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Calcium Carbonate Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Calcium Carbonate
Glycemic Index / Load
Botanical Name
Calcium Carbonate
Hindi Name

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Calcium Carbonate Cures

Most Effective


Action of Calcium Carbonate

Nutrients in Calcium Carbonate

Taste of
Calcium Carbonate

Nature of
Calcium Carbonate


Parts Used

Mineral extracts

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Calcium Carbonate

Avoid use during Pregnancy and Breastfeeding.
It may cause Constipation.
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Limestone is a mineral.
It is composed of Calcite and Aragonite.
Best used as a constitutional remedy for fair, fat and flabby children

In TCM :
Limestone : Bai Shi Zhi, Hua Rui Shi
Meridian associated : Liver.
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Materia Medica for Calcium Carbonate

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Multiple Herbs How to Use Herbal Treatment? Click Here +

Herbal Treatment For Lower Back Pain 10

Grind Limestone. Add Honey to it. Apply the paste over lower back.
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Prajaktha Shetty
30 May 2015
I have heard pregnant women should eat chunna everyday as it provides calcium.
Anita Raj Goyal
26 Jun 2017
A pregnantand breastfeeding woman should not take limestone as it causes constipation By medical student
Anita Raj Goyal
26 Jun 2017
A pregnantand breastfeeding woman should not take limestone as it causes constipation By medical student
Herbpathy Research Team
01 Jun 2015
Dear Prajaktha

Yes, it is correct that a woman, when pregnant, should get sufficient amount of Calcium.
But, by increasing Limestone, the amount of calcium will not increase.
Crude Calcium is not acceptable to the body. If it was, then nails (small, metallic spikes) would have served the purpose for Iron. But, as a matter of fact, we can not consume nails.
If, doctor said that you need Calcium, it means, your body is not assimilating the Calcium from the food or your diet. So, to set your metabolism right, consult a doctor.

Word of Advice - Please do not take Iron supplements, as, it will make your complexion dark and , you will become Anemic. Yes, Anemic. Your Hemoglobin will actually decrease.

Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
09 Jul 2015
I am a arthiritis patient & also have thyorid. I am 55 years old lady. How I can take Chuna (lime stone).
09 Jul 2016
Is chuna good for ostoartharitis
Balwant Singh Bains CHD
12 Jul 2017
Is chuna good for ostoroproisis desease.
05 Mar 2016
Mrs shashi for the thyroid problem you can take a spoon full of Virgin coconut oil I.e, un refined one.
For 3 months before sleeping after two hours of dinner.
Your thyroid problem will finish for ever after that.
10 Aug 2016
For hypo or hyper thyroid?
18 Mar 2018
Mr Dinesh, Does eztra virgin oil work in both cases? Hypothyroidism as well as hyperthyroidism
22 Nov 2016
Mainly chunna hlps u to for ur prblm
Himanshu sharma
13 Apr 2017
Yes you can take limestone it is pure form of carbon very good for bone but don't take more than 0.065 gram daily
Ansh ?? knock knees patient
20 Dec 2020
You take 180ml ofwarm water (half glass) take chuna like 1 wheat grain in this
Herbpathy Research Team
13 Jul 2015
Dear Shashi
Sorry to hear about your Thyroid problem and Arthritis. The disease is quite common among the elderly. Here is the solution to your problem,
For Thyroid problem,
Make a paste of Coriander, dissolve one teaspoon of it in a glass of luke warm water. Drink it early morning on an empty stomach.
Drink this solution twice a day regularly for 2 months. This will definitely cure the Thyroid problem.
Also, consume 3-4 walnuts daily. It ensures the proper functioning of Thyroid.
For Arthritis,
Usually in patients aging above 45, Calcium does not get assimilated in the body, so Limestone can be used as a substitute to fulfill the requirements. You wanted to know the method to consume Chuna, here you go,
Mix 1-2 gm of Chuna in vegetables or Dals after preparing it. And then consume it.
Another remedy which not only provides relief in Arthritis, but also treats pain in other parts,is, Harsingar. Prepare a decoction of the leaves and drink twice it once a day for 20 days.
Dandelion leaves is an effective herb again. We recommend you to eat these greens raw in salads. You'd be surprised to see the results.
Apply Eucalyptus oil on the Joints, to get relief from Arthritis pain.

Herbpathy research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
10 Aug 2016
As for helping thyroid functioning, does the remedy you mention help over active or underactive?
Himanshu sharma
13 Apr 2017
1 to gram is much more it cause kidney disorder and stone making in body so take 0.065 gram daily
14 Jul 2015
sir i have pain all over the body especially in leg n back.so how to consume.sometime i cant sleep properly because of restless in leg so what to do
Herbpathy Research Team
15 Jul 2015
Dear Sabita

We are sorry to hear about your condition. Before suggesting anything we need some information about your details like
Your age?
Since when are you facing this problem?
The Sleeping Disorder is due to this Pain, Stress or some other reasons.

For your back pain, you may use Limestone with honey.
Or You can mix 2 to 3 gms of Limestone in your cooked food.

Do one more thing, add Dandelion leaves to your salad, and consume it regularly for one month.

Before taking any medication, Please consult your Doctor.

Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
19 Jul 2015
I have thyroid problem since almost 4 and half year now, and I have hypothyroidism, please tell me what can I do to reduce the bodily symptoms as due to thyroid I have faced many many difficulties and its hampering my normal routine too

Effects of thyroid are :
1. Over weight - From 70 I have increased to 95, and once it is started, after this it keeps on decreasing irrespective of various attempts
2. lack of confidence to such a extent that I screw up my presentations
3. Too much lonely feeling - it even has lead to depression
4. Joint and body ache - too much of ache in all the parts unable to carry weight for long or stand for long.
5. Crying spills,
6. Tiredness - feel very tired, that I am unable to work
7. lack of concentration power
8. lack of will power
9. more of anxiety of small things
10. Hair fall, drowsy and sleepy always.
11. Unable to work and feels sluggish and severe head ache daily..

I have already started consuming chuna with dahi on empty stomach since almost 2 months now.
please suggest the cure for the above and major part excess weight gain.
Rajiv dixit
05 Mar 2016
Drink a spoon full of Virgin coconut oil before going to sleep do it for 3 months then the thyroid will vanish for ever.
04 Apr 2016
Coconut oil is a solid form, so do u melt it down? Also does it make u put on weight?
19 Jul 2015
Sir please advise me, I am having heel spur problem. What should I do???
Herbpathy Research Team
21 Jul 2015
Dear Seema,

The best remedy for your problem is Calcarea Fluorica 3x. It is a homeopathic medicine and is used for the structural changes in the Body. The beauty of this medicine is, that it will only work on the deformity, and will not effect the rest of the bones in your body.
Buy Calcarea Fluorica 3x from a homeopathic store. Take 4 tablets a day until you feel the change.

Hearbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Herbpathy Research Team
21 Jul 2015
Dear Surbhi

Sorry to hear about your Thyroid Problem. Hypothyroidism is the condition when there is inadequate production of Thyroid Hormones. The most effective herb for your problem is Withania Somnifera. It balances the hormone and relaxes the body, providing relief from chronic Stress as well.

The potency of this herb is quite hot, so during summers, we advice you to use it with warm milk or ghee, as this will balance out the heat of the Herb.

Dosage should not exceed 4gms a day.
You may take the tincture of Ashwagandha, drink 4-5 drops mixed with water per day.

Once you start taking the Herb, the other symptoms which you stated, will also begin to diminish.
Avoid consumption of oily food, as this will make you sluggish and lazy.

Withania Somnifera also takes care of the Fatigue and Dizziness. It will make you vivid and active.
Improves the quality of Hair. Check Ashwagandha in the Herb Section.

Consume 3 to 4 walnuts daily, as this will help to balance the Thyroid functioning.

A cup of Ginger tea twice a day is pretty helpful to ensure balanced Thyroid functioning.

And, and, make sure that you do regular exercise and work out, It is must.

to be continued.........
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Herbpathy Research Team
21 Jul 2015
Continued for Surbhi
Ashwagandha is one of the amazing adaptogenic herbs, and this is one of the most incredible aspect about this herb which helps to treat patients suffering from Hypothyroidism.


Ashwagandha may adversely affect the actions of some medications , and Thyroid Supplements are one of them.

And please consider your health care provider, before administering any herbal medications.

Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
22 Jul 2015
How can one use the chunna for the impotentie in men. Please suggest de right details and how to intake the chunna Or if thier is any beter herbs. Cell counts are zero
Thanking you in andvance
Rajiv dixit
05 Mar 2016
Take chunna with sugar cane juice , it will take one or one and half year for the problem of impotence in men.
23 Jul 2015
Yes i need to know how i can get my hair back as i loose it during diet .now i m going through major hair loss problem..so tell if there is any cure ..
Herbpathy Research Team
23 Jul 2015
Dear Arooshi
We really are against dieting. As when one fasts or restricts oneself to small amounts in order to lose weight, one is deprived of the nutrients and minerals required by the body. So, it is advised, that you should eat healthy and wholesome food. And for your hair loss,

The best Herb is Bamboo.
Bamboo is one of the richest sources of Silica. And, Silica is the primary mineral which takes care of our Hair, Skin and Nails. Lack of Silica leads to hair fall, thinning of Hair and even results in Baldness. Bamboo extract comes from leaves and stalks of this grass.
Bamboo extract contains 70% of Organic Silica, which promotes healthy, lustrous and thick Hair.
Other Herbs rich in Silica are
Red Beets
Sunflower Seeds

Also, Castor oil and Almond oil acts as a magic for Hair Growth.

Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Dr Sandeep Maheshwari
28 Jul 2015
Dear Madhu,
Take small quantity (rice grain size) of Chuna in sugarcane juice or curd daily for 1year. It will cure the problem of impotence. Since the duration is long, I recommend herbs like Ashwagandha and Gokhru. These are easily available in powder form. You can take 1 teaspoon daily with warm milk.
Dr Sandeep Maheshwari
09 Aug 2015
Sir please advice me, My age is 22.
Is it true that eating limestone (chuna) daily with water can help in curing joint pain and improves the memory ??
What are the health benefits of eating chuna with water ??
21 Aug 2015

Yes you can have limestone with water daily in the morning on an empty stomach. Keep in mind that limestone should be of food grade. Mix small wheat grain sized limestone in a glass of water and drink. It is considered good for joint pain and memory.
31 Aug 2015
How can I use limestone for osteoporosis
Herbpathy Research Team
01 Sep 2015
Dear Nirmal

Please see Osteoporosis under the disease section on this website and read it carefully. Osteoporosis is caused by lack of Calcium and lack of exercise to the Bones.
Unfortunately, eating crude Calcium like Limestone will not help in improving the quality of your Bones. The quality of your Bones will get improved with exercise and consumption of Calcium that is readily absorbed in your body.
It is seriously suggested that you take up yoga to improve the quality of your Bones. To increase the Calcium absorption in your body please go to Nutrients on this website, type Calcium and eat the things like Spinach, Alfa Alfa, Tofu and Bokchoy.
The best thing for you is, to eat one Beetle Leaf every day.
Warning : Do not make a paan, just eat the leaf.

Make your own Calcium Citrate. Take a thin wine glass. Wash two eggs. Slide them inside the glass. Add lemon juice to cover the eggs. Make sure you have plenty of space on top for frothing.
After one week, carefully scrape the powder from the eggs. Be careful, do not break the eggs. This Calcium Citrate has the exact composition which will be absorbed by your body and quickly replenish your Bones.

To be continued....
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Herbpathy Research Team
01 Sep 2015
Continued for Nirmal,

After scraping the eggs, add the powder to the liquid. Stir to get all the powder out of the glass. Now strain the liquid through a muslin cloth. The powder will remain in the muslin cloth in the form of clay.
Break it up into small pieces and dry in shade in a porcelain platter.
When it dries, powder it with your hand. Store in a cool place.
Consume 1 quarter tea spoon every day.
This will last for appropriate one week.
Start the process again immediately for the next week. So that you may get a continuous supply of Calcium.
There is 1 more way of consuming good Calcium.
Break an egg. Wash the shell. The shell has a membrane inside feels like a skin. Carefully remove it, Dry it, and Eat it. This is the pure Calcium.

Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
05 Sep 2015
Dear Team,

May be my question can be repetitive but Please help me out for the following question :

1. My parents are nearly of above 60 age. Can they have chuna as mentioned by Rajiv ji ? What is the dosage for them and do they need to stop it after some interval of time or they can continue it life long.

