• Disease
  • Herb
  • Action
  • Nutrient
  • Massage Therapy
  • Glossary

What does Sugar do for the body

Sugar is a Carbohydrate. It is one of three kinds of carbohydrates: Starch , Fiber and Sugar. These are the most important fuel for our Brain. Sugar provides energy to the Body. Sugar has four kilocalories (kcal) per gram. There are different types of Sugars. The most commonly known Sugars are Sucrose, Glucose, Fructose, and Lactose.

Function of Sugar in the Body
Sugar has a natural sweet taste. The main function of sugar in the Body is to provide energy. It has a high calorie content. It provides energy to the cells. Sugar converts to a stored form of energy in the Body. It plays a role in conserving lean Muscle mass.

Ideal Level of Sugar in the Body
140 mg/dL

Daily Requirement of Sugar in the Body
130 grams/day

Benefits of Sugar in the Body
Cures Depression
Keeps Skin healthy
Lowers Blood Pressure
Enhances Mental Clarity
Sugar is a source of instant energy
Lowers the Risk of Illness and Diseases

Effects of Excess Sugar in the Body
Promotes Glycation
Acidity : Heartburn
Promotes Inflammation
Raises Insulin levels
Cardiovascular Disease
Promotes Cancer and TB
Suppresses the Immune System
Suppresses the release of Growth Hormones
Sugar and Milk are 'The' food for Cancer cells and other harmful bacteria. Any treatment for Cancer and TB must start with eliminating Sugar and Milk from the patient's diet

Effects of Sugar Deficiency in the Body
The shakes
Weight gain

Herbs Containing Sugar

Most Effective

Highly Effective


Asphodelus Fistulosus
Baroniella Acuminata
Bastard Oleaster
Boscia Salicifolia
Cochlospermum Tinctorium
Common Iceplant
Cucumis Anguria
Cucurbita Foetidissima
Ficus Variegata
Gamelina Arobiya
Jeffersonia Diphylla
Miracle Fruit
Osage Orange
Phyllanthus Virgatus
Potentilla indica
Sow Thistle
Wild Himalayan Pear
Wild Indian Strawberry
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