for life. Drink a shot of Wheatgrass Juice every day.
Eat food that has not been treated with Pesticides. Grow your own food.
Take small doses of Manjakni for Breast Cancer.

Body Part(s)


Cells Diseases

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Materia Medica for Cancer

Cancer General

Human body is the best example of a living machine. It is made up of diverse functional units termed as Organs. Every Organ is made up of Cells i.e. the building blocks of the Body. These cells work in synchronization to promote proper functioning of the organs.
The old cells are replaced by the new ones, when they receive the signal from the body. This division of cells is an extremely controlled and ordered task. However, when a cell or group of cells behave unusually and diverge from their normal operations, it may lead to Cancer.
The Cancer cells do not wait for any signal from the body, They keep on multiplying the cells, even when the body does not require new cells. They do not follow the orders and signals pertaining to the Cell division. This abnormal replication of the Cells results in the development of Tumors.
These tumors may be Non Cancerous or Cancerous in nature.
The Non Cancerous i.e. Benign Tumors press on the Organs but they do not spread to them. The Benign tumors grow in size and rarely involve a risk to life.
With time, the Cancerous cells spread thus invading other body Organs. This invasion deteriorates the health of an individual and makes the treatment tough.
The Cancerous tumors require nutrition to grow which is carried for them, by the Blood Vessels. Cancer cells depend on Sugar and Milk for their nourishment. Therefore, avoid eating sugar and drinking milk, in abundance.
Cancer is mainly named after the Organ, from where it initiates like :
Skin Cancer
Mouth Cancer
Breast Cancer
Lung Cancer
Stomach Cancer
Prostate Cancer
Colon Cancer
Blood Cancer
Different Organs exhibit different symptoms of Cancer. To name a few, Mouth Cancer may involve the appearance of Whites Spots in the Mouth or on the Tongue.
Breast Cancer may involve the perception of a lump along with ongoing pain.
Cancer may be a result of Tobacco and Alcohol consumption, Sun rays, exposure to Gamma rays or X-rays. It might also be an outcome of an Infection or a Genetic flaw.
The chances of encountering Cancer may be lowered, if one takes a balanced and nutritious diet. Avoiding the consumption of Alcohol and Tobacco products also reduces its chances. Promoting the usage of Sunscreen and keeping oneself covered in the sun may minimize the possibility of acquiring Cancer.

Carrot for Cancer treatment
Carrot is one of the top anticancer herb. It is a nature’s gift to the mankind that helps in avoiding the painful western medical procedures like Chemotherapy and Radiation therapy. Carrots are a rich source of photo chemicals and antioxidants like Carotenoids, Flavonoids and Falcarinol. The increase in Carotenoid levels in the blood prevents the cells from going Cancerous. The flavonoids are known for their anticancer effects. They also prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases and night vision. Falcarinol is a powerful antioxidant that guards the cells against damage from free radicals.
Take 2.5 kg of carrots. Juice them. Drink a glass of carrot juice in the morning. Refrigerate the remaining juice. Finish the remaining juice throughout the day.
Some Cancer patients alleged that by daily drinking carrot juice for eight weeks they were able to stop and reverse the growth of tumor. Daily juicing for four months made the lymph nodes in the lungs normal. By continuing the carrot juice for eight months the cancer was gone and the patient recovered back to normal.
Single Herb

Acerola for Cancer

Eat 5-6 cherries a day.

Alfalfa for Cancer

Prepare tea from seeds and dried leaves of Alfalfa. Take twice a day.
Aloe prevents Cancer. Aloe Vera gel protects immune system.

Broccoli for Cancer

Include Broccoli in your daily meals.
Or eat raw Broccoli in salads.

Cabbage for Cancer

Eat raw Cabbage in salads everyday.
Include Cabbage in regular diet to prevent Cancer.

Cauliflower for Cancer

Cut Cauliflower in small pieces. Boil them. Shallow fry it in Olive oil. Add salt to taste. Eat once a day.

Rocket Salad for Cancer

Eat raw in salads.
Or eat cooked.

Horseradish for Cancer

Take 1/2 teaspoon of powdered roots.
Or take root decoction twice a day.

Basil ( Tulsi ) for Cancer

Take 40 Basil leaves. Wash them. Grind them. Mix them in a cup of yoghort. Take 2 teaspoons twice a day after half hour of breakfast and dinner.

Wild Asparagus for UTI or Cancer

Asparagus should be cooked before eating.
It may be consumed in any form, make a salad, soup or eat them plain boiled. Saute them if you like.
If you do not like them as they are, here is what to do. Boil them. Make a puree. Store in fridge.
If you are taking them for prevention, take half a cup a day. Add the puree to any broth or vegetable.
If you are taking it as a curative, take half a cup in the morning and half a cup in the evening, as part of any other vegetable.
Anticancer properties have not been verified by scientific investigation. The claim may be based on the fact that it is alkaline and cancer cells cannot survive in an alkaline medium.
Please consult your doctor.

Adhatoda Vasica for Cancer

Take 1 ml leaf juice. Mix it with goat's milk. Drink 2 tsp every morning. Use for 40 days.
Caution : Excess use may cause vomiting and irritation.

Soursop for Cancer

Soursop is a very effective remedy for cancer. Cancer may be anywhere in the body, the remedy is Soursop. It helps treat cancer more effectively than Chemotherapy. It kills only the cancer cells, not the healthy cells. Hence, no hair fall or any other deterioration in health. It may be used as the main remedy or it may be used in conjunction with Chemotherapy.
It has very strong Anticancer and Antitumor properties.
It kills cancer cells naturally without any side effects as associated with Chemotherapy.
Soursop Fruit can be eaten to prevent or treat cancer. Fresh soursop juice can also be used for this purpose. Soursop tea is also a way to fight against cancer.
Chop some fresh stems and leaves of Soursop.  Boil them in 1 liter water until water is reduced to half. Strain.  Drink 100 ml twice a day.  You may add Honey.

Red Clover for Cancer

Prepare an infusion of the leaves of Red Clover. Drink before breakfast.

Cleavers for Cancer

Extract the juice of the leaves of Cleavers. Have three times a day.
Take one tablespoon of Thyme with one tablespoon of honey. Have 3-4 times a day.

Almonds ( Badam ) for Cancer

Take 5-6 Almonds daily before breakfast.
Do not take any protein with in 16-18 hours. Allow pancreas to clear and work on enzymes again.

Garlic ( Lehsun ) for Cancer

Increase the intake of Garlic in your daily diet.

Spiny Bamboo for Cancer

Consume 15 ml of Spiny Bamboo extract. Have it daily.

Sugarcane ( Ganne ) Juice for Cancer

Sugarcane ( Ganne ) Juice has cancer fighting properties; especially Breast Cancer and Prostate Cancer.
Drink one glass of fresh Sugarcane ( Ganne ) Juice twice a day and stay away from cancer.

Black Cumin for Cancer

Take a cup of Grape juice. Add 2 ml Black Cumin seed oil in it. Have it two times a day.

Mango ( Aam ) for Cancer

Mango ( Aam ) is packed with several cancer preventing enzymes. It contains Phenols and Pectin which consist of anti cancerous properties. It is also rich in Viatmin C, an antioxidant which lowers down the risk of cancer. Therefore Add Mango ( Aam ) in your daily diet in any form.

Lychee ( Litchi ) for Cancer

Lychee ( Litchi ) prevents cancer cells to develop.
Consume 5 to 6 Lychee ( Litchi ) daily.

Turmeric ( Haldi ) for Cancer

Take 10 ml of Fermented Turmeric ( Given in Turmeric General ) daily. This is the most effective way to consume Turmeric in case of Cancer.

Brown Rice Soup

Travails of modern life make us a little sick. Genetically engineered food makes us a little more sick. Pollution and pesticides make us more more sick. What to do ? Drink Brown Rice Soup.
Take about 250 gms of Brown Rice. Dry roast the Rice in a pan till they are very dark brown. Take care, do not burn them. Set aside in a glass bowl.
Boil two liters of water. Pour half over the brown rice. Retain the other half in the pan. Wait 5 minutes. Strain the water in a glass jug. Add the same rice to the water in the pan. Simmer on low heat for 5 minutes. Strain the water into the jug. Discard the rice. You now have a jug full of soup. Cool, store in fridge.
Drink one cup a day for one month at least. Repeat at least 3 to 4 times a year.
NOTE 1 : If you are a patient of High Blood Pressure, take the soup on alternative days.
NOTE 2 : Do not eat or drink anything ( other than water ) for half an hour before or after the soup. Can be taken concurrently with Health Soup. Health Soup preparation is given in Immunity Booster. Please do not mix them. Take at least three hours apart.
Recommendation. Take Health Soup in the morning, and Brown Rice Soup in the evening.
NOTE 3 :
If you are not sick or little sick, take little soup. You will not be sick any more. If you are more sick, take more soup.
Do not combine with high protein foods.
NOTE 4 : When the body corrects itself, there may be a reaction. It could be any or all of the following.
Itchy skin, Eczema, Diarrhea.
If you are on medication, or if you already have an Eczema, the reaction may be strong. Bear it. It will go away.
Patients with a head injury may get a headache. This is a good reaction, one you should want.
If a patient has eye disease, he may develop temporary blurred vision or itching around eyes. But, subsequently the eyesight will get better.
Body temperature may fall.

Reishi (Ganoderma) a Herbal Treatment for Cancer

The anti cancer activity of Ganoderma is a function of two components; its Polysaccharides and Germanium. The polyshaccharides reduce anabolic activity and hence make it anti tumor. Germanium is a powerful antioxidant and helps the healing process.
Ganoderma is a very good complementary herbal treatment for cancer. It rids the body of toxins. It strengthens the immune system. It detoxifies the liver. It improves liver function and stimulates the regeneration of liver cells. It protects the good cells from radiation. It is a very important supplement for the treatment of liver cancer. To better protect the patient from radiation, it is advised that the administration of Reishi should commence before radiation therapy. It must be continued after the exposure.
Reishi as a herbal treatment for cancer is advised
To reduce the damage to good cells caused by chemotherapy or radiotherapy
To minimize metastasis and increase the chances of survival
To prevent recurrence
To reduce fatigue
To counter loss of appetite
To take care of the bone marrow
To mitigate the risk of infection
To alleviate pain
To remove toxins from the body
To regulate the immune and endocrine system
To inhibits DNA synthesis of the cancer cells
To destroy the terminal enzyme activity of the tumor cells
To promote macrophages and regulate T and B lymphocytes
To prevent damage to the kidneys

Marijuana ( Bhang ) for Cancer

In cases where instant action is required, smoking Marijuana is an option. But where a concerted effort is required for long periods, like in the treatment of Cancer, smoking may not be the best method of administration. Concentrated doses are required. A tincture or the oil is the best method. It is possible to make your own tinctures and oils. But, everything is also available in most places and or from the net. These tinctures and oils are standardized and prepared under strict technical conditions, meaning they are good, and in most cases, better than what we can achieve at home. Tinctures are available at homeopathic dispensaries. Oils are mostly available over the internet.
Do not venture on your own. Please consult a doctor for exact dosages. If the dose is less than what is required it will not be effective. If you take an overdose it will be harmful.
Cannabis Sativa affects the psyche and Cannabis Indica affects the physical body. Therefore you need a little of both to combat Cancer. Hybrid plants are available. Both strains are grafted on one sapling. However, it is best to leave all this to the experts and remember that Marijuana is effective against Caner and you need to consult a doctor to prescribe it for you. Of course it will not be the only remedy advised to you. It will form part of an integrated course of many remedies.

Bitter Leaf for Cancer

Make a juice of the Bitter leaves and mix it with water. Consume daily four time a day.

Drumstick for Cancer

Drink extract of Moringa seedpod daily for four times a day.

Cranberry for Cancer

Cranberry contains anticancer properties. It is a rich source of Flavonoids and Phenols. These nutrients are used to prevent the abnormal growth of cells.
Fresh Cranberry juice will helps in combating Cancer.
Sprinkle a half teaspoon powder of Black Pepper ( Kali Mirch ) onto your cooked food. Repeat this procedure daily to improve the efficacy of your anticancer herbs.

Kale for Cancer

Add Kale to your diet to fight against cancer.

Fagonia Cretica for Cancer

Soak 3 tablespoon of dried herb in 2 glass of water overnight. The next morning, Boil it to reduce half of the liquid and drink it like tea without adding sugar. Have it twice a day for one week.

Cancer Bush for Cancer

Steep few Cancer Bush stem and leaves in 300 ml of boiling water for 5 to 10 minutes. Consume it regularly to prevent Cancer.

Simarouba for Cancer

Crush dried 8 Simarouba Glauca leaves, 10 cm long sticks, Bark ( 2 piece for 10kg body weight and accordingly increase the bark pieces ). Put them in 200 ml of water. Boil the mixture at low flame for 10 minutes. Let it stay overnight. The next morning, warm the decoction and filter it. Drink 150 ml of it sip by sip on an empty stomach in the morning, one cup in the evening and one cup in the night.
Note : Do not eat anything for half an hour.
The Anticancer property of Bay Leaf helps to prevent Cancer.
Include Bay leaf in your daily diet.

Black Cherry for Cancer

Black Cherry contains queritrin content that is optimal for reducing the Cancer growth within the body.
Have a half cup of Black Cherry juice to prevent Cancer.

Raisin ( Kishmish ) for Cancer

Raisins are a rich source of polyphenolic antioxidants called Catechins. It will inhibit the free radicals which lead to growth of Cancer cells.
Include Raisins in your daily diet. It will increase the level of powerful antioxidants and prevents Cancer.

Astragalus for Cancer

Have a cup of Astragalus root decoction every day. It works against the growth of Cancer cells.

Black Carrot for Cancer

Take 5 pounds of Carrot. Consume 2-3 glass of Carrot juice daily for 3 months. It stops the growth of Cancer cells and cures Cancer.

Heerak Bhasma For Cancer

Heerak Bhasma ( Diamond Ash ) is very effective to prevent the abnormal growth of the cells in the body. It has anticancer and antitumor properties.
Take 10 mg of Heerak Bhasma every day. It also combats the side effects of Chemotherapy.

Mustard Seed Oil for Cancer

Mustard Seed Oil contains nutrients such as Phytonutrients and Glucosinolate. These have anticancer properties and prevent the growth of tumors in the body. It also combats the side effects of Chemotherapy.
Use Mustard Seed oil for cooking.
Or Use Mustard seeds in daily diet.

Rosehip for Cancer

Rosehip has antioxidant properties that fight against the damage of free radicals. This damage may cause Cancer. Rosehip tea is effective to prevent the abnormal growth of cells in the Body. The Rosehip extract is beneficial in preventing Breast Cancer.

Lemon Grass for Cancer

The anitcancer properties of Lemon Grass prevents the growth of abnormal cells. It has shown good effects in treating cancer of Skin, Liver and Breast.
Make a deoction of Lemon Grass and have 1 cup every day.
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Multiple Herbs How to Use Herbal Treatment? Click Here +

Herbal Treatment For Detox Tea for Cancer

Mix the following dry, powdered herbs and store in a jar:-
Burdock Root : 6 parts
Sheep Sorrel : 4 parts
Slippery Elm Bark : 1 part
Rhubarb Root : 1 teaspoon.
Prepare a decoction. Take one teaspoon at a time. Boil in two cups water till water remains half. Leave on hot plate overnight. Strain through a coarse strainer. Consume cold either early morning or late at night.
The tea will help in :-
Better health
Better elimination
Increased appetite
Improved immunity
Add the following herbs to the above Mixture
Kelp : 2 parts
Red Clover : 1 part
Blessed Thistle : 1 part
Watercress : 0.4 parts
The method remains the same.

Herbal Treatment For Cancer 1

Boil Turnip and Sweet Potatoes. Mash them. Eat.

Herbal Treatment For Cancer 2

Prepare a decoction of Adhatoda Vasica leaves. Mix 5 g Honey in it. Take half cup of it twice a day for 40 days.

Herbal Treatment For Cancer 3

Take 4-5 leaves of kelp. Put 2-3 tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar in it. Add Honey to taste. Leave it for 15 -20 minutes. Have it once a day.

Herbal Treatment For Cancer 4

Mix equal quantity flours of Barley and Wheat. Make its dough. Make bread or chapatti with it. Use it regularly for 2 months.

Herbal Treatment For Tumors 1

Take One cup fresh leaf juice of a blossoming Kidney Beans ( Rajmah ) plant.
Boil it with double quantity of fresh cream and half pound of Honey in an earthen pot.
Remove from heat when it is reduced to half.
Apply it thrice a day as a poultice to cure Cancer or Tumors.

Herbal Treatment For Cancer 5

Patients suffering from Stomach and Bones Cancer should take One tablespoon of Honey with One teaspoon of Cinnamon ( Dalchini ) powder daily.
Take thrice a day for 30 days.

Herbal Treatment For Cancer 6

Take the following herbs :
Turmeric : Haldi : Powdered : 2 tablespoons
Oregano : Sathra : Crushed : 2 tablespoons
Cayenne : Lal Mirch : Powdered : 1 tablespoon
Cumin : Jira : Crushed : 2 tablespoons
Garlic : Lehsun : Pods : Crushed : 4 tablespoons
Put all in a grinder. Grind. Store in a jar. Have one teaspoon once a day.

Herbal Treatment For Healthy Soup

Modern medicine banks heavily on names of diseases and brands of medicines. In reality diagnosing the disease in its totality is difficult. It often affects more than one organ. The obsession of naming it has forced us to focus only on part of the problem. Most of the times we need to go to separate specialists to deal with parts of the same disease. It is therefore, prudent to consider the disease as a whole and treat it as such. Herbal treatment often aims for this target.
The first aim of healthy living is to eat and live healthy. Second we should focus on preventing disease. And, lastly if we do get ill, we should try for a whole body cure.
Fortunately there is a remedy for all the three stages. Let's call it 'The Health Soup'.
'The Health Soup' is made from ordinary vegetables as follows.
Collect the following vegetables.
500 gm Radish
250 gm Raddish leaves. Yes ! I mean that. Radish leaves. They have a function of their own, different than that of the radish.
250 gm Carrots
250 gm Burdock Root
5 Dried Shiitake (Mushrooms)
Do not peel or grate. Wash thoroughly. Cut them in small pieces. Put them in a large stainless steel pan. Add about 5 liters of water. Boil it. Lower heat to simmer. Simmer for two hours. Yes, you got it right, 2 hours. Cool. Strain. Store in a refrigerator.
Start with one cup daily. After few days, if all goes well, increase to two cups a day.
Result ! Considerable improvement in overall health.
Note 1. Use stainless steel or glass containers only, to avoid metal poisoning. Aluminum pots must not be used.
Note 2. Most of us are not really healthy. All of us are suffering from some sort of malaise. Even if we cannot put our finger on it. This soup will affect each person differently. Some temporary unwanted reactions are possible. Consider them to be reactions of the body to throw out the toxins. For example, the following symptoms may manifest at the start of the treatment.
Itchy skin, Eczema, Mild Diarrhea
Some rules of thumb to keep in mind when dealing with the reactions.
If you are not sick, no reactions.
If you are mildly sick, there will be mild reactions. More sick, more intense reactions.
If you are constitutionally weak expect strong reactions.
But do not give up. These reactions are an indication that you are on your way to recovery and health.

Herbal Treatment For Cancer, Gout and Acidosis

Alkalize or Perish ?
In all three cases it is important to Alkalize.
Put one Lemon in the freezer. When it has fully frozen grate it. Add one litre water. Add 1/2 tea spoon baking soda ( Baking Soda, not Baking Powder ). Bottle it. Shake it. Drink during the Day. Repeat same procedure for night.
Check acidity with pH strips every morning. Continue this therapy until your urine reaches pH 7.
Now, go into maintenance mode. Drink during day only, if you can maintain your pH at 7 then drink this mixture every alternate day. Then once a week.

Herbal Treatment For Cancer 7

Take the following Ingredients.
1. 40% of Beetroots.
2. 20% Celery
3. 20% Carrots
4. 15% Wheat Grass
5. 3% of Potatoes
6. 2% Radish
Take all the ingredients and blend them together. Have 3 glasses in a day. You may add a pinch of Rock salt ( Sendha namak ) in it.
Queries on Cancer
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27 Jul 2015
Sir/ Ma'am

I am suffering from this challenging disease called Cancer. Doctor diagnosed it as the 3rd stage Cancer. I have been undergoing Chemotherapy as well. I want to know, how can I cure this disease by the use of Herbs.
Can Cancer be cured by Herbs ?
Herbpathy Research Team
27 Jul 2015
Dear Ritesh ,

We are sorry to hear about your condition. You must be going through a lot. But, do not worry, everything will be set right.
Just have faith.

The moment you feed your faith, the fear will starve. And then, there you go, overcoming this challenge, like any other challenges you must have so far in your life.

This advice is given to people who are undergoing Chemotherapy. The herbs, I am recommending here, will ensure that the Chemotherapy becomes more efficient and also, will make sure that good cells do not get damaged by chemotherapy, or the damaged cells get revived.

Please take the following, everyday for next 1 month.

1. Baking Soda : Mix half a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water. Drink it in the morning and evening.

2. Apricot Kernel : Known as khurmani ka beej, these are the kernels of the seeds of apricot. You need to consume 25 almonds a day, but make sure that you consume ONLY 5 almonds at a time. ( can not take 25 almonds all together, may cause cyanide poisoning ).

3. Wheat-grass : Grow your own or buy Wheat-grass. Drink at least half a glass of Wheat-grass juice everyday.

This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Herbpathy Research Team
27 Jul 2015
Continued for Mr. Ritesh

4. Turmeric Lehyam : Also called turmeric halwa. As turmeric is not soluble in milk or water. Take organic turmeric, mix it with ghee and heat it up, stir, to avoid the over roasting of paste. Store it in a jar and consume this lehyam daily with warm milk.