2. My neice is 8 year old , can she also have the amount of chuna which rajiv ji mentioned? can u please provide the dosage for my niece.

Looking forward to hear from you.
Herbpathy Research Team
08 Sep 2015
Dear Tribhuvan

Limestone is the crude from of Calcium. Body will have to metabolize to make it equivalent to our bones. Most people, specially the elderly are not able to convert its crude form into biological Calcium. This creates adverse effects on the body. The location of which is unpredictable. So, if your parents lack Calcium in their bodies, there are 2 methods-

One leaf of pan, take only leaf as it is. This will help the body to absorb calcium, no matter what food they eat. This pan will ensure to extract Calcium from food and help the body to absorb it.

Another method is- Shell and membrane of egg. See the post addressed to Nirmal. Scroll above your review.

And for your 8 year old niece- she should DEFINITELY NOT take Chuna. It will harm her. Before we suggest any herb for her, we would like to know the answers to the following questions-

Was she born flat and flabby or thin and emaciated, with wrinkles on her wrist , like old people ?
Has she been licking walls or eating mud ?
At what age did she start walking ?
At what age did she start teething ?

Please answer for an appropriate cure.

Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
16 Sep 2015
I have irregular period problem and Endometriosis too. Can I take limestone with water and will I be recovered ?
Herbpathy Research Team
17 Sep 2015
Dear Isha

Stop taking Limestone on regular basis. This is a medicine and not an adaptogen, which you can take for long periods. The problem is due to a faulty metabolism, Liver and the Kidneys. We have to address the problem at the bottom. Please get your Liver function test done. Let us know about the results and we will recommend you the appropriate Remedies.
In the meantime, you may take Manjakani. It keeps a good care of reproductive organs.
And Please keep one thing in your mind that, never take any kind of medication during your menses, as it may disturb the natural system and may cause hormonal problems.

Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Piyush Agarwal
26 Sep 2015
How should I take Chuna for increasing memory? What is the proper way to intake it so that there is no side effect.
Meenakshi Bhardwaj
28 Sep 2015
Dear Piyush Agarwal

Its okay, it happens with almost every one, with time, the brain ages, also, sometimes the circulation of blood ids not proper to the Brain.

Why do you wish to take chuna for increasing memory ? When there is Brahmi, the most effective memory enhancer.

It rejuvenates the entire Nervous system. Increases the memory. You can apply the Brahmi oil on your head thrice a week. It will improve your grasping power as well.

Drink rosemary tea daily in the morning. It will also take care of your memory.

There is a Herb called Lesser Periwinkle. please look for it, as it increases the blood flow to the brain.

Good Day !
08 Oct 2015
Can I gain height by eating limestone daily ?
Herbpathy Research Team
09 Oct 2015
Dear Anuj

First we would like to ask that, How old are you? Then we would recommend you an appropriate remedy.

Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
01 Feb 2017
Am 18yr,male ,i have Asthma but taking Ayurvedic medicine for that also,am taking ashwagandha,shatavari,amla churn for height..but should i add chuna for height? Plz respond quickly..
Tomislav Zubovic
12 Mar 2017
My wife had an asthma, She is a Slovakian and I am Croatian, She had a severe astma while she lived in Slovakia which is a higly industrious country and the air is somwere poluted, I live on island of Pag on the Adriatic and when we married and moved to island of Pag in Croatia which as a medditeranean climate with healthy clean air , she was cured from Asthma, I also found when we travel sometimes to her parents in Slovakia, Astmhma symptoms returns within the week, and if i give her Omega 3 Capsules and Vitamin C, the sympthomes are very light and overall health is improving , so I reccommend to take Omega 3 and Vitamin C and go out from continent and ressettle near the sea coast, also you can use the salt room or salt cave therapy which is most beneficial to Asthma patients...
20 Oct 2015
Dear Sir,

I have knee pain for last 1 year. First stage of osteoarthritis.

Climbing stairs has become difficult

kindly advise

I am 32 years old
24 Oct 2015
My age is 19 and I am a girl. Can I drink limestone and water every morning to increase my height?
26 Oct 2015
Dear Gauri

Well, I have heard that once a girl's menstruation cycle starts, her height does not increases more. It is hard to increase height after puberty. But if you do some regular exercises, may be there are chances to increase height. And limestone will make your bones strong. The best exercise to increase height is swimming.
Herbpathy Research Team
02 Nov 2015
Dear Mayur,

Osteoarthritis is a form of Arthritis and is a degenerative joint disease. It causes damage to the cartilage which in turn may lead to the reduction in flexibility and movement of bones. This causes wear and tear of joints and reduces the self ability of repairing bones. Following are some suitable cures or methods for you.
1) Boswellia is an effective herb which is Antiinflammatory in nature. Buy a bottle of Boswellia capsules and take 1 capsule of 250 mg daily for 15 days.
OR Drink decoction of Ginger twice a day. Boil 10 g of ginger in a glass of water for 10 minutes.
2) Go for physical exercise or yoga to maintain the flexibility and movement of joints.
3) The best home cure is hot and cold therapy. Do alternative hot and cold compress on the affected area. It provides relief from osteoarthritis pain. The therapy increases the circulation in the joints and relaxes the muscles.
For more remedies and information, you can visit our Osteoarthritis page.

Write back to us after 15 days about your experience. We will suggest you further.

Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
25 Nov 2015
I'm 20 now.i want to increase my height by 3-4inches.my current height is 5'6". Give some remedy and exercise to increase height.is swimming six days in a week and having chuna daily will increase my height?
S. Ahmad
26 Nov 2015
Sir my 2years child Rickets type 2 problem. Vitamin d resistant Rickets. Plz give some remedy. Can i give Lime stone?
Prithvi Kundalia
27 Nov 2015
Dear Akash

Yes, swimming is the best exercise to increase height. Hanging on the rod is another. Engage in stretching exercises. Eat a healthy diet.

Herb effective in increasing height is Ashwagandha. Buy Ashwagandha powder. Add a tbl spoon of powder in a glass of warm milk. Add sugar to it and drink it every night before sleeping. Drink this daily for a month.
Note - Ashwagandha is very hot Herb. So, of you have a hot potency, reduce the dosage. Reduce it to half spoon.

Take 3 glasses of milk every day.
Herbpathy Research Team
27 Nov 2015
Dear S. Ahmad

Our Research Team is working on it. We will advise you accordingly as soon as we find the appropriate herbal treatment for your child.

Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
30 Nov 2015
I am 21 year old i am 4.9inch.I want to grow my height to at least 5 inches please tell what to do?
01 Dec 2015

I don't think so that there is any herb that may increase your height to 5 inches more. Once a girl started her menstrual cycle, there are very less chances to increase her height. May be you can increase one or two inches more but 5 inches is not possible. This is what i think.
Herbapthy Research Team
02 Dec 2015
Dear S. Ahmad

The medicine will depend upon the following factors. Please let us know that whether your child was born Fat, Fair, and Flabby OR Thin.
Please answer the questions, and we will recommend accordingly.

Herbapthy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
05 Dec 2015
i heard that eating very small amount of choona in everyday life can increase height of a person
Prithvi Kundalia
07 Dec 2015

you can have limestone with water daily in the morning on an empty stomach. Keep in mind that limestone should be of food grade. Mix small wheat grain sized limestone in a glass of water and drink. Do not take it for a prolonged period.
Herb effective in increasing height is Ashwagandha. Buy Ashwagandha powder. Add a tbl spoon of powder in a glass of warm milk. Add sugar to it and drink it every night before sleeping. Drink this daily for a month.
Note - Ashwagandha is very hot Herb. So, of you have a hot potency, reduce the dosage. Reduce it to half spoon.
be careful while dealing with herbs
08 Dec 2015
sir please help me, my weight 60 kgs, height 5.7inchs, age 30 yrs. my cervical spine c4 n c5 have compressed, n total half body pain and knee pain, and blood test is normal, i am suffering from this pain since 8 years. please help me what should i do.
12 Dec 2015
Sir, I have rheumatoid arthritis, RA factor 22, can I take limestone. I'm 33 yrs old. Also does it Effect anyway in conceiving. Please advise!
15 Dec 2015
Sir I am 28 years old with a kid I sometimes suffer from backache I wanted to ask how will limestone benefit me for this pain and other health benefits
15 Dec 2015
I am a 27 yrs old male and a bit overweight can I take limestone daily and what will be the advantages
And for how long should I continue taking it
Sohmit Dutt
15 Dec 2015
Dear Sd

For reducing weight, drink green tea daily, early morning.
Swallow a tablespoon of raw Fenugreek seeds daily. Eating 250 gm of Papaya daily for dinner will also help to reduce weight.

Have you heard of a fruit called Avocado. This is a great fruit, which helps in reducing weight. It will suppress your hunger, reduces the urge to eat and will help to shed off extra calories, that too without any side effect.

Jasmeet kaur
15 Dec 2015
I am 24 year old female, I have vitamin D deficiency and my joints make tik tik sound very often since childhood.While climbing stairs my knees hurt because of which i have gained 4kg in 3months. I get tired very soon and also have sweet cravings.And since last year i have hair growth on my chin and less flow during periods.
Is there any way to increase my height by few inches at this age. I read somwhere ashwagandha helps in gaining height before 25 years of age. Is it possible?
Shall I take ashwagandha or chuna for bones strengthening and other health issues.
What shall I do? Kindly help
I would be highly obliged.
Godzee Jordan
15 Dec 2015
Dear Mateen

For your compressed spine, you should take Ashwagandha .

Take this herb in its capsule form. Take one capsule daily with milk. Try this for 4 days, if it suits you, continue for a month. It will relieve the pain and will open the channels, if blocked.

Include Magnesium, Calcium and Silica in your diet. In case, you have any nerve pain, take the Herb St. John's wort.

Please consult your doctor as well.
Get well soon dear.
Herbpathy Research Team
15 Dec 2015
Dear Reemam

Please take Ashwagandha ( Withania Somnifera ). Buy capsules and take one capsule a day. It will open your channels and will strengthen your back. Also take Punarnava extract.

And please let us know that, are you are Nursing mother?

Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Ashmit Sen
16 Dec 2015
Dear Jeet
Check Rheumatism in the disease section of Herbpathy. It has been explained quite well there. Look for the cure.

For RA, for pain in joints and Swelling can be cured by Harsingar. Prepare a decoction of the leaves and drink it twice a day for 20 days.

Dandelion leaves is an effective herb again. Eat raw leaves in salads. Apply Eucalyptus oil on the Joints, to get relief from the pain.
The best herbs are Ashoka and Giloy. You can start with any tincture and try for a month. Add 5 to 6 drops of the tincture in half a glass of water. Drink it daily. Limestone is not the right choice. However, You should increase Magnesium, Calcium in your diet.
23 Dec 2015
Sir ji, i am a 17.5 Year old boy.. my height is 176 cm (5 Foot 9 Inches).. how can i increase my height upto 180 cm - 183 cm.
Prithvi Kundalia
24 Dec 2015
Swimming is the best exercise to increase height. Hanging on the rod is another. Engage in stretching exercises. Eat a healthy diet.

Herb effective in increasing height is Ashwagandha. Buy Ashwagandha powder. Add a tbl spoon of powder in a glass of warm milk. Add sugar to it and drink it every night before sleeping. Drink this daily for a month.
Note - Ashwagandha is very hot Herb. So, of you have a hot potency, reduce the dosage. Reduce it to half spoon.

Take 3 glasses of milk everyday.

