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Elder Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Glycemic Index / Load
Botanical Name
Sambucus Nigra, Caprifoliaceae family
Homeopathic Name
Sambucus Nigra   -   Mother Tincture

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Elder Cures

Most Effective


Action of Elder

Most Effective

Nutrients in Elder

Combines With

Taste of

Parts Used

Inner Bark, Leaves, Flowers, Fruit, Roots

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Elder

Excess may cause Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea.
Its stem, raw leaves and berries should not be consumed. It is highly Toxic.
Avoid consumption during Pregnancy.
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Elder is a small tree.
It is perennial.
It grows in temperate and subtropical climates.
It grows up to 10 M.

The Homeopathic medicine , Sambucus Nigra is best used to treat :
Dry Coryza of infants
Oedematous swelling in various parts of the body.
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Materia Medica : How to use Elder - Uses and Benefits

Single Herb

Elder for Dacryocystitis

Make a decoction of Elder {Sambucus Nigra}. Strain. Cool. Wash the infected eye with this liquid.

Elder for Plague

Take Elder flowers. Prepare a decoction. Take 2 tablespoons twice a day and apply it on affected parts too.

Elder for Fever

Elder is a very effective herb for Fever.
It works efficiently, even if a patient is dying of Fever.
Prepare a tea with Elder flower. Take a cup once a day.

Elder for Flu

Steep few Elder flowers in a cup of boiling water. Take a cup of it thrice a day.

Elder for Eyes

Dry the berries of Elder. Grind them to make powder. Take 1 tsp of it thrice a day.

Elderberry for Cold

Boil Elder berries in water. Crush them in same water and boil until it gets thick. Add honey half to the quantity of syrup. Store. Take 1 tsp of it and dilute it in lukewarm water. Drink twice a day.

Elder for Tumors

Apply leave juice of Elder over Tumor.

Elder for Diarrhea

Use the dried berries of Elder to make tea. Drink a cup of it twice a day.

Elder for Pain

Boil Elder leaves in Olive oil. Use it to apply over painful areas.

Elder for HIV AIDS

Have ripe fruits of Elder.
Note: Raw Elder fruits are highly toxic.
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Multiple Herbs How to Use Herbal Treatment? Click Here +

Herbal Treatment For Cough 2

Take Verbascum Thapsus, Elder and Red Clover.
Prepare a decoction. Take two or three times a day.
Or have in the form of powder.

Herbal Treatment For Allergy 1

Prepare a concoction of Elder flower, Sheep Sorrel, Cowslip, Vervain, Gentian root. Take it two times a day.

Herbal Treatment For Flu 1

Take Elder, Peppermint ( Vilayati Pudina in India ), Yarrow ( Gandrain in India ) leaves in equal quantity. Boil for 10-15 minutes. Add Cayenne ( Lal Mirch in India ), Cinnamon ( Dalchini in India ), Ginger ( Adrak in India ) to taste. Drink it hot.

Herbal Treatment For Flu 6

Take the following Ingredients :
One tablespoon Boneset,
One tablespoon Peppermint leaves
And One tablespoon of Elder herb.
Simmer Elder herb in 2 cups of water for 15-20 minutes and strain.
Take Boneset and Peppermint leaves in a separate container and add 2 cups of boiling water. ( Do not boil )
Leave it covered for 30 minutes and then strain.
Now mix both preparations and reheat the mixture.
Drink One cup, hot, every 15-20 minutes to get relief.
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Fadila ( Nigeria )
29 Jul 2016
Please advice me I think I have multinular goitre I was told to have it remove surgically but am afraid thank You
29 Jul 2016
Dear Fadila
We advise you to buy tincture from a Homeopathy shop and take 10 drops 2 times in a day.
Buy Thyrodonium 3X and take small 4 globules 3 times in a day.
Take these remedies for 1 month and get your test done.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
30 Jul 2017
Can my 2 year old son take elderberry extract made with vegetable glycerin and water for mucus, cold, and immune builder. Is the extract of berries considered highly toxic.
23 Aug 2017
Kevin. No. It is not safe to be consumed by children, if raw berries were used in making the extract. You need to be very cautious, in case
the ripe berries were not used or if leaves or even some bits of the stem were used in making the extract, it is a blunder. It could send your child to the emergency room. The raw berries, stems and leaves are considered highly toxic, not the ripe berries.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
13 Aug 2017
Herbpathy can you please reply to my question
07 Sep 2017
Thank you very much can you please make a suggestion for my 2 year old son to build his immune system
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