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Carom Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Glycemic Index / Load
Botanical Name
Trachyspermum Ammi, Carum Copticum
Hindi Name
Ajvain, Ajvan, Ajvayan
Chinese Name
Xi Ye Cao Guo Qin

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Carom Cures


Action of Carom

Nutrients in Carom

Taste of

Nature of


Parts Used

Seeds, Fruits

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Carom

It may cause Gastric Ulcer.
Although in case of Tachycardia, Carom is used as a cure. But, not to be used by those suffering from Bradycardia as it may slow down the heart rate beyond normal.
It may reduce Blood Pressure.
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Carom is an annual shrub.
30-70 cm i.e. 1-2 ft in height, bearing feathery leaves, red flowers and fruits are small egg-shaped pods, brown-gray in color.
It belongs to the Parsley/Carrot family.
Similar to Parsley and sometimes looks like other version of Cumin Seeds.
Ajwain is popular in India as a spice. It is prized for its ability to add zest to curries and aroma to breads and biscuits and its power to cure everyday ills.

In Southern India it is known as Omam.

Omam Water or OW is Ajwain seeds steeped in warm distilled water. Indians are more likely to drink a little Omam water than take drugs for a headache, cough, cold, heartburn, allergies.

Natural Pain Relief - When you chew on raw Ajwain seeds, your mouth fills with a hot, bitter flavor that is so intense it momentarily numbs the tongue a bit. That’s Thymol in Ajwain - which can numb pain as well.

Getting to know Ajowan - It is a cherished spice in the cuisine of India, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and North Africa. It has a natural affinity for starchy foods, and is used to perk up the flavor in dishes featuring root vegetables and legumes.

In India, it’s an essential ingredient in lentil dishes, both for its taste and for its ability to improve digestion and prevent flatulence.
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Materia Medica : How to use Carom - Uses and Benefits

Carom General

Carom contains Thymol. It has antibacterial, anti-fungal properties.
Carom is rich in fiber, minerals, vitamins, and anti-oxidants.
It is useful in treating Diarrhea and Colic. It also helps relieve discomfort in the stomach.
It is a powerful cleanser of the body.
It is helpful for enhancing digestion.
Its oil is used to treat the circulatory problem.
It is effective in treating Ascarids and Hookworms. The boiled seeds are used for cleansing the eyes.
The seeds are used as the spice.
Single Herb

Carom ( Ajvain ) for Gastritis

Take a half tsp Carom seed. Add a pinch of salt in it. Chew it after every meal.

Carom ( Ajvain ) for Arthritis

Take one tablespoon Carom ( Ajvain ). Boil in one glass of water. Steam to the affected part twice a day.

Carom ( Ajvain ) for Bloating

Mix 1/4 teaspoon Carom ( Ajvain ) with little Salt. Take it with lukewarm water after every meal.

Carom ( Ajvain ) for Gingivitis

Grind Carom ( Ajvain ). Take half teaspoon powder and add few drops of Mustard Oil. Massage your teeth and gums with this preparation twice a day.

Carom ( Ajvain ) for Flatulence

Grind Carom ( Ajvain ). Take half teaspoon powder and add 4 to 5 drops of Lemon ( Nimbo ). Have it with lukewarm water twice a day.

Carom ( Ajvain ) for Colic

Grind Carom ( Ajvain ) seeds and dried Ginger in equal proportion to make a powder. Add a pinch of Black Salt in it. Have half teaspoon of this powder with one cup of lukewarm water.

Carom ( Ajvain ) for Indigestion

Take Powdered Carom ( Ajvain ) by mixing little salt with lukewarm water.
OR : You can also have 2 drops of Carom seed Oil internally.

Carom ( Ajvain ) for Respiratory Diseases

Add quarter tsp powder of roasted Carom in a glass of Buttermilk. Drink it once a day.

Carom ( Ajvain ) for Hoarseness

Make a decoction of Carom seeds. Add a pinch of Common Salt in it. Consume half cup of this decoction.

Carom ( Ajvain ) for Blocked Nose

Add 1 tablespoon of crushed Carom seeds in a bowl of boiling water. Inhale the vapors of it.

Carom ( Ajvain ) for Migraine

Roast 1 tsp Carom seeds in a pan. Sniff the smoke.