Gurpreet singh
26 Dec 2015
dear sir my age 38M /my name Gurpreet,my l4,l5 disk slip before 4 month,i have pain only my ass when i walk & standing, can i eat chuna ? when &how?thank you.
Herbpathy Research Team
30 Dec 2015
Dear Gurpreet Singh
Please confirm whether the problem is in the Bones or in the Body mass. The treatment in both cases is to different. Please confirm whether there is any change in the structure of the Bones. Please also confirm whether you get Vertigo on shaking your head. Regards
Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
26 Jan 2016
Is it possible to increase height with ashwagandha after 25
05 Feb 2016
Dear Rahul There are very rare chances that height will increase after 25. Still you should try Swimming. Engage in stretching exercises. Eat a healthy diet. All the best
29 Dec 2015
Dear Sir

I am having prolonged bleeding or in other words Menorrhagia. I have undergone thyroid tests and it was negative. When I got my scan done, the result was Cystic Endometrial Hyperplasia and left ovaries have cysts. My gynecologist advised me Primolut-N( hormone) to set right my condition. Is there any other way to set my system naturally and balance my hormonal disorder.
Herbpathy Research Team
31 Dec 2015
Dear Bhargavi We have forward your query to our expert. He will study your case and will recommend you the appropriate treatment accordingly. Your answer will be posted on 4th January 2016.
Till then enjoy the New Year Eve....
Eat Healthy and Stay Healthy!!!! Regards
Herbpathy Research Team
( Make life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Herbpathy Research Team
04 Jan 2016
Dear Bhargavi Cystic Endometrial Hyperplasia is the result of hormonal imbalance, which causes abnormal thickening of Uterus, resulting in Menorrhagia. Chasteberry is a superlative Herb to restore female hormonal balance. Take a 500 mg capsule daily for a month. Liquorice, Basil are other Herbs that are known to cure hormonal imbalance . Also, omega 3 fatty acids is an highly useful in balancing the hormones. Eat foods like oily fish, flax seeds, walnuts and soy beans.. Please consult your doctor before trying any of the Herbs. Regards Herbpathy Research Team ( Make life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
31 Dec 2015
Hello my name is piyush 25 M can it will be effective on me to increase my height 3-5cm my height is 168cm... Ashwagandha and limestone will work at this age
Herbpathy Research Team
31 Dec 2015
Dear Piyush At the age of 25 it not possible to increase your height by eating Herbs. But there may 1 % chance of it by doing exercise like swimming and cycling. But if you want to make your body strong and healthy you can take herbs. Eat Healthy and Stay healthy!!!!! Regards
Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Saify kapadia
05 Jan 2016
I can give chuna to my 4 year kid for memory development with banana. but he has stomach problem, so is it good to take lime stone ?

Karan Khosla
07 Jan 2016
Dear Saify Kapadia You should your kid calcium rich diet. He is only 4 years old, giving him Limestone is not a good idea. this is the age when his body is still to develop, its his growing age, so you should give him wholesome and nourishing diet, required for the growth. Give him almonds, walnuts .
Take Tulsi leaves extract. Put one drop of it in a glass of milk. He should drink it daily. Bluberries, mangoes, pumpkin are good for enhancing memory. Do not give Lime stone. Regards
10 Jan 2016
I got your website through search engine.
I am suffering from very very heavy periods with huge clots and it lasts for 8_10days.pain so bad like knife cutting and it radiate towards back to shoulder to thighs. My mri report say I have huge mass in submucusal layer 30 mm and polyps also endometrial carcinoma.
Please advise.
Many many thanks
Herbpathy Research Team
18 Jan 2016
Dear Preety For heavy periods You should take Manjakani tincture. Add 10 drops of this tincture in a glass of water and drink it daily for a month. This will treat your menstrual disorders, reduce the pain and tone up the entire Reproductive system. For Endometrial Carcinoma, drink Soursop tea daily, or Soursop juice for a month. Mix half a teaspoon of Baking soda in a glass of water. Drink it in the morning and evening for 15 days.
Wheat grass juice is very effective to cure Cancer. Take 30ml of fresh juice every day for 30 days.
For Polyps, Take Calcarea Carb 200, only one dose. Do not repeat the dose. One dose, only once. It means - 4 globules. That's it. Get back to us after a month. All the very best. Regards
Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
11 Jan 2016
I'm a girl. I completed my 19 years and my height is 4'11. Is it possible to increase height by eating chuna in early morning empty stomach??
Herbpathy Research Team
12 Jan 2016
Dear Kajal Once a girl started her menstrual cycle, there are very less chances to increase her height. A few inches can be increased. You may try Ashwagandha. Swimming is the best exercise to increase height. Hanging on the rod is another. Engage in stretching exercises. Eat a healthy diet. Buy Ashwagandha powder. Add a tbl spoon of powder in a glass of warm milk. Add sugar to it and drink it every night before sleeping. Drink this daily for a month.
Note - Ashwagandha is very hot Herb. So, of you have a hot potency, reduce the dosage. Reduce it to half spoon. Take 3 glasses of milk everyday. Vitamin D rich diet and regular exercise is a must.
All the Best
Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Mrs Vibha Joshi.
13 Jan 2016
I am 60 plus suffering from osteoarthritis.can i take this choona remedy?
Herbpathy Research Team
21 Jan 2016
Dear Vibha Joshi Osteoarthritis is a type of Arthritis, which causes bones or cartilage degeneration. Chuna is not the cure for you. Boswellia ( Kundur ) is the Herb which is most effective to cure your condition. Take capsules (400 mg) of this Herb twice a day, for 7 days first, if it suits you, then continue for a month. This will reduce the inflammation and pain in joints. Intake should not be more than 800 mg a day. Take anti-inflammatory foods like Garlic, Turmeric, Lemon and food rich in Omega 3 fatty acid - Nuts, Fish. Acupuncture can treat or improve your joint function. You must give it a try. ----- Try not to put on weight, as it might increase pressure on your joints. Do mild exercises to reduce weight, if you are overweight----
We would really appreciate, if you write back to us after a month and let us know your condition.
All the best.........
Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
16 Jan 2016
Pleas reply
30 Jan 2016
Sir my name is kulraj i just wanted to ask about arthritis, my wife is suffering from arthritis from 6years. Please Advise me what to do about it . how to get rid of it please . she gets a very bad pain in the joints and lower back pain .she can't do too much work . Please Advise me some thing
Herbpathy Research Team
01 Feb 2016
Dear Kulraj A remedy which not only provides relief in Arthritis, but also treats pain in other parts,is, Harsingar. Prepare a decoction of the leaves and drink it, once a day for 20 days. Dandelion leaves is an effective herb again. We recommend her to eat these greens raw in salads. You'd be surprised to see the results. Apply Eucalyptus oil on her Joints, to provide relief from Arthritis pain. To know more, you may visit Arthritis in the disease section of this website. There you will find different methods to cure this disease of your wife. Regards
Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Candy Rebello
01 Feb 2016
I am 45 years of lady and have been trying to conceive for the last 5years.
I have a thyroid problem but its under control.
Can you please suggest herbs to help me conceive.
Thank you
Herbpathy Research Team
01 Feb 2016
Dear Candy Rebello
Please tell us if you are suffering from Hypothyroidism or Hyperthyroidism.
You should consume 3-4 walnuts daily. It ensures the proper functioning of Thyroid.
It is recommended that you go for an ultrasound. Before suggesting you any Herb, it is important to know if you have PCOS problem or not. Because there is a possibility , since, you are not able to conceive. Also tell if you get irregular menses.
Please get this Pelvic Ultrasound done. And write back to us. Regards
Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
05 Feb 2016
I have Hyperthyroidism, Graves Desease.I have been for a pelvic ultrasound and all other test and they all came clear. Thank you.
05 Feb 2016
Sorry i did not mention my period cycle is 24 days but they are not irregular
Rash ( India / maharashtra )
22 Feb 2016
I m 46 yr lady.I m having pain in right leg near knee for which my ayurvedic doc said its starting of oestarthritis...can i take a wheat size ball of chuna in water on empty stomach in morning...i m a vertigo & cervical patient too...DOES CHUNA CREATE HEAT IN BODY?
26 Feb 2016
Dear Rash
Chuna is not bio available to the body. It is recommended that you take the following Herbs for Osteoarthritis---- Stinging Nettle-- Take powder of leaves and stem of this plant with milk, once a day. try this for 15 days. Sesame Oil- will reduce the pain and stiffness in the leg and knee. Heat the oil. Massage with the warm oil for 15 minutes daily. This will improve the blood circulation. Fenugreek seeds- Soak 1 teaspoon of the seeds in water overnight. Next morning, strain it and drink the water. Apply root paste of Ashwagandha on the painful region. do it twice a day. A cup of Ginger decoction, if taken daily is also beneficial in curing the pain and inflammation.
Always, try the Herb for 7 days, initially. If it suits you, then you may continue for a month.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Deepali ( India )
25 Feb 2016
I ve urticaria for the last 8 years ..I ve hypothyroid too. Tried homeopathic but no cure.it started when I was taking ayurveda medicine for weight loss.it get worse after taking food which is hot in nature..
26 Feb 2016
Dear Deepali Before we suggest you any cure, it is important that you write back to us and mention the name of Homeopathic medicines you took for it. Also, mention the dosage and for how long did you take the Homeopathic medicine. Write down the names of Ayurvedic medicine you were on , for reducing weight. With the dosage and the time period for which you took the ayurvedic medicine.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Rakhi ( India )
25 Feb 2016
My son is 7 yrs old. his height 116 cm ... may I give him chuna to increase the height ?? He started walking in the age of 7 months and his teething started at 8th month.
26 Feb 2016
Dear Rakhi Swimming is the best exercise to increase height. You should send your son for swimming classes. This would really help to increase his height. Hanging on the rod is another way. He should engage in stretching exercises. Give him a healthy diet- vitamin D rich .
Give him 3 glasses of milk everyday.
Shikha ( India )
01 Mar 2016
I M 26 yrs old and feeling short term memory lost type problem....feeling back ache during office time..daily.... on test of calcium. m getting less ca. in my body..
less HB COUNT in blood...suddenly weight is also increasing.
08 Mar 2016
Dear Shikha
If, doctor said that you need Calcium, it means, your body is not assimilating the Calcium from the food or your diet. So, to set your metabolism right.
Dandelion leaves-- We recommend you to eat these greens raw in salads. To increase the Calcium absorption in your body please go to Nutrients on this website, type Calcium and eat the things like Spinach, Alfa Alfa, Tofu and Bokchoy.
The best thing for you is, to eat one Beetle Leaf every day. Another way of consuming good Calcium is Egg shell. Break an egg. Wash the shell. The shell has a membrane inside feels like a skin. Carefully remove it, Dry it, and Eat it. This is the pure Calcium. This should take care of your back pain and memory as well. To reduce weight : take Black Cumin seed oil-- Add half teaspoon of this oil in 2 spoons of honey. Mix them well. eat this paste with warm water, two times a day. Once in the morning, on an empty stomach and once in the night before going to bed.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Vidhu ( India / Punjab )
02 Mar 2016
Hi please guide me for increase in height of my teenage daughter !!!!
Ravi ( INDIA )
06 Mar 2016
my age is 17 years and my height is 5 ft and 6.5 inches . suggest some ways to increase my height herbally.
Shaurya Seth
07 Mar 2016
Dear Ravi and Vidhu
For teenagers, Swimming is the best exercise to increase height. Hanging on the rod is another way. It really helps. The third method is to do stretching exercises.Diet should be a healthy one, wholesome and nutritious food.
Drinking 3 glasses of milk everyday will also help. A herb called Ashwagandha is effective to increase height. You can take it in the powder form. Take only a quarter tea spoon with milk on alternate days. Good Luck...
Girish kumar ( India-Gujarat )
07 Mar 2016
You suggest to mix chuna after prepairing Dal/Vegetables, from where we can buy this chuna.
07 Mar 2016
Dear Girish Kumar .
We do not deal with sales or purchase of any herb or herbal product.
You can buy this food grade calcium carbonate online or from a betel-seller (paan wala ). Herbal products are available on e-commerce websites. We have moved your query to the Buy/Sell page of our website. Users post their contact details on that page for the purpose of buying or selling herbs. That is entirely a user affair. You may visit that page and look for the users selling the needed herb. Herbpathy.com has just provided the platform for communication for the users. NOTE : if you wish to add chuna after preparing veggies or daals, please be careful. The amount should be minute. very very less. As it may cause blisters in your mouth and you would not be able to eat for many days. So, add only a pinch of this powder in the food. Regards
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Priyanka ( India )
10 Mar 2016
At what age should a kid start taking chuna.my kid is taking it from last 2 years and he is of 6.5 now.is it a problem for him in future or not.he is taking with water with empty stomach. Do reply please.
Komal Gaba
16 Mar 2016
Dear Priyanka
What is the age of your kid ? It should not be taken for so long. If this food grade calcium carbonate is taken in small amounts, then it helps the body to absorb calcium and bones become stronger. But 2 years is quite long. The only side effect he could have experienced is constipation or mouth ulcers. Since he did not experience any of it. It is good. Now you may please suspend the usage and ask your kid to do stretching exercises. He can join swimming classes. Give him 3 glasses of milk in a day. He should take food rich in calcium and vitamin D. No more chuna please.
17 Jan 2020
My son is 10 years old and complaining for legs pain and sensitive teeth problem.Is it safe to give him chuna at this age? Please reply as it looks like a deficiency of calcium in a family . Thank you
24 Jan 2020
Dear Shubhra.
Please mention more about your child's problem.
* Does he complain of leg pain all the time or is it only after playing, walking or after some activity/ at any particular time of day as in the morning, evening?
* Was he born fair, fat, flabby?
* Does he likes sweets or salt much?
* Does he eat chalk, mud, etc.?
* Does he like milk? Write back for further assistance.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
10 Mar 2016
Ashwagandha can be given to what age children.can a kid less than 10 years may take Ashwagandha for height.an how much quantity and for how long.for years or months
Karan Singh
16 Mar 2016
Dear Tijil
Why do yo wish to give Ashwagandha to your kid. He is too young. His height will increase as he grows. This his growing period. Let his body develop first. For height. he can go for swimming.
Stretching exercises, or hanging on rod. You may give him Ashwagandha once he is above 18. Give him healthy food.
Sumit ( India/Haryana )
14 Mar 2016
Dear Sir
I just fall down from bike and my knee joint ligaments are teared.Grade III injury. I put kacha plaster for 3 weeks but still pain is there. How much time take to recover without surgery and what should I eat to cure faster as I'm 26 yrs old guy pls suggest
12 Apr 2016
Dear Sumit Turmeric Lehyam : Also called turmeric halwa. As turmeric is not soluble in milk or water. Take organic turmeric, mix it with ghee and heat it up, stir, to avoid the over roasting of paste. Store it in a jar and consume this lehyam daily with warm milk. It will help to heal the injury faster.
Ahmesh Lakhani ( United States )
15 Mar 2016
My father have essential tremors. He tried many medication but had no luck with them so far.