5. Ginger juice : Take one table spoon of ginger juice every day.

6. Garlic : Eat 2 cloves of garlic everyday.

7. Coconut Oil : Have 2 spoons of coconut oil everyday. Yes, pure coconut oil, just eat it.

8. Ganoderma : You can buy a herb called Ganoderma ( Reishi Mushroom ), it is a Chinese Herb having amazing anti- cancer properties. Easily available online.

You would have to include these herbs in your daily diet. And I am sure, the results would be amazing.

Just don't forget, that the recovery is brought about by the patient himself, and not the health care provider. Patient heals himself, by his own will power, and hope. You see, it works exactly like the person walks, talks, eats, sleeps on his own.

Take Care!!!

Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
07 Aug 2015
Dear Sir,
I am suffering from Multiple melanoma since 2010. I had 17 Chemo and had a spine surgery. Still I am continue to use one capsule 'Lenalidomide' 20 mg.and review with doctor every 3 months. So far I am ok and leading normal life some times I get slight pain on right side of the body. Kindly advise if any herbal care for me.

Herbpathy Research Team
20 Aug 2015
Dear Balachandran,

Human body is designed in such a way, that the cells replicate on their own. The old cells die and the new cells originate. This process is occurs in a controlled manner. But, some times the growth of the cells become uncontrollable and this will give rise to Cancer. It can occur at any part of the Body. The most effective remedies are ...
Reishi Mushroom
Siberian Ginseng
Garlic - Take Aged Garlic which is called Kyolic, easily available in the market. Dosage as per mention on the packet.
Turmeric - Take 10ml of fermented Turmeric on daily basis ( For fermented Turmeric, Check general of Turmeric under Herbs section of this website ). Along with Turmeric take 3 to 4 seeds of Black Pepper, because it increases the absorption of Turmeric.
Chemotherapy has many side effects, Therefore, We advice you to take Codonopsis which is very effective in neutralizes the side effects of Chemotherapy.

Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Swati k
16 Sep 2015
Nice information on a single page...
Thanks !!!
Basheer Ahammed
27 Sep 2015
Dear Rithesh
Don't worry ritesh. Start using Karinjeerakam(black cumin) today onward. Morning and evening with honey 1 tsp. See the change.
26 Oct 2015
Dear Herbpathy
Can you please tell about esophagus cancer.. There is a large ulcerated nodularity lump at gut junction. Biopsy confirmed that its carcinoma. Surrounding lymph nodes also effected. So how to treat it. There is a difficulty in swallowing food... so on liquid diet. Patient 55 years female. Can you please provide mail id to communicate with your team please.
26 Oct 2015
Dear Ahmed

For any type of cancer soursop and turmeric are effective remedies. add a little black pepper to increase the effect of turmeric.
Herbpathy Research Team
04 Nov 2015
Dear Ahmed

We generally don't provide eamil-id. We communicate here only and advise people accordingly.
If you scroll above, you will find 8 to 10 herbs given in supper effective for Cancer. These all have great anti cancer properties.
You start giving her Wheatgrass juice. Give her two tablespoon of Wheatgrass juice every day.
Give her 1 Apricot Kernel. It is also very beneficial for Cancer.
Third thing you may give her is Turmeric. Take 10ml of fermented Turmeric on daily basis ( For fermented Turmeric, Check general of Turmeric under Herbs section of this website ). Along with Turmeric take 3 to 4 seeds of Black Pepper, because it increases the absorption of Turmeric.

Cancer is a Disease that people often get scared from even hearing its name. But, the good news is that Cancer can be prevented and cured by using remedial treatments. Apart from treatment, Cancer patient should not lose hope and always stay positive.

Take care of your wife. We wish, that she gets well soon.

Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Abhay Mahajan
11 Nov 2015
What are straight tincture of homeopathy for cancer how to alkaline a cancer patient.
Tvs reddy
13 Nov 2015
My wife aged 61 years on ultra sound and CT scanning found angiomyolipoma of kidney about 6 mm. But she is not having any symptoms and not using any medicines. Kindly advise herbal treatment.
15 Nov 2019
Kya aap ki wife theek ho gei
Herbpathy Research Team
16 Nov 2015
Dear Tvs reddy

Our Research team is working on it. As you have mentioned that there are no symptoms. So we will do the research and suggest you an appropriate Herb as soon as possible.

Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Herbpathy Research Team
17 Nov 2015
Dear Abhay Mahajan

Well, you may alkalize your body with the help of Baking Soda. Add a pinch of baking soda in a glass of water. Drink it. Have it every morning for 20 days.

And as per as straight tinctures are concerned, they might be very strong. Our research team is working on it. We will suggest you accordingly as soon as possible.

Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
17 Nov 2015
Daer Herbpathy

My mother is suffering from cervix cancer of 4th stage and doctor start chemo.Doctor told me that cancer started from ovaries mouth and reaches to pelvic and also told that this is not curable.apart from this my mother also have blood clothing problem(it may be due to cancer tumor or not)I am surprised that my mother is looking normal except pain in leg.Currently three chemotherapy are given.please provide a good treatment to cure this.
Currently I am giving mix juice of wheat grass,tulsi,neem,giloye and after this cow urine.

Please please suggest asap.
Herbpathy Research Team
18 Nov 2015
Dear Pawan

Sorry to hear about your mother. We have discussed your problem with our specialist and the answer will be published tomorrow on this website.

Herbpathy Research Team
( Make life healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Herbpathy Searched Team
19 Nov 2015
Dear Pawan

Since your mother is suffering from Cancer and is in 4th stage of it, so the treatment can only be palliative and not curative.

1. Ashwagandha which is also known as Withania Somnifera. It will help her to clear all her channels. Buy tablets and give her 250 mg in morning and evening.
2. If she has pains, Give her Arsenic Alb 200. It is a Homeopathy medicine. It is easily available in any Homeopathy Shop. Give her one dose for three days only.
3. Yarrow. This will reduce the inflammation. You may buy the tincture which is also available in the Homeopathy Shop. Give 10 drops a day in half glass of water.
4. Marijuana, Buy it in tincture form and 5 to 6 drops in half glass of water.
5. Add Foods like Basil, Garlic, Turmeric, Broccoli, Cabbage and Cauliflower.

Positive attitude plays a great role in any treatment. Convince her that she will get cured and you will see she will.

Herbpathy Searched Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
26 Nov 2015
Dear Tvs reddy

I have heard about Gokhshura which is known as Land Caltrops. It is a good herb for kidneys. You can buy in the form of capsules.
Jeet Singh
28 Nov 2015
Dear Herbpathy,

Nice to see this website , and thanks for helping people around the world. Nice Job!

My Father have cancer, Leukemia from last 3 years, but no symptoms so far. Even my father does not know about this, My Father is normal and enjoying life.

But I am worried, Can you please help me to stop this before it get worse?

Herbpathy Research Team
30 Nov 2015
Dear Jeet Singh

Sorry to hear about your father.
What is the stage of the Cancer? Is it initial? Because 3 years is a very long time and Cancer cells replicate very fast.

The following are the symptoms of Leukemia. Are any of these Symptoms visible in your father?
Discoloration of the Skin
Internal Bleeding in Abdomen
Frequent Episodes of Infections
Small Red purple spots on the Skin
Delayed healing of Wounds
Easy bleeding or bruising

We have described Leukemia separately on this portal. You may visit that page and read out the symptoms. If you notice such symptoms in your father, then please let us know. And if the symptoms are not present then we suggest you to get done his tests again.

Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Jeet Singh
30 Nov 2015
Dear Herbpathy Team,

Thanks for your response !

There is no symptoms so far, I read the list of symptoms you listed, but so far luckily my father does not have any of symptoms yet,, Here is some more info on my father :-

1. Its been 3 years I got to know about my father have cancer CLL (Chronic lymphocytic leukemia)
2. Doctor suggested not to go for treatment unless any symptoms.
3. Spleen size is mild enlarged.
4. WBC is 33000 (Normal is 11000), Before it was near about 45000 to 50,000
5. My Father is pure vegetarian and non alcohol
6. No family history for cancer.
7. we are doing monthly test to keep eys on WBC,, which normally between 32000 to 36000
8. My Father Age is 55 Years old
9. Diet : My father consume orange/apple daily when they get time. and apart form that normal indian diet (Roti and Daal,Sabji) 3 times in a day. and very less or rare consumption of oil fried.


No such symptoms so far as listed in this disease, but sometime they get or feel week


I am looking for help on herbal treatment and anything that can help .

Thanks lot
Jeet Singh
30 Nov 2015
Forgot to mention, My father sometime feel headache
Herbapthy Research Team
01 Dec 2015
Dear Jeet Singh

Your father of not treated with anything will live a long time without pain. The modern treatment is painful and accompanied with side effects. Herbs may cure completely or may cure partially. A suggested regimen is given below.
1. Give him fresh juice of Wheat grass every day. Grow your own Wheat Grass. Buy your own juice extractor and give him 30ml of fresh juice every day.
2. Give him the following herbs every day.
1.Baking Soda : Mix half a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water. Drink it in the morning and evening.
2. Turmeric Lehyam : Also called turmeric halwa. As turmeric is not soluble in milk or water. Take organic turmeric, mix it with ghee and heat it up, stir, to avoid the over roasting of paste. Store it in a jar and consume this lehyam daily with warm milk.
3.Ginger juice : Take one table spoon of ginger juice every day.
4. Giloy ( Tinospora Cordifolia ): Buy tincture from a Homeopathy Shop. Give him 5 drops morning evening in half glass of water
5. Carrot Juice
6.Bitter Almond
8.Fresh Gooseberry ( Amla ) at every morning
9.Punarnava ( Boerhavia Diffusa )
If possible give him Apricot Kernel.

Herbapthy Research Team
Ameya dhavale
23 Dec 2015
Dear Herbpathy
Can you tell me use of black turmeric oil for cancer. I have some black turmeric with me and try to find it.
Herbpathy Research Team
24 Dec 2015
Dear Ameya dhavale Sorry, but we could not understand your question. Please be specific and clear what actually you want to ask. Regards
Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
15 Jan 2016
Sir my name is manish I am suffering from arthritis,IBS And sinusitis my age is 23 and I want to be healthy again can I follow your 8 home remedies of cancer for my problem as these remedies kill cancer then I would also would be healthy by following this remedies and do I have to take all 8 remedies.
Herbpathy Research Team
21 Jan 2016
Dear Manish If you are not having Cancer, then there is not point of taking these Herbs at all. Your basic problem is Phlegm, because of which you have sinusitis and Arthritis. The Remedy that cure the formation of Phlegm is Tuberculinum bovinum 10m. Buy one does and take it. I repeat take only one dose. This will dry up your Phlegm and your sinusitis will get improve. Arthritis will take some time to improve. Once your Phlegm has dried let us know. We will tell you the next step. Always consult a doctor before taking any kind of medication. Regards
Herbpathy Research Team
(Make Life Healthy)
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
21 Jan 2016
Tell me how cancer bush tea help on cancer or tumour , I have a tumor on my thigh on the right leg, please help Agrippa or what can I use.
Herbpathy Research Team
22 Jan 2016
Dear Agrippa If you want to cure the tumor, we suggest you to follow the regimen. 1. Wheat grass juice every day. Grow your own Wheat Grass. Buy your own juice extractor and give him 30ml of fresh juice every day.
2. Take the following herbs every day.
1.Baking Soda : Mix half a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water. Drink it in the morning and evening.
2. Turmeric Lehyam : Also called turmeric halwa. As turmeric is not soluble in milk or water. Take organic turmeric, mix it with ghee and heat it up, stir, to avoid the over roasting of paste. Store it in a jar and consume this lehyam daily with warm milk.
3.Ginger juice : Take one table spoon of ginger juice every day.
4. Giloy ( Tinospora Cordifolia ): Buy tincture from a Homeopathy Shop. Give him 5 drops morning evening in half glass of water
5. Carrot Juice
6.Bitter Almond
7.Punarnava ( Boerhavia Diffusa ) Always consult a doctor before taking any kind of medication. Regards
Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
08 Feb 2016
My father is suffering from gall bladder cancer.surgery has been done.but it has infected liver also please help.
Herbpathy Research Team
09 Feb 2016
Dear Monika
You are suggested to follow the regimen.
1. Give him Milk Thistle. It will take care of his Liver. 2. Cannabis Indica: Start from 5 drops. Increase the dose gradually to 10 and then 10 drops morning evening.
3. Stinging Nettle: Buy capsules and take one every day for one Week.
4. A shot of Wheat Grass juice every day for one Week.
Follow the process for one Week and keep an eye on every symptom. Write us back with results.
Always consult a doctor before taking any kind of medication. Regards
Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
30 Jul 2016
Dear sir, Am suffering from Severe Anemia since I was born. How can I cure it? Which of the herb can help me? I am in Ghana.
Sumit ( India / Haryana )
17 Feb 2016
I am Sumit. My father is suffering from 4th stage Lung cancer. Chemotherapy is not yet started.
Please suggest.
18 Feb 2016
Dear Sumit Your father is advised the following regimen.
1. Buy Gallium Aparine tincture from a Homeopathy shop. Take 10 drops morning evening.
2. Buy Cannabis Indica tincture. Start with a small dose. Take 5 drops morning evening daily. 3. Buy capsules of Reishi Mushroom. Take one every day.
4. Drink two glasses of fresh carrot juice daily.
5. Drink wheat grass juice shot.
These are all for Cancer. 6. Boil fresh leaves of Lungwort. And have this day two times in a day. this will take care of his Lungs. Take for one month and write us back.
Try not to go for Chemo, it may give him more pains and has other side effects too. You can read it on Cancer page given on this website.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
15 Nov 2019
Please help me my father clone stomach cancer hum dhamasa bi pila rae hai magar dard oltiya or dakaren nhi ruk rei please help me
18 Nov 2019
Hello Abdul You can give carrot juice, soursop, baking soda to your father for Stomach cancer. Like, give him 1-2 glasses of Carrot juice daily.
Have Soursop in the form of fruit, juice or tea. It is very effective in fighting cancer cells.
Take these for a month.
Take Baking soda. Add a pinch of baking soda to a glass of water. Take it for 21 days.
Abhinav ( Uttar pradesh India. )
19 Feb 2016
My mother aged 52 is suffering from cancer in cbd. It has spread in liver also, doctor says it's last stage and 4 cycles of chemotherapy has been successfully given after that the disease has now got stable.but it is still exists. May I know the other medication that can be given so that she can be fully recovered. we all are so much tensed. Don't know what to do. Please guide me, just don't want to lose my mother.please help me,guide me.I do believe miracles happens.

19 Feb 2016
Dear Abhinav
We suggest you to follow the regimen.
1.Baking Soda : Mix half a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water. Drink it in the morning and evening.
2. Apricot Kernel : Known as khurmani ka beej, these are the kernels of the seeds of apricot. You need to consume 25 almonds a day, but make sure that you consume ONLY 5 almonds at a time. ( can not take 25 almonds all together, may cause cyanide poisoning ).
3. Wheat-grass : Grow your own or buy Wheat-grass. Drink at least half a glass of Wheat-grass juice everyday.
4. Turmeric Lehyam : Also called turmeric halwa. As turmeric is not soluble in milk or water. Take organic turmeric, mix it with ghee and heat it up, stir, to avoid the over roasting of paste. Store it in a jar and consume this lehyam daily with warm milk.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
19 Feb 2016
5. Ginger juice : Take one table spoon of ginger juice every day.
6. Garlic : Eat 2 cloves of garlic everyday.
7. Coconut Oil : Have 2 spoons of coconut oil everyday. Yes, pure coconut oil, just eat it.
8. Ganoderma : You can buy a herb called Ganoderma ( Reishi Mushroom ), it is a Chinese Herb having amazing anti- cancer properties. Easily available online.
9. Galium Aparine tincture. Give 10 drops daily. 10.Cannabis Indica tincture. Give 10 drops daily.
You would have to include these herbs in your daily diet. And I am sure, the results would be amazing.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Ravi ( Hyderabad )
23 Feb 2016
Iam diagnosed with Ewing sarcoma do you have medicine for it.
Ravi ( Hyderabad )
23 Feb 2016
I am diagnosed with Ewing sarcoma. Surgery is done and radiation is also dobe 16 cycles of chemotherapy is also done. Doctor told me there is recurrence under ribs left side of the Abdomen. Please suggest me medicines which reduces that tumor. I am enable to sleep there is a severe pain.
24 Feb 2016
Dear Ravi
You are suggested to take the following Herbs.
1. Buy Galium Aparine tincture. Take 10 drops morning and evening. This will directly attack your Cancer cells. 2. Buy Cannabis Indica: Take 10 drops morning and evening. 3. Take fresh Carrot juice morning and evening.
4. Take a shot of fresh Wheat Grass juice.
5. Have 1 Apricot Kernel every day.
These herbs will fight with Cancer cells and prevent the further growth.
Take for 1 month and study the Results.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Ravi ( Hyderabad )
24 Feb 2016
Please suggest me medicines iam in severe pain.
03 Mar 2016
Dear Sir
Please find below details taken from Wiki regarding AMYGDALIN.
Please Guide:
A 2011 systematic review from the Cochrane Collaboration found:

The claims that laetrile or amygdalin have beneficial effects for cancer patients are not currently supported by sound clinical data. There is a considerable risk of serious adverse effects from cyanide poisoning after laetrile or amygdalin, especially after oral ingestion. The risk–benefit balance of laetrile or amygdalin as a treatment for cancer is therefore unambiguously negative.[21]
08 Apr 2016
Dear Sobi
Please be specific and write your query again in a non technical language. Describe your symptoms only.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
16 May 2016
I just want to confirm that we are having any evidence / research that Amygdalin is really effective in Cancer Patients.because it is having a serious adverse effect of cyanide poisoning.
17 May 2016
Dear Sobi
I have been reading your concerns about Amygdalin with interest. I have a counter question. Have you heard of anyone dying Apricot Kernels. Or, is there any research paper that conclusively establishes that eating apricot kernels have already produced such and such effects on such and such doses. If, it so then please let me know. I really want to, because I have tried and eaten up to 15 Apricot Kernels at a time and nothing happened to me. I am not sick, i have just tried it. I guess you have to give a try, study the results and make your own conclusions.
21 May 2016
Dear Anil Thanks for information.My concern is to get a proper conclusion.As from my side I had search a lot regarding Apricot Kernel but not able to get any proper authentication.since I am herbalist and very happy to have a site like Herbpathy where we are getting help and sound information.so before any starting any of these for treatment i must be satisfied coz same question (what I have raised) can be counter question by Patient and at that time I will be having no answer..
Shaik raffi ( India )
24 Mar 2016
My father suffering from rectal cancer please tell me how can I buy rosewood leaves..9849918447.
30 Mar 2016
Dear Shaik Raffi
In cancer Gallium Aparine ( Cleavers ) is one of the super effective remedy. You buy tincture from a homeopathy shop and give him 10 drops thrice in a day. Also give him 1 Apricot Kernel and fresh wheat grass juice. Follow the regimen for at least 1 month.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Anurag ( Punjab, India )
30 Mar 2016
Dear Sir,

I am Anurag and my mother is suffering from ovarian cancer and it is in 3rd stage.

2 cycles of chemotherapy has been completed.I am worried for her. Can you please suggest me any herbs or treatment for her.

Waiting for your kind reply.