Carom oil ( Ajvain ka Tel ) for Rheumatism

Apply Carom Oil over painful joints.

Carom ( Ajvain ) for Earache

Boil half teaspoon of Carom seeds in 30 ml of Milk for 6-7 minutes. Strain it and use it as an Ear drop.

Carom ( Ajvain ) for Emphysema

Take half teaspoon Carom ( Ajvain ) and boil in a cup of water. Strain. Add a piece of Jaggery ( Gur ) in it. stir and drink twice a day.

Carom ( Ajvain ) for Joint Pain

Boil 1 teaspoon of Carom seeds in half cup of Mustard oil till all the seeds turns black. Filter the oil and gently massage with this oil over the knee daily.

Carom ( Ajvain ) for Belching

Take 2 to 3 pinches of Carom ( Ajvain ) seeds and a pinch of Black Salt. Have it for instant relief.

Carom ( Ajvain ) for Liver Diseases

Soak Carom seeds in Lime juice. Dry it under shade. Take half tsp with a pinch of salt in it with lukewarm water. Have it twice a day.

Carom ( Ajvain ) for Headache

Heat quarter tsp Carom seeds in a pan. Inhale the fumes.

Carom ( Ajvain ) for Asthma

Tie 10 g Carom ( Ajvain ) seeds in a piece of cotton cloth. Heat it on a hot pan. Apply warm on your Chest and Neck.
Or : Boil a handful of Carom ( Ajvain ) seeds in some water and take the steam.

Carom ( Ajvain ) for Dizziness

Use warm seeds of Carom ( Ajvain ) as poultice on your Hands and Feet

Carom ( Ajvain ) for Piles

Add 1/4 tablespoon Carom ( Ajvain ) powder in a glass of Buttermilk. Add a pinch of salt and drink daily to get some relief.

Carom ( Ajvain ) for Alcoholism

Boil 1/2 kg Carom ( Ajvain ) seeds in around 10 liter water till it is reduced to 2-3 liter. Sieve and store the mixture. Drink 4-5 tablespoons if you feel craving for alcohol.

Carom ( Ajvain ) for Delirium

Carom ( Ajvain in India ) contains Thymol. This nutrient calms the mind and reduces the symptoms of Delirium.
Burn the Carom ( Ajvain in India ) seeds and breathe in the smoke. Do this method thrice a day.
OR Crush the burnt seeds, add some water to make a paste. Apply it on the head twice a day.

Carom ( Ajvain ) for Hepatomegaly

Take half teaspoon each of Powdered Carom and Common Salt. Mix them well. Consume it twice daily, after meals with water.

Carom ( Ajvain ) for Hepatosplenomegaly

Take half teaspoon each of Carom powder and Salt. Mix them well. Have it twice daily, after meals with water.

Carom ( Ajvain ) for Cold

Put 1 tablespoon of crushed Carom seeds in a cotton cloth and tie it. Inhale the aroma of Carom seeds full day.

Carom ( Ajvain ) for Flu

Take half teaspoon of Carom seeds. Add a pinch of Clove and Common Salt in it. Chew it. It will provide relief from Sore throat in Flu.

Carom ( Ajvain ) for Phlegm

Consume one glass of Buttermilk with half teaspoon of Carom seed powder in it.

Carom ( Ajvain ) for Bronchitis

Heat Carom seeds and Jaggery in equal proportion and mix them well. Consume 2 teaspoons of this mixture, 2 times a day. This will provide relief from Chronic Bronchitis.

Carom ( Ajvain ) for Cough

Chew half teaspoon of Carom seeds. After chewing, drink one cup of hot water sip by sip.

Carom ( Ajvain ) for Acid Reflux

Mix Carom seeds with a pinch of Common Salt in it. Consume this mixture with one glass of lukewarm water after meals for 15 days.

Carom ( Ajvain ) for Postpartum Recovery

Roast 2 teaspoons of Carom seeds for 1-2 minutes and pour them in 1 cup of water. Boil it till the seeds turns brown. Let it cool and then strain it. Drink the water.
It provides relief from Flatulence, Constipation, Stomach Problems, Indigestion. Pregnant Ladies suffering from Indigestion or Gas related problems is recommended to drink Ajvain water and can also be given to small babies above 6 months. It can be consumed before and after delivery.