Do you suggest any herbal which I can find in U.S.A?

Thanks in advance
Prithvi Gokhale
16 Mar 2016
Ahmesh Lakhani
St. John's Wort. Its homeopathic name is Hypericum . Start by taking 3 drops of this tincture in half glass of water, once a day. you may try taking it for a week first. If it suits Him then the dosage might be increased, or the usage might be extended to 15 days more. Next herb which might help him is Ashwagandha. It can be taken in its capsule form on alternate days. A prior discussion with your health care provider is a must before taking any Herb or medicine.
17 Mar 2016
I am 33 year old and deficient in Calcium and Vitamin D and was taking supplements like calcirol powder twice a week. Now I have stopped taking these from last 1 year.
Now I feel cut sound on upper back and neck most of the time when I stretch.

I also want to tell that I got Tonsills stones when I was taking calcium supplements (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonsillolith)

I also feel lethargic and have frequent mood swings and negative attitude towards life.

Please suggest some remedy for me.
Herbpathy Admin
14 Apr 2016
Dear Ashwani
This might be side effects of taking those supplements, but we can not say. Since we can not diagnose you physically, so it is recommended that you get yourself diagnosed by a health care provider. So that we can get to know the cause of your condition. Then only we can suggest you an appropriate Herb.
The lethargy is due to the attitude of yours. You should remember that your attitude is the driving force in your life. It can either pull you up to great heights or push you down the abyss. So its better you identify things that you wish to change about your life. Work on it and look back at the times when your attitude was positive. Just believe in yourself.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Alefiya ( India/ gujarat )
19 Mar 2016
My mother is 65 plus. She is suffering from knee pain past 15 years. We tried different allopathic doctors but no result is seen. Doctor suggest to change kneee through operation but I m against it. Since five years she has develop difficulties in walking also. We tried harsingar decotion n chuna for couple of months but no visible benefit is seen. Please suggest some acute remedy to avoid operation as she is undergoing severe pain. I would be very thankful to you.
Rusgika Sen
15 Apr 2016
Dear Alefiya There is a Herb called Kaudi Chaal. Its botanical name is Holarrhena Antidysenterica. Make a decoction and drink it for 3 days. It is available in all spices and herb store. And you should increase the intake of Calcium in her daily diet. Please check the nutrient Calcium on this website ( under Nutrient Section ). Mix 10 drops of Yarrow oil with Castor oil. Massage on the affected parts.
Do it twice a day.
Mix 2 tablespoons of Camphor oil in half cup of coconut oil. heat it. Massage the affected parts with this mixture twice a day, regularly for 20 days.
Anjali ( India )
26 Mar 2016
I am suffering with glossophernyngial neuralgia.... My age is 37 years...can u help me to get rid of this disease.....i got to diagnosed this problem 3 years before.
29 Mar 2016
hi.....i heard from Rajeev Dixit that chuna does increases height , I am 19 YEARS OLD. cAN I INCREASE HEGHT NOW BY EATING CHUNA DAILYYY????
05 Apr 2016
Dear Aayushi For teenagers, Swimming is the best exercise to increase height. Hanging on the rod is another way. It really helps. The third method is to do stretching exercises.Diet should be a healthy one, wholesome and nutritious food.
Drinking 3 glasses of milk everyday will also help. A herb called Ashwagandha is effective to increase height. You can take it in the powder form. Take only a quarter tea spoon with milk on alternate days
Only food grade calcium carbonate should be taken.
Nisha ( Mumbai / maharastra )
01 Apr 2016
My daughter is 10 yr old and has a very scanty hair so is it good to apply chuna water mixed properly with coconut oil ?
05 Apr 2016
Dear Nisha
Yes, you may do that. This remedy prevents premature graying of hair. The best thing you can do is. Take almond oil. Add castor oil to it. Mix well and apply it on her scalp, thrice a week. This will make the hair dense, lustrous and long. A Highly effective cure for scant hair. Take 4 large tablespoon of almond oil in a bowl. add one table spoon of castor oil to it. Apply on the scalp and the hair.... Leave it on for 4 to 6 hours. Wash it off. Try this for a month. Thrice in a week and see the results .
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
SNEHA ( Karnataka )
16 Apr 2016
I am 31 yrs Female. Last month I had my thyroid test done and it was 4.28 count. I hav gained little weight. Having lot of emotional imbalance. I am giving a competitive exam next month but not able to concentrate and memory has also weakened alot. Get stressed vry soon. Also having severe hair thinning and hair loss problem with recent graying of hair. Did try homeo med for hair problem since past 4 yrs but no result at all rather the hair volume has decreased evn more. Kindly advice for memory, hair and thyroid problem.
21 Apr 2016
I am 33 years old. I have irregular periods since couple of years. As suggested by the doctor did all the test I don't have thyroid problem nor Pcos all my reports are ok. Can you suggest any remedy? I heard taking chuna with curd will make periods regular?
22 Apr 2016
Dear Aparna There are number of causes for Irregular Menses. It may be due to stress or change in the lifestyle. The best remedy to cure this problem is Dong Quai and Manjakani. These herbs tone up the uterus lining and helps in regular ovulation. They also reduces the abdominal pain and body pain associated with menses. You can take any of these herbs. 1) If you are going for Manjakani, then take 10 drops of Manjakani tincture in a half glass of water before and after menstruation period.
OR You can also take 1 capsule of Manjakani daily. 2) If you are going for Dong Quai, take 1 capsule daily for a month. In case you want to check which herb is working better. You can consume 1 herb at a time for a month. Try the next herb for the next month. Choose yourself. Please NOTE: Do not consume any kind of remedy or medicine during the cycle. It may interrupt your natural menstrual cycle.
Veena ( India )
22 Apr 2016
I am 52 years old female.I am suffering from diabetes for last 17 years right now am on heavy alopathy doses but still it's not completely controlled I can't sleep at night properly always remain in anxiety and depression. My feet feel burning and numbness, lack of concentration and forget things, I feel joint pain tiredness and fatigue all the time, may be I am having osteoporosis also how to get rid of all problems please help me.
Boppana R ( India / Telengana )
26 Apr 2016
Recently I went for general cardiac check , all related tests are completely positive. But, Echo cardio gram test showed a tumour in the heart . Doctor mentioned it as Myxomas .Is there any treatment for this. I am 70 years lady completely hale and healthy except OSteoarthritis of knees. Please let me know the cure for the tumour in the heart
03 May 2016
Dear Boppana It is suggested that you may take Arjuna herb, its tincture is known as Terminalila Arjuna. Start with 5 drops initially, then after a week, you may increase the dosage... Galium Aparine tincture is the herb that will help to cure the tumor. Take 5 drops of this tincture in a glass of water, daily for a month. This Herb has great anti-tumor action. Consult your doctor before trying any medications.
Priyanka ( Raj )
02 May 2016
I am breastfeeding mother.my baby is two month old.I had csection. I m not able to produce enough milk for baby.hw to improve milk production.what supplements can i take which will help me n my baby.
03 May 2016
Dear Priyanka
The herb for you is : Fenugreek and Flax seed.
Have you heard of the Herb Flax seed ( Alsi ). You can take Alsi ke laddoo. But, remeber, this herb is very hot in nature, so take in lesser amounts.
other method is Fenugreek paste. Apply this paste on your breasts.Leave it on breasts for 15 minutes then wash it off..
Try these methods for 15 days. Consult your doctor before trying any medications.
Payal mishra ( MAHARASHTRA )
06 May 2016
i am pregnant and i heard its good to have chuna with Pomegranate juice daily. it will make my baby healthy. so is it good to consume it in pregancy???
26 May 2016
Dear Payal
Well, I suggest you not to take Chuna, but yes you can take Pomegranate juice. as you are pregnant so be careful before eating any herb as they are very effective.
Mona Rijal ( India )
18 May 2016
Does Chuna helps in increasing the height of children? If yes can I give it to my child of 8 years old? He is not gaining sufficient height comparing to the other children of his age. Please give the detail of the doses and quantities and how to use it.
26 May 2016
Dear Mona
If you really want to increase you kid's height, then send him for cycling and Swimming. As it is his growing age, and give him banana shake daily.
Reedhi ( India )
18 May 2016
Sir, I am 32 years old and not able to concieve.I had irregular periods which are little better now.please suggest something.also is eating chuna healthy before and after pregnancy.what amount or with which combination.
Please help me sir.m little over weight too.
Kalpna bansal ( India/haryana )
22 May 2016
My son is 13 y old . His height is 153 cm . Can I gave him Rajiv Dixit 's Chuna therapy for increase the height. Pl advice me .
26 May 2016
Dear kalpna I will suggest you the same as i suggested to Mona. Send him for swimming and cycling. Give him a healthy diet. Chuna is also helpful, but i guess these things will really help them to increase height and also will make their muscles strong.
Aryan ( New delhi )
23 May 2016
Hi i m 32 year old.for last 6 months,my penis is being loose.after having sex erection does not happen properly means in small amount.my hair also becomes thin in last few months.please suggest best solution
24 Jun 2016
If these are the symptoms you are facing, it means that something is wrong with your Kidneys. Take Gokharu capsules. One capsule every day. It's homeopathic name is Trribulus Terristris tincture, take 5 drops in a glass of water for a month. Twice in day.
This will definitely help you.
Parvez ( INDIA )
26 May 2016
Hey my self parvez 20 years old my height is 5.3.
Any suggestions for increasing height Please if any reply me.
26 May 2016
Dear Parvez
Well in think you are 20 years old now, so it would be hard to gain height now. But you do regular exercises, it might help you to increase a few inches.
Harman ( India/haryana )
31 May 2016
I am 28 years old female. I was facing back ache and pain in my legs and arms so I got my vitamin d, vitamin b12 and HB checked and as per reports these are 41.17 nmoI/L (deficient), 247pg/mL and 9.3 gm/dl respectively. My doctor has prescribed some supplements to me for this.
should i go for supplements or not?
Or there any natural way to improve.
22 Jun 2016
Instead of going for the artificial supplements. You should try the veggies, fruits and herbs that are rich in these vitamins.
Vitamin D- Brinjal, Dandelion, Egg, Drumstick, Fenugreek Vitamin B12- Dong Quai, Aloe Vera,Milk, Spirulana
Rashmi ( India )
31 May 2016
I want to give chuna to my kids one is 5 year and another is 2.5years. How to give them.
How to make limestone water.
Can I dilute one 10 gm packet in water and add few drops to milk or curd or again water.
Plz suggest me
17 Jun 2016
I am confused regarding limestone. I heard that one should take equal to wheat grain size. But the issue is from where to get it. Plz help.
Preeti Shah
27 Jun 2016
Do not. ONly give food grade,limestone to your kid. That too. a pinch in the meal.
04 Jun 2016
I am 38 yrs old unmarried girl. My periods are regular but durations are very short(2days) earlier it was normal(5day) but since 5-6 years its reduced gradually from 3day to 2days.
i consulted to the doctors they said its normal, more important is to have it regular, so nothing to worry about. i want to bring it to the normal how can I do that kindly suggest. what is the reason of it & how to cure?
22 Jun 2016
The Herbs are Manjakani Shatavari
Dong Quai are a boon for females. They tone up the muscles of the reproductive organs and provide strength. You may take all these at alternate bases. Buy in the form of tablets, they are easily available in the market.
And when you get blood you may have the following combination of herbs.
Roast 1 tablespoon of Ajwain ( Carom ) in a pan. Add one table spoon of Clarified butter and Jaggery powder ( Gurh ). Eat it twice a day. It will clean your internal system. You may repeat the process for two days in your menses.
But remember one thing, never take any kind of medication during your menses. As it will upset your menstrual cycle and may cause hormonal imbalance.
14 Jun 2016
Dear sir,
Please guide that what is the method to use chuna,i mean it should dilute with water or we can intake directly...I used directly and my younger become red and painful.
I started using Chuna for knee osteoarthritis.
Please advise.
24 Jun 2016
Dear Imran
We recommend you is Maha yograj Guggul of Dhootapapershwar. Take 2 tablets a day for 1 month. Then let us know about your health status. Also other herb is Boswellia . Take one capsule everyday, for a month. It is advised to consult your health care provider before taking any herb.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
23 Jun 2016