30 Mar 2016
Dear Anurag
We suggest your mother to follow the regimen.
1. Buy Gallium Aparine tincture. Take 10 drops 3 times in a day.
2. Take 1 Apricot Kernel every day.
3. Take a shot of fresh wheat grass juice every day.
4. Buy a tincture of Cannabis Indica. Start from small doses ( 5 drops ).
Repeat this regimen for at least 1 month and study the results. Also read the whole cancer page and side effects of Chemotherapy. Write us back with more queries.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
04 May 2016
How to treat Breast Tumor or Cancer using herbs. Haven't started any chemo or radiation or any surgery. Please suggest medicines or herbs.
05 May 2016
Dear Lakshmi
We advise you to follow the regimen for 2 months.
1. Buy Galium Aparine tincture from a Homeopathy Shop and take 10 drops 2 times in a day.
2. Take Cannabis Indica tincture. Take 10 drops 2 times in a day.
3. Dink a shot of Wheat grass juice daily.
4. Drink fresh Carrot juice daily.
5. Take turmeric and add black pepper to it, as it enhances the bio availability of Turmeric.
6. Eat 3 Bitter Almond 3 times in a day.
Take all remedies for at least 2 months and study the results. Writs us back with results.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
05 May 2016
Thank you very much for the quick response. I have few questions. 1. Galium Aparine. How to take this. With water? Before food, after food or on empty stomach?
2. The place I live in taking Cannabis is illegal. Is there any alternative medicine that can be taken?
3. Can I take wheat grass powder as juice?
4. How much carrot juice should be taken daily?
5. Right now I bought Turmeric Curcumin with Bioperine® 1300mg capsules. How many capsules a day should be taken. Should be taken with any fat, like coconut oil?
6. Is there any diet restriction that should be followed? Thank You
05 May 2016
Also forgot to ask in the previous questions. Galium aparine tincture- Should it be alcoholic or non alcoholic? I saw some online which doesn't say tincture. It just says Galium aparine - cleavers 2oz. Can this be taken?
09 May 2016
Dear Lakshmi
You can buy tincture made in Alcohol or in Glycerine. And yes, yo can buy that too.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Ritika ( India/up )
16 May 2016
My father is 50 years old and he is suffering from intestine jejunum cancer advanced carcinoma and his artery got struck into cancer mass thats why operation is also uneventful and 9 chemotherapies are given and now he is unable to take more chemotherapies. please help us and tell us how cancer can be cured by herbs ?
20 May 2016
Dear Ritika
Follow the regimen.
1. Buy tincture Galium Aparine from a homeopathy shop and take 10 drops 3 times in a day.
2. Buy Cannabis Indica tincture and take 5 drops 3 times in a day.
3. Take a shot of fresh wheat grass juice.
4. Take Turmeric and add a little black pepper to increase its bio availability.
5. Take 3 Apricot Kernel 3 times in a day.
Take these remedies for a month.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
21 May 2016
hello sir,
can we continue this treatment with both ayurveda and chemotherapy together .
23 May 2016
Dear Ritika
We are not in favor of Chemo. You please visit our page i.e. side effects of Chemo. Rest, the choice is your's.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Sangeeta ( Rajasthan )
19 May 2016
My mother (age 53) diagnosed with Esophagus cancer (squamous cell carcinoma ) .
Two chemo session are given to her, doctor suggest total 3 session of chemo.
Please suggest me about food and life style so that we can prevent the recurrence of cancer.
23 May 2016
Dear Sangeeta
We suggest you the following Herbs.
1. Take a shot of Fresh Wheat grass juice daily. Take it for a month.
2. Eat 3 Apricot kernels 3 times in a day.
3. Take fresh Carrot juice daily.
4. Take Turmeric and add black pepper to increase its bio availability.
5. Take a pinch of Baking Soda and add it to a glass of water. Take it once in a day for 7 days. Then stop taking for the next three days. Repeat the process for 21 days. Then stop it permanently. This will detoxify your body. Take all the herbs for 1 month and get your all test done. See the results and write us back. To improve your eating habits, we advise you to read Cancer page on this portal.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Saba adnan ( Qatar )
21 May 2016
Dear Herbpathy
My mother is suffering from Fallopian tube cancer 5 years back and doctors conduct a larger surgery in which they remove all her uterus and tube after that she is on chemotherapy for one year now they again found some nodes and the test of ca 125 is also increasing from 25 to 35 kindly tell me some herbs so that nodes can b destroy and if they are malignant they can b cured because the size of the nodes are very small and doctor said that it is difficult to operate because they are very small in size but if they are malignant they can again go for chemotherapy kindly please suggest me herbs that can cure her nodes because she don't want to go for chemotherapy. She drink the juice of sheesham leaves but I want to know some herbs that is for these nodes and they can destroy the nodes without chemo therapy.
23 May 2016
Dear Saba Adnan
We suggest your Mother the following Herbs.
1. Take a shot of Fresh Wheat grass juice daily. Take it for a month.
2. Eat 3 Apricot kernels 3 times in a day.
3. Take fresh Carrot juice daily.
4. Take Turmeric and add black pepper to increase its bio availability.
5. Take a pinch of Baking Soda and add it to a glass of water. Take it once in a day for 7 days. Then stop taking for the next three days. Repeat the process for 21 days. Then stop it permanently. This will detoxify her body. Take all the herbs for 1 month and get your all test done. See the results and write us back. To improve your eating habits, we advise you to read Cancer page on this portal.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
24 May 2016
Hi Herbpathy,

My mother , age 58 had been diagnosed with adenocarcinoma cancer of bile duct in July 2015 . She started showing symptoms of Jaundice during that period . Two stent ( 1 plastic , 1 metal ) were placed inside her bile duct for preventing jaundice . According to doctor , it was best not to go with the chemotherapy looking at her health condition . We are giving medicine like card mar , con3 , bell 3 , cheli d , campho 200 . Also we started consulting local homeopath doctor so that medicines can be continued . We are also giving her aurvedic meds from DS reaserch center varanasi .
I am attaching the test results recorded over period of time .

Hemoglobin 11.10 gm/dl
Biliurbin 1.29 mg/dl
Alkaline phosphate 601.30 u/i

Hemoglobin 11.3 gm/dl
Biliurbin 3.69 mg/dl

Hemoglobin 11.2 gm/dl
Biliurbin 5 mg/dl
Alkaline phosphate 644 u/i

Hemoglobin 10.2 gm/dl
Biliurbin 1.94 mg/dl
Alkaline phosphate 3354 u/i

Hemoglobin 10.2 gm/dl
Biliurbin 2.3 mg/dl
Alkaline phosphate 1071 u/i

Biliurbin 4.69 mg/dl
Alkaline phosphate 723 u/i

Hemoglobin 8.5 gm/dl
Biliurbin 2.80 mg/
26 May 2016
Dear Sunita
We have forwarded your query to our expert. She will answer you as soon as possible.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
01 Jun 2016
Hi herbpathy,
My mom condition is very poor plzzz suggest some remedy as soon as possible.we cant wait too long.hope you understand our situation.
Abi ( India/Tamil nadu )
26 May 2016
Dear Team
My father is suffering from lymphoma fourth stage. He is currently under chemo treatment.

Please suggest herbs and home remedies for cure.
Also suggest home remedies to be followed for lifetime to prevent recurrence.

Thanks in advance
27 May 2016
Dear Abi
For Cancer the most effective treatment is as follows.
1. Galium Aparine tincture, take 10 drops 3 times in a day.
2. Cannabis Indica tincture, take 5 drops 3 times in a day.
3. Wheat Grass juice, take fresh shots daily.
5. Apricot Kernel, take 3 Apricot Kernel 3 times in a day.
4. Take Turmeric with black pepper, to increase its bio availability. Take these remedies for at least one month and get your test done after a month. Write us back with reports. These remedies will also prevent recurrence of Cancer.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
29 May 2016
kindly suggest me remedy.her condition in not fine
hi,My mother age 58 had been diagnosed with adenocarcinoma cancer of bile duct in July 2015 . She started showing symptoms of Jaundice during that period .Two stent ( 1 plastic , 1 metal ) were placed inside her bile duct for preventing jaundice. According to doctor, it was best not to go with the chemotherapy looking at her health condition . We are giving medicine like card mar , con3 , bell 3 , cheli d , campho 200 . Also we started consulting local homeopath doctor so that medicines can be continued . We are also giving her aurvedic meds from DS reaserch center varanasi
Hemoglobin 11.10 gm/dl
Biliurbin 1.29 mg/dl
Alkaline phosphate 601.30 u/i

Hemoglobin 11.3 gm/dl
Biliurbin 3.69 mg/dl

Hemoglobin 11.2 gm/dl
Biliurbin 5 mg/dl
Alkaline phosphate 644 u/i

Hemoglobin 10.2 gm/dl
Biliurbin 1.94 mg/dl
Alkaline phosphate 3354 u/i

Hemoglobin 10.2 gm/dl
Biliurbin 2.3 mg/dl
Alkaline phosphate 1071 u/i

Biliurbin 4.69 mg/dl
Alkaline phosphate 723 u/i

Hemoglobin 8.5 gm/dl
Biliurbin 2.80 mg/
06 Jun 2016
Dear Sunita
Could you please tell us that what Homeopathy Medicines is your mother taking? And also mention the Ayurvedic medicines. In the meanwhile we advise your mother to take the following remedies.
1. Fresh shot of Wheat Grass juice daily.
2. Carrot Juice daily.
3. 3 Apricot Kernel 3 times in a day.
4. Turmeric with Black Pepper.
5. Galium Aparine tincture, 10 drops 3 times in a day. Give her all these remedies for a month and get her test done again.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
10 Jun 2016
Hi herbpathy, thanks for your reply.i have already mentioned the homoeopathy medicine name belladona,chelli, cadmarus.she had ulcer too so will it be right to give turmeric with black pepper.
13 Jun 2016
Dear Sunita
Please tell us, that what kind of Ulcers she have, is it peptic ulcers, mouth ulcers or What? And from how long she is taking these Homeopathy remedies? Please answer these questions, it will help us to study her case well.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
14 Jun 2016
Hi herbpathy, she has ulcerative colitis n she has been taking homepathy medicine since last 1 year for cancer
15 Jun 2016
Dear Sunita
We suggest you to stop her Homeopathy for few days. And continue the regimen that we have suggested to you. Also Give her baking Soda. Take a pinch of Baking Soda in a glass of water and take once in a day for 7 days. Then stop for next 3 days. Repeat this process for 3 weeks. Writs us back after a month.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Narinder ( Chandigarh, India )
30 May 2016
My father in law, aged 62, has been diagnosed with Adenocarcinoma of Stomach. He lost 10 Kg weight in 2 months from Feb to March. However after that his weight is static. As per CT Scan Report dated April cancer has locally spread to the left lobe of liver, head & body of pancreas and few Lymph Nodes. Still, for some reasons, the doctors suggested surgery. As per the surgery report, during surgery they just opened the stomach and closed it without any resection. It was informed that initially they though that disease had not spread much and only during the surgery they got to know that it had actually spread so they didn't do anything during the surgery. Omental biopsy was done which confirmed the disease as Metastatic.We have been informed that he has only 4-6 months and with Chemotherapy it can extend by 2-4 months more.
He has been put on palliative chemotherapy and 1 cycle of chemotherapy has already been performed. His general health is good so far.He goes for walk in the evening for around 20 minutes and can perform all his daily routines on his own.However he sometimes vomits after eating, specially if he is given fruits to eat.
Please suggest some treatment.
03 Jun 2016
Its been 4 days already..Its a cancer case and needs quick reply. CAN ANYONE CARE TO REPLY?
06 Jun 2016
Dear Narinder
Sorry for delay. Actually our expert on cancer was out of India. We advise you the following regimen.
1. Fresh shot of Wheat Grass juice daily.
2. Fresh Carrot juice daily.
3. Give him Turmeric with Black Pepper to increase the bio availability.
4. Buy Cannabis Indica tincture from a homeopathy shop and take 5 drops 3 times in a day.
5. Galium Aparine tincture, take 10 drops 3 times in a day.
6. Take 3 Apricot Kernel 3 times in a day.
Follow the regimen for a month and get his test done. Write us back with results.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
07 Jun 2016
Thanks for the reply and suggestions. Kindly clarify the following:
1. Can all these things, including Cannabis Indica Tincture etc, be given simultaneously with Chemotherapy?;
2. Can the Apricot Kernel be taken by drying fresh Apricot or do we need to buy Apricot Kernel directly from the market? I mean whether we can buy Apricots and dry the same for Apricot Kernel;
3. We have planted Wheat in our garden. Do we need to give the juice of Wheat Grass only or can we mix some water for extracting the Wheat Grass Juice. Thanks in anticipation.
08 Jun 2016
Dear Narinder
1. First of all, we are not in the favor of Chemotherapy. Drugs given in Chemo are designed in such a way, that they only kill fast growing cells in our body and they can't differentiate between the good cells and the bad cells. Hence they also attack the fast growing good cells in a human body. That is why a person goes bald and have digestive disorders who take Chemo. But these remedies prevent the growth of cancer cells. Because cells of Hair follicles and cells in the digestive tract grow very fast.
2. You can buy Apricot kernels directly from market, as it may take time in drying fresh Apricot Kernels.
08 Jun 2016
3. Take a hand full of Fresh Wheat grass, Add some water to it, Grind it well, strain, now drink it. Or you can add Carrot Juice or Sugar cane juice to it for better taste.
We also suggest you to visit " Side Effects of Chemotherapy" on this page. It has a list of Herbs that are listed on the basis of symptoms. For more queries, write us back, Herbpathy is always there to help you.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Mahtabuddin Ahmad Z5GWn ( India )
08 Jun 2016
I am suffering from Small Leucocyte Lymphoma ( SLL ).
Please help.
08 Jun 2016
Dear Mahtabuddin Ahmad
We advise you the following regimen.
1. Kanchnar ( Bauhinia Vareigata ). It is good for your Lymphatic system.
2. 1. A shot of fresh Wheat Grass Juice.
3. Take 2.5 kg of carrots. Juice them. Drink a glass of carrot juice in the morning. Refrigerate the remaining juice. Finish the remaining juice throughout the day. Some Cancer patients alleged that by daily drinking carrot juice for eight weeks they were able to stop and reverse the growth of tumor. Daily juicing for four months made the lymph nodes in the lungs normal. By continuing the carrot juice for eight months the cancer was gone and the patient recovered back to normal.
4. 3 Apricot Kernels 3 times in a day.
5. Turmeric with Black Pepper.
Take these remedies for a month and then get your test done. Write us back after a month.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Mahtabuddin Ahmad.
11 Jun 2016
Sir, Im alone. Taking out a juice of 2.5Kgs of carrot is not possible for me and please tell me what is Kanchnar. Is there any homeopathic medicine of Kanchnar. Sir please dont mind as i am helpless im writing this to you. Please reply.
Mahtabuddin Ahmad
11 Jun 2016
Also I must tell you that im having baking soda 1/2tsp in 1/2 glass of water twice a day and gallium aparine 10 drops in 1/2 cup of water twice a day.
13 Jun 2016
Dear Mahtabuddin
Keep taking Gallium Aparine tincture for a month. 10 drops 3 times in a day.
Take the recommended dose of Baking soda for seven day. Then stop taking for next 3 days. Again take for next 7 days and stop for the next 3 days. Repeat the process for 3 Weeks and then stop the consumption of Baking Soda. It will detoxify your body.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
13 Jun 2016
Dear Mahtabuddin
Don't worry. If possible, then take out fresh glass of Carrot juice daily, and if you can't do then buy Punarnava extract and take 10 drops two times in a day.
And for Kanchnar, Please visit the individual page on this website. I am providing you the link. http://herbpathy.com/Uses-and-Benefits-of-Kanchnar-Cid2517 And no need to feel sorry . Herbpathy is always there to help you. For more queries, you may write us any time. Our team will do the need full research and provide you the correct information.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Raj. b ( India/ maharashtra )
11 Jun 2016
Dear team ,

My dad has been diagnosed with prostrate cancer one month back. he is on chemo right now ...PET scan revealed no metastasis except for one lymphnode...doc advised surgery. my dad is 70 years with a history of diabetes and hypertension. please suggest....he takes tab. Tabi once a day.
15 Jun 2016
Dear Raj.b
Take the following Herbs.
1. Take 2 slices of ginger every day.
2. Eat 2 tomatoes every day, but remove the seeds.
3. Eat Soy products.
4. Have a cup of Green tea daily.
5. Eat raw pumpkin seeds.
6. Eat Turmeric with Black Pepper.
7. Buy Gallium apraine tincture from a Homeopathy Shop and take 10 drops 3 times a day.
Take these remedies for a month. Write us back with results after a month.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Seby ( Kerala--india )
12 Jun 2016
hello ,
what is the remedy for cervial cancer
13 Jun 2016
Dear Seby
mentioned Herbs will fight against Cancer cells and prevent the further growth of Cancer. 1. A shot of fresh Wheat Grass Juice.
2. Take 2.5 kg of carrots. Juice them. Drink a glass of carrot juice in the morning. Refrigerate the remaining juice. Finish the remaining juice throughout the day. Some Cancer patients alleged that by daily drinking carrot juice for eight weeks they were able to stop and reverse the growth of tumor. Daily juicing for four months made the lymph nodes in the lungs normal. By continuing the carrot juice for eight months the cancer was gone and the patient recovered back to normal.
3. 3 Apricot Kernels 3 times in a day.
4. Turmeric with Black Pepper.
5. Fresh Soursoup Juice daily. Take these remedies for a month and get your test done after a month. Also do some yoga asans that are good for Cervical Pain like Neck movement.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Raj,b ( India/maharashtra )
13 Jun 2016

waiting for your reply tean herbpathy...
Raj.b ( India/maharashtra )
15 Jun 2016
Thank you so much for your help....

Dad is right now taking...
1.caesalpinia bonduc {kernel} with black pepper powder once in the morning and once in evening. Can he take this along with the ones you mentioned..and also
2.is kalmegh powder help in preventing the spread of cancer cells? Please help..
Thank You and anticipation.
16 Jun 2016
Dear Raj.B
Yes you can give him both mentioned Herbs, Bonduc as well as Kalmegh. Both Herbs are good for Cancer.
We always advise our users to consult a Doctor before taking any kind of medication.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Krishna yadav ( M.P. )
22 Jun 2016
My father is suffering from kidney cancer 10 cm mass has been seen. Lungs is also having nodules please help.
22 Jun 2016
Dear Krishna
We advise the following regimen to your father. Please continue the course for one month.
The mentioned Herbs will fight against Cancer cells and prevent the further growth of Cancer. 1. A shot of fresh Wheat Grass Juice.
2. Take 2.5 kg of carrots. Juice them. Drink a glass of carrot juice in the morning. Refrigerate the remaining juice. Finish the remaining juice throughout the day. Some Cancer patients alleged that by daily drinking carrot juice for eight weeks they were able to stop and reverse the growth of tumor. Daily juicing for four months made the lymph nodes in the lungs normal. By continuing the carrot juice for eight months the cancer was gone and the patient recovered back to normal.
3. 3 Apricot Kernels 3 times in a day.
4. Turmeric with Black Pepper.
5. Fresh Soursoup Juice daily.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
22 Jun 2016
Continue to Krishna....
6. Tribulus Terrestris Tincture. Take 10 drops 3 times in a day. It will take care of your kidneys. 7. Take massive dosages of Vitamin C.
8. Buy Pulmonary Officinalis tincture and take 5 drops 3 times in a day.
Get your test done after a month and write us back.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
15 Sep 2016
I am 39 year old female with masses on both kidneys. Right kidney biopsy is positive for cancer. Going for biopsy on 9/29. Is Tribulus Terrestis ok for female to take? PETscan and Bone Scan show no signs of cancer anywhere else..thank god.
Mahtabuddin Ahmad ( India/West Bengal )
28 Jun 2016
I have been taking Galium Aparine and baking soda for the last one month and punarnava and kanchnar for the last three weeks but my LDH is now 351 and neutrophil is 24 which is much lower than the limit of 40 and lymphocytes is 64 which is much higher than the normal limit of 40 and there is some lymphoid cells in the lymphocytes. My doctor is saying that it is indication of chemotherapy as th Lymphoma is spreading. Please help me from not getting the chemotherapy through your medicine. Pl. reply at the earliest.
29 Jun 2016
Dear Mahtabuddin
The mentioned Herbs will fight against Cancer cells and prevent the further growth of Cancer. 1. A shot of fresh Wheat Grass Juice.
2. Take 2.5 kg of carrots. Juice them. Drink a glass of carrot juice in the morning. Refrigerate the remaining juice. Finish the remaining juice throughout the day. Some Cancer patients alleged that by daily drinking carrot juice for eight weeks they were able to stop and reverse the growth of tumor. Daily juicing for four months made the lymph nodes in the lungs normal. By continuing the carrot juice for eight months the cancer was gone and the patient recovered back to normal.
3. 3 Apricot Kernels 3 times in a day.
4. Turmeric with Black Pepper.
5. Fresh Soursoup Juice daily. Take these medicines for at least a month. We advise you to please visit our page on chemotherapy side effects.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
30 Jun 2016
tell us herb for breast cancer
01 Jul 2016
Dear Rekha
Cancer is an abnormal growth of cells in our body. The mentioned Herbs will fight against Cancer cells and prevent the further growth of Cancer. 1. A shot of fresh Wheat Grass Juice.
2. Take 2.5 kg of carrots. Juice them. Drink a glass of carrot juice in the morning. Refrigerate the remaining juice. Finish the remaining juice throughout the day. Some Cancer patients alleged that by daily drinking carrot juice for eight weeks they were able to stop and reverse the growth of tumor. Daily juicing for four months made the lymph nodes in the lungs normal. By continuing the carrot juice for eight months the cancer was gone and the patient recovered back to normal.
3. 3 Apricot Kernels 3 times in a day.
4. Turmeric with Black Pepper.
5. Fresh Soursoup Juice daily. 6. Galium Aparine tincture and take 10 drops 3 times in a day.
7. Cannabis Indica tincture and take 5 drops 2 times in a day.
Follow this regimen for a month and get your test done after a month.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
05 Jul 2016
Sir this is not season of carrot.. plz suggest what we do
05 Jul 2016
sir how much black pepper and turmeric in a day plz suggest what to intake in summer & rainy season, as carrot is available in winters only
11 Jul 2016
Dear Sangeeta
Take a pinch of Black pepper with a half tablespoon of Turmeric paste. If Carrots are not available, you may leave carrot and take rest of the Herbs suggested.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Hakeem Akbar
16 Mar 2021
Fagonia ( DHAMASA ) herbal is very effected for its treatment contact for purchase i have cultivated it in my field my whatsapp number is +923465729576
Mahtabuddin Ahmad ( Kolkata )
08 Jul 2016
I am suffering from Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma and I have been taking baking soda, gallium aparine and punarnava for the past one month but I see no relief. Should I continue ?
11 Jul 2016
Dear Mahtabuddin
I suggest you to take Kanchnaar. And take these herbs for more 1 month.
Mahtabuddin Ahmad
14 Jul 2016
Sir no names of these herbs have been written. Can you please specify which herbs sir.
21 Jul 2016
Dear Mahtabuddin
This Herb is known as Bauhinia ( English name ) and in Hindi it is known as Kanchnar. You may check it on the given link.
RAJESH KUMAR ( Maharshtra ,Mumbai )
13 Jul 2016
Dear dr .. my wife is diagnosed with ca- overy in the first week of march 2016 therefor shwe was operated on 13th.march in mumbai during procedure surgeons removed uterus , overy , gallblader and spleen , presently she is on chemotherapy and completed her 4th. cycle but due to chemo she is very week now her appetite is not upto the mark moreover chemo subise are there e.g. nausea ,vomiting constipation ... my humble request to advise and guide me to cure this deadly disease with alternative therapy ... i shall be very gratefull to you ....
13 Jul 2016
Dear Rajesh
Follow the Regimen.
Herbs to combat the side effects of Chemotherapy are given below.
1. Ginger for Digestive Disorders : Drink Ginger tea or chew a few slices of Ginger in the Morning. It will also help in Nausea.
2. Beetroot for Anemia: Add Beetroot to your Salad. Or take fresh Beetroot juice.
3. Passion Flower for Anxiety: Drink the decoction made of Passion Flower Leaves.
4. Astragalus for Weak Immune System. Take extract.
5. Milk Thistle capsule ( 1 every day ). It will improve the Liver functions.
13 Jul 2016
Dear Rajesh
The mentioned Herbs will fight against Cancer cells and prevent the further growth of Cancer. 1. A shot of fresh Wheat Grass Juice.
2. Take 2.5 kg of carrots. Juice them. Drink a glass of carrot juice in the morning. Refrigerate the remaining juice. Finish the remaining juice throughout the day. Some Cancer patients alleged that by daily drinking carrot juice for eight weeks they were able to stop and reverse the growth of tumor. Daily juicing for four months made the lymph nodes in the lungs normal. By continuing the carrot juice for eight months the cancer was gone and the patient recovered back to normal.
3. 3 Apricot Kernels 3 times in a day.
4. Turmeric with Black Pepper.
5. Fresh Soursoup Juice daily. This is the protocol for Cancer, you may take this for 1 month.
Shiva ( India )
23 Aug 2016
Dear Herbpathy,
My father aged 52 is suffering from multiple myeloma which was diagnosed on 31st dec 2015 in 3rd stage with 85% plasma cells in bone marrow. We started treatment on 1st jan 2016 with bortezimob a biotherapic agent but my father didn't reacted to that drug where at the end of 10 cycles plasma cells came down to 66% only and the m-spike in blood raised to 4.6 from 4.5 in the beginning. Next he was put on linaladamide capsules 15mg daily for the past 4 months, the reaction was good where plasma cells came down to 5% and m-spike is at 1.9. But now we are observing swollen ribs at two parts where the doctors are saying it as plasmacytoma due to synthesis of plasma cells in bone tissues. We are waiting for medical reports before confirmation. Doctors are advising for radiation or chemotherapy depending upon the number of plasmacytoma locations in the body. Can u please help him by giving some idea which leads to an efficient treatment alongside with his treatment which is going on.
25 Aug 2016
Dear Shiva
We advise your father to follow the regimen. The mentioned Herbs will fight against Cancer cells and prevent the further growth of Cancer. 1. A shot of fresh Wheat Grass Juice.
2. Take 2.5 kg of carrots. Juice them. Drink a glass of carrot juice in the morning. Refrigerate the remaining juice. Finish the remaining juice throughout the day. Some Cancer patients alleged that by daily drinking carrot juice for eight weeks they were able to stop and reverse the growth of tumor. Daily juicing for four months made the lymph nodes in the lungs normal. By continuing the carrot juice for eight months the cancer was gone and the patient recovered back to normal.
3. 3 Apricot Kernels 3 times in a day.
4. Turmeric with Black Pepper.
5. Fresh Soursoup Juice daily. 6. Buy Galium Aparine tincture and take 10 drops 3 times in a day.
Take these remedies for at least 1 month and get his test done. Write us back after a month with results.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Brijesh ( India / Maharashtra. )
26 Aug 2016
Dear Sir.
my self Brijesh.
My mother is suffering from cancer from July 2014, and till date she had many chemo around 13 injection chemo & 3 oral chemo, but always after certain month (6 month) it got recurrence.
as in July 2014 she is suffering from Overan cancer and got 3 chemo then surgery & then 3 more chemo till dec.2014.
she got recurring of disease in CA 125 in August 2015. doctor had planed 6 cycle of chemo, but in 4 cycle of chemo carboplatine had become allergic & doctor had changed the medicine to cisplatine. & she got treated in Dec. 2015, but at this time she again got recurrence in march 2016 (in 3 month) but at this time doctor had planned for oral medicine instead of injection chemo & we had close observation on this time & on observation we found that it has increased from initial level i.e from CA125 = 125 to 295 in 3 month. as soon we have shown this to doctor they have just mention that medicine is not working on this so they have stopped all medicine. afterward we have discussed this matter to other doctor, he suggested 6 cycle of chemo (target chemotherapy), as soon we have started chemo therapy, her platelet droped, immunity weeken pls help.
June ( Philippines )
30 Aug 2016
Dear Herbpathy