Carom ( Ajvain ) for Obesity

Soak 1 tablespoon of Carom seeds in one glass of water overnight. The next morning, strain it. Drink the water in the morning on an empty stomach with 1 teaspoon of Honey mixed in it for 20 days.
It helps in losing weight by increasing the rate of metabolism, which helps in burning of fat.

Carom for Cervical Spondylitis

Take some Carom seeds and heat it in a pan. Take a cotton cloth and place the heated Carom seeds on it. Fold the cloth to make a bundle ( potli ). Now heat the affected region with this bundle.
Note : Only heat as per the patient's tolerant power, you might end up hurting the patient.

Carom ( Ajvain ) for Stomach Ache

Mix Carom seeds with a pinch of Common Salt. Consume one teaspoon of this mixture with one cup of Lukewarm water sip by sip.

Carom ( Ajvain ) for Polyuria

Mix one teaspoon of Carom seeds with two tablespoons of Bael leave juice. Consume this mixture two times a day.
This remedy is effective in case of Polyuria due to Diabetes.

Carom ( Ajvain ) for Kidney Stones

Mix Carom seeds with Honey and Vinegar in a ratio of 1:1:1. Consume this mixture for 10 days.
It helps to dissolve Kidney Stones.

Carom ( Ajvain ) for Blackheads

Crush Carom seeds and mix it with curd to make a paste. Apply this paste on the affected area, two times a day.

Carom ( Ajvain ) for Blemishes

Crush Carom seeds and mix it with curd to make a paste. Apply this paste on the affected area, two times a day.

Carom Seeds for Menstrual Cramps

Carom seeds has ability to reduce Menstrual cramps.
Roast 1 tablespoon of Carom seeds in a pan and have it with a glass of water or milk.
It is also good to flush the clotting that is associated with Menses.
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Multiple Herbs How to Use Herbal Treatment? Click Here +

Herbal Treatment For Bad Breath 1

Fry 3 tablespoon Areca Nut powder in 3 tablespoon ghee. Add Carom, Catechu and Rock salt in equal quantities. Grind. Apply all over mouth thrice daily.

Herbal Treatment For Gum Diseases 4

Fry 3 tablespoon Areca Nut powder in 3 tablespoon ghee. Add Carom, Catechu and Rock salt in equal quantities. Grind. Apply all over mouth thrice daily.

Herbal Treatment For Constipation 4

Grind Carom, Asafoetida, Cardamom, and Cubeb seperately. Extract one cup Bitter Apple juice. Take 1/4 teaspoon powder of each herb. Mix all in juice. Add rocksalt according to your taste. Drink half in the morning and half at night for 7 days.
Caution : Excess may cause Vomiting and Nausea.

Herbal Treatment For Lower Back Pain 1

Boil 5 gm Fenugreek Seeds with 18 gm Caryota Urens in a little water. Drink.
Take One tablespoon Mustard oil. Put Carom seeds and Garlic. Let it burn black. Massage with this warm oil.

Herbal Treatment For Asthma 12

Take half cup juice of following herbs :
Adhatoda Vasica ( Safed Vasa in India ) leaves, Mint ( Pudina in India ) leaves, Ginger ( Adrak in India ) and Lime ( Jamri Nimbu in India ). Add 1 cup Carom ( Ajvayan in India ) . Mix well. Leave it under the sun to dry. Grind to make a powder. Preserve it in a container. Take quarter spoon with Honey ( Shehad in India ) twice a day for a month.

Herbal Treatment For Gout 1

Take equal quantity seeds of the following herbs :
Asparagus Racemosus, Black Cumin, Fenugreek and Carom. Take 5 g every morning with warm water.

Herbal Treatment For Lower Back Pain 2

Mix seeds of Asparagus Racemosus , Black Cumin, Fenugreek and Carom. Take 1 tsp of it every morning.

Herbal Treatment For Rheumatism 5

Prepare seed mixture of Asparagus Racemosus, Black Cumin, Fenugreek and Carom. Eat 1 tsp in morning with warm water.

Herbal Treatment For Asthma 14

Take equal quantity of Turkey Berry ( Tint in India ), Carom ( Ajvayan in India ), Indian Gooseberry ( Aamla in India ), Curry Leaf ( Karipatta in India ), Fenugreek ( Methi in India ) , Ginger ( Adrak in India ) , Mango ( Aam in India ) kernel and Pomegranate ( Anar in India ) rind. Fry all of them in little Ghee. Allow it to dry and then powder them together. Have half teaspoon once a day with lukewarm milk.