I am suffering from Polysystic overy syndrom (in the past 3 months) . When approached a alternate medicine doctor, (sujok therapy) he instructed to consume pomogrante juice with pinch of limestone. Is it adviceable to have limestone .
24 Jun 2016
A pinch of limestone , the food grade limestone, the one used in beetle leaf is not bad. Do not take it for a prolonged period,
Sandhya kumari ( India,chennai )
29 Jun 2016
I'll eat rock limestone every day is it effects in occurring pregnancy?
Shikha ( India )
03 Jul 2016
My son is 3.5 years. He always complains of pain in legs. What to do. What natural things will help him
Anju ( India Maharashtra )
06 Jul 2016
I have suddenly gained six kgs in six months.I m 43 years old.Will chuna help me in controlling weight gain?
06 Jul 2016
No Anju, you should not. The sudden weight gain might be cause of water retention. Even if you wish to reduce the weight try the following ----
Swallow a tablespoon of raw Fenugreek seeds daily. Eating 250 gm of Papaya daily for dinner will also help to reduce weight. Do regular Exercise and Yoga. It will improve your mental and physical health as well. Drink two cups of green tea daily.
08 Jul 2016
I m mukesh Kumar Mandal,I want to increase my height at present I'm 5.2 feet,and my weight is 48 kg.I am also suffering from hypo thyroid. My age 23 years.how to increase my height.
Manish Tuteja
08 Jul 2016
Mukesh. Height can be increased during the teenage. Since , you are 23, it is rarethat you can increase the height. Swimming is the best exercise to increase height. Hanging on the rod is another way. It really helps. The third method is to do stretching exercises.Diet should be a healthy one, wholesome and nutritious food.
Drinking 3 glasses of milk everyday may help. A herb called Ashwagandha is effective to increase height. You can take it in the powder form. Take only a quarter tea spoon with milk on alternate days. This will also help you to cure Hypothyroid.
08 Jul 2016
Can I take chuna with water in the morning empty stomach and at night aswagandha at night with milk.
Nikita ( Maharashtra )
09 Jul 2016
My father in law is 68 years old and he has 50% fibrosis in right lung and Now he is not keeping well. he has become asthmatic patient he has to take oxygen 15 hours a day. For his health and memory will chuna help?
13 Jul 2016
Dear Nitika
We have forwarded your query to our Expert. The concerned person will get back to you as soon as possible.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
20 Jul 2016
Dear Nikita
We advise your father the following Regimen.
1. Liquorice :You can consume liquorice, in raw form or buy Capsules. Take 1 every day. It is one of the best remedies for Immune system.
It also prevents the further damaging of the Lungs.
2. Lungwort : You can buy tincture " Pulmonary Officinalis " and have
5 drops 3 times in a day. As its name indicates, it keeps a good care
of the Lungs and enhances the functions of the Lungs.
3. Eat Vitamin C rich foods : They enhance the production of the white
blood cells which help in suppressing the inflammation of the lungs.
They also help in healing the scarred tissues. Fresh Vitamin C rich
foods you can consume are
Lemons, Oranges, Grapes, Berries, and other citrus foods.
4. Schisandra : Schisandra fruit is used to treat Pulmonary disorders
like, Asthma, Cough, Cold and Bronchitis. So it will take a good care
of your Lungs. Please take fresh fruit, not the dried berries.
20 Jul 2016
To be Continue to Nikita
5. Withania Somnifera tincture : Take 5 drops 2 times in a day. It
will support your immune system.
6. Flax Seed Oil : Flax seed oil is rich in fatty acids. It improves
the blood circulation, and rejuvenates the scarred and inflamed
Follow this for 1 month and get his test done and write us back with results.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Sarah Ali ( Pakistan )
14 Jul 2016
I have hypothyroid since 10 years and diabetes since 3 years now. I am 36. I have been taking allopathic medication for both daily. All their side effects have begun to show. Kindly guide me with your wisdom
Dhroov Rathore
01 Aug 2016
Dear Sarah It is recommended that you take Giant Crape Myrtle. This is very potent herb to lower the blood sugar level. Take a glass of luke warm water, add half spoon of this extract to your glass of water. Have it every morning on an empty stomach. Keep a check on your sugar levels and take it accordingly. You may try it for a week first. For hypothyroidism, take Ashwagandha capsules on every alternate day. Try this herb for a week, if it suits you take it for a month. Consult your health care provider before taking any medicine.
Indu ( India/punjab )
17 Jul 2016
My father is 55 years old. He is heart patient,had two heart attacks. Since a week he is suffering from shoulder to arm pain,sometimes from back neck to shoulder. We have consulted ortho dr.but provided medicine is not fruitfull. Can he take chuna to cure such a problm?
20 Jul 2016
Dear Indu
I don't think that Chun will work in his case. You should give him such herbs that may tone up his heart.
Herbs Like
Arjuna ( Take tea once in a day )
Hawthorn ( Take 4 to 5 leaves and boil it for 10 min. Take this 2 times in a day, Or you may also take 10 drops of tincture 3 times in a day ).
Green Tea, are effective for Heart.
Take these remedies for a month.
18 Jul 2016
Hello Sir,

My father is 64 and in initial stage of Parkinson diesease..let me know any cure
20 Jul 2016
Dear Parul
You may give him Mucuna pruriens capsule 1 every day. Also take Bacopa Mannieri.
Kaushik ( India/Maharashtra )
22 Jul 2016
Can chuna help in increase height
22 Jul 2016
Dear Kaushik
Height increases at some age. In boys it may increase upto the age of 20 to 25 max, and in girls, the height may increase up to the age of 18 to 20 max. To increase your height, swimming is the best exercise. I don't think that chuna may help out.
01 Aug 2016
I have had hysterectomy and I am 46, I have pain in my lower abdomen and urinary problems...I have also developed arthritis in my knees. I have high blood pressure sometimes and anxiety. My hypothyroidism has also caused my weight gain. Can I take chuna?
04 Aug 2016
Do not take Chuna at all.For Arthirits, take Mahayograj Guggul capsules. One capsule twice a day, for a month. For Compressed nerves and nerve pain, the herb is Hypericum Perforatum tincture. Take 5 drops in a glass of water, everyday for a month. For Hypothyroidism, take Ashwagandha tincture. 5 drops in a glass of water. Try this for a week, if it suits you, then continue for a month. And take Thyroidinum 3x ( homeopathic medicine) for a month.

The weight gain will be taken care of, once your thyroid gets right. We can not suggest you any herb for abdominal and urinary problems, since these are the side effects of hysterectomy. As far as the burning sensation in legs is concerned, write us back and mention your age.
Consult your health care provider before taking any herb.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
05 Aug 2016
Herbs that will help you to reduce the side effects of Hysterectomy are--
Licorice-Drink Licorice tea,one cup everyday. Take one Dong quai capsule daily for a month , Anise strengthens the liver and moistens the skin. Licorice, dong quai and red clover may relieve hot flashes, vaginal dryness, mood swings and forgetfulness. Do not take dong quai and Licorice if you have diabetes, Hypertension , heart disease or a history of strokes are sensitive to light or are on Warfarin..
10 Aug 2016
Thanks , Herbpathy and Dora Please help I have very bad anxiety I can go any where stay home all day. Also I can stay alone home I am very scared. I Tri go out my blood pressure go up. After that I can't go out . Please help me. I can't take depression medicine. Dr give me.
Preeti ( India )
03 Aug 2016

Hi ...I m suffering from pcod from last 5yrs....means I used to get periods in every 15-20 days...also suffering from thyroid(hypo).....as well as pain in legs n compressed back n low BMD.....pls suggest the medicine....
04 Aug 2016
For PCOD, you need to take the herbs that will set your hormonal imbalance right. The herbs are-- SAW PALMETTO - Take on capsule every day, take this for a month. CHASTE BERRY- It aids in balancing the Hormones.
Take a cup of hot water. Add a spoon of fresh or dried Chaste Berries to it. Steep for 10 minutes. Then, strain it and drink this tea daily for 30 days. DO NOT TAKE :---
Sugar, Barley, Potatoes, White Bread. INCLUDE FOOD IN YOUR DIET :-----
Flax Seed, Fenugreek, Apple Cider Vinegar, Basil,Liquorice. For hypothyroid, take Ashwagandha tincture. 5 drops in a glass of water. Try this for a week, if it suits you, then continue for a month. Consult your health care provider before taking any herb.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Ram(India) ( India )
04 Aug 2016
I am teenager I am in my growing years as calcium is essential part of diet for growing kids I want to know that may I consume Pickling-lime for calcium is that okay or there is some kind of side effects of it, by the way in India there is something called "PAN" that contain "edible-lime also known as Pickling-lime" and people consume that, so may I take that Pickling-lime as calcium supplement, and if yes then how should i take that and take with.
23 Aug 2016
Dear Ram
I would like to advise you to take foods rich in Calcium instead of Pickling lime. As you are in your growing age, you must go for regular exercise and eat a healthy diet rich in nutrients and minerals. Do some yoga asans and breathing exercises which improve the blood circulation in your body. You should avoid white bread, white sugar and white rice, try to eat brown bread, brown sugar and brown rice. Avoid junk food and oily food.
Have 2 cups of organic green tea daily.
Sam ( Punjab )
17 Aug 2016
I wana know is limestone good for impotence and sperm count ? What dosage can i take in a day ?
23 Aug 2016
Dear Sam
Well, i have never heard about uses of lime stone for impotence, but i know some very effective herbs, that may help to get rid of Impotence. Those herbs are ..
1. Maca
2. White Musli
3. Black Musli
4. Mucuna Prureins etc...
You may read the impotence page on this portal.
Kiran ( Chandigarh )
23 Aug 2016
Hello I am Kiran
My son is 3 years old
Is it good time to start lime water means chuuna pani
And suggest what type of age to start lime water
Meenal Shah
24 Aug 2016
Why do you even wish to give lime water to your baby ?
No, do not give him chuna at all. Give him wholesome nutritious diet. No supplements please
Shilpa ( India )
26 Aug 2016
I wana know is limestone good for harmones as I have pcos problem n we r trying to conceive pls suggest can limestone will be beneficial ?
26 Aug 2016
Dear Shilpa
For PCOS, why don't you try Saw Palmetto. Take 1 tablet every day for 1 month.
Prasana ( India )
27 Aug 2016
Dear Sir,

