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Internal Bleeding Herbal Treatment, Prevention, Symptoms, Causes, Cured By

General Name
Internal Bleeding
Medical Name
Hindi Name
Andaroni Khoon Behna, Andaroni Rakat Paat
Internal Bleeding Symptoms
Pain in Chest
Pain and tenderness
Abdominal Ache, Swelling
Blood in stool, Urine, Vomit
Internal Bleeding

Internal Bleeding Cured By


Acalypha Panicu...
Ajuga Decumbens
Ajuga Reptans
Amaranthus Blit...
Amaranthus Dubi...
Anthocleista Li...
Beech Drops
Big Sagebrush
Blumea Odorata
Bryophyllum Pin...
Canarium Strict...
Cibotium Barome...
Davallia Solida
Decalepis Hamil...
Deinbollia Gran...
Drymoglossum He...
Dysoxylum Decan...
Dysoxylum Hamil...
Euphorbia Chama...
Flat Leaved Spu...
Folium Revoluta...
Fomes Fomentari...
Hairy Hemigraph...
Hebe Salicifoli...
Hedgehog Skin
Hedyotis Chryso...
Henbit Deadnett...
Hydrangea Panic...
Indian Snowberr...
Ixora Chinensis
Jhar Beri
Kalmia Angustif...
Lantern Tree
Lycopus America...
Merremia Peltat...
Palm Grass
Pyrrosia Pilose...
Rivea Ornata
Sea Grapes
Silphium Perfol...
Uvaria Hamilton...
Veronica Persic...
Wrightia Arbore...
Ziziphus Rugosa
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Internal Bleeding is loss of blood inside the body.
It affect the Tissues, Organs and Cavities inside the body. It may be a cause of Internal Injury. The Tissues may ruptured and causes internal bleeding.

Causes of Internal Bleeding
Some diseases
Traumatic Injury
Vitamin K Deficiency
Blood Vessel Rupturing
Hitting or Running against a blunt object

If not treated Bleeding Internal may cause
Organ Failure

Your best bet, Witch Hazel, Cayenne.
A visit to the Doctor is a must.

Body Part(s)

Whole Body

Whole Body Diseases

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Materia Medica : Herbal Treatment for Internal Bleeding

Single Herb

Winter Melon for Internal Bleeding

Take some gourds. Remove the skin. Cut into pieces. Boil them with sufficient water. Squeeze them properly. Take it with one tablespoon Indian Gooseberry juice.

Alum for Internal Bleeding

Take one gram Alum powder. Add 10 tablespoons Curd and one cup water. Drink once a day.

Cayenne For Bleeding

For Bleeding whether internal or external give Cayenne internally or apply locally.

Geranium for Internal Bleeding

Take one teaspoon Geranium oil twice a day. It arrests bleeding.

Woodfordia Fruticosa ( Dhawai ) for Internal Bleeding

Powder dried Woodfordia Fruticosa ( Dhawai ) flowers. Take one teaspoon with 2 teaspoons Honey.

Capsella Bursa Pastoris for Internal Bleeding

Take 2 teaspoons of Capsella Bursa Pastoris tincture twice a day.

Gynura Segetum for Bleeding Internal

Prepare a decoction of the leaves of Gynura Segetum. Let it cool. Drink.

Ashoka for Internal Bleeding

Prepare an infusion with flowers of Ashoka. Drink 15 ml once a day for 3 to 4 days.

Carissa Carandas for Internal Bleeding

Eat 10 g ripe fruit of Carissa Carandas once a day. It helps to cure Internal Bleeding.
Queries on Internal Bleeding
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Connie ( AZ, USA )
04 Feb 2019
I have an old dog who is very likely bleeding inside because he has tarry stools. He may have cancer. I want to give him herbal treatment for the condition. What kind of herbal preparation can I buy at the lical health food store? He is not ill otherwise and is eating. Thank you.
Anil Khanna ( India )
26 Feb 2019
Give him St John's Wort. Bleeding will stop immediately
Lalita ( Dehradun )
08 Jul 2020
I fell down in the bathroom and got internal injury on my knee. It is very painful.
08 Jul 2020
Dear Lalita
Please get a physical diagnosis done. Is there any bruise on the injury or swelling? Any other symptoms you can explain. A diagnosis is advisable to get the right treatment. Meanwhile, take 1 tablespoon of Turmeric in a glass of warm water. Take it for a few days.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
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