Hi. Just want an advise. I have niece diagnosed with ewing sarcoma stage 2. She is now undrgone chemotherapy. Currently she's too weak. Cn u give me some advise regardng hr situation?
30 Aug 2016
Dear June
Here is the protocol for Cancer.
Herbs to combat the side effects of Chemotherapy are given below.
1. Ginger for Digestive Disorders: Drink Ginger tea or chew a few slices of Ginger in the Morning. It will also help in Nausea.
2. Beetroot for Anemia: Add Beetroot to your Salad. Or take fresh Beetroot juice.
3. Passion Flower for Anxiety: Drink the decoction made of Passion Flower Leaves.
4. Astragalus for Weak Immune System. Take extract.
5. Buy Echinacea Purpurea tincture and give her 10 drops 3 times in a day to build her immunity.
30 Aug 2016
Continue to June
The mentioned Herbs will fight against Cancer cells and prevent the further growth of Cancer. 1. A shot of fresh Wheat Grass Juice.
2. Take 2.5 kg of carrots. Juice them. Drink a glass of carrot juice in the morning. Refrigerate the remaining juice. Finish the remaining juice throughout the day. Some Cancer patients alleged that by daily drinking carrot juice for eight weeks they were able to stop and reverse the growth of tumor. Daily juicing for four months made the lymph nodes in the lungs normal. By continuing the carrot juice for eight months the cancer was gone and the patient recovered back to normal.
3. 3 Apricot Kernels 3 times in a day.
4. Turmeric with Black Pepper.
5. Fresh Soursoup Juice daily. Take these herbs for 2 months and get her test done
15 Sep 2016
Dear Sir
I am a 39 year old female, masses in both kidneys, 1 is 12cm and the other is 10cm. Right kidney biopsy is positive for cancer. Getting a biopsy on 9/29 on left kidney. Cancer has not spread anywhere else, Petscan and Bone Scan performed. Is it safe for a female to take Tribulus Terrestric? Your advice is greatly appreciated. Thank You.
28 Sep 2016
Dear Nena
Yes, You may take this Herb. Buy capsule and take 1 every day. Take it for at least 1 month. Take the following herbs too.
1. Punarnava ectract. Take 10 drops 3 times in a day. Take it with water.
2. Buy Varuna ( Crataeva Nurvala ) capsule and take 1 every day for 1 month.
3. Take Wheat grass juice or a half tablespoon of powder with water daily.
4. Take Soursop juice daily.
5. Take Turmeric with some black pepper daily.
Take these herbs and write us back after 1 month.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Tasneem ( India Telangana )
16 Sep 2016
Hi.. I am fighting with ovarian cancer since 2005. I was operated then. Since then it's recurring. Now I have completed 42 chemos. Somebody told me to take sheesam leaves juice for complete cure. Is it available with u?? Kindly advice
28 Sep 2016
Dear Tasneem
There is no such evidences so far. I recommend you the given herbs. You can try them for 1 month.
1. Buy Stripped Cucumber seed powder and Drypetes roxburghii seed powder. Mix them well and take 1 teaspoon daily on empty stomach with warm water. These are for your ovaries.
2. Take 1 teaspoon of Wheat grass powder with warm water. Take it in the morning and evening.
3. Eat Soursop fruit daily. It has anti cancer properties and can combat the side effects of Chemo also.
4. Take Turmeric with black pepper. 5. Buy Echinacia tincture and take 10 drops 2 times in a day. Take these herbs for 1 month and let me know the results.
Tunji Olusayo ( Nigeria / Plateau State )
24 Sep 2016
Dear Herbparthy,
My biopsy results for prostate cancer:
Histological sections show malignant epithelial cells disposed in sheets and few acini. These cells exhibit pleomorphism, hyperchromasia and increased neuclocytoplasmic ratio. They are seen within a fibromuscular stromal.

Histopathological Diagnosis

My Doctor suggested immediate castration to be followed later by chemotherapy, etc. He is of opinion that cancerous cells are now in my bones.
Please advise me.
Tunji Olusayo
28 Sep 2016
Dear Tunji
We advise you to please read the Side effects of Chemotherapy on this portal. It is dealt with separately. For cancer we suggest you the regimen.
1. Wheat Grass juice daily or you may take powder also.
2. Eat Soursop fruit daily for 1 month.
3. Take Pomegranate juice daily.
4. Buy Echinacea tincture and take 10 drops 2 times in a day.
5. Take rich source of Vitamin C.
Try this regimen at least for 45 days.
Patience ( NY, NY )
25 Sep 2016
Happy Day,

My mother is over 60 and suffers from Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumour (GIST stage 4) for the past 5 yrs. There has been a decline since 5 months ago. Extreme weight loss, pain, and now edema of legs and feet. We were told the swelling isn't from any fluid in the body, just advancement of the disease. She has been using medicinal marijuana for a few months for nausea and pain. She isn't used to all these chemicals. Therefore she is unable to stick with a chemo regimen. We have a lot of herbs and green powders in the house (cats claw, chaga, wheatgrass, barley, chapparal, yellow dock, tumeric, soursop leaves etc.). We were making chaga tea daily and giving her a liquid tumeric. Everything seems to irritate or upset her stomach. She wasn't able to drink water for months because it would dry her throat badly. She's able to drink small cups now. She's able to go to the bathroom and eat normally. Its just that most food/drink tastes bitter or unpleasant. ItsUnfortunately pain meds and medicinal marijuana are the only things she can handle. Her legs are very heavy from the edema and makes it difficult to walk up steps at times now.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. TY
07 Oct 2016
Dear Patience
We advise her the following.
1. A shot of fresh wheat grass juice daily. Or you may give her 1 teaspoon of Wheat grass powder also.
2. 3 Apricot Kernels 3 times in a day.
3. Give her Turmeric with a pinch of Black Pepper, as it increases bioavailability of Turmeric.
4. Have a cup of Fagonia tea daily.
5. Buy Galium Aaparine tincture form a Homeopathy shop and give her 10 drops 3 times in a day.
6. Have Soursop fruit daily.
Follow the regimen for 1 month and get her test done and write us after 1 month.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Harminder Singh ( NEW DELHI, INDIA )
27 Sep 2016
Dear Sir / Ma'am,

Greetings of the day !

I am suffering from Gastro-intestinal problem since a long long time.

Starting from upper to lower GI - acidity, gas formation in stomach, heartburn, bloating, burning sensation and pain in whole GI tract, constipation, pain and burning in lower waist line and below right ribs to back side and gas formation in lower area and releases painfully.

I am taking too much medicines related to gastric, acidity, IBS-Constipation, IBD-Ulcerative Colitis / Crohn's disease under doctor's supervision but I feel very light improvement.

Few days back, during net search I got your site address related to herbpathy treatment.

Dear Sir / Ma'am, If you have any idea or treatment for such problem, please advice me.

I'll be very very grateful to you.

Thanks and regards

28 Sep 2016
Dear Harminder Singh
We have studied your case in details. Your problem may be related with Insulin. Though you are not diabetic, but we advise you to get your Blood insulin test done. The herbs the we suggest you are as follows.
1. Fenugreek.
2. Gymnema Sylvestre. 3. Cinnamon.
Buy all tinctures and take 10 drops of each 2 times in a day.
Consume these herbs daily for 2 weeks.
Also Take Pippali tincture. Start with 1 drop and daily increase the doses until you reach 14 drops. Then reverse the doses until to reach at one drop.
Write us after 1 month.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Farook ( Tamil Nadu )
02 Oct 2016
Dear sir
. my father is suffering from squamous cell carcinoma in food pipe.so eating is very risky.please suggest me sir please request sir
07 Oct 2016
Dear Farook
We suggest you the following Herbs.
1. Give him 1 teaspoon of Baking Soda for 21 days.
2. 1 teaspoon of wheat Grass powder with warm water.
3. Fresh fruit of Soursop.
4. 3 Apricot Kernels 3 times in a day.
5. Turmeric with Black Pepper.
Give these remedies for 1 month.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Raja ( India )
11 Oct 2016
Dear Dr, 1. is soursop really cure all type of cancer?. Can you experimented it?. 2. What are the difference between cannabis indica Vs cannabis sativa? 3. How long will be soursop take for colon cancer?.

With regards
13 Oct 2016
Dear Raja
Soursop is not a cure. It is only a supplement that can help to reduce the severity of the Cancer. To fight with Cancer, you have to attack the Cancer with full force. For that please do the following.
1. Stop eating White Bread, White Sugar, White Rice and all purpose flour.
2. Avoid Meat
3. Only eat Vegetables.
4. Take a pinch of Baking Soda in a glass of water daily. Take it for 21 days.
5. Bring Your blood sugar down to 80 at fasting.
After doing this you are suggested to take the supplements like...
1. Fresh shot of Wheat Grass juice Or take 1 teaspoon of Wheat Grass powder with warm water.
2. Take Soursop fruit daily.
3. Take 3 Aprikot Kernel 3 times in a day.
4. Take Turmeric with black pepper daily.
As far as the Cannabis Indica and Sativa tinctures are concerned, they have nearly same properties. But if you buy extract, Cannabis Sativa is more effective.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
19 Oct 2016
Dear Raja
My sister was diagnose with stage 4 brain cancer- Can you recommend what she can use.
20 Oct 2016
Dear Sandra
I suggest you a protocol for Cancer.
1. A shot of fresh Wheat Grass Juice.
2. Take 2.5 kg of carrots. Juice them. Drink a glass of carrot juice in the morning. Refrigerate the remaining juice. Finish the remaining juice throughout the day. Some Cancer patients alleged that by daily drinking carrot juice for eight weeks they were able to stop and reverse the growth of tumor. Daily juicing for four months made the lymph nodes in the lungs normal. By continuing the carrot juice for eight months the cancer was gone and the patient recovered back to normal.
3. 3 Apricot Kernels 3 times in a day.
4. Turmeric with Black Pepper.
5. Fresh Soursoup Juice daily. Take these herbs for 2 months and get her test done
Give these remedies for 1 month.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Latishia Edwards ( Ca )
20 Oct 2016
I have had 2 high grade Sarcomas removed from the collarbone area. One surgery in January and another one grew and was removed in July. I have been drinking Soursop tea recently but I need to know what else can I do. Dr.s said do Chemo but the chance of it working is 2% on Sarcomas. I want to do natural and no chemicals. Thank you in advance for your help.
21 Oct 2016
Dear Latishia Edwards
We advise you the protocol for Cancer.
1. One glass of Green juice daily. Take fresh leaves of Carrot, Beetroot and Spinach. Take out fresh juice and have 1 glass daily for 15 days only.
2. Take a half tablespoon of Wheat grass powder daily.
3. Take a half tablespoon of Turmeric and add a pinch of Black pepper powder to it.
4. Have a soursop fruit daily.
Take these remedies for 1 month. Get your test done after 1 month and give your feedback.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Elaine ( USA )
05 Nov 2016
Dear Sir,
I am 41 years old. I have breast cancer metastasis in liver, bones, lungs and pelvic area. I was diagnosed last year but previously had it in 2010. I am currently using graviola, herbal supplements, and I receive hormone therapy. I am inquiring on other alternatives to help eradicate this cancer and be healthy. Thank you for any suggestions.
16 Nov 2016
Dear Elaine
We advice you the following Herbs.
1. Take 1 glass of Green Leaf juice daily. Take Carrot leaves, Spinach, Wheat grass, Celery and Beetroot leaves. Take 1 glass of fresh juice every day.
2. Take 3 Apricot Kernels 3 times in a day.
3. Take 1 Avocado at alternative days.
4. Take Bauhinia capsule daily. Take 1 capsule every day.
5. Take 1 tablespoon of Turmeric with a pinch of Black Pepper daily.
6. Take a pinch of Baking Soda in a glass of water once in a day. Take it for 1 week only. Follow the regimen and study the results.
Wilson ( United Kingdom )
18 Nov 2016
I live in UK.Where can I buy Prostate Cancer Herbs prescribed in this site.
21 Nov 2016
Dear Wilson
You may order these from internet. As we do not deal with sales and purchase of Herbs. You may visit our Buy Herbs and Sell Herbs page, It may help you to get the herbs that you want.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Maha malik ( Pakistan )
26 Nov 2016
My mother is recently diagnosed with liver cancer last stage with tumor in portal vein and main trunk. Doctor suggested nexavar 200mg two times a day. But she has become so weak after taking that medicine. Her skin is dried. Her health is completely deteriorated. Also doctors are not so hopeful. We are so worried. Kindly suggest something as early as possible. Also where can i buy cannabis tincture please?
Maha malik
30 Nov 2016
She has developed ascites now and doctor has stopped her nexavar. Doctors say they can't do anything. Please reply soon.
30 Nov 2016
Dear Maha Malik
We advise her the following.
1. Milk Thistle , one capsule everyday for a month.
2. Kutki powder. Give her half teaspoon of this powder with warm water, every morning after breakfast for a week.
3. Give her GLJ ( Green Leaf J8uice for 15 days ). You may read the Genesis page, given in the Vibrant Health portal of this website and follow the needful. If she experiences any pain, then give her one dose of Arsenic Alb 200, one dose in a week. Give her massive doses of Vitamin C everyday. 300 mg per day.
Consult you doctor , before you try any remedy.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Sanjay ( Karnataka )
01 Dec 2016
namaste ,
I m sanjay. My right side eye is not visible clearly day by day. Means spect number is incresing day by day. So please suggest in this regard. But i dont want to go for operation because of finance problem.

Thank u herbpathy team
02 Dec 2016
Dear Sanjay
I suggest you the following.
Take Goji berry daily.
Take Mukta pishti.
Take 2 glasses of Green leaf juice daily for 15 days. You may add Carrot leaves, Beetroot leaves, Spinach, Celery and 1 Chinese Grapefruit.
02 Dec 2016
Thanks rajiv do v get in ayurveda shops ?or u suggest please
Anup ( India/ Gujarat )
09 Dec 2016
Dear Herbpathy,
My wife is facing condosarcoma tumour since ten years. It is grade 2. Toumer is between D5 to D7. She has been operated for four time. She has taken various type of ayurvedic medicene as wel but invain. Due to compression in some of the veins she is unable to walk. Please let me know any medicine which stop the growth of Toumer.
15 Dec 2016
Dear Anup
Have you tried GLJ ( Green Leaf Juice ). You may add Beetroot leaves, Spinach, Celery, Carrot leaves and 2 shots of Wheat Grass juice. For better taste you may also add 1 Chinese Grape fruit. Have 1 glass of GLJ 3 times in a day. Continue it for 15 days only.
Sneha Gupta ( India )
13 Dec 2016
Dear Herbpathy
My father is suffering from 3rd stage pancreatic cancer. The doctors say that chemos also wont work. They cant take guarantee. And now he is very weak as diagnosed from gall bladder blockage. The Whipple procedure has been done. But they didn't removed the tumor. What are the other treatments through which we can cure the cancer at this stage.?
15 Dec 2016
Dear Sneha
Since we can not physically diagnosed your father, so we advise you to consult your doctor.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
16 Dec 2016
Dear Sneha Gupta
Our suggestion is as follows.
1. Go to Vibrant Health and read Genesis there. Have 1 glass of GLJ ( Green Leaf Juice ) 3 times in a day. Add the vegetables that we have suggested in Genesis. take this juice for 15 days only.
2. Take 2 shots of Wheat Grass juice daily.
3. Take 1 tablespoon of Turmeric with a pinch of Black Pepper.
4. Have 3 Apricot Kernels 3 times in a day.
5. Have massive dosages of Vitamin C every day.
Have these remedies for 1 month and get your test done.
Avoid White bread, White Sugar, White Rice and all purpose flour.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Virendar Kumar ( India )
22 Dec 2016
Its so wonderful feeling to read your blog with lot of questions from sufferers and equally well replied with detailed therapy,its one of the first of its kind and is appriciable.May i ask,can you suggest me some effective treatment of artheriosclerosis of lower limbs(hardening/plaquing of arteries).My second problem is anxiety and panic attacks.I have got tested and went for Blood lipid,LFT,KFT,Chest Xray,ECG,Cretinine,BUN ,Ultrasound colour doppler test.,BP,Blood Sugar.All tests are normal except color dopper(Hardening or plaquing of arteries of lower limbs and my severe problem and anxiety/panic attacks.Can you suggest me for both of problems.By the way,I am doing my 100% best since last one year,(totally left smoking)almost on raw food(fresh vegetables and fruits 80/85% and rest Hemp seed,flaxseeds,almonds,cashew,pumpkin seeds and boiled vegetables.
23 Dec 2016
Dear Virendar Kumar
Please follow the given regimen.
We suggest you to stop eating Hemp seed, Flaxseed, Almonds, Raw cashew and Pumpkin seeds.
Keep taking Raw vegetables and boiled vegetables.
Take 1 glass of Green Leaf Juice 3 times in a day. Take it for 15 days only. We suggest you to Visit our Vibrant Health Page and read Genesis there.
For Atherosclerosis:
Take Garlic only. Take 3 to 4 fresh Garlic cloves and mash them with your hand or some wooden tool. Make sure the cloves don't come in contact with metal. Leave the mashed cloves for 15 min. Then have it with a glass of water. Take it for 15 days only.
For Anxiety: We would like to tell you that always take roasted Cashews, as raw Cashews may cause Anxiety. Take 1 capsule of Mucuna Pruriens for 1 month. You may get this online.
Write us back after a month. For any more queries Herbpathy is always there to help you.
Thank You
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Veeru ( Telangana )
22 Dec 2016
My mother is suffering from cervical cancer from last 4 years. Recently that was spread to lungs. Doctors declared that that was 4th stage of cancer and started chemotherapy. Already 3 cycles done. Every cycle consists 21 days of duration. So please suggest herbs. Anything happen if we use herbs along with chemotherapy? Please clarify me sir.
Thank you sir.
23 Dec 2016
Dear Veeru
Give her the following Herbs.
1. Buy Pulmonaria Officinalis mother tincture from a Homeopathy Shop and give her 10 drops 3 times in a day. Take it for 1 month.
2. Take 1 glass of Green leaf juice 3 times in a day. Add Celery, Beetroot leaves, Carrot leaves, Spinach and fresh shots of Wheat Grass juice. You may also add 1 Chinese Grape fruit for better taste. Take this juice for 15 days only.
3. Take 3 Apricot Kernels 3 times in a day.
4. Have 1 tablespoon of Turmeric with a pinch of Black Pepper every day for 1 month.
5. Take Soursop juice every day.
Take these herbs on regular basis and no compromise for health. Ask her to stay positive. Get her test done after a month and let us know the results.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Sanjay kumar ( INDIA )
23 Dec 2016
Dear friend ,
I have soursop juice and leaves . so those who need it please contact to following number. 919448836420
29 Jan 2017
Please let me know the location and cost
Deepu ( Hyderabad )
30 Jan 2017
Dear Herbpathy team,

My father was diagnosed with cancer of the epiglottis in 2014. He was given concurrent RT and chemotherapy in 2014. The disease recurred in 2015 and 2016. He was operated and the nodes removed in 2015 and in 2016 he was again given RT and chemotherapy. Now again, we can notice a few lumps in the sub mandibular region on the right side of the neck. The doctors have advised to go for Chemotherapy and have ruled out surgery and radiation.