I am only 36 year old male and suffering from moderate osteoporosis (as detected in test). Please suggest methods to improve my bone calcium level. Should i start taking chuna on daily basis for this?
31 Aug 2016
The Bone Calcium can be increased by taking diet rich in Vitamin D 3.
Take foods rich in calcium, Tofu is very very good for you. Drink Milk, take curd everyday. And if you wish to know more foods rich in D3, then you can go on Nutrient page in the Nutrient section of this website and look for the herb sthere.
Do not take chuna. Only food grade can be taken that too a pinch in your veggies or meal once a day.
Tanmay ( India )
01 Sep 2016
How can one increase sperm cells
Please help
Mine is less and very liquid
I used to masturbate a lot
01 Sep 2016
Dear Tanmay
Try Sida Cordifolia and Mucuna Pruriens. Buy Sida Cordifolia powder and take 1 teaspoon in the morning.
Buy Mucuna Pruriens capsule and take 1 every day for 1 month.
Nina ( Chandigrah )
04 Sep 2016
I eat limestone . I am 23 year old. What is the side effact .
08 Sep 2016
Why do you eat lime stone ? Are you suffering from any disease? Or are you taking this herb just like that.
Sam ( Usa )
05 Sep 2016
Hi !
I have been suffering from Restless Leg Sydrome for the last 9 yrs. I have tried every herbal remedy possible including taking supplements, valerian, magnesium, Calm legs. I also bought. Tens for pain relief but there is no difference. I'm sleep deprived and this is affecting by General well. being.please advice- thanks
08 Sep 2016
Sam You need to write us back and mention detailed symptoms. Were you asthmatic during your childhood ? Or have you ever had an asthmatic attack in your life ?
Have you ever experienced any skin problems in your childhood ? Do you feel mentally also restless ? A detailed explanation of your symptoms will help to provide an appropriate cure.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
09 Sep 2016
Thanks for the reply. No, I don't have ashma and I don't have any skin problems. I'm really worried about the excruciating pain that I have in my right leg that cause me to not sleep. Thanks and please advice.
Ranjit ( Bihar )
14 Sep 2016
I am 38 year old suffering from waist pain from 4 years. When I stand for 1 minute and sit it feels.
14 Sep 2016
Did you ever had an accident or an injury in your lower back ? Do you feel any numbness in your legs when you stand for long duration ?
Mention other symptoms also. Pain in any other joints, like knees, elbows ? Did you get yourself diagnosed from a doctor. Physical examination by a doctor is important in your case. It is therefore suggested that you get yourself checked by a doctor and let us know what the doctor says.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
15 Sep 2016
I have never got any injury. It is some gap in backbone. He recommended belt and physiotherapy.
15 Sep 2016
Ranjit The gap can taken care of by gentle Yoga poses.
Try snake pose for one week. Then try Cobra pose for a week, everyday. Also do Grasshopper pose everyday for a month. Bridge Pose help to reduce the gap These might help. 10 minutes of exercise of joints is important before trying any of these poses. Only try these poses under the care of a Yoga expert.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Rahul ( India,haryana )
18 Sep 2016
Hieee.need ur help.three time shoulder dislocation and disc prolapsed from last two year.now cervical problem also.two much sound in neck , wrist.full spine like damaged.I take Ayurvedic n homeopathic medicine b no results.. Can u suggest me both medicine combination. N can I take Chuna...plsss help me
20 Sep 2016
Rahul firstly, you will have too specify the name of Homeopathic herbs that you have been taking, starting from the potency and the dosage and for how long have you been taking them.
What about your spine ? You said it is damaged, did you ever happen to have met with an accident ? Any injury on spine , lower back or shoulder ?
no, you should not be taking chuna, instead take food rich in vitamin D and calcium. We can only suggest the herbs once we get answers to the questions we have asked.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Sameera ( Dubai )
19 Sep 2016
Does it help increase height in children? If yes what is the correct way?
What other herbal things can be used for underweight children for health & height apart from full healthy diet?
Smitha Kaul
20 Sep 2016
For height, you can encourage the child to go for hanging exercises and skipping the rope. Swimming is the best way to increase height naturally.
Make sure the diet of your child is wholesome, rich in calcium, magnesium and all other nutrients.
Do not give him artificial supplements to increase height or weight. As, the supplements might result in Kidney damage. Make sure all the nutrients are obtained from the diet only.
Banana and milk added with honey can be given everyday to increase weight.
Radha ( HARYANA )
26 Sep 2016
From where I can get limestone for knee pain.If I get it from Panwala ,it is in liquid form,which does not seem Hygnic I want to know that this chuna will not accumulate in form of stone in our body .Please guide me Thanks
28 Sep 2016
Do not. Please do not take any form of Limestone. Take only food grade limestone that too available in the form of capsules. Drink Dandelion soup everyday for a month. Another herb for you is Babool fruit. Or you may take one beetle leaf everyday for 3 days ( paan )
Preeti ( India )
28 Sep 2016
I had chikungunya last month and now fever is gone but still joint pain is there.
Please advise, how can i take lime or what else i can take to cure this!
Ayesha ( India )
02 Oct 2016
hi i am Ayesha and i am 15 years old and i am quite flabby Had my first period when i was 11 and i want to increase my height can i take limestone to increase my height and please tell me some other ways to increase my height
05 Oct 2016
Swimming is the best exercise to increase height. . Engage in stretching exercises. Yoga will help. Herb which is effective in increasing height is Ashwagandha. Buy Ashwagandha powder. Add a tbl spoon of powder in a glass of warm milk. Add sugar to it and drink it every night before sleeping. Drink this daily for a month.
Note - Ashwagandha is very hot Herb. So, of you have a hot potency, reduce the dosage. Reduce it to half spoon. Take 3 glasses of milk every day. Eat a healthy diet. Skipping the rope is another effective method to increase height.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
05 Oct 2016
is this Ashwagandha has any Side Effects
Arshad ( India )
05 Oct 2016
Did the usage of limestone in water leads to stone formation in body and if not then how and why
14 Oct 2016
You should not be taking it's crude form. Only food grade limestone can be taken, that too the wheat grain size, only if you are suffering from any bone disorder.
Aisha ijaz ( Pakistan )
12 Oct 2016
Dear team i hear about youu many times. Now i contact with you .my age is 40 i have 2 daughters one is 12 and other is 14 yr i do have this yr two times but could not conceive someone tell me about lime chuna for better eggs production also i have period problem sometimes on time sometime with medicine so pl help me about this and tell me how much i can take this thanks
14 Oct 2016
Aisha What do you mean by better egg production ? Are you not able to conceive ?
What are the symptoms ? And do you what to produce more children as you said, you already have 2 ? Please write in correct english.
Shanta ( U.S.A )
17 Oct 2016
I am Shanta 41 years, I have been suffering from neck, upper mid-back, middle of chest, shoulder and right hand tricep since almost 8 month .I do work like lifting ,pulling, pushing,scanning,I have to use my upper body most of the time.But its been a 2 month I'm not lifting any weight, doing physical therapy, massage.But still I'm not feeling any better,My upper body is getting weaker and weaker,I even can't carry my hand bag .Because of pain I couldn't get sound sleep at night as well.So what should I do to get rid of this pain?

With best regards,


18 Oct 2016
I have wrist and left knee pain, and because of gallbladder stone doctors removed my gallbladder ,so in this case can I have limestone or no?
21 Oct 2016
No, do not take limestone. For wrist and knee pain take Boswellia capsules, one every day.
Also, apply Castor oil on the effected areas and massage everyday regularly for a month.
Turmeric is a crucial herb that you need to include in your diet.
21 Oct 2016
Thank you so much Harshavardhanaji, for your reply.I really appreciate and I will follow your recommendations and let you know after one month.One again thanks a lot. With Best regards, Sam
Meera ( Haryana,India )
21 Oct 2016
hi, I m34 yrs old..I have pcod.I have 1 chocolate cyst in rt ovary n 1 chocolate cyst in left ovary ..I m taking treatment. .my eggs are not developed so I get my period late usually. can i take limestone for formation of eggs along with medicine. ..I want to conceive also ..pls reply . thank u
25 Oct 2016
Please take Saw Palmetto capsules every day for a month. One every day.
This shall take care of the cysts. Drink Chaste Berry tea everyday for a month . No. please do not take limestone. How would it help in the formation of eggs.
It will not. Also take Fevernut deoction. 20 ml everyday for 15 days. Shatavari capsules every day for a month
Barkha ( U.P )
22 Oct 2016
I am 34 year old lady and suffering from uric acid problem. I have pain in my full body specially in lower back and foot toes. What is the cure through natural herbal treatment?
Kavya Krishnan
25 Oct 2016
Barkha I want to suggest that you take Radish leaves everyday once in a day for 15 days. you may drink the Radish leaves soup or take them in the boiled form, with added salt to it. Write back after 15 days.
Yami ( India / Delhi )
01 Nov 2016
I am 32 yrs old female. I have pain in my knees past 2 years, i have taken Synject in knees 3 months back. I have some relief but still gets pain sometimes. Doctor has advised to take calcium. I also got hypothyroidism this year, and I have gained 5 kg extra weight since then. Can I use lime stone for my knees? Please advised.
Nimrata Verma
08 Nov 2016
No,. I will not suggest you to take limestone, instead you must take herbs rich in calcium: fruits and veggies.
Egg shell is the rich source of Calcium. you may try it. For hypothyroidism, take Ashwagandha for 15 days. Quarter teaspoon with water.
04 Nov 2016
i am victim of back pain while i was study for more than one and half hour .
is Lime is good or something else .
if else then what .
if exercise then which one..
08 Nov 2016
Naresh Daresh Take antiinflammatory Herbs like Turmeric, Castor Oil or Yarrow essential oil.
Massage your back with warm Castor oil.
Mix Yarrow essential oil with any base oil like Castor oil and heat it. Apply it twice a day on your back for 15 days. Try gentle back poses, do not over stretch your body. If you feel numbness in the back, there should be no delay in consulting your doctor. Also, get yourself physically diagnosed by a doctor.
Renu ( Delhi )
06 Nov 2016
My 17 yrs old son has downs syndrome with thyroid problem. Should I give him raw chuna as suggested by rajiv dixit ji?
Also , I am 48 yrs old suffering from knee pain knee lock and vericose veins .is aw chuna right for me.
Plz suggest right amt
08 Nov 2016
Dear Renu
I do not think Down syndrome can be cured by herbs. It is a genetic anomaly, Gene therapy might cure it. Your son may benefit from speech therapy, and exercises to help improve him his motor skills.
Give him amino acid supplements.
Aleena ( India )
13 Nov 2016
I am an 18 year old girl..wanted to increase my height as well as memory power..i have even tried consuming ashwagandha powder with milk at night but because of its taste i spit it out every time i try..please help me and let me know wat are the different ways of consumption.. If possible and what else can i do for it
17 Nov 2016
You may buy it in the capsule form. Take one capsule after every third day.
Join swimming classes, this is the best way to increase height naturally. Skipping the rope will also help you a lot.
Dharani ( India )
13 Nov 2016
I want know that eating chuna will effects in occurring pregnancy?
Jaanvi Bhalla
17 Nov 2016
Only edible form of limestone can be taken. That too, not alone, a pinch mixed with pomegranate juice is taken. Only during the first trimester. It is usually not recommended. but, still you wish to take it, you can. I would suggest that you should take fruits and veggies rich in Calcium.
Monica ( India / Delhi )
15 Nov 2016
I am 32 female. I have done lots of experiment on my hairs as a teenager. Now my hairs r turning white from roots. I use henna monthly but color doesn't stay longer and greys are visible after few wash. Can it be turned black again? Also sent have lots of whiteheads on my cheek and chin area... please help
17 Nov 2016
It is not possible to reverse the gray hair into black. Chilly oil may help you.But, that too not sure. You may eat one tablespoon of virgin coconut oil everyday for 2 months.
Eat 4 to 5 curry leaves every morning for a month.
Clean your face daily with rose water every evening. Apply lemon juice and a spoon of honey on your face. Massage it gently for 10 minutes.
Wash the face off after this massage of 10 minutes.
Usha ( Delhi )
25 Nov 2016
Hi ,
I am 30 female,5"2 height, weighing 54.5 kgs. I am not physically active as my work in sitting on chair most of my day. Recently I have gained around my waist and thighs. Can you please suggest something to loose weight? Thanks
28 Nov 2016
It is suggested that you please start regular exercise. Spare only 15 minutes for your self. Crunches will help you a lot to reduce the waist and thighs.
Take Apple Cider Vinegar in a glass of warm water, twice a day. Add 2 teaspoons of this vinegar. Take this for a month.
Drink 2 cups of green tea everyday for a month.
Rahul mishra ( India )
03 Dec 2016
Name is Rahul and I am 21 and I really wanna grow my height? I am up for all the exercises you will suggest, but any remedy like limestone or ashwagandha help me in this? The best remedy would be?
13 Dec 2016
The best way to increase height is to engage yourself in activities like swimming, badminton or hanging on a rod. Herb effective in increasing height is Ashwagandha. Buy Ashwagandha powder. Add a tablespoon of powder in a glass of warm milk. Add sugar to it and drink it every night before sleeping. Drink this daily for a month. The herb is very hot in nature, you may skip it on alternate days as per your body type.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Sandhya ( Delhi )
08 Dec 2016