Herbal Treatment For Chest Congestion 2

Grind equal quantity of Turkey Berry ( Tint in India ), Carom ( Ajvayan in India ), Indian Gooseberry ( Aamla in India ), Curry Leaf ( Karipatta in India ), Fenugreek ( Methi in India ) , Ginger ( Adrak in India ), Mango ( Aam in India ) kernel and Pomegranate ( Anar in India ) rind. Fry them in little Ghee. Take 1/4 teaspoon twice a day with milk.

Herbal Treatment For Diabetes 5

Roast equal quantity of Turkey Berry ( Tint in India ), Carom ( Ajvayan in India ), Indian Gooseberry ( Aamla in India ), Curry Leaf ( Karipatta in India ), Fenugreek ( Methi in India ) , Ginger ( Adrak in India ), Mango ( Aam in India ) kernel and Pomegranate (Anar in India ) rind in little Ghee. Powder them together. Take half teaspoon once a day with lukewarm milk.

Herbal Treatment For Piles 7

Fry equal quantity of Turkey Berry, Carom, Indian Gooseberry, Curry Leaf, Fenugreek, Ginger, Mango kernel and Pomegranate rind Ghee. Grind them together. Take half teaspoon powder twice e a day with lukewarm milk.

Herbal Treatment For Tuberculosis 1

Take equal quantity of Turkey Berry ( Tint in India ), Carom ( Ajvayan in India ), Indian Gooseberry ( Aamla in India ), Curry Leaf ( Karipatta in India ), Fenugreek ( Methi in India ), Ginger ( Adrak in India ), Mango ( Aam in India ) kernel and Pomegranate ( Anar in India ) rind. Roast in Ghee and powder. Have half teaspoon once a day with lukewarm milk.

Herbal Treatment For Abscess 9

Soak few Carom seeds in the latex of Sodom overnight. Roast the soaked seeds over flame. Grind them to make a fine powder. Mix 1 tsp of the powder with Yoghurt. Apply it on the damaged skin.

Herbal Treatment For Colic 4

Take 4 g of Sodom ( Akra in India ) flower, black salt ( Kala Namak in India ) and Carom ( Ajvayan in India ) seeds. Add 8 g dried Ginger ( Adrak in India ) in it. Grind them to make powder. Make a thick paste by adding Lime ( Jamri Nimbu in India ) juice in it. Make small pills of equal size with it. Take 1 pill per day with warm water.

Herbal Treatment For Stomach Ache 4

Grind 1 tsp of Sodom ( Akra in India ) flower, black salt ( Kala Namak in India ), Carom ( Ajvayan in India ) seeds and 2 tsp of dried Ginger ( Adrak in India ) to make powder. Make dough like consistency by adding Lime ( Jamri Nimbu in India ) juice in it. Make pills of it. Have one pill per day with warm water.

Herbal Treatment For Sciatica 1

Take 2 Garlic cloves and Carom seeds. Fry in 2 tablespoons of Mustard oil. Strain. Massage the affected part with this lukewarm oil.

Herbal Treatment For Malaria 3

Take the following herbs in equal quantity :
Coriander ( Dhaniya in India ) seeds, Ginger ( Adrak in India ) and Carom ( Ajvayan in India ) seeds. Powder them together. Add little Salt ( Namak in India ). Have half teaspoon thrice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Arthritis 13

Take one cup of Tomato ( Tamatar ) juice. Add one teaspoon powdered Carom ( Ajvain ). Mix. Drink once a day.

Herbal Treatment For Arthritis 14

Take the following herbs in equal quantity :
Terminalia Chebula ( Harad in India )
Carom ( Ajvain in India )
Ginger ( Adrak in India ) Dried
Grind them together. Have one teaspoon with lukewarm water once a day.

Herbal Treatment For Bad Breath 7

Take one teaspoon Carom ( Ajvain ) and 4 Clove ( Laung ). Boil in a cup of water. Strain and Cool. Swish with this water thrice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Earache 4

Take the following herbs :
Sesame Oil : 3 tablespoons
Carom( Ajvain ) : half teaspoon
Garlic( Lehsun ) : half teaspoon crushed
Heat Sesame Oil. Add Carom and Garlic in it. When it turns red, remove from heat. Strain the oil and use it as a ear drop.