Could you please suggest any herbs.
30 Jan 2017
Dear Deepu
We are suggesting you the protocol for Cancer. Please follow the regimen on a strict note and get your fathers test done after 2 months.
1. Take 1 tablespoon of Turmeric powder with a pinch of black pepper in it.
2. Have 2 fresh shots of Wheat grass juice daily.
3. Take 3 apricot kernels 3 times in a day.
4. Buy Galium Aparine tincture from a Homeopathy shop and take 10 drops 3 times in a day.
5. Have soursop fruit daily.
6. Have a glass of Carrot and Beetroot juice daily.
Also ask him to be positive and go for regular exercise and do some yoga asans daily.
Let us know the results after 2 months.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
02 Feb 2017
Hi, Can this protocol be followed along with Chemotherapy? Please advise. Thanks. Regards, Deepu.
GIRISH NAIR ( Karanataka )
30 Jan 2017
My Father has been diagnoised as High Grade NHL Stage 2, Bone Marrow test did not have anything noticed by Doctor.
He has Started his First Chemotherapy on 13 Jan.

He faced below Side Effects:
1. Urinary Infection - where frequent Urine in the night
2. Throat pain - not able to swallow anything
3. Fever
4. Mouth sore and pain
5. Constipation.

From the day of Chemo he started with below things
1. Distilled Cow Uriine in Empty Stomach daily
2. Wheat Grass Juice Daily

Please suggest any help in reducing side affects.

Kindly help me which treatment will help.


01 Feb 2017
Any help will be good as he is having lots of side effects after chemo.
02 Feb 2017
Dear Girish Nair
Your query needs an expert advise. We have forwarded it to our expert and he will get back to you in a day or two.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
03 Feb 2017
Dear Girish
Take 1 glass of Green leaf juice 2 times in a day. Take it for 15 days only.
Buy Cordiceps and take 1 capsule every day for 1 month.
Buy Echinacea and Goldenseal capsules and take 1 every day.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
03 Feb 2017
Thanks, please update me once you get update from expert. Green leaf juice , which leaf to be used,
Manisha Mehra ( India/MP )
10 Feb 2017
My father has advanced stage liver cancer with liver cirrosis and hepatitis B. He went through radiation therapy and oral chemo drugs at the beginning but after that no allopathy treatment was given. We have been giving him tibbetan herbal medicines along with bijora juice, carrot, beet juice, citrus fruits, soursop tea, dandelion capsules, milk thistle capsules, wheatgrass powder etc. For last 2 years his condition was stable means no further growth to his tumors but no reduction as well. However he felt good and was able to do his daily routine activities.
But since last 1-2 months, he started feeling week, his appetite reduced and now his report shows huge growth in the tumor. He is constantly having severe constipation, nausea, and inflamation in stomach and chest. He has severe back pain and and stomach pain. He doesnt eat anything now. He does not even feel like drinking water because his stomach is swollen and tight as rock all the time. Please suggest what we can do to get him back to good health.
15 Feb 2017
Please reply soon. He is getting very weak
15 Feb 2017
Dear Manisha
Keep taking the rest of the herbs.
Also take the following.
1. Buy 1 dose of Nux Vomica200 form a Homeopathy Shop and take one dose only.
2. Have 1 tablespoon of Turmeric powder with a pinch of Black pepper. have it every day for 1 month.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Madura ( Karnataka )
14 Feb 2017

My brother s diagnosed with tongue cancer .. He had malignant nodes in neck, now he had chemotherapy and had hemiglossectomy and now starting with radiation therapy... Can he drink Soursop along with radiation therapy..how to take Soursop. Fruit.. can he have fresh juice and he s taking carrot juice..please suggest
15 Feb 2017
Dear Madura
Please follow the protocol for Cancer.
The mentioned Herbs will fight against Cancer cells and prevent the further growth of Cancer. 1. A shot of fresh Wheat Grass Juice.
2. Drink a glass of carrot juice in the morning. Daily juicing for four months made the lymph nodes in the lungs normal. By continuing the carrot juice for eight months the cancer was gone and the patient recovered back to normal.
3. 3 Apricot Kernels 3 times in a day.
4. Turmeric with Black Pepper.
5. Fresh Soursoup Juice daily. Take these herbs for 2 months and get her test done.
6. Buy Withania Somnifera tincture from a Homeopathy shop and take 5 drops in water 2 times in a day.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
15 Feb 2017
Continue to Madura
Take the suggested remedies and write us back after 45 days. Keep your spirit and immunity high. Go for regular exercise.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
24 Feb 2017
How to take turmeric with black pepper
18 Feb 2017
My wife 32 years is diagnosed with Gall bladder cancer stage IIIB. Doctors planned for CCRT starting in 03 days. Pls suggest herbs to cure it.
20 Feb 2017
Dear Rakesh Kumar
I would suggest, you better consult your doctor and go for a planned surgery. Ask him that if her Gallbladder gets removed, would the problem be solved. If yes then get her operated. But if the surgery is not the solution, then you must give her the following protocol for Cancer. The mention herbs are beneficial to prevent the abnormal growth of Cancer.
1. Have 1 fresh glass of Carrot juice 2 times in a day.
2. Have a fresh shot of Wheat grass juice 2 times in a day.
3. Have 1 tablespoon of Turmeric with a pinch of Black Pepper. Or have prepare lehyam of Turmeric.
4. Have 3 bitter Almonds 3 times in a day.
5. Have 10 drops of Boerhavia Diffusa ( Punarnava ) water extract 3 times in a day.
20 Feb 2017
Continue to Rakesh Kumar
6. Have Soursop fruit every day.
7. Buy Crataeva Nurvala mother tincture from a Homeopathy shop and take 10 drops 3 times in a day.
Take these herbs at least for 2 months. Keep a regular check on her blood sugar and blood pressure. Take her for some yoga classes every day. It is very important for her.
Grace ( Nigeria )
20 Feb 2017
A friend has breast cancer and doesn't want to undergo the chemotherapy and all but wants to fight it naturally and fast. What can she do and can it be cured totally? My friend is a Nigerian thanks.
20 Feb 2017
Dear Grace
If the Cancer stage is early then, take try the following herbs which help to control the abnormal growth of cells.
1. Have 2 cups of Fagonia tea every day.
2. Have massive doses of Vitamin C.
3. Have a glass of wheat grass juice every day. It is very bitter in taste so you can add 2 carrots in it. Carrots also have anticancer properties.
4. Have Curcuma Longa every day or You may have Turmeric powder with some black pepper. It is important to add black pepper to it, as it increases the bioavailability.
5. Have Sousrsop daily.
6. Have 1 teaspoon of Baking soda in a glass of water, it helps in detoxifying the body.
Take these herbs on a serious note and get your test done after 2 months.
Raj ( Telangana )
23 Feb 2017

This is Raj from Hyderabad aged 33 years. I am suffering with bone cancer (Ewing sarcoma). I have completed 11 chemotherapies and radiation,still treatment failed.Disease progressed to other parts. Indirectly Dr confirmed no cure for it. Suffering with severe back pain and headache where disease spread.can you please advise some therapy .

27 Feb 2017
Dear Raj
Herbs to combat the side effects of Chemotherapy are given below.
1. Ginger for Digestive Disorders : Drink Ginger tea or chew a few slices of Ginger in the Morning. It will also help in Nausea.
2. Beetroot for Anemia: Add Beetroot to your Salad. Or take fresh Beetroot juice.
3. Passion Flower for Anxiety: Drink the decoction made of Passion Flower Leaves.
4. Astragalus for Weak Immune System. Take extract.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
27 Feb 2017
Continue to Raj
1. Take 2.5 kg of carrots. Juice them. Drink a glass of carrot juice in the morning. Refrigerate the remaining juice. Finish the remaining juice throughout the day. By continuing the carrot juice for eight months the cancer was gone and the patient recovered back to normal.
2. 4 Apricot Kernels 2 times in a day.
3. Have 1 tablespoon of Turmeric with Black Pepper.
4. Go for regular exercise and also join some yoga classes.
Have this course for 1 month and get your test done.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Jasvinder kaur ( India )
26 Feb 2017
My dad is suffering from metastasis. There is multiple bony metastasis found as mentioned in the report. Could you please suggest herb treatment for it,which could be very effective ?
27 Feb 2017
Dear Jasvinder Kaur
You may try the protocol for Cancer. Try the given herbs, which prevent the abnormal growth of Cancer.
1. Take 2 to 3 Garlic Cloves and mash them and leave it for 15 min. Have it with a glass of water.
2. Have half a tablespoon of Wheat Grass powder every day.
3. Carrot juice is very effective for Cancer. Take fresh carrot juice every day in the morning and evening.
4. Have 1 tablespoon of Turmeric with a pinch of Black Pepper.
Have these herbs on regular basis for 1 month.
5. Have a combo of Echinacea and Goldenseal. Have 1 capsule every day.
Keep your spirit high and go for exercise daily. Remember stress always increases the problem, but positivity makes the impossible things possible.
M Mishra ( India )
26 Feb 2017
My mother age 60 diagnosed CA ovary since October 2025. Reoccurrence continues. Chemo has no effect and now detected intestinal blockage with severe vomiting. No oral feeding for last 15 days due to blockage. Doctor says nothing can be done. Abdomen is getting filled with fluid.

Please suggest some medicine urgently. I would like to try as last option.
Someone says gallium aparine. Please suggest me the dose and other medicine.

27 Feb 2017
Dear M Mishra
Try the follwoing Herbs.
Take 5 to 10 dried Cranberries every day.
Have 10 drops of Gallium Aparine tincture in a glass of water.
Have fresh wheat grass juice every day for 1 month.
Have Turmeric Lehyam every day with a pinch of black pepper.
Have Oregano tea every day.
These herbs are good to control the cancer growth of cells.
M Mishra
27 Feb 2017
Thanks for the response. Gallium aparine can be given as drops. As no oral feeding even water so could you please suggest any other homeopathy medicine as drops for the intestinal blockage.
01 Mar 2017
Dear M mishra
I could not get you. If she can not take any oral feeding, how will you give her rest of the medicines? Please let me know some more details.
M Mishra
02 Mar 2017
Due to blockage and severe vomiting no oral feeding. She is on parental nutrition in central vain. There is no surgery option left for removing blockage due to her condition. Also O2 level is very low and constant oxygen supply required. BP is falling. In order to improve the condition she needs homeopathy medicine in form of drop.
26 Feb 2017
My mom is suffering from asbestos so she now have very sharp pains her chest, she can't walk or do anything on her own and she also suffer From highblod and she lost to much Wight please help if maybe there is something we can buy for her that can reallyhelp..please
27 Feb 2017
Dear Lelo
Buy 1 dose of Silicea 200 from a Homeopathy shop and have it once only.
Try the following Herbs too.
Have fresh wheat grass juice every day for 1 month.
Have Turmeric Lehyam every day with a pinch of black pepper.
Have Oregano tea every day.
These herbs are good to control the cancer growth of cells.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Kulbir singh ( India punjab )
28 Feb 2017
My husband has sarcamotoid carcinoma of urinary bladder he has had a surgery when they opened and took out part of tumour as it was in diverticulum ... On biopsy this histopathology was confirmed...He has had 4 cycles of chemotherapy..Now he has to undergo surgery to remove the bladder and lymphnodes ....He is having cucurmin haldi extract ..1000mg ..He is having badam ..Akhrot ..Carrot juice ..Brochali ..Tebatian medicine..Homeopathic medicine ..Thuja carcinocin..Anilinum 200 equisetum 200.
What else can he have to ensure no growth ...
With all this he had adrenal insufficiency..So having hydrocortisone tablet
Then he had thrombosis DVT then having injections LMWH 60 mg BD

02 Mar 2017
Dear Kulbir Singh
I suggest you to stop taking all Homeopathy Medicines.
Take 1 teaspoon of Ashwagandha powder every day for 1 month.
Venkat ( India / Telangana )
06 Mar 2017
Dear Sir,

My Uncle is suffering from Esophageal Cancer. In Nov - Dev 2016, he was treated with Radiation and Chemotherapy. Due to the chemotherapy he grew very very weak. Since the past month, he was able to gain again weight of about 6kgs. He is now aged 65. Its been close to 2.5months the treatment is stopped and we are awaiting for the latest Biopsy results. Meantime, Doctors are suggesting for a surgery.

Could you please let us know the food or any medicines that could be an alternative to Surgery / Chemotherapy.

Thank you,
06 Mar 2017
Dear Venkat
You may give a try to the following Herbs.
1. Ginger for Digestive Disorders : Drink Ginger tea or chew a few slices of Ginger in the Morning. It will also help in Nausea.
2. Beetroot for Anemia: Add Beetroot to your Salad. Or take fresh Beetroot juice.
3. Passion Flower for Anxiety: Drink the decoction made of Passion Flower Leaves.
4. Astragalus for Weak Immune System. Take extract.
06 Mar 2017
Continue to Venkat
1. A shot of fresh Wheat Grass Juice.
2. Take 2.5 kg of carrots. Juice them. Drink a glass of carrot juice in the morning. Refrigerate the remaining juice. Finish the remaining juice throughout the day. Some Cancer patients alleged that by daily drinking carrot juice for eight weeks they were able to stop and reverse the growth of tumor. Daily juicing for four months made the lymph nodes in the lungs normal. By continuing the carrot juice for eight months the cancer was gone and the patient recovered back to normal.
3. Turmeric with Black Pepper.
4. Fresh Soursoup Juice daily.
07 Mar 2017
Thank you Fatimah. I shall follow as suggested. Hope this helps. Good day!!
Himanshu jaiswal
14 Mar 2017
My 6 year old son is a patient of early relapse of ALL (blood cancer) after completing chemotherapy in dec2016 . please advice me what to do
14 Mar 2017
Dear Himanshu Jaiswal
Give him 1 teaspoon of Ashwagandha powder with a glass of warm water.
Give him 1 glass of Carrot juice 2 times in a day.
Try these herbs for 1 month.
14 Mar 2017
can we use foster clarks baking soda for cancer treatment?
14 Mar 2017
Dear Sarah
Yes, you may consume 1 teaspoon of Baking soda 2 times in a day.
You can also try the following Protocol for Cancer.
1. Have 1 glass of Carrot juice 2 to 3 times in a day. Had 1 fresh shot of wheat grass juice. Or you can also have half a tablespoon of Wheat grass powder 2 times in a day.
2. Have 1 tablespoon of Turmeric Lehyam with a pinch of Black pepper in it.
3. Have fresh Soursoup Juice daily.
4. Take massive dosages of Vitamin C.
Go for exercise daily and keep your spirit high.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
15 Mar 2017
Thank you so much for the valuable advice.
Sharon The Caribbean
21 Mar 2017
My name is Sharon from the Caribbean. We have Carrots all year round. Some months more than others. With Carrots used in large quantities used daily completely heal Cancers in any part of the body? What about the sugar content in Carrots. It is said Cancer strive on sugar. Can baking Soda be taken everyday that you won't have to do Chemo or Radiation
Vinayak shinde ( India )
19 Mar 2017
My mother is suffering from GBM IV brain cancer. Doctor already removed completely tumor in December 2016.PET scan reports are normal. Now her chemotherapy 45 cycles and radiation 33 cycles are completed. During radiation and chemotherapy she had headhche, vomitting nausea. But she is fine now.But doctor said that their are chances of recurring of tumor. Please suggest any remedy. Is Soursop really helpful for this.Also please suggest diet for her.
21 Mar 2017
Dear Vinayak Shinde
Please let us know that did she ever take carbonated drinks? If yes, then how much?
For Cancer, you may try the following Protocol.
1. Take 55 % of Beetroots, 20% of Celery, 20% of Carrots, 3% of Potatoes and 2% of Radish. Blend all and have a glass of juice 3 times in a day. You may a pinch of sea salt.
2. Have half a tablespoon of Wheat Grass powder every day.
3. Have 1 tablespoon of Turmeric with a pinch of Black Pepper.
To fight the side effects of Chemo try the following herbs.
1. Ginger for Digestive Disorders : Drink Ginger tea or chew a few slices of Ginger in the Morning. It will also help in Nausea.
2. Passion Flower for Anxiety: Drink the decoction made of Passion Flower Leaves.
Have these remedies for
21 Mar 2017
Dear Vinayak Shinde
Also give her Heera Bhasam, get it from a Ayurveda store.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
20 Mar 2018
can you please send me your number for the review
Bhuwan ( India/ Delhi )
20 Mar 2017
Please tell me what to consume in order to cure Multiple Myeloma. My mother is 69 years old and have gone through chemo once. She is currently consuming lenalidomide 10 mg tablet for 21 days and then 10 days gap.
I am giving her wheat grass juice daily. Please suggest how much apricot seeds she can consume daily and what other helpful options for her to fight Multiple Myeloma. She is currently having no M spike but, high kappa value that is 88.
23 Mar 2017
Please provide the information I am looking for. What would be helpful for multiple myeloma patient to treat it. I bought apricot seeds. But, before giving her want to confirm the correct quantity she can consume. Already giving wheat grass juice in morning.
23 Mar 2017
Dear Bhuwan
Continue the course of Wheat Grass juice every day for 1 month.
Give her 25 Apricot kernels, 5 Kernels 5 times in a day.
Give Her 10 gm of Heerak Bhasma ( Diamond Ash ) once in a day or 2 weeks.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
25 Mar 2017
Thanks for Your reply !! Please suggest if consumption of 25 apricot kernels daily is safe for her as I have heard that taking them in more then some particular amount can be harmful and it can be poisonous.
28 Mar 2017
Dear Bhuwan
If you take 25 kernels at different times, then it will not harm you. But if you take 25 at one time, it may cause some bad effects.
S.R.Lakshmi ( A.P )
25 Mar 2017
I have completed my breast cancer treatment. Breast conservation surgery, chemos and radiation also complete by 6th Jan 2017. My stage is 3c. Hormonal therapy is for 10 years. Please suggest what herbs can be use now for not coming back.
28 Mar 2017
Dear S. R.Lakshmi
Try the following Herbs.
1. Have 1 teaspoon of Ashwagandha powder once in a day. take it for 15 days.
2. Have Damiana capsule every day for 15 days.
3. Have a fresh shot of Wheat Grass juice daily. Take it for 1 month.
4. Have a cup of Fagonia Cretica tea every day. Take it for 1 month.
5. Have a cup of Chaste Berry tea daily for 20 days.
6. Give her Echinacea and golden seal tablets, 1 every day to increase her immunity.
Get her test done after 1 month.
Budi sri satya kapardi ( INDIA )
26 Mar 2017
hello sir i am satya my age is 15 years i am an ayurvedic practiosner (brahmin) i am learning about plants and treating all dieseases using them already i gathered a lot of information from your site and many other sites.
i really appreciate for the amazing work you guys are doing please help me to find (gather ) more info about plants
kindly tell me some more sites or books or any other source of knowledge in ayurveda
28 Mar 2017
Dear Budi Sri
Thank you for your appreciation. Our website is a work of multiple researches, however for your understanding you may refer to the mentioned book.
Name of Book is : Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica.
Complied and Translated by
Dan Bensky, Steven Clavey and Erich Stoger.
For any other information regarding a disease or a herb, please feel free to post a query on Herbpathy.com.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
08 Apr 2017
My name is David Moore. I was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer in 20014, at 39. I had surgery, but refused chemo didn't work. Instead I used Cannabis Oil as natural oil to heal myself. By the grace of God, I’m alive and kicking, and cancer-free. You can easily purchase cbd oil via (cannabisoilworldwide@gmail.com) or text cbd oil to 13252166346. At first I will tell you its fiction but the result is 100%. I'm a living testimony.
24 Apr 2017
Dear David
I suggest you to try the following Herbs. 1. Fresh shot of Wheat Grass juice every day.
2. Have massive doses of Vitamin C.
3. Have a glass of Coconut water every day.
4. Have 1 tablespoon of Turmeric with a pinch of Black pepper.
5. Have 1 capsule of Echinacea and Golden Seal every day.
Have these herbs for 1 month and get his test done.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Telkapalli murali krishna ( India / Andhra Pradesh )
10 Apr 2017
My father-in-law is suffering from Kidney cancer ( RCC) and right kidney was removed 3 months before. Doctors said that it is in 4th stage. Chemo tablets started two months before. Please suggest medicine as well as where can we get these medicines?
25 Apr 2017
Dear Telkapalli
Sorry to hear about her condition. You may try the following regimen. 1. Buy Land Caltrops capsule and take every day for 1 month.
2. Buy Punarnava extract ( Boerhavia Diffusa ) and take 10 drops 2 times in a day. It is also available in powdered form. Take 1 tablespoon of powder with a glass of water.
3. Have 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder and fry it in 1 tablespoon of clarified butter ( dessi ghee ). Have 1 tablespoon of this lehyam every day.
4. Have a fresh shot of Wheat Grass juice daily.
5. Buy Varuna ( Crateava Nurvala ) capsule and take 1 every day. We also suggest you to please go for regular exercise and detoxify your body.
6. Have a cup of Ginger tea every day. Keep your immunity and spirit high.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Durgesh Khemchandani ( India/mp )
11 Apr 2017
My wife aged 44yrs is suffering from ovarian cancer, chemotherapy and surgery done recurred 3 rd time, development ascites and mild pain abdomen, taking cow urine therapy and himachal pradesh therapy along with chemo tablets. Please suggest what to do
25 Apr 2017
Dear Durgesh Khemchandani
Try the following Regimen.
1. Have a cup of Ginger tea every day. 2. Add a few drops Cannabis oil ( Hemp oil ) to you salad and have it daily. Take Carrots, Beetroot, Celery and Spinach in your salad. Also take a fresh glass of juice of these vegetables 2 times in a day.
3. Buy Caulophyllum tincture from a Homeopathy shop and have 10 drops in a glass of water 2 times in a day.
4. Buy Angelica Sinesis tincture and have 10 drops in a glass of water 2 times in a day.
5. Have a fresh shot of wheat grass juice every day.
Repeat the doses for 1 month. Share your feedback after 40 days.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Manoj Kumar ( India /Uttarpradesh )
11 Apr 2017
Dear Sir, my brother aged 62 Diagnosed Limphoma as per Pet Scan, he is avoiding biopsy Test. now he is treating by Tibbat Herbal Clinic ( Dharmshala) . Now He Is feeling uncontrolled Pain In Right arm,Please Suuggest us Any Medicine Or reamedy to Control the pain.
Please Advice us for Biopsy Is Right Or Wrong for patient
25 Apr 2017
Dear Manoj Kumar
Please let us know that what kind of treatment he has went trough? Is it chemotherapy? If yes then how many sessions he has been taken? Please let us know more symptoms also.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Emily Lee ( Malaysia )
17 Apr 2017
I was diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer triple positive mid August 2016, undergone 6 cycles of chemotherapy, did mastectomy of left breast, did 25 times of radiation.
I want to know what herbs are suitable for me to keep the cancer cells from being active in my body.
Your recommendation is very much appreciated.
Thank you.