I recently got to know that I am suffering from edisonism (mild). Please tell me how to treat it naturally. I want to lose little weight also. I am 55 kg with height 5ft. I am 35 yrs female. Please suggest. Thanks
Monica ( Delhi )
07 Jan 2017

I am 32 female, single. I got pigmentation, brown patches on my cheeks, how could I get rid of them?
Please help.
Priya ( India )
08 Jan 2017
got good information I have problem of big fibroids in uterus and initial hypothyroid also
can I consume lime stone if yes than how
please reply soon sir
Raki ( Hyderabad )
10 Jan 2017
Hello sir I have thyroid pcos irregular periods and I'm over weigh can I have chuna with pcos problem and have low BP too
31 Jan 2017
No. DO not take Chuna at all.
For PCOS, either take Ashoka powder or take Chaste berry tea.
You may also take Saw Palmetto capsules, one every day for a month. This will set the imbalance of hormones right. And for Low Bp, Take Beetroot twice a day.
Drink Liquorice tea, one cup daily.
Rakesh Watts ( India )
24 Jan 2017
My son is autistic can it work ?
31 Jan 2017
Rakesh. Your son can drink the root decoction of Astragalus. One cup every day. Lobelia leaves tea can also be given to him to cure Autism. I will advise you to talk to your doctor about it, other than trying something that you are not sure of. Get your son diagnosed by a professional first.
Arup ( India/west bengal )
24 Jan 2017
31 Jan 2017
Why do want to take Chuna ?
Babita ( India/punjab )
29 Jan 2017
I am 49 years old and I have pain in my knees and thighs while folding legs and also suffering from cervical and back pain.I am having these problem from past 7 to 8 years. Please suggest me that how can I consume chuna and in what proportion and what are other dietary controls that I need to maintain?

Are there any side affects of intake of chuna with curd or anything else?
Rubina Prbhat Nikunj
31 Jan 2017
No. Instead of taking chuna, take Slow-Mag capsules. Add Epsom salt to your bathing water. 2 tablespoons. Lie down in your bathing tub for 15 minutes, then you can have a bath with this water. I will also advise you to increase intake of Garlic and Ginger in your diet. Take Night Jasmine decoction for 15 days. Massage your affected area with castor oil and yarrow essential oil. You can add food grade chuna to your meals, only a pinch while cooking.
Dayaa ( India )
11 Feb 2017
My son is 2.5 year old. His brain development is not as his age kids. His behavior is like 1.5 year old kid for speech and awareness . Can I give him chuna with curd? Please help me.
14 Feb 2017
Daya. Please get him diagnosed by a doctor.
And will you please share some other symptoms.
For speech disorder, you can give him Vacha. Please read about this herb in the herb section. It is known as sweet Flag in English. https://herbpathy.com/Uses-and-Benefits-of-Sweet-Flag-Cid435
24 Feb 2017
My son is 13 years old and have concentration and retention problem...can I give him chunna to develop his retention and concentration problem...
Nandini Chandel
27 Feb 2017
Pooja. No.
Chuna is not the cure for him.
Give him a cup of Rosemary tea every day. Soak 5 almonds in water, next morning peel off the almonds and give them to your son. Give him Lemon balm tea every day. Walnuts also enhance the memory power. Give him 2 Walnuts every day. Play brain games with him.This will help him to retain things. There are a number of games that help to train the brain, you can indulge your child into the games.
Kapil sharma ( Nepal )
28 Feb 2017
Is consuming limestone safe? Does it has side effect?i always consume little amount of limestone in the morning with water in empty stomach..i consume because my body need calcium i heard that limestone have more amount of calcium ..lime stone increase your brain power also ..it is one kind of stone so will it be collected in my body in the form of stone .reply me ..
Bhaavesh Menon
28 Feb 2017
Kapil Sharma
It is not advised to eat limestone in the crude form. This will not absorb any Calcium for the body, instead, it might cause accumulation of stones in the Kidneys or Bladder. So, please stop the intake of this herb. Include food rich in Calcium. Visit the Calcium page given in the nutrient section of this website. Do not take this crude limestone anymore.
Jyotsna Narang ( India )
07 Mar 2017
If i take chuna regularly, so is there any side effect and it take only one time in one day?
Chirag Desai ( India )
08 Mar 2017
No. It is not safe to take Calcium Carbonate in the crude form. It may lead to Kidney Stones or other complications in your body. Why do you want to take chuna ? DO you suffer from any disorder related to bones ?
MARYA ( Pakistan )
09 Mar 2017
I am 25th years old and suffering from right knee joint pain since 6 months and I also want to concieve and take folic acid and metformin tablets daily so do not want to take any medication for knee pain. Can I take lime stone with water for 20 days only for relief?
15 Mar 2017
No. You must not take Lime Stone. Crude Limestone can cause assimilation of stones.
For knees, you can take Boswellia capsules every day for a month. Massage your knee joint with heated Castor oil. Do you have a history of fracture of knee joint ?
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Paridhi ( India )
09 Mar 2017
I am 26 years old and currently 26 weeks pregnant. This is my first pregnancy. My gynocalogist said that I am having back pain because I am calcium deficient. Although I am taking proper medicines and included milk products in my diet I wanted to know can I consume Chuna as many elderly women have suggested me that. Is it safe for the baby in womb. Are there any side effects? What is the correct way to consume it? Does it also helps in natural delivery?
Nishtha Sengupta
16 Mar 2017
Instead of taking crude chuna, take food grade chuna. A pinch added to your meals. Also, Limestone is not the only herb containing Calcium, there are others too.You may include them in your diet. https://herbpathy.com/Herbs-Contain-Calcium-Cid32 This is the link to the page Calcium. Read it and choose the most effective herbs containing Calcium and modify your diet.
Shweta shivhare ( Bhopal(karane) )
10 Mar 2017
My self shweta shivhare and I am 22 years old my height is 4'11inches I need to grow my height for some inches will taking chuna help me to get my desired height
Fagoni Seila
15 Mar 2017
Shweta. Since you are 22, thus, there isn't any guarantee that height can be increased. You may try by hanging on the rod. Engage in stretching exercises. Eat a healthy diet. Herb effective in increasing height is Ashwagandha. Buy Ashwagandha powder. Add a tea spoon of powder in a glass of warm milk. Add sugar to it and drink it every night before sleeping. Drink this daily for a 15 days. The herb is hot in nature, so you can adjust the intake on alternate days. .
Ashish N ( Maharashtra )
11 Mar 2017
Hello sir..
I m 36 year old...i have problem in my pancreas since a few years...also the major problem with me is i have an oily motions red in colour...this seems to very bad to me....i dont trust alopathy treatment....also i m unable to gain weight...please advise..

Ashish N
15 Mar 2017
Drink Green Leaf juice for 15 days. This is the link to the page that contains all the information for you. https://herbpathy.com/The-Genesis-Vid48
Start following the regimen as per given on that page. For any queries, write again after 15 days.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Saniya yasmin ( India )
22 Mar 2017
Is chuna effective for child growth?
Jaya Baweja ( India )
23 Mar 2017
No. Chuna in the crude form is not good for child growth. What is the age of your child ?
Does he suffer from retarded growth ?
Mamta ( India/ Haryana )
02 Apr 2017
Sir I am 43 years old. I have pain in my right leg from last 10 years. I have taken some treatments but don't get so much relief. I was suffering from nonstop thoughts from 3 months. Due to this problem i could sleep. I start taking medhavati last month. A little bit relief occurred. But from last week I am having knee pain and at night my legs start aching. Due to pain I can't sleep. Iam of 62 kg. I am feeling that i have access weight & increased cholesterol. So I have started taking water dipped cumin seeds for weight loss & chuna for pain relief from three days . But now I am feeling white discharge. My gallbladder is also removed four months ago. I am very much confused what to do for staying healthy. I am of hot potency. Plz suggest me what to do. With thanks in anticipation.
Arjun Singh ( India )
03 Apr 2017
Mamta. You said you suffer from this pain from the last 10 years. So please share that did you ever had a knee injury or some injury in your back or legs ?
Did you get yourself diagnosed by a doctor? What are your cholesterol readings ?
For pain relief, I would suggest not to take Chuna, instead have a cup of Ginger tea, since you are of hot potency, so have this tea on alternate days.
For weight loss, take Apple cider vinegar in a glass of hot water, twice a day. Quantity : one table spoon of Apple Cider Vinegar. Consume this for 2 months. Have you heard of the herb Daphne Mezereum, you can apply the bark directly to the joints, this will provide relief from pain.
Eat one capsule of the herb Hadjod ( Winged Treebine) everyday, for a month. Once the pain is gone, you will be able to sleep again.
And , please I would suggest that you get your Rheumatoid Arthritis test done.
08 Apr 2017
Is limestone really helpful in increasing height.
Aman agarwal
08 May 2017
I also want to know .......is limestone is helpful for increasing height??????? Plz tell me
Ruby ( India )
09 Apr 2017
Hi Sir, I am severe ankle sprain in my left leg.My age is 23 years old. My ankle has got swollen and it pains a lot while walking and standing. I have been doing a lot of things lately but it's not getting better. Is there any way to cure it within a month?
NOTE : my healing is too slow and I am taking supplements for vitamin d3 due to its deficient. ALSO I feel it's getting worse day by day. My doctor thinks there is no need of xray. Please suggest me what should I do to heal it. Ideas and solutions and welcomed! Thanks in advance.
Rashmi ( India/Haryana )
17 Apr 2017
hello sir, i have a Cervical spondylosis for almost 1 year. i have a severe pain in neck, shoulder, hands... i am taking ayurvedic medicine now (Patanjali store) for about 15 days. can i take chuna
Nitin Kundalia
21 Apr 2017
We advice you to try the Nadi Sweda Treatment given on the page Massage Therapy. I have shared the link with you.
https://herbpathy.com/Nadi-Swedan-Therapy-Mid6 Please go to professional to get this treatment done.
Kajal Shrivastava ( Noida )
24 Apr 2017
Can my sister have this chuna...she is 4 years old...she is lack of calcium...can we give it to her..
Vidhya Lamba ( Mohali )
02 May 2017
No. Do not give her Calcium in the crude form.
Only food grade Calcium can be given, so, why don't you give her foods rich in Calcium. In the nutrient section, go to Calcium and read about it. It is always better to give your kids the Calcium rich foods than to go for supplements.
Shanu ( India )
25 Apr 2017
Hello sir I m 26 year old n my height is 5'3 I want my height at least 5'5 ..can u plz help me ..
Megha Nair
02 May 2017
do stretching exercises, go for swimming classes. Swim for 2 to 3 hours in a day. This can help. After hitting puberty, it is a rare thing to increase your height. Gymnastics can also help.
Preeti ( India )
25 Apr 2017
Hi my daughter is 4.4 yrs old diagnosed autism , kindly let me know the quantity ,should i give her in water empty stomach wheat size quantity , n whats the food combination in which chuna should not be given to small kids
02 May 2017
I m waiting fr response .
02 May 2017
No. Chuna is not the right herb for her. Kava is a good herb for those suffering from Autism. Only give it once a week. The herb may harm her Liver, if taken in excess, so give your daughter, the mildest amount of Kava tea or decoction. Give your baby Sweet Flag. This is known to cure Autism to a great extent. Prepare a decoction of Sweet Flag root, give 2 teaspoons to your child, twice a day, regularly for a week. One thing more is, that you need to be highly patient with your child. It does take time for the disease to be cured. Regular exercise that involves her movement, reflexes and recognition skills should be practiced daily. Exercise is as important for her as the herbs. Consult your family doctor before you try any remedy for your kid.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Kavita ( India, Nagaland )
12 May 2017
Hello sir.....my daughter is 5 years old.She is very short..looks like 3 year old.I m very much worried of her.Can limestone help her in increasing height.Sir plzzzzz reply soon
Roopal Sen ( India )
22 May 2017
Please relax.
She is just a kid. Do not try anything to intervene her natural growth and development.
No, it is absolutely not safe to give her Limestone at this age. You may teach her stretching exercises, that is all can help her. give her wholesome nutritious diet. Or, she can go for swimming classes, this helps a lot. It is a good activity for kids.
16 May 2017
so consuming chuna not suitable for arthrities
23 May 2017
Take only food grade chuna. That too a pinch in your meals.
The other herbs that you may take for Arthritis are : Boswellia, Winged Treebine and Dandelion.
Kiran ( India )
30 May 2017

