Allergy is a disease of the Whole Body.
An allergy is an exaggerated reaction by the immune system. An otherwise normal person, place or thing may cause an allergy to some.
What may be the cause? Anything! Pollens, Dust Mites, Mold spores,Detergents, Grass, Medicines, Insect stings, Food, Pet dander (Skin flakes on an animal's fur or hair).
The secret of a cure lies in identifying that thing and avoiding it. If you are allergic to a person, strut about flouting the fact that you have a psychological allergy.
Well! That's the theory we have heard. But there seems to be an anomaly. If I am allergic to rice, I won ' t eat it. Why do I need to go to a doctor.
Perhaps! Just perhaps! The prevalent system does not have an answer.
But herbs are more effective in such cases. Herbs may cure the allergies.
Causes of Allergy
Pet's Hair
Insect Bites
Pollen Grains
Other Chemicals
Strong Fragrance
Choosy in Eating Food
Poor Digestive System
Nutritional Deficiencies
Particular food items such as, Soya Products, Milk, Fruits, Seafood, Wheat and Eggs
If not treated properly, Allergy may cause
Weak Immune System
Note : The allergies may be of following types, which are dealt with separately.
Food Allergy
Egg Allergy
Milk Allergy
Seafood Allergy
Nickel Allergy
Penicillin Allergy
Cat Allergy
Dog Allergy
Latex Allergy
Shellfish Allergy
Gluten Allergy
Peanut Allergy
Wheat Allergy
Drug Allergy
Insect Allergy
Bee Allergy
Casein Allergy
Corn Allergy
Fall Allergies
Materia Medica : Herbal Treatment for Allergy
Butterbur General
Butterbur is the gold standard in the world of herbal Antiallergic remedies.
The herb is a leukotriene inhibitor. The particular area of effect is the nasal passages. When an allergin attacks and the body parts affected are the Ear, Nose, Throat and the Eyes, Butterbur is the remedy of choice. It will open the nasal passages, stop the eyes from watering and relieve the heavy head. And, the crowning glory is that it will do all this without putting you to sleep. I am sure you are aware that most Antihistamines like Zyrtec and Allegra will have a sedating effect of making you sleepy. No Sir ! No driving ! But if you take Butterbur, you can still drive.
Single Herb Acerola deceases allergy problems.
Take 1/4th teaspoon of grated Wasabi, once a day. Repeat it for a week.
Take 28 grams of Aloe Vera Juice daily.
OR : Prepare a paste of Aloe Vera. Apply it on the infected area. (For Skin Allergy)
Prepare dried root tincture. Drink twice a day. It will give you relief from Allergic Rhinitis or Hayfever.
Have Root Extract.
Have leaf extract of Stinging Nettle thrice a day.
Have 32 milligrams of butterbur a day. Divide it into four doses.
Reishi for Allergy
Use extract twice a day. Repeat it for one week.
A teaspoon of Horseradish will clear the sinuses quite quickly. Repeat it till the symptoms vanish.
Drink Chamomile tea. Have twice a day.
Castor Oil contains Antiallergic effect. Therefore, it is an effective oil to rectify the allergic reactions associated with nasal and throat. Castor Oil puts the allergic reactions to the relief and stops them from occurrence.
Put 4 to 5 drops Castor Oil in half glass of juice (either fruit juice or vegetable juice). Drink it on an empty stomach.
Note : You may use water in place of juice.
Take Watermelon with Black salt to cure Allergy.
Use Garlic while preparing your food.
OR : Fry 3 Garlic cloves in butter or ghee. Eat it once a day with your meal.
Prepare Tinospora Cordifolia ( Guduchika ) stem decoction. Drink 30 ml twice a day.
OR Take half teaspoon of stem extract. It will reduce allergic symptoms such as sneezing, itching, and nasal discharge.
Mix Sandalwood and Tinospora Cordifolia powder in a ratio of 1:1 with water to make a paste. Apply on the affected areas.
It will provide relief from Skin Rashes.
Grind few Curry Leaves with Turmeric. Take 3 g of it with water. Use it for 1 month.
Squeeze half Lime in a cup of lukewarm water. Add 1 tsp Honey for sweetness. Drink it early in the morning with an empty Stomach.
Add one tablespoon of Common Salt ( Namak ) in 1 litre of boiling water. After boiling, Pour the boiling water in a bottle and cap it for 5 minutes. Take steam for 10 minutes and rinse nasal with the same water.
Boil few fresh leaves of Eyebright in 100 ml of water. Strain the leaves and drink the solution three times a day.
Turmeric ( Haldi ) can treat both tonic and acute allergies significantly. Include a sufficient amount of Turmeric in your daily diet. You can add Turmeric ( Haldi ) in milk, rice items, salads, curries, fries, etc.