25 Apr 2017
Dear Emily Lee
Here is a list of Herbs that help to prevent the growth of Cancer cells.
1. Have a cup of Fagonia cretica tea every day for 1 month. Take it 2 times in a day.
2. Have a cup of fresh wheat grass juice.
3. Take 1 carrot, 1 beetroot, some celery and spinach. Blend all and have 1 glass of fresh juice 3 times in a day.
4. Add 1 teaspoon of Cannabis ( Hemp ) oil to your salad and have it every day. Have carrots, Celery, beetroots, cucumber in your salads.
5. Have a cup of Ginger decoction every day. Keep your immunity and spirit high. Go for exercise daily.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Emily Lee
27 Jul 2017
Tqvm for your reply. I would also like to know what types of food to avoid besides taking the herbs recommended by you and am I suppose to take all recommended on a daily basis. Since No 3 & 4 have the same ingredients, can I just add the oil to the juice. For the juice if 3 times a day, means 3 carrots, e beetroots plus celery & spinach. Also what is fagonia cretica tea & where can I get it. Thank you in advance Emily Lee
Youva ( Malaysia )
19 Apr 2017
What to consume to prevent cancer in the body? Thank you.
25 Apr 2017
Dear Youva
To prevent cancer have carrot and beetroot juice daily.
Avoid things that causes cancer like white bread, white sugar, white rice and all purpose flour.
Have green salads and vegetables daily.
Have a glass of Wheat grass juice every day.
Add turmeric and a pinch of black pepper to your daily diet.
For more details you may scroll up and read Materia medica.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Sunil ( India )
19 Apr 2017
sir my name is sunil from AP my mother is suffering from ovarian cancer since FEB 2016 and she has 11cm maas and abdomen is getting filled with fluid already that fluid was removed 5 times after 10 to 15 days again it will filled pls give me reply as well as psble
25 Apr 2017
Dear Sunil
Please follow the regimen as suggested to " Durgesh Kemchandani ".
Also have Tulsi tea every day or eat 4 to 5 fresh Tulsi ( Basil ) leaves after every major meal.
Have 1 tablet of Varuna every day for 1 month.
Have half a tablespoon of Punarnava powder once in a day take it for 15 days only.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Precious ( Nigeria/Lagos )
20 Apr 2017
Good day sir, I must say its a wonderful work you are doing, please a frend of mine 26 years old has discovered a lump in her right breast and has been confirmed by a doctor but she does not want to undergo surgery, please can you recommend some herbs that can dissolve the lump for her.
25 Apr 2017
Dear Precious
Please let us know that does the Lump causes pain or creating any problem to your friend.
We suggest you not to touch the lump if has no pains and causing any other problem. Try to make it hard so that the toxins inside the lump wont come out and spread to the other body organs.
Please let us know the following questions about your friend.
1. Was she born Fat, Fair and flabby?
2. Does she like Milk, sugar or Eggs?
3. Did she ever lick walls or had eaten chalks?
The medicine will be recommended according to the answers.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
26 Apr 2017
Dear Herbpathy,
Thank you very much for your response.I will provide the answers to the questions below: The lump does not cause any pains or discomfort, also to the questions you asked:
1. She was not born fat, fair or flaby
2.She eats milk, sugar and eggs but not every time
3.Yes she did eat chalk and also ate clay(moulded fine clay sand mixed with salt and dried mostly in smoke). Once again I really appreciate your help and response, looking toward to your further response.
03 May 2017
Dear Preciuos
We suggest you the following.
Give her one single dose of Calcaria Carb 200. Get it from a Homeopathy shop and do not repeat the dose.
Rest follow the protocol.
1. Give her one dose of Fagonia tea every day.
2. Have a cup of Ginger and Garlic tea every day.
3. Have a cup of Bauhinia tea every day.
4. Buy a bottle of Maha Yograj Guggul and have 2 tablets every day.
5. Have a fresh shot of Wheat Grass juice every day.
6. Have 1 tablespoon of Turmeric with a pinch of Black Pepper.
Take these herbs for 1 month and see the results.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
03 May 2017
Continue to Precious
Also buy Hemp oil ( Cannabis oil ), add 1 to 2 teaspoon in her daily salad. Add Carrots, Beetroot, Spinach, Celery and some common salt. You can also saute the vegetables in some Hemp oil and give it to her.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Sachin ( India/MP )
24 Apr 2017
Which PH should be considered for testing alkanity , Urine PH or Blood PH ? What is the criiteria for PH?
26 Apr 2017
Dear Sachin
Please visit a doctor and consult any lab for this test. We can guide you to maintain the alkalinity of your body. For that you need to detoxify your body on regular basis.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Sachin ( India/mp )
24 Apr 2017
Can a patient suffering from prostate cancer consume 25 BITTER apricot kernels per day ?? Bitter kernels have more amygdalin than sweet kernels as per my information, so 25 BITTER kernels a day will not be dangerous ??
25 Apr 2017
Dear Sachin
Yes, if you take 5 kernels at 5 different times in a day, it will not harm you.
Bhuwan ( Delhi )
27 Apr 2017

Please confirm if apricot kernels are still effective if soaked overnight in water and consumed afterwards by peeling off their skin.

29 Apr 2017
Sir, please confirm as my mother is taking apricot seeds after soaking them in water and peeling off the skins. Is it ok to take them this way?
03 May 2017
Dear Bhuwan
Yes, she can consume in this way. But make sure that she don't take all the kernels at one time. Take them in intervals.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Yvonne ( Ghana )
29 Apr 2017
What herbs and foods would be used in shrinking fibroids completely.
02 May 2017
Dear Yvonne
Here is the a list of herbs that help to prevent the growth of fibroids.
1. Ginger : Have a cup of Ginger tea to avoid the growth of Fibroids in the body.
2. Garlic : Garlic contains Vitamin C and is an antioxidant. It helps to prevent the formation of Fibroids in the body. Have 3 to 4 fresh garlic pods and mash them. Have it with a glass of water 3. Have 1 tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar with a glass of water 3 times in a day.
4. Have 1 tablespoon of Turmeric powder with a pinch of black pepper every day.
5. Have a glass of fresh lemon water every day to detoxify your body.
There are many more.
Thuja 10 M is a Homeopathy to shrink the Fibroids. just take one single dose, do not repeat the dose and wait for 2 weeks. See the results.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Srinivas ( Telangana )
02 May 2017
Dear sir,
my mother is diagnosed with adenocarcinoma of lung 4 stage at last nov 2016. doctors have advised E
GFR TEST and test have been postive , so they just precribed oral cancer drug daily once, since then the disease is stable . it didnt metatised to other parts. she just complains of pain in the affected side i.e right side of lung and for that she is taking pain killers. can you plz suggest any herbs to improve and may be stop that disease.
09 May 2017
Dear Srinivas
Try the following.
Give her 1 glass of Carrot, Beetroot, Parsley, Thyme, Mint and Lemon juice every day. Give her 3 glasses in a day.
Give her some Turmeric powder with some black Pepper every day.
Give her 2 cups of Fagonia Cretica tea every day.
Add Beetroots, Carrots and parsley in her daily diet.
Give her 1 capsule of Echinacea and Spirulina every day.
Try these remedies for 1 month and study the results.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Animal volunteer ( India/Mumbai )
05 May 2017
Dear Sir
I am active volunteer fo animal welfare. Recently a stray dog was diagnosed with squalous cell carcinoma stage 2 and had a tumor behind the hind thigh. The tumor was surgically removed. I am giving boiling half teaspoon of fresh grated turmeric root in 50ml milk and giving twice a day to Dog. I have also prepared a concoction of tulsi leaves by crushing 50-60 leaves of fresh tulsi leaves and then adding about one glass of water nad bringing it to a boil twice. I am giving about 50ml of this twic a day to the dog. Could you please advise any other remedy. Can i give turmeric and tulsi tablet instead as it is difficult to give liquid to the dog
08 May 2017
Dear Animal Voulnteer
We appreciate your concern and we suggest you to please consult a Veterinary doctor. Go as per his advise.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Esha ( India )
06 May 2017
My dad is 55,he is suffering from liver cancer. The doctor said,it hasn't affected any of his other organs but he is on the third stage.They have done Transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) for liver .my dad lost 9 kg weight in one month so we want to start any herbal medication.please advice.
09 May 2017
Dear Esha
Give the following herbs to your Dad.
1. Buy Kutki capsule and give him 1 every day. In English it is known as Picrorhiza Kurroa.
2. 3 tablespoon of Wheatgrass juice every day 2 times in a day.
3. 3 glasses of Carrots and Beetroot juice every day.
4. 1 tablespoon of Turmeric with some black pepper.
5. 1 capsule of Echinacea every day.
6. Have a cup of Ginger, Tulsi and Mint tea every day.
Take these herbs for 1 month.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Vicky ( India )
10 May 2017
sir my name is Vicky.. I'm suffering from grade1Varicocele in Scortum testis ....doc saying it is not curable and u have to go for surgery.....but I fear of surgery and Ian his 23yrs old.... I don't go for surgery....iam taking Ayurveda medicine but it is not curable... it make discomfort with pain..... so give me herb medicine advice... so I can get cured of it..
16 May 2017
Dear Vicky
Have you tried Commiphora Mukul. Have 1 tablet every day for 15 days and study the results. If you find positive results, continue the consumption for more 15 days. take it for 1 month.
Rajendra Singh ( India/Bhopal )
14 May 2017
I am impressed about Herb can cure many diseases.
Pl put light on EWing Sarcoma (Cancer), 84cm Tumor in patient thigh. Chemo therapy is going on (6th completed). Is dandelion herb can cure cancer & shrink/reduce size of tumor.

Shall be thankful to you for early reply on this.

Rajendra Singh]
18 May 2017
Dear Rajendra Singh
Yes, Dandelion can help to cure Cancer and there are many more herbs. Here is the list of Herbs that posses anticancer properties.
1. Wheat Grass juice.
2. Turmeric with some Black Pepper.
3. Carrot and Beetroot juice.
4. Ginger and Garlic.
5. Apricot Kernel.
6. Ginseng Siberian
7. Boerhavia Diffusa and many more.
For any more queries write to Herbpathy
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Sachin R ( India )
18 May 2017
My father has totally stopped taking sugar as a part of cancer treatment. His post meal blood sugar came to be 72 which is abnormally low. Please advice what should he do to prevent hypoglycemia and at the same time avoid white sugar. At present he is taking sugar only in natural form i.e honey , fruits etc.
18 May 2017
Dear Sachin R
What kind of Cancer treatment is he taking?
How old he is?
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Sachin R
19 May 2017
He is under supervision of oncologist after getting operated last december 2016. After his operation ( removal of testes for prostate cancer with bone metastasis) , he is taking tibettan herbal therapy along with wheatgrass juice and fresh juices of Giloy, Papaya leaf, Aloevera, Coconut milk with Turmeric , Sheesham . He also takes apricot kernels ( bitter ones ) . He has stopped taking milk and sugar as cancer feeds on sugar and milk because pure organic milk is not available. Please reply to my main question.
Sachin R
20 May 2017
P.S : He is 74 years old
26 May 2017
Dear Sachin
In your case we physical diagnosis is must. Like you said he is taking sugar in natural form, so we can not say anything that why his blood sugar is reducing. Please consult the doctor from where he is taking cancer treatment.
Instead of white sugar he may take Jaggery. Please confirm it with his doctor first.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
20 May 2017
My father was diagnosed with prostate cancer . He is under alleopathic treatment and we have also ordered cannabis indica tincture. I came to know through internet that Root canal causes cancer & other diseases . My father has recently undergone root canal by dentist. Please suggest some medicine/ tincture which can kill the cancer/ disease causing bacteria generated due to Root canal. Is it Galium Aparine MT ?
26 May 2017
Dear VCR
It is not in every case that root canal can cause cancer. We provide you a list of herbs that increases the immunity of a person and also prevent the cancer.
1. Have 1 capsule of Echinacea every day.
2. Have a cup of Passion Flower tea every day.
3. Have a cup of Ginger tea every day.
4. Have a glass of Carrot and Beetroot juice every day 3 times in a day. Add a cup of wheat grass juice also.
5. Have 1 tablespoon of Turmeric powder with a pinch of black pepper.
6. Take 10 drops of Gallium Aparine tincture 2 times in a day.
Take these herbs on regular intervals to prevent cancer and to boost the immunity.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Tracey ( Usa las vegas )
23 May 2017
Do you need cannabis herb are you sick of cancer, are you really sick you need help worry no more just email:{drrichardmedicaloil@gmail.com} i just got my from him
Satya ( India )
30 May 2017
Hello sir or madam my bones are very weak I want to make them like iron what should I do please help me
02 Jun 2017
Dear Satya
The deterioration process of our bones begins after the age of 35. Hadjod ( Winged Treebine ) is the re 35 have 1 bottle of Hadjod in a year. After 45 have 2 bottles in a year. And after 60 have 1 bottles at alternative months.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Swastik ( MP )
02 Jun 2017
I came to know through internet that compound THC is contained only in cannabis oil through decarboxylation which is necessary to cure cancer . THC compound is not contained in mother tincture.
Question1 Should i purchase Cannabis indica Oil only or cannabis indica mother tincture ( available at homeopathy stores) will also be sufficient ? My father has prostate cancer with bone metastasis .
Question2 . Can we continue giving Cannabis Indica Mother tincture upto 3 months ( 5 drops twice a day) ?

We need to start alternate treatment without much wait.Please reply to both questions urgently .
Swastik (MP)
02 Jun 2017
Dear Herbpathy Team, I Request you again to reply soon .
Swastik (MP)
05 Jun 2017
Sir / Madam, Please Reply soon . This is Most urgent .
06 Jun 2017
Dear Swastik
Please follow the Regimen.
Take 1 teaspoon of Cannabis oil ( Known as Hemp oil ). Spread it on salad and give it to your dad every day. Include Beetroot, Carrot, Celery, Lemon, Broccoli and Avocado in his salad.
Also give him the below mentioned herbs.
1. Give him 1 tablespoon of Turmeric powder with some black pepper powder. 2. Give him massive doses of Vitamin C.
3. Take Carrots, Beetroots, Spinach, Wheat Grass in equal quantity. Blend them all and have 1 glass of juice 3 times in a day.
4. Give 1 capsule of Goldenseal and 1 capsile of Echinacea every day.
5. Give 3 Apricot Kernels 3 times in a day.
6. Give him a cup of Ginger tea 2 times in a day.
Take these herbs for 1 month and see the results.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
10 Jun 2017
Sir, Cannabis Indica MT is more effective or Cannabis Oil is more effective ? Mother Tincture is easily available in India .
Niesta chris
07 Jun 2017
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Anita Jones ( USA )
12 Jun 2017
My Daughter who was diagnosed with lungs cancer has just been cured with Rick Simpson cannabis oil after 5 months of treatment with his Cannabis oil medication. So much thanks to Rick Simpson cannabis oil that we bought,the Hemp oil was successfully used in curing my Daughter lungs cancer within 5 months as stated in instructions,My Daughter is now a living witness and am testify to the greatness of natural remedies to cure cancer. All hope is never lost now that you have Rick Simpson involve and not the big Pharmaceutical anymore.
Unquenchable appreciation and gratitude from my family is going to Rick Simpson for his wonderful Cannabis Oil that saved my Daughter from dying of lungs cancer.Thanks and stop beat cancer with Rick Simpson Cannabis oil and also inform your love ones about this great opportunity of peace from cancer.you can contact for your medication at: Email:phoenixtearsmedicalcentre@gmail.com,or you can also get in touch with them on their Facebook Page https://web.facebook.com/Rick-Simpson-Cannabis-Oil-620198314847370/
now we have a family with a great health and unlimited grace in life with the help of Rick Simpson medicine services to my Daughter,

God bless
Roy ( India )
13 Jun 2017
Dear sir,
My mother has been suffering from ca pancreas for the last one year.she has completed her chemotherapy(10dec16) as well as radiotherapy (4th mar 17).though leading a normal life till date,please suggest something palliative if not cure, since doctors now are saying there's nothing more to be done as its stage 4.we provide her homeopathic medicines namely:cardmar,connium,chelid,ars...she is diabetic and takes insulin as well..no pain or other symptoms till date..she's also having stent to keep jaundice at bay(one metal,and the other plastic ) ..I give her holy basil paste..and fear to give carrot juice coz of her high sugar..also is milk harmful for her???...she takes 500 ml milk every day..reply please....
13 Jun 2017
Dear Roy
1. Please stop all Homeopathy medicines as it could be very dangerous and will graft their own disease in her body and that will not be possible to cure. This is very important.
2. Yes, she can take 500 ml of milk every day.
3. Don't give her glass full of carrot juice which may spike her blood sugar immediately. However you can give her a quarter glass of carrot juice after every 3 hours. It will not spike her sugar level at once.
Also give her the following Herbs.
1. Have a shot of Wheat grass juice every day.
2. Have 1 teaspoon of Ashwagandha powder every day with a glass of water for 15 days.
3. Have soursop soup every day.
4. Have 3 Apricot Kernels 3 times in a day.
5. Turmeric with Black Pepper. Make Turmeric Lehyam and add a pinch of Black pepper to it. Black pepper increases the bioavailability of Turmeric. Have 1 tablespoon of this every day.
Have these herbs for 1 month and see the results.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
13 Jun 2017
Dear Roy
Buy the following tincture from a Homeopathy shop and have 10 drops 2 times in a day.
1. Iris Versicolor : Have 10 drops 2 times in a day.
2. Galega Officianalis : Have 10 drops in a glass of water 2 times in a day.
These are not Homeopathy medicines though you will get these tinctures from a Homeopathy store, but it is considered as herb.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
13 Jun 2017
Sir what are these two -iris versicolor and galega officianalis actually for?????and where to get apricot kernel from?????
15 Jun 2017
Dear Roy
These are mother tinctures. Though you will get these herbs form a Homeopathy shop but these are not Homeopathy. These are herbs. These herbs are Cancer preventing Herbs.
You can buy Apricot Kernels from an Ayurveda shop.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Surb ( India )
15 Jun 2017
My father has been diagnosed with Parotid Adenocarcinoma (Stage4) - with metastatis in neck and interthoracic cavity. Would you be able to suggest herbs & oils and food precautions (have heard milk and sugar need to be avoided?) ?
16 Jun 2017
Dear Surb
Please follow the regimen.
1. Ginger for Digestive Disorders : Drink Ginger tea or chew a few slices of Ginger in the Morning. It will also help in Nausea.
2. Beetroot for Anemia: Add Beetroot to your Salad. Or take fresh Beetroot juice.
3. Passion Flower for Anxiety: Drink the decoction made of Passion Flower Leaves.
4. A shot of fresh Wheat Grass Juice.
5. Take Carrot and beetroot juice every day 2 to 3 times. By continuing the carrot juice for eight months the cancer was gone and the 6. 3 Apricot Kernels 3 times in a day.
7. Take 1 tablespoon of Turmeric with Black Pepper.
8. Fresh Soursoup Juice daily. Take these herbs for 1 month and see the results.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Chloe ( United States )
21 Jun 2017


My story has to do with the healing power of Rick Simpson cannabis

oil.”My sister Khloe, age 65, was diagnosed with Bone Cancer on the inside of

her backbone 2 years ago, which had metastasized from breast cancer she didn’t

know she had. I prayed for a total healing with NO operation, no chemo and no

radiation. not everyone has had the experience of knowing Rick Simpson as their

Healer… but they can! Rick Simpson, father of all natural hemp. May the grace of

God be upon you Rick for his good work and courage; and with his Hemp we are

healed”. Early this year i traveled to U.S. to visit a good friend of mine when

i heard that rick was around so i traveled to him and meet him one on one to

purchase the healing oil from him,.Now am so happy and filled with joy that my

sister is no longer a cancer patient and she’s completely healed with his

miracle healing oil. The doctor himself confirmed to us on Tuesday last week

that my sister Khloe is fully OK. No sign of cancer in her bone or breast

again….Wow…Am so happy that my family and I have been thanking Rick for his good

work of saving this world with his cannabis oil. Please people i don’t k
Sachin Pr ( MP )
22 Jun 2017
Sir/ Madam, My father was diagnosed with Prostate cancer which has spread to bones last year. His PSA ( Prostate specific Antigen ) level is consistently normal after operation . He is in good health except 2 kilo weight loss in 3 months. Before going for bone scan to diagnose the present condition, we want to take following medicines for three months :
1 Cannabis Indica MT ( 10 drops 3 times a day)
2. Galium Aparine MT ( 10 drops thrice a day or 20 drops twice a day )

Kindly give your opinion. This is Most Urgent.
22 Jun 2017
Dear Sachin Pr
Yes, you may continue these two herbs and also try the following protocol for cancer.
1. Take 1 Carrot, Beetroot, Celery and Wheat Grass. Blend them all and have a glass of juice 3 times in a day. Also squeeze 1 Lemon in it and add some Common salt.
2. Have 1 small bowl of riped Jack fruit every day. It is very good to fight against cancer.
3. Have 1 tablespoon of Turmeric powder every day. Add a pinch of black pepper also.
4. Detoxify your body at regular intervals.
5. Have a bowl of Soursop soup or decoction every day.
Take these herbs for 1 month and see the results.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Farrare ( United States )
22 Jun 2017

My story has to do with the healing power of Rick Simpson cannabis oil.”My sister Khloe, age 65, was diagnosed with Bone Cancer on the inside of her backbone 2 years ago, which had metastasized from breast cancer she didn’t know she had. I prayed for a total healing with NO operation, no chemo and no radiation. not everyone has had the experience of knowing Rick Simpson as their Healer… but they can! Rick Simpson, father of all natural hemp. May the grace of God be upon you Rick for his good work and courage; and with his Hemp we are healed”. Early this year i traveled to U.S. to visit a good friend of mine when i heard that rick was around so i traveled to him and meet him one on one to purchase the healing oil from him,.Now am so happy and filled with joy that my sister is no longer a cancer patient and she’s completely healed with his miracle healing oil. The doctor himself confirmed to us on Tuesday last week that my sister Khloe is fully OK. No sign of cancer in her bone or breast again….Wow…Am so happy that my family and I have been thanking Rick for his good work of saving this world with his cannabis oil. Please people i don’t know how to thank him enough s
AVI ( India )
22 Jun 2017
My mother age 64 is having gallbladder cancer which has moved to liver also. Request you to advise on diet and herb
23 Jun 2017
Dear Avi
Try the following Herbs.
1. Buy Kutki tablets and have 2 tablets every day.
2. Buy Milk Thistle capsules or Tablets and have 1 every day.
3. Have 1 tablespoon of Turmeric powder with a warm glass of water. Add a pinch of Black pepper also. It helps to increase the bioavailability of the Turmeric.
4. Take Soursop fruit every day or have a fresh glass of juice every day.
5. Take some fresh Wheat Grass, 1 Carrot, 1 Beetroot, some fresh Celery and fresh coriander leaves. Blend them all and squeeze 1 lemon in it and add some common salt. Have 1 glass of juice 3 times in a day.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
23 Jun 2017
Dear Avi
6. Take 1 teaspoon of Cannabis oil ( Hemp oil ) and spread it on salad. Include fresh Beetroots, Carrots, Spinach, Cucumber and Tomatoes in the Salad. Make sure you remove the skin and seeds of the Tomatoes. Take it 2 times in a day.
7. Buy Gallium Aparine tincture from a Homeopathy shop and have 10 drops in a glass of water 2 times in a day.
Take these herbs on regular basis and see the results after 45 days.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Patricia Warren
24 Jun 2017
I am very happy to announce that the cannabis oil is for real. Two years ago I was diagnosed with cancer and it was already in stage 4 before I got to hear of the cannabis oil. I had no hope what so ever because the doctors had told me I have few time left. I ordered online from the Rick Simpson cannabis oil and it was delivered to me in 3 days of request along with the prescription immediately I started applying for 6 weeks and the results was wonderful. Don't die when you have the cure right beside you. You can create your own cannabis oil but it would be best to contact the right source to get the right quality cannabis oil. In my case I contacted rickcannabisoil19@gmail.com they helped me and I am for ever indebted to them just save your life by ordering for the cannabis oil. contact: rick and get the oil treatment from Rick Simpson try it and you will not regret it because it truly works and here is his email: rickcannabisoil19@gmail.com

God bless you all and I wish you a quick recovery...

Debra ( Usa/ florida )
24 Jun 2017

My name is Elizabeth Debra Warren, i am from Florida USA. I never knew cannabis oil was indeed wonderful and very effective in treating canceer diseases.’ To hell with the govbernment and thier insane policy,if not for the government and their so called rules in regulating cannabis my husband would have still been alive. Thanks to the newly policy for legalizing cannabis in my state i would have also lost my son to kidney cancer, i was really touched and surprised when i watched lots of documentary on how cannabis oil had helped lot of people whom their family members never thought they could make it after undergoing several ”Chemo”. From the dept of my heart i must say a word of appreciation to the Rick Simpson Team for the timely intervention in the life of my son suffering from Kidney Cancer. as i am writing this testimony on this Blog my Son is so strong and healthy in spite he hasn’t completed the total Dosage’ for your cannabis and medical consultation and information on how to get the oil try and get in touched with the Rick Simpson Team through email: (info.rickcannabis10@yahoo.com) so he can enlightened you more.

Feeling so Delighted.
, Debra Warren
Robert ( New York )
29 Jun 2017
My mother Stage IV breast cancer and MS has just been cured with the cannabis oil gotten from Rick Simpson, cannabis oil is great medication. To hell with the government and their insane policy, we have a medication that is hundred percent assured to cure cancer and you don’t need to spend so much money on chemo anymore , radiation or surgeries that wouldn’t work hemp oil also cure diabetes . Where to purchase, contact Rick at: simpsoncannabisoil6@gmail.com or call him on
Rick Simpson ( Usa/utah )
04 Jul 2017
Our Cannabis Oil is Pure and potent.Never watered down or diluted,just 100% pure cannabis oil extracted from top quality marijuana grown by us and other professional cultivators in California,laboratory tested,then offered for sale here.Our cannabis oil is packaged in 1 gram and 3.5 gram disposable syringes for easy dispensing.If you aren't sure how to get the cannabis oil out of the syringe,For orders and more information,Kindly contact us on our
Email: ricksimcanabis@gmail.com
phone: 18475128241
Pinky ( Maharashtra )
05 Jul 2017
My father has a tumor in between ribs on right side near to kidney. we have done biopsy 3 times n doctor said it is non cancerous tumor but it pains a lot. My father is unable to sleep. The pain is severe.

Can you please suggest herbs n remedies so that the tumor stops growing and the pain is gone.
you can also call me
10 Jul 2017
Dear Pinky
Please get him Thuja 0/6 LM Potency from a Homeopathy shop. Dillute 2 granules in a water bottle and have 2 tablespoons every day for 1 week. Shake the bottle well before having the medicine.
Follow the protocol.
1. Spread 1 teaspoon of Cannabis oil ( Hemp Oil ) on salad every day. Include Carrots and Beetroots in the Salad.
2. Have a glass of fresh juice of Carrots and Beetroots. Add a pinch of Common slat and 1 lemon and some Celery leaves.
3. Have 1 tablespoon of Turmeric powder with a pinch of Black pepper.
4. Have a glass of Green Leaf juice every day. Add Carrot leaves, Celery leaves, Beetroot leaves, Spinach and 1 cup of fresh Wheat Grass juice. Have 1 glass of juice 3 times in a day.
5. Have 50 of ripped Jack fruit every day.
6. Have massive doses of Vitamin C every day.
Follow this regimen for a month.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Priyanka ( Delhi )
13 Jul 2017
Hello sir,
My teacher has rhabdomyosarcoma stage4 which has spread to liver , erector spinae and other surrounding structures. Can u please suggest some remedies or lifestyle ammendments for him. I'll be highly gratetful to you . Thankyou for your consideration.
13 Jul 2017
Dear Priyanka
Remotely, we can only suggest you some supplements. We advise you to please consult a doctor.
1. Take 1 Echinacea tablet every day.
2. Have 1 tablet of Goldenseal every day.
3. Have a cup of fresh Wheat Grass juice every day.
4. Have Carrot and Beetroot juice every day. Add 1 lemon in it. Include it in your diet also.
5. Have a tablespoon of Turmeric powder with a pinch of Black Pepper.
6. Have a cup of Ginger tea every day.
Take it for a month and see the results.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Ravi ( Uttar Pradesh )
18 Jul 2017
My father 62 years and 6 month suffering from esophagus cancer 1/3 and 6mm area of foodpipe near to stomach and lungs are affected cancer is between 2nd and 3rd stage doctor recommended for chemotherapy please advice me.
18 Jul 2017
Dear Ravi
Here is the protocol for Cancer.
1. Have 1 tablespoon of Turmeric and add some black pepper in it. Black pepper will increase the bioavailability of Turmeric.
2. Have a massive doses of Vitamin C.
3. Include Beetroots, Carrots, Oranges, Lemons, Celery in your daily diet.
4. Have a glass of fresh Beetroot and Carrot juice every day. Have it 3 times in a day. Also add 1 Lemon and a cup of fresh Wheat Grass juice in it.
5. Have a bowl of Soursop daily.
6. Have 50 gm of ripped Jack fruit every day.
7. Have 1 tablet of Ashwagandha every day.
8. Have 1 tablet of Varuna every day.
9. Have 5 to 8 fresh leaves of Basil after every major meal.
10. Have 1 capsule of Echinacea and Goldenseal every day for 1 month only.
Take these herbs for 1 month and see the results.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Madhu ( Karnataka )
22 Jul 2017
Hi, I had asked about my brother cancer in this forum regarding tongue cancer, now the tumor has spread to the lungs and the bone, vertebral metastasis, doctor have suggested for radiation therapy with a life expectancy of 8 months to 1 year. Please suggest us what can be done to stop from further spreading it.
10 Aug 2017
Dear Madhu
We are providing you a list of herbs that may help him to prevent the abnormal growth of cancer cells.
1. Ask him to eat 50 gm of Jackfruit daily. But make sure he eats only ripened jack fruit. In Hindi it is known as Kathal.
2. Take fresh Carrots, Beetroots, Wheat Grass and half a cup of Lemon juice. Blend them all and have a glass of fresh juice 3 times in a day.
3. Take 1 tablespoon of Turmeric powder, a pinch of black pepper and 1 tablespoon of Clarified butter ( Dessi Ghee ). Add all to a fry pan and heat it on low flames for 10 min. Have it every day.
4. Have a cup of Ginger tea every day.
5. Take 3 to 4 Garlic cloves and peel the skin. Mash them and leave it for 15 min. Have it daily with a glass of water for 15 days.
6. Buy Echinacea and Goldenseal capsules and have one capsule every day.
Take these herbs for 1 month and see the results.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Peggy Kitchen ( United States Idaho )
01 Aug 2017
My mother has been diagnosed with Carcinoid syndrome. She has a slow growing tumor growing somewhere in her intestines. It has traveled and is now in her liver. She is stage 4 Carcinoid Carsonoma. They are not helping her in any way. What herbs and plants can she use to help with the symptoms and shrink the tumors?
10 Aug 2017
Dear Peggy
Try the following.
1. Ask him to eat 50 gm of Jackfruit daily. But make sure he eats only ripened jack fruit. In Hindi it is known as Kathal.
2. Take fresh Carrots, Beetroots, Wheat Grass and half a cup of Lemon juice. Blend them all and have a glass of fresh juice 3 times in a day.
3. Take 1 tablespoon of Turmeric powder, a pinch of black pepper and 1 tablespoon of Clarified butter ( Dessi Ghee ). Add all to a fry pan and heat it on low flames for 10 min. Have it every day.
4. Have a cup of Ginger tea every day.
5. Take 3 to 4 Garlic cloves and peel the skin. Mash them and leave it for 15 min. Have it daily with a glass of water for 15 days.
6. Buy Echinacea and Goldenseal capsules and have one capsule every day.
7. Have 1 tablet of Kutki every day.
8. Have 1 cup of fresh Radish juice for 3 days. Take it for 3 weeks but more than 3 days in a week.
Take these herbs for 1 month and see the results.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Krishna ( India Karnataka Harihar )
01 Aug 2017
My mother is suffering from esophagus cancer 3 stage she cant swallow any solid foods like rice idly only know she is taking liquid items such as juice ganji etc, now we are taking simaroba whether it will be helpful for to fight against esophagus cancer she is having tumor in esophagus she cant drink more liquid itmes also plese tell me what to do some one told me take soursop we are already giving simaroba but i am in confusion which one is better for my mother please tell me i am in confusing stage i want my mother to recover as early as possible please reply me i already posted two queries regarding this
10 Aug 2017
Dear Krishna
She may take both as both herbs are good for cancer.
She may also try the following regimen.
1. Ask him to eat 50 gm of Jackfruit daily. But make sure he eats only ripened jack fruit. In Hindi it is known as Kathal.
2. Add fresh 1 Carrots, 1 Beetroots, a handful of Wheat Grass and half a cup of Lemon juice to a blender. Take out a fresh glass of juice and have it 3 times in a day.
3. Add 1 tablespoon of Turmeric powder, a pinch of black pepper and 1 tablespoon of Clarified butter ( Dessi Ghee ) to a fry pan and heat it on low flames for 10 min. Have it every day.
4. Take 3 to 4 Garlic cloves and peel the skin. Mash them and leave it for 15 min. Have it daily with a glass of water for 15 days.
5. Have a cup of Ginger tea every day.
6. Buy Echinacea and Goldenseal capsules and have one capsule every day.
Take these herbs for 1 month and see the results. It will increase her immunity.
Take it for 1 month and see what her tests show after a month.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Alonso ( New york )
02 Aug 2017

I never knew cannabis oil was indeed wonderful and very effective in treating cancer’ if not for the government and their so called rules in regulating cannabis my Mom would have still been alive. thanks to the newly policy for legalizing cannabis in my state i would have still lost my son to kidney cancer, i was really touched and surprised when i watch lots of documentary on how cannabis oil had helped lot of people whom their family members never thought they could make it after undergoing several ”Chemo” from the dept of my heart i must say a word of appreciation to Dr. Rick Simpson for the timely intervention in the life of my son suffering from Kidney Cancer. as i am writing this testimony on this Blog my Son is so strong and healthy in spite he hasn’t completed the total Dosage’ for your cannabis and medical consultation try and get in touched with him through his email: ricksimpsoncannabisoil@usa.com so he can enlightened you more.
11 Aug 2017
My mother is suffering from squamous cell carcinoma .it started from the right kidney they removed the tumor and the right kidney and it is metasized to lungs . she started with 2nd cycle of chemotheraphy.Please advice
11 Aug 2017
Dear Sushma
1. Ask her to eat 50 gm of Jackfruit daily. But make sure he eats only ripened jack fruit. In Hindi it is known as Kathal.
2. Add fresh 1 Carrots, 1 Beetroots, a handful of Wheat Grass and half a cup of Lemon juice to a blender. Take out a fresh glass of juice and have it 3 times in a day.
3. Add 1 tablespoon of Turmeric powder, a pinch of black pepper and 1 tablespoon of Clarified butter ( Dessi Ghee ) to a fry pan and heat it on low flames for 10 min. Have it every day.
4. Take 3 to 4 Garlic cloves and peel the skin. Mash them and leave it for 15 min. Have it daily with a glass of water for 15 days.
5. Have a cup of Ginger tea every day.
6. Buy Echinacea and Goldenseal capsules and have one capsule every day.
Take these herbs for 1 month and see the results. It will increase her immunity.
Take it for 1 month and see what her tests show after a month.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Sushma ( India )
11 Aug 2017
my mom is suffering from squamous cell carcinoma.it is metasized to lungs,liver and adrenal gland.she finished 2 cycles of chemotheraphy.it is in stage IV now.Please advice
29 Aug 2017
Dear Sushma
You can try the following Herbs. These Herbs contain anticancer properties and can prevent the abnormal growth of cells in the body.
1. Buy Jack fruit but make sure it is fully ripen. Give her 50 gm of jack fruit every day.
2. Take 1 Carrot, 1 Beetroot, a handful of fresh Wheat Grass, blend them and take out a fresh glass of juice. Squeeze 1 Lemon in it and have fresh juice 3 times in a day. You can also add these remedies to her salad.
3. Buy a combo of Goldenseal and Echinacea and have 1 tablet every day. It will help her to boost her immunity.
4. Give her a fresh cup of Ginger tea every day.
5. Take half a tablespoon of Turmeric, add some black pepper powder in it, some sugar candy and half a tablespoon of clarified butter ( dessi ghee ) in it. Add all the ingredients in a pan and heat it on a low flames for 5 to 7 min. Have it every day.
6. Have a bowl of Soursop soup every day.
Follow this regimen at least for 1 month and get her test done after a month.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
K.Raja Ramesh ( Andhra Pradesh )
14 Aug 2017
My Sister (26 Years)is suffering from Carcinoma Hypopharynx(Right PFF)T3 N1 M0 (Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Grade-11) and it ia metasized to Lungs. Now two tumer growing right side and face also swelling like anty thing.Doctore are kept one Trakastami in throught & kept one tube in noce for food.

Kindly suggest for the same I am thanful to you.
29 Aug 2017
Dear K. Raja Ramesh
You can try the following protocol. The herbs listed below may help to prevent the abnormal growth of Cancer cells in the body.
1. Give her 50 gm of jack fruit every day, but make sure it is fully ripen. 2. Add 1 Carrot, 1 Beetroot, a handful of fresh Wheat Grass in a blender and blend them. Take out a fresh glass of juice and add 1 Lemon. Have fresh juice 3 times in a day. You can also add these remedies to her salad. Or Also cut 1 Cucumber, 1 Lemon and 1 Orange into slices. Add 2 to 3 L of water in a container with these 3 ingredients. Have this water whole day. Do not peel the them. 3. Buy a combo of Goldenseal and Echinacea and have 1 tablet every day. It will help her to boost her immunity.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
29 Aug 2017
Continue to Raja
4. Give her a fresh cup of Ginger tea every day.
5. Take half a tablespoon of Turmeric, add some black pepper powder in it, some sugar candy and half a tablespoon of clarified butter ( dessi ghee ) in it. Add all the ingredients in a pan and heat it on a low flames for 5 to 7 min. Have it every day.
6. Have a bowl of Soursop soup every day.
Have it for 1 month on a serious note and see the results.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Krishna Harihar India ( Karnataka )
18 Aug 2017
where do i get goldenseal and Echinacea capsules i am in need of these capsules please give me the address of the shop or phone number or email please
29 Aug 2017
Dear Krishna
Please visit your near by Ayurveda store or buy them on online websites. It is easily available there.
If you don't find the capsules, try to get the mother tinctures from a Homeopathy shop.
1. Goldenseal : Hydrastis Canadensis ( Mother Tincture ), have 10 drops in a glass of water and take it 2 times in a day.
2. Echinacea : Echinacea Purpurea ( Mother Tincture ), have 10 drops in a glass of water and take it 2 times in a day.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
RickSimpson ( United States )
11 Sep 2017
Yes cannabis oil reverse the effects of cancer, cannabis oil has been used for treatment of cancer, diabetes, crohn's disease, gout, pain relief, Glaucoma and other life-impairing medical concerns. Cannabis oil is really helping

many people as an alternative healing from pain, we Cure Cancer With Cannabis THC. for more information contact;

Jen ( USA )
27 Sep 2017
My brother did a PET Scan which resulted - suspicious for metastatic disease.
Heard a lot about cannabis oil, any recommendation is appreciated.
28 Sep 2017
Yes he may use hemp oil. Add a few drops to his daily salad and have it every day. In salad add fresh Celery, Beetroot, Carrot, Lemon, Common salt and some black pepper.
Give him fresh glass of Carrot, Beetroot and a fresh shot of wheat grass juice in it.
Give him a bowl of soursop soup every day.
Try these herbs for 1 month and analyze the symptoms.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Biresh ( India/Jharkhand and Maharashtra )
27 Sep 2017
My father is 62 years old and has been diagnosed with Kidney Cancer ( Favour type 2 papillary renal Cell Carcinoma) which has metasized to Spine , due to which there is lot of numbness in legs.
Doctors have started Sutent medication for him due to which there are lot of Side effects.