I m 32 years old lady. I m having weekness problem from my birth. After 27 years of age, the gap in between the bones of knees have decreased causing mee to bend from knees and I m not able to run too forever. From some months I m having pain in lower back exact joint above hip. Which restricts mee to bend more and I can't straighten my back after sitting for 2 to 3 hours on chair. Please suggest me something what I must do
Swapnil Joshi ( India )
31 May 2017
Kiran. The herb for the health of your Bones is Winged Treebine. It's Indian Name is Hadjod. You can take the herb for a month. Buy, Hadjod capsules from a chemist. take one capsule daily. For back pain other joint pains, along with Hadjod, I will advise you to do massage with castor oil or olive oil. Mahanarayana Oil is the best for back pain. I gave it to my grandmother and she seems to have been relieved by this oil a lot. After a month, you can take Boswellia capsules for one month.
These herbs are meant to strengthen your bones and provide you relief from pain.
Mayank ( India )
16 Jun 2017
Good Morning sir/mam,
I am 27 years old.My name is Mayank.I have just read about limestone.I am having some problem in my body like loose of hair fall,little bit height problem and some how ejaculation problem of low counting.So what I should do I should take this limestone or not is there no any side affect.
13 Jul 2017
Mayank. It is strongly recommended that you get your Kidney Function Test ( KFT ) done and let us know. Write to us and let us if your Kidneys are functioning normally.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Shailja Mittal ( India,UP )
21 Jun 2017
My name is shubhi and my age is 17. My height is 4'11 . So can I able to gain 2inches by consuming Chuna?
13 Jul 2017
No. Please. DO not use chuna to increase the height. DO regular exercise and Yoga and stretching of your body. These will help. It really will. Do it regularly for 3 months. You just need to do it regularly.
Sunil thakur ( India )
23 Jun 2017
Sir i Have Ankylosing Spondylitis for last 12 years....pls suggest me what should i eat ...which medicines should i take for stiffness and pain...will choona help me........right now i am taking Cervilon capsules....pls help
Nitin Kundalia ( India )
13 Jul 2017
The best cure for you is Yoga and mild exercises. Take Boswellia capsule. Have 1 every day for 15 days. Include Garlic in your daily diet. Have a bowl of Pineapple daily.
24 Jun 2017
I am 40 years male, i got an ultra sound done , reports say that---

(1) my prostate appears enlarged in size ( 4.5 x 4.1 x 3.7 cm ) Volume 36 gm , and shows median lobe hypertrophy. corpora amylacea calcifications seen. rest no focal lesions seen. Mild benign prostatomegaly(vol36gm) with median lobe hypertrophy. These things are written in the ultrasound report.

(2) Also it says mild caudal herniation of intraabdominal fat into right groin region, on Valsava maneuver. ( early changes of right inguinal hernia.

(3) 2 tiny 4 mm calculi seen in upper pole of left kidney.

Waiting for your kind reply. Thanks & Regards

Ishaana Sood
27 Jul 2017
Take Varuna capsules, one daily for one month
Have Apple CIder Vinegar, one teaspoon twice a day for 30 days. Have Calcarea Carbonic homeopathic remedy. Buy it in the potency Lm 0/6. Take 2 pillules of this remedy, add to a water bottle. Drink 2 teaspoon of this water every day. Please note, that you need to shake the bottle very well for 10 to 15 times or do the succussion ( hit the bottle on the palm of your hand ) 10 times before taking the teaspoons of this remedy. Consume it till the bottle lasts. Share the result after a month.
Kirti ladha ( Orissa )
27 Jun 2017
How to consume limestone for curing low hemoglobin problem??
13 Jul 2017
Soak 20 to 30 raisins in water and leave it over night. Next morning, drink that water and also, eat those Raisins. Repeat the process for at least one month. Add Kiwi, Pomegranate and Carrot juice to her diet. Take these things for at least 1 month.It is good for you, if you have a glass of Carrot and Beetroot use every day. Eat vitamin C rich foods. Eat more green Vegetables.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Rahul ( New Delhi )
05 Jul 2017
Sir,My friend tell me to take one wheat size chuna for increase my height.I am 17 years old boy and height 5'6 .I also do stretching, skipping and hanging on rod exercise and one years ago I take ashwgandha powder but it not increase my height.I am very worried about my height can you tell me please can eat 1 wheat sized chuna increase my height please sir reply.I am very worried....
13 Jul 2017
Rahul. If you already have done all these things that you have mentioned above in the last one year and yet, you say that there is no increase in your height, then sorry, we can not help. It is in your genes. You seem to have gained this trait from your parents. Can not be changed. Maybe it gets increased with age, sometimes boys do gain height even after 25, but that too only one to two inches. So, we hope you do.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Mudit ( India )
20 Jul 2017
How to preserve or keep at home
Monika ( India )
23 Jul 2017
Sir , i am having lower back pain and it radiates to legs and also having pain in cervical .
I did MRI and my nerves get surpressed because of surpression after fast walk i feel tingling and sensation in my both legs.
Could choona be useful in my condition or please suggest me any other remedy...i am suffering from huge pain and having degenerate spine .
Please suggest me solution
23 Jul 2017
And my age is 25 years old.
Karuna Raiza
27 Jul 2017
Monika. You may try Hypericum Perforatum mother tincture, this is the best herb for nerves. take 5 drops in a glass of water, daily for a month, this should help you. Also, please do Yoga. This is a mandate for you.
Monika Sharma ( India )
23 Aug 2017
Sir I am a patient of MS and steroid treatements reduced bone dencity to a higher risk then i was given lil bit homeo recalcifying suppliments but left in between n plus there is no absorption of calcium n m on very poor or no diet m also under weight in age 42 plus i had 20 plus years chronic constipation plus my montly cycle is also disturbed to frequency n heavy bleedings due to all MS mwdications in past I AM NO MORE ON ANY MEDICATION FROM LAST 5 YEARS BUT AND TRYING TO CONTROL ALL WITH TRIPHLA N HOMEOPATHY SALTS my bones are week and m thinking of taking chuna to strengthen fragile bones n very fragile teeths WILL TRIPHLA HELP TO CONSUME CHUNA DIRECTLY THAT I AM A BIT AFRAID OFF TO DEVELOP ANOTHER CHUNA LAYERS ON NERVES THAT I TRIED TO DECALCIFY FROM BRAIN NERVES Your guidance will highly be appreciated, Thank you! Monika
Shivani Goswami ( Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India )
12 Sep 2017
Good evening everyone,
My name is Shivani Goswami and I'm 21. I have heard that daily consumption of Lime increase height. Does it really work? As my height is 5'1 and I want 2 to 3 inches increment in my height. Please tell me can I try this. Will it work for me?
Mantheesh Jholta ( India )
24 Oct 2017
No. do not take it now. You must take only food grade lime. The best way to increas ethe height is that you go for swimming classes. Do it regularly, this will definitely increase your height. Drink a glass of milk every day. Do stretching exercises.
15 Sep 2017
20 Sep 2017
24 Oct 2017
Egg shell is the best source of calcium.
Usha ( Delhi )
26 Sep 2017
My mother is 60 years old, working. She had angioplasty done 3 years back. She had slight high sugar which is in control by medication. She has high blood pressure. Recently her Bp was high and she was feeling weak. She wants to lay down mostly as her head spins when she gets up. What could I give her to overcome weakness and keep bp in control.
Ashwani ( India )
06 Oct 2017
i am hlb-27 positive and have ankolysing spondelity what should i do
Siya ( India )
18 Oct 2017
Am32 yes old. Wana increase my height. Can I use chunA for that
Kunar Randhir ( India )
24 Oct 2017
No. You are too late to do anything about your height. The body won't let it happen. You can not increase your height now, since you already 32.
Rohit ( 91 )
28 Oct 2017
Sir I have multiple lypoma nodes,can lime water help to dissolve lypoma nodes.
Rohit ( India )
28 Oct 2017
I have multiple lypoma nodes,can lime water help to dissolve these nodes sir please suggest me.
JITESH S GODAMBE ( Maharashtra -India )
17 Nov 2017
does eating chuna (Lime Stone) causes cancer?
i have gone through many websites which mentioned only benefits of Chuna (Lime Stone) properly, they have not mentioned side effect of Chuna (Lime Stone).
Even i have also tried eating Chuna (Lime Stone) in small quantity for some time and it gave me good benefits.

So please kindly let me know "does eating chuna (Lime Stone) causes cancer?"
and also kindLy let me know all benefits and side effects of Eating chuna (Lime Stone) in details.
Thank you
Diksha Singh ( India/ bihar )
17 Dec 2017
I'm 20 years old and I'm very short.my height is not good.i heard that small amount of lime can increase it.is it really good? Will it work??
Mithul Sachdeva ( India)
20 Dec 2017
Instead of taking Chuna, why don't you take whlesome diet, do regular stretching, go for swimming . trust me Gymnastics and Swimming is the best and the easiest way to increase height. You may try it, before it is too late. You have 2 years with you, doing what i suggested you, will show results within 6 to 7 months. All the very best. No herb or medicine can help to increase the height ..
Bhola ram sharma ( India )
25 Jan 2018
Does chuna make body growh at a faster pace?

08 Feb 2018
Bhola ram. Chuna contains Calcium. It is an imprtant nutirent for body growth and development. Instead of taking Chuna, Take food rich in Calcium.
Savy ( Uttar Pradesh )
16 Feb 2018
Sir I am a 20 years old girl. I am having Polycystic ovarian syndrome (Pcos) and I get my periods after 2-3 months gap.. I am developing facial hairs and some acne on my face.
Rennu ( Karnataka )
13 Mar 2018
I have got pure choona in stone form. What is the best way of consuming choona?
My mom asked to mix 10gm in 3 ltr water in a clay pot and wait for 3 days. Then add consume 1tsp of clear water from clay pot in a glass of water for consuming daily for 40 days.
Doctors advised me to consume calcium supplements for muscular and joint pain. I have been losing weight as well and hair loss is another condition i am looking at treating.
Please let me know if the proportion mentioned above is correct.
15 Mar 2018
16 Apr 2018
Hi, My age is 38 yrs, 3 yrs back I was diagnosed with a 1.9 cm lump on my left breast which has increased to 3.1 cms now.It's a banine lump as the biopsy was done 3 yrs back, at the same time I was diagnosed with 2mm polyps in my gallbladder, which doesn't effect me but sometime (once in a while) hurts a little bit.
I tried Ayurvedic medicines, but after taking for 3-4 months I realized it's too hot for me,so suddenly I have to stop them. I took chuna for 2 months every morning on empty stomach, I use to feel good when I was consuming chuna but then I stopped thinking if it has some other side effect.
Last week suddenly, I had blood in my urine, every time I went to urinate it was coming in lumps but by evening it stopped on it's own without any medicines, It was there for 1 whole day. I just increased my water intake and there was some burning sensation and itching in the vagina.
Can you please suggest if I can continue taking chuna and how to get rid of these lumps in my body. I thing consuming tea could be one reason for these lumps, but somehow I'm not able to quit.

Cheshta ( India )
13 May 2018
My father is suffering from Dimentia last stage. His arthiritis is worse and memory is almost gone. Is there any home remedy to still improve his memory a bit and could improve his arthirits because no medicines are working. Thanks
Renu ( India )
13 May 2018
If i have hypothyroid from last 8 yrs,may it cured completely and how.so that i may leave thyroid tablet.i m 38 yrs old
Renu ( India )
13 May 2018
Also i m having pain often in my knees and cervical problem also
Sona ( India )
30 Jun 2018
Sir, I husband age 44 years is diabetic have corn in foot on last finger exactly down on corner which have turn into wound can u suggest home remedy for that.....
Saggy ( India )
09 Apr 2019
Is chuna good for hair?????
Chane ( India )
29 Apr 2019
I heard that consuming limestone will develop Lungs Cancer/ Cancer, how authentic this hoax is?
I put it along with cinnamon and methi seeds overnight in water and have seen drastically change in my blood glucose.

I used it in very very small ( size of rice) and put it in water along with cinnamon and methi seeds..
Pls reply
Richard ( Port blair )
22 Apr 2020
My urine is foaming since 6 months ..I don't have burning sensation while urination ...while I