Herbal Treatment For Flatulence 16

Take the following herbs :
Black Salt : Kala Namak : 2 tablespoon
Indian Gooseberry : Amla : Powder : 1 tablespoon
Mango Powder : Aamchoor : Powder : 1 tablespoon
Common Salt : Namak : 1/2 tablespoon
Terminalia Chebula : Harad : Powder : 1/2 tablespoon
Black Pepper : Kali Mirch : Powder : 1 teaspoon
Carom : Ajvain : Crushed : 1 teaspoon
Cumin : Jeera : Crushed : 1/2 teaspoon
Lemon : Nimbu : Juice : 2 tablespoon
Mix all ingredients. Have 2 pinches after meal once a day.

Herbal Treatment For Leucorrhoea 3

Prepare decoction with flowers of Shoe Flower. Take 30 ml of it and add 20 ml Milk, 1 tsp Jaggery and half tsp Carom. Drink 20 ml once a day.

Herbal Treatment For Cold 15

Take one teaspoon Carom ( Ajvain ). Boil in a cup of water. Add 1/4 teaspoon of Turmeric ( Haldi ). Mix. Have 2 teaspoons mixture with Honey ( Shehad ) three or four times a day.

Herbal Treatment For Flatulence 17

Take the following herbs :
Carom ( Ajvain in India ) Powder : 5 tablespoons
Dried Ginger ( Adrak in India ) Powder : 5 tablespoons
Black Salt : 1 teaspoon
Soak Carom powder and Ginger powder in 10 tablespoons of Lime juice for 30 minutes. Strain the water and dry the powder. Add Black Salt in it. Mix the dried powder in one cup of lukewarm water and consume it 2 times a day.

Herbal Treatment For Belching 2

Take Carom ( Ajvain in India ) and dry Ginger ( Adrak in India ) in equal quantity. Grind them together. Add Salt. Have half teaspoon with lukewarm water.

Herbal Treatment For Constipation 17

Take half cup juice of Bael ( Bel ).
Now Boil half cup of water. Let it be cool. Mix in juice. Add 2 pinches Black Pepper ( Kali Mirch ) powder, a pinch of powdered Asafoetida ( Hing ) and half teaspoon of Carom ( Ajvain ) powder. Have it once a day.

Herbal Treatment For Chest Congestion 3

Take one teaspoon Carom ( Ajvain ) and one teaspoon Turmeric ( Haldi ). Boil in a cup of water. Cool. Add 2 teaspoons Honey ( Shehad ). Have 2 teaspoons thrice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Sore Throat 6

Take 1 Clove with quarter tsp Carom seeds and a pinch of salt. Chew twice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Abscess 17

Take one teaspoon of Carom ( Ajvain ) seeds and 5 cloves of Garlic ( Lehsun ). Grind them coarsely. Put mixture in 2 tablespoons of Sesame Oil ( Til Ka Tel ). Heat the mixture. Apply lukewarm mixture over the Abscess. Cover the area and leave it overnight.

Herbal Treatment For Aphrodisiac 1

Fry equal quantity Carom seeds with Turmeric powder in Clarified Butter. Mix it with Honey. Take quarter tsp of the mixture with warm Milk.

Herbal Treatment For Leucorrhoea 4

Take the following herbs :
Roselle : Guddahal : Flower : 1
Carom : Ajvain : Seeds : 1/2 teaspoon
Milk : Dudh : 1 glass
Jaggery : Gur : according to taste
Take a pan. Boil Roselle and Carom in Milk. Add Jaggery. Have it once a day.

Herbal Treatment For Anorexia 8

Take equal quantity of Carom ( Ajvayan in India ), Fennel ( Saunf in India ), dried Ginger ( Adrak in India ), Salt and Caraway seeds ( Shahi Jeera in India ). Grind them to make powder. Take half tsp of it with your daily meal.

Herbal Treatment For Earache 9

Mix three teaspoons of Sesame ( Til ) oil with One teaspoon of Carom ( Ajvain ) oil. Warm it slightly and put 3-4 drops in the ear.