Could you please provide your suggestions.
Thanks a lot in Advance
28 Sep 2017
Dear Biresh
Try the following Supplements.
1. A shot of Wheat grass juice every day.
2. Have a bowl of Soursop soup every day. 3. Add Carrots, Beetroots, Celery and Lemon every day.
4. Have massive doses of Vitamin C every day.
5. Have 5 drops of Withania Somnifera tincture in a glass of water. Have it 2 times in a day.
Try these for 1 month.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
28 Sep 2017
Continue to Biresh
6. Buy Tribulus Terrestris tincture and have 10 drops in a glass of water every day.
7. Have 10 drops of Boerhavia Diffusa once in a day.
8. Have 10 drops of Crataeva Nurvala tincture in a glass of water.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
28 Sep 2017
Team, Thanks a lot for your quick and detailed response. Doctors have said it is stage 4 so the medicines given by them are only for containing the disease.
I will start the above suggested things in couple of days and will let you know how the thing goes. Once again , Thanks a ton..
Kaibalya mahakuda ( Odisha )
12 Oct 2017
Sir I started mastrubation from class 12 upto 16 regularly 3 times per day. Now I have stopped it on 20 yrs. I consulted the psychiatrist doctor. He told me the dhat syndrome I.e cultural bond neurosis. He gave me some medicine and I got well in weight and nervous system. But when I left the case is repeated. Now I am taking ashwagandha. Plz tell me will it cure me or not. If not then advice what to take.
24 Oct 2017
Have you tried Staphisagria? This is a Homeopathy remedy and you need to buy it in LM Potency. Take only 2 small white pilules and dissolve them in 1 glass of water. Have 1 table spoon every day. Store the medicine in abottle and shake the bottle every time before taking the medicine. Finish the medicine in the bottle and wait to study the results for 2 weeks.
Ankit Mangal ( India )
15 Oct 2017
Hello Herbpathy Team,

Guys you are doing such a kind job. God bless you all!!!
My mother is suffering from mouth cancer( left buccal mucosa)
In the year Feb 2016 she was first diagnosed and than she had gone thru surgery and chemotherapy with radiation.
After 1.5 years , it reoccured in the same place but spread to a part of tounge along with opposite side of neck.
We again opt for surgery and went thru it on 29Sep2017.
Now she is recovering and doctors are recommending us for another chemotherapy with radiation cycles.
As of now she is experiencing difficulties in swallowing food, so she's only taking liquids.
Someone has suggested us Simarouba herbs, kindly provide your opinion.
What alternative herbs she can take.
Thanks in advance!!!
16 Nov 2017
Dear Ankit Mangal
You may give your mother the following herbs.
1. Add half a tablespoon of Turmeric, a pinch of Black pepper and half a tablespoon of clarified butter in a pan. Have half a tablespoon of it every day.
2. Buy Galium Aparine tincture and have 10 drops in a glass of water every day.
3. Have a bowl of ripen jack fruit every day. In Hindi it is known as Kathal.
4. Have a glass of fresh wheat grass juice every day.
5. Add a few drops of Hemp oil on daily salad and have it. Add fresh carrots, celery and beetroots in salad.
6. Buy a combo of Echinacea and goldenseal and have 1 tablet every day.
Just follow this regimen for 1 month and see the results.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Alok Singh ( India (u.p) )
19 Oct 2017
I am having stage 2 cancer head and neck,in my neck two points of around 5 cm and cm in radius respectively ,in my right cheek and chin every time this is after when I am having post- 3 chemotherapy and 35 radiation therapy in last 8 month my doctor `s says I have not much time ,I am only 34 years of age please help me
16 Nov 2017
Dear Alok Singh
Try the following anticancer herbs.
1. Have a cup of Ginger tae every day.
2. Buy a combo of Echinacea and Goldenseal and have 1 tablet every day.
3. Take out fresh glass of Wheat grass juice, Carrot and Beetroot juice. Have 2 glasses of each every day. You may also add them in your daily salad. Also add a few drops of Hemp oil in your salad.
4. Have massive doses of Vitamin C every day.
5. Have a bowl of Jack fruit every day. But make sure it is ripen.
6. Have half a tablespoon of Turmeric powder with a pinch of Black pepper every day.
7. Drink plenty of water to remove toxins from your body.
Try these herbs at least for 1 month and see the results.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Sneha Bhushan ( India/ Bangalore )
23 Oct 2017
Hi . My dad has been diagnosed with Sarcoma stage 4 recently . It has infected his lung. Initially it was a small lump in armpit and gradually it grows and spread to lung. No other organ is been infected. Chemotherapy has been started and he has undergone for his first cycle. Please help.
16 Nov 2017
Dear Sneha Bhushan
Try the following.
1. Have a cup of Ginger tea every day.
2. Buy a combo of Echinacea and Goldenseal and have 1 tablet every day.
3. Take out fresh glass of Wheat grass juice, Carrot and Beetroot juice. Have 2 glasses of each every day. You may also add them in your daily salad. Also add a few drops of Hemp oil in your salad.
4. Have massive doses of Vitamin C every day.
5. Have 10 drops of Pulmonary Officinalis mother tincture in a glass of water every day.
6. Have half a tablespoon of Turmeric powder with a pinch of Black pepper every day.
7. Drink plenty of water to remove toxins from your body.
Try these herbs at least for 1 month and see the results.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Anitha ( Karnataka india )
23 Oct 2017
my mother is 62 , diagonised with liver cancer stage iv, kindly tell the treatment for her
16 Nov 2017
Dear Anitha
Try the following.
1. Buy Kutki Capsule and have 1 every day.
2. Have Milk Thistle capsule every day.
3. Have 1 cup of Wheat Grass juice every day.
4. Have 1 glass of Beetroot and Carrot juice every day. You may also add them in your daily salads. Also add a few drops of Hemp oil too.
5. Have massive dose of Vitamin C every day.
6. Have 1 capsule of Echinacea and 1 of Goldenseal every day.
Follow the regimen for 1 month and see the results.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Badri ( Kathmandu nepal )
05 Nov 2017
i am suffering from prostrate cancer since 3 yrs pl.what treatments be done help
21 Nov 2017
you may try the following Herbs.
1. Have 1 glass of fresh wheat grass juice every day.
2. Take 1 Beetroot, Carrots, Celery and Basil leaves in daily salad. Also add a few drops of Hemp oil in your salad.
3. Take half a tablespoon of Turmeric powder and a pinch of Black pepper in it.
4. Take a bowl of ripen Jack fruit every day.
5. Buy a combo of Echinacea and Goldenseal and have 1 tablet every day.
6. Have a cup of Ginger tea 2 to 3 times in a week.
Try to follow this regimen on a serious note and see what happens.
Swarnalatha ( India )
13 Nov 2017
My Mother has stage 4 ovarian cancer . She had reocurrant within a year and chemo is not working on the tumour. She is suffering from constant urinary infection and constipation. Please provide your suggestion to calm down her symptoms and progression of disease
Rajvinder kaur
21 Nov 2017
Dear Sawrnalatha
Try the following Regimen.
1. For Constipation, buy 1 bottle of Malshudhi vatti. Have 1 tablet with a glass of warm water at night, just before going to bed.
2. For Urinary infection, have a cup of Chaste berry tea every day.
3. Have 1 tablet of Echinacea and Goldenseal every day to increase your immunity.
4. Have half a tablespoon of Turmeric powder with some black pepper powder every day.
5. Take Carrot and Beetroot juice every day. You may also take it in daily salad also add a few drops Hemp oil too.
6. Take a massive doses of Vitamin C every day.
Praharsh Dave ( India/Maharashtra )
13 Nov 2017
Dear Herbpathy Team,

My father (aged 66 years) is suffering from Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma and it is in 4th Stage.
It was identified in September 2017.
Due to non intake of cereals, he was feeling very very weak.
We had 2 bottles of blood transfusion for him last week.
We have taken only Ayurvedic Treatment which includes Tulsi, Honey, Garlic, Sesame, Aloe Vera leaves.
Since last week after blood transfusion, he is feeling very weak and has frequent fever as well.
We are doing a Blood Test as well as X Ray scan for him.
Kindly suggest if we can give Kallonji Oil to him.

Please guide as to how we can improve his energy levels and make his condition better.
22 Nov 2017
Praharsh Dave
Yes, you may give your dad Kalonji oil and also spread some Hemp oil on his daily salad.
Give him 1 tablet of Echinacea and 1 of Goldenseal too. It may help to increase his immunity.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Hemanth ( India )
24 Nov 2017
I have warts on my face, neck, and upper body. Van you suggest a cure please.
28 Dec 2017
Dear Hemanth
For this you may better consult a doctor as physical diagnosis is must.
Richard Odoom ( Ghana )
26 Dec 2017
What are the health benefit of agarwood tea
28 Dec 2017
Richard Odoom
You may visit the link and can read the information regarding Agarwood herb. https://herbpathy.com/Uses-and-Benefits-of-Agarwood-Cid3459
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Lynn Schuster ( Canada )
30 Dec 2017
hi please help--anal cancer no conventional therapy-hemmorroid/anal tumor gowing..please help
10 Jan 2018
Lynn Schuster
You may try the anti cancer and anti tumor herbs which are as follows.
1. Have turmeric lehyam with some black pepper every day.
2. Have 1 cup of fresh Wheat grass juice every day.
3. Take massive doses of Vitamin C every day.
4. Have a fresh glass of Carrot and beetroot juice every day.
5. Have 1 capsule of Echinacea and 1 of Goldenseal every day.
Try these herbs for 1 month.
Raja ( India )
12 Jan 2018
Respected sir,
1.can homeo tincture cannabus sativa q have Ricksimson's cbd effect?. Can take homeo tincture instred of rick oil?
2. c.sativa/ c. Indica which one is best?.
3. Can homeo tincture have thc and cbd?
4. Hemp or sorsopa which one is d best for cancer?
Rajat Verma
18 Jan 2018
I am not sure about the brand but yes Hemp oil is very good for Cancer treatment.
And yes Soursop is also very good for Cancer. You may scroll above and see what are the best herbs for Cancer.
23 Jan 2018
My quaries r, has homeo tincture c. Indica hav THC? . COZ. au u mentioned above THC is only possible wid d heat of c.indica but homeo prepration mother tinctures r made from alchohal der's no pissible heat treatment dan how can u advised take homeo tinctures for CANCER.
Milly namatovu ( Londond )
24 Jan 2018
Hello my mum was diagnosis with bile duct cancer and is not curable what are the best natural remedies which we can use to easy it
31 Jan 2018
Dear Milly namatovu
You may give her the following.
1. Take fresh carrots, beetroots, celery, broccoli and spinach. Make a bowl of salad, add few drops of fresh lime juice and a few drops of Hemp oil. Give her daily.
2. Buy fresh ripen Jack fruit and give a bowl full of this.
3. Take 1 tablespoon of Turmeric powder, a pinch of black pepper, half a tablespoon of clarified butter. Add all in a heated pan. Heat them on a low flame for 5 min. Have 1 teaspoon of this lehyam 2 times in a day.
4. Have a cup of fresh Wheat grass juice daily. You may add a glass of fresh Beetroot and Carrot juice too.
5. Buy a combo of Echinacea and Goldenseal. Have 1 tablet every day.
6. Give her a cup of Ginger tea every day for 2 weeks only. Rest try this regimen for 1 month ans also ask her keep her spirit high and positive.
14 Feb 2018
Please I need help its urgent, I have been having pregnancy sickness for a while experience some bleeding, went to the hospital, did a scan and result shows molar pregnancy. I am asked to be evacuated and thereafter will be taking some chemo drugs and should not try to get pregnant till after 2 years or it may become more dangerous could lead to cancer. kindly tell what natural herbs or food I can take for the molars to dissolve and flush out.
Thank you.
06 Mar 2018
Dear Sonola
We would not be able to suggest you remotely, as in your case physical diagnosis is must.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
25 Mar 2018
Why have you not included Cannabis to your list of cancer cures?
09 Apr 2018
Dear Chris
Thank you so much for bringing this to our notice, but it there in our most effective list Sir.
Cannabis is also known as Marijuana, and it is there in the most effective list. Please scroll above.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Swarnalatha ( India/tamilnadu )
03 Apr 2018
Please metion some of the herbal medicine to reduce pain, constipation issue for advanced cancer patient
19 Apr 2018
Dear Swarnalatha
You may try Arsenic Alb 0/6 LM Potency. This is a Homeopathy remedy and you need to take only one dose that means 2 granules only. Do not take more that that.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Shivaun Mahony ( USA/ Connecticut )
16 Apr 2018
I would like to order fagonia cretica for my stage 3 triple negative breast cancer.
Odogu ( Nigeria )
20 Apr 2018
i what herb can i use in treatment of hepatitis b have been suffering from it for some time now please reply thanks
Samina ( Pakistan )
27 Apr 2018
Aslam o Alikum
I m 35 year old married woman. I m suffering from breast cancer stage 4 .cancer is spread to my lumgs and spine. Doctors said it cant b treated completely it can only b controlled. I m getting chemo theropy plz guide is there any cure for me in hurbal.
Linda Christian
02 May 2018
This is so great am alive to testify the good work of hemp oil and its miracle healing.

This is so great am alive to testify the good work of hemp oil and its miracle healing.

In April 10th 2017 i was diagnosed of breast cancer and bone cancer when the doctor told me it was already too late for me, that i have only ten months on

earth to live. I shared tears and all hope was gone thinking that i will just sleep and go just like that. My mom came to visit me in Serbia two months later

and bought me some hemp oil product saying that it works well on cancer, ever since she told me about the benefits and encourage me to use the medication. I

have been on treatment for the past 4 months now which was the required treatment plan for me. Last week, I went to hospital to do my test and to God be the

glory my cancer was not found there anymore. I have been cured with Steve Morgan hemp oil which my
Last week my mom gave me his email which i contacted him in person and thank him for the life saving. Below is the eamil you can also contact him if you have

anybody suffering with cancer in your family and i promise you will be very glad you came across this testimony. Here is the Con
Traci ( USA/ Texas )
10 May 2018
My dad has been diagnosed with small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of the colon (sigmoid). This is a very rare and progressive cancer. Scans reveal his cancer is localized. They planned to remove the tumor by resection of his colon, however, his blood pressure dropped after he was given anesthesia and coded. He was brought back after CPR but his doctors will no longer attempt surgery. Our only option is chemo. Is there anything out there for this kind of rare and progressive cancer? Limited studies are available.
Madhulipi Savithri ( Karnataka )
23 May 2018
My father of 80 years is suffering from mouth cancer. We have started simarouba 2 tspns in 200 ml water twice daily.Do you suggest soursop or any other medicine for this.Kindly alsp provide the dosages.
Madhulipi Savithri

30 May 2018
Dear sir
Yes you can give him soursop soup daily and also the following herbs. These are also cancer fighting herbs.
Like, give him 1 tablespoon of turmeric with some black pepper every day.
Buy ripped jack fruit and give him 50 gm every day.
Give him massive doses of vitamin c every day.
Try these for few months and see the results
Dorcas ( Nigeria )
01 Jun 2018
My sister was diagnosed with breast cancer stage 3,age 35. The medical doctor said she has to go for surgery and chemo which she refused since 2years now. No chemo or radiotherapy yet,only based on diet and fruit but Tumor at the armpit and breast are growing. Please what alternate treatment can be use to stop the growth and the cure for this.
Dorcas ( Nigeria )
01 Jun 2018
Invasive ductal carcinoma breast cancer grade 3
Eden Garden
24 Oct 2018
Hello Dorcas , I'm a Nigerian too
Satish Kumar ( INDIA )
26 Aug 2018
I am 46 year old, and I am a smoker since 25 years, I need to know what are all the medical test is done to detect cancer.l
I have all the common symptom or early signs you have mentioned in your site regarding cancer.
Satish Kumar
02 Oct 2018
hi.... my mom was diagnosed with rectal cancer ( stage 2) last year..... since we didn't want to go ahead with the conventional treatment ( as she is 71yrs) we just got the initial radiation done and since then she has been on a strict vegan diet and curcumin tablets and laxmitaru leave.... just wanted your opinion on for how long can she take the laxmitaru leaves ( currently she is taking everyday now for more than a year)...

Nisar ( Pakistan )
25 Nov 2018
My mother has been suffering from tongue cancer for one 2 months plz guide me
Rukhsar ( Maharashtra )
10 Dec 2018
Dear Sir / Mam. I am 36yrs female. I have polycystic kidney disease, Cyst are also there in liver and spreading all over body. Since last 4 years I am on dialysis. Please suggest the best medicine to get rid of dialysis if possible... It's humble request. Thank you
Tamil Elakkiya ( India )
11 Dec 2018
Dear All,
Greetings of the day!!!
My mom recently underwent surgery forgall stones and during surgery they found cancer cells destroyed it fully and removed it.. And it spreads to liver now.. Pls suggest us to recovery of my mom.. Pls help us
She is unable to have solid food and only intakes millets starch and juice
Tamil Elakkiya
05 Jan 2019
Hello!! Anyone there to help.. Pls suggest us something.. My mom she has reduced taking intake day by day very less.. Pls do care for this mess and reply asap
13 Dec 2018
Dear sir my mother has NON HODGKING LYMPHOMA problem identified 2 month ago when her intestine blocked and surgery done.Now we meet the cancer doctor and after biopsy done disease has been confirmed and doctor told us that currently it is in 3rd stage.Now doctor has advised us that 6 session of chemotherapy will be applied.Now somebody has advised us for ayurvedic treatment that it will cure the cancer for lifetime.So now please advise me the following thing.
1 Is it possible to cure the cancer with ayurvedic treatment or by other means without the use of chemotherapy???
2 What is your recommendation (your treatment)regarding the same disease ?
Please reply on urgent basis as my doctor is saying that you should start treatment(chemo) on urgent.I will be very thankful to you
Terri Snyder ( United States/OH )
14 Feb 2019
I have very little energy.
Chetan Sharma ( India/U.P. )
25 Feb 2019
I am suffering from Chronic Myeloid Leukemia since Feb 2019. Till Now i was on Glivec 400 mg once a day. All the reports (CBC, LFT, KFT ) are coming ok. But from last few months the report of RT PCR for BCR/ABL is showing gradual increase. Doctors have now increased my dosage from Glivec 400 mg to Glivec 800mg. I am now under observation period of 2 months.

If we do not get response with the increased dosage then doctors will change the medicine to the next level i.e. Dasatinib in April 2019.

Can you suggest which herb can be effective in this case so that I can come back to Glivec 400mg and avoid change in medicine.
Iycoski ( Nigeria )
14 Mar 2019
Good day house .
I have rectal cancer and I am done with chemotherapy and radiotherapy and now I have DVT .I want to know if I can take papaya leaf tea even though I am on blood thinner drugs .
Riya ( India/Goa )
27 Mar 2019
I m having t-cell lymphoma stage 4 will simarouba herb useful for me
Chetan Jolla ( Pakistan / Sindh )
03 Jun 2019
dear concerned, my last month my brother diagnose with laryngeal and hypopharyngeal stage iii cancer. can you please advise me what best treatment for him.
looking forward to receive valued opinion to save my brother life.
Ismart ( Nigeria )
17 Jul 2019
my name is ismart. am suffering from oesteogenic sarcoma(bone cancer). my doctor told me that the only solution is amputation later with both chemotherapy and radiotherapy. what herbal treatment will u recommend for me please?.
18 Jul 2019
Dear Ismart,
We are sorry to hear about your condition. You must be going through a lot. But, do not worry, everything will be set right.
Just have faith.
The moment you feed your faith, the fear will starve. And then, there you go, overcoming this challenge, like any other challenges you must have so far in your life. Please take the following, everyday for next 1 month.
1. Baking Soda : Mix half a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water. Drink it in the morning and evening.
2. Apricot Kernel : Known as khurmani ka beej, these are the kernels of the seeds of apricot. You need to consume 25 almonds a day, but make sure that you consume ONLY 5 almonds at a time. ( can not take 25 almonds all together, may cause cyanide poisoning ).
3. Wheat-grass : Grow your own or buy Wheat-grass. Drink 30 ml wheat grass juice daily on empty stomach.
4. Carrot juice: Have 2-3 glasses of Carrot juice daily.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
18 Jul 2019
5. Buy fresh ripen Jack fruit and give a bowl full of this.
6. Turmeric Lehyam : Also called turmeric halwa. As turmeric is not soluble in milk or water. Take organic turmeric, mix it with ghee and heat it up, stir, to avoid the over roasting of paste. Store it in a jar and consume this lehyam daily with warm milk.
7. Ginger juice : Take one table spoon of ginger juice every day.
8. Garlic : Eat 2 cloves of garlic everyday.
9. Give massive doses of Vitamin C every day.

You would have to include these herbs in your daily diet. And I am sure, the results would be amazing. Just don't forget, that the recovery is brought about by the patient himself, and not the health care provider. Patient heals himself, by his own will power, and hope. You see, it works exactly like the person walks, talks, eats, sleeps on his own. Take Care!!!
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
John Makombe ( ZIMBABWE )
20 Aug 2019

Dear Herbpathy Team
My daughter has internal goiter , I gave her periwinkle herb tea.
Please help me.

Yours regards
John Makombe.
26 Aug 2019
Dear John, You can take the Bladderwrack herb. Boil a cup of water with 2-3 teaspoons of Dried Bladderwrack herb. Leave it for 12 minutes to steep and cover it with a lid. Drik this infusion thrice a day after it cools down. Do it for 15 days. Analyze yourself and write back to us after that.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Green genie ( United States )
20 Mar 2020
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08 Oct 2020
Billy Oliver ( Us/ Tennessee )
24 Oct 2020
My wife has been diagnosed with esophageal cancer metastasis to liver. She has been drinking carrot juice 5-8 cups per day for 45 days. She has no problem swallowing, hiccups pretty much gone. She was also diagnosed with hiatal hernia. Today she started regimen of apricot kernel oil. She has been having on and off nausea with some lower abdomen and left side of back pain. Could it be that the nausea and pain is from 10 cups of carrot juice daily for several weeks? Also what else does she need to do? She has pretty much eliminated everything from her diet that fuels cancer. Her urine ph is 7.5. What else can we do to fight this.
Nadeem Hussain ( Pakistan )
05 Nov 2020
My mother aged 84, weight 41 kg, kidney function tests, liver tests normal, hemoglobin 9.5, few months back having developed severe UTI, hospitalized and performed lower abdomen having hematoma on the base of urinary bladder, furthermore investigation performed CT scan of uterus the result called endometrial cancer, mother discharged but with pain below neval, cramps and bleed 2,3 times with or without stool seen when pampered changed.
Is there any treatment
Katarina ( Philippines )
18 Dec 2020
I been suffering for shortening of breathing and wheezing for 5 months now. I had doubt I got toxic from inhaling the bad smell coming out from the pipe in my room. I did change the room 2 weeks ago and I had been drinking turmeric and roselle juice and cambucha everday I started to feel abit better but recently I had lumph node grow behind my ear and 3 lumps in my neck and I had 2 under the rib cage but after 5 days they start to dissapear and now I had just small 1 behind my ear and still 1 small one under the rib cage. I didn't want to go to the doctor and wanted to treat herbal treatment first. Please help me what best advice for these.
Thank you so much in advance.
Rajesh S ( Gujarat (India) )
28 Dec 2020
Thanks for your efforts to provide such a good database of herbs and diseases. I am following Herbpathy since long time for detailed and organized info on herbs.

My mother (at 66) have stomach and liver cancer (metastases), with most part affected is stomach and liver is starting. chemo is not much effective as per the previous results comparison, still we are continuing chemo at present.

I have started at present with wheat grass and aloe vera juice and looking to start Apricot kernels and Soursop juice also. Pls suggest appropriate dosages, thanks again.
Taylor ( United States )
28 Jan 2021
I have an angiomyolipoma in my kidney that's 7.8 cm. Are there any remedies to shrink the tumor?
Yusuf Fisayo
13 Jun 2024
Good morning please what most effective to be apply on the breast cancer wound
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