OR :
Add Turmeric ( Haldi ) powder in a pan containing 200 ml of water. Boil it. Keep on stirring it, until it becomes a smooth paste. Remove the pan from the heat and allow it to cool. Store this paste in a jar and keep refrigerated. Consume it daily by adding in juices or any other liquids.
Have a cup of Rooibos tea every day to prevent any kind of Allergy. It boosts the immune system and beneficial to cure Asthma and Hay Fever. The aniinflammatory factors of Rooibos tea helps to deal with inflammation associated with Allergies.
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Prepare a concoction of Elder flower, Sheep Sorrel, Cowslip, Vervain, Gentian root. Take it two times a day.
Herbal Treatment For Allergy 2
Take one glass lukewarm water. Squeeze half a Lemon and add one teaspoon Honey. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach.
Herbal Treatment For Allergy 3
Take equal quantity of Carrot juice, Beetroot juice and Cucumber juice in a glass. Drink once a day.
Herbal Treatment For Allergy 4
If you are allergic to dust, follow the below written formula. It diminishes the problem.
Take 10 to 12 leaves of Mint each ( Pudina ) and Basil ( Tulsi ). Boil in half liter of water. Steam for 5 minutes thrice a week.
Herbal Treatment For Allergy 5
If you are allergic to dust, follow the below steps:
Crush 5 Mint ( Pudina ) leaves and put in a cup of Yogurt ( Dahe ). Take it once a day.
Herbal Treatment For Allergy 6
The Anti inflammatory property of Basil Essential Oil reduces the inflammation and irritation in the body. It detoxifies the body and kill harmful bacteria and yeast causing Allergy. Coconut Oil boosts the metabolism and fights allergy.
Add 1 to 2 drops of Basil Essential Oil to the Soups, Salads and other dishes.
OR : Combine 7 to 8 drops of Basil Essential Oil in 1 to 2 tablespoons of Coconut Oil. Apply topically to the Chest, back of the neck and temples. Gently massage daily.
Herbal Treatment For Allergy 7
Boil one cup of Milk and add Turmeric ( Haldi ) powder, Black Pepper ( and Honey ( Shehad ) to it. Stir well until the Turmeric ( Haldi ) gets properly mixed in the Milk. Allow it to get cool. Consume this Milk regularly on an empty stomach for 2 to 3 days. It will clear the allergic reactions.
Herbal Treatment For Allergy 8
Turmeric ( Haldi ) shows anti inflammatory, analgesic and anti-bacterial properties, while Honey ( Shehad ) helps to soothe the allergy infected areas. Mix 3 tablespoons of Turmeric ( Haldi ) powder in 5 tablespoons of Honey ( Shehad ) and form a paste. Consume one tablespoon of this mixture regularly until you get properly cured from Allergy.
Herbal Treatment For Allergy 9
Mix 1 tablespoon of Turmeric ( Haldi ) juice with 2 tablespoons of Honey ( Shehad ). Stir well. Consume 1 tablespoon of this mixture daily.
Herbal Treatment For Allergy 10
To get rid of Seasonal allergies, Put Turmeric ( Haldi ) powder in warm water and mix well. Add Honey ( Shehad ) in the warm water and stir well. Drink this Turmeric ( Haldi ) Tea regularly to get the best results.
Herbal Treatment For Allergy 11
Prepare a smoothie by blending grounded Turmeric ( Haldi ) , freshly squeezed Lemon, ( Nimboo ) Honey ( Shehad ), Chilli ( Mirch ) and a little of water. You can also add Banana ( Kela ) for additional taste. Drink this smoothie daily to prevent Sinus allergies.
Herbal Treatment For Allergy 12
Mix equal quantities of red Sandalwood ( Chandan ) and Turmeric ( Haldi ) powder in 50 ml of water. Prepare a fine paste. Now, apply this paste gently on your hands. Allow it to sit for about 30 minutes. After 30 minutes rinse off with lukewarm water. This paste provides a soothing relief from swelling, redness and tenderness.
Herbal Treatment For Allergy 13
Mix 1 tablespoon of powdered Turmeric ( Haldi ) with 1/4th cup Honey ( Shehad ), 1 tablespoon of Lemon ( Nimboo ) zest, 2 tablespoons of unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar ( Seb Ka Sirka ) and a pinch of Black Pepper ( Kali Mirch ) . Consume 1 tablespoon from this mixture regularly.
Herbal Treatment For Allergy 14
Mix 1 to 2 tablespoon of Turmeric ( Haldi ) powder and 1/3th tablespoon of Olive Oil ( Jaitun Ka Tel ). Add a small amount of Black Pepper ( Kali Mirch ) in it. Mix all of them together. Consume this mixture daily to prevent Seasonal allergies and Asthma.
Herbal Treatment For Allergy 15
Take four ounces of purified water and 30 drops each of Lavender Essential Oil, Lemon Essential Oil and Peppermint Essential Oil. Mix them well. Spray this blend throughout your home.