Herbal Treatment For Stomach Ache 16

Grind dried Cluster Fig ( Gular ), Carom ( Ajvain ) and Rock Salt ( Sendha Namak) together. Take One tablespoon twice a day with water.

Herbal Treatment For Tonsillitis 7

Roast 1/4 teaspoon Carom ( Ajvain ) in a pan. Add a pinch of Turmeric ( Haldi ) and stir. Add a cup of warm Milk and remove from gas. Drink it warm twice a day for few days.

Herbal Treatment For Digestive Disorders 7

Take One tablespoon paste of each- Garlic ( Lehsun in India ), Ginger ( Adrak in India ) and Carom ( Ajvain in India ). Mix juice of half Lemon ( Nimboo in India ) and take thrice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Gastroenteritis 1

Crush 2-3 cloves of Garlic ( Lehsun in India ), a slice of Ginger ( Adrak in India ) and half tablespoon Carom ( Ajvain in India ) seeds. Add One tablespoon Lemon juice ( Nimboo in India ) and take thrice a day to remove toxins from body.

Herbal Treatment For Obesity 11

Obesity means excess fat in the the body. This excess fat gives us an inferiority complex. So, we are sick in the body. And, sick in the mind.
What to do ?
If it is simple fat, eat less, and it will go away. But, if you are middle aged or a senior citizen, then you may be suffering from Gastroparesis or delayed digestion.
Herbs are your best bet. Heres how to take them.
Take 100 gms each of Carom ( Hindi Name : Ajvain ) and Fennel ( Hindi Name : Big Saunf ). Throw in 3 or 4 cloves, about 10 black peppers and half a teaspoon of Long Pepper ( Pippali in hindi ) . Keep them in the sun to dry out the moisture or roast them a little. Grind them to make powder. Take one teaspoon of this powder with a little Jaggery ( Hindi Name : Gur or shakkar ) twice a day. Take for 15 days. Give a break for a week and repeat.

Herbal Treatment For Gastroparesis 3

Roast a tablespoon of Carom ( Ajvain ) seeds. Grind them. Add quarter a teaspoon of powdered Asafoetida ( Hing ) and half a teaspoon of Black Salt ( Kala Namak ). Have half a teaspoon of prepared mixture with lukewarm water. It reduces the pain and solves the problem.

Herbal Treatment For Joint Pain 7

Take 1 cup of Mustard oil. Add 1 tablespoon of Carom seeds and 4 to 5 crushed Garlic in it. Heat the oil on medium flame for 3 to 4 minutes. Allow it to cool. Massage your knee at bedtime in a roundabout way . It helps to get rid of knee pain quickly.
Garlic has an anti-inflammatory property. Therefore, it helps to reduce swelling of the knees and lessens the pain.
Carom seeds: It enhances the blood flow in the knee and with the result, repairs the damage.

Herbal Treatment For Chikungunya 3

Boil a glass of water for 5 minutes . Add 1 teaspoon each of Ajwain , Raisins , 5 Neem Leaves and 10 Tulsi Leaves . Boil for 10 minutes . Pour it in a glass without straining . Drink and chew while its hot , take it 3 times a day , half an hour after meal .

Herbal Treatment For Indigestion 31

Add 1 tablespoon each of dried Ginger powder, Long pepper powder, Curry leaf powder, Carom ( Ajwain ) powder, Black pepper powder, Cumin powder and Asafoetida in 1 teaspoon of Sesame Oil and fry this mixture. Add a pinch of Rock Salt in it. Consume 1 teaspoon of this mixture with steamed rice.

Herbal Treatment For Flu 9

Boil half teaspoon each of Carom seed powder and Cinnamon bark powder in one cup of water. Drink it 3 times a day for 3 days.

Herbal Treatment For Muscle Sprains 3

Mix equal amount of Carom seed powder, Salt and Turmeric powder in Sesame Oil to make a paste. Apply over the affected areas.
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Gurjeet Singh ( India )
27 Jun 2017
please let me know details of Carom leaves and raisin drink for lowering cholestrol and tryglycerides.
Zahra Iqbal ( Pakisran )
29 Jun 2017
For patients wirh hepatitis C ,how should ajwain be taken
How to reduce the hot effects of ajwain ?
04 Aug 2017
What ?
You want to use ajwain and you want to reduce the effect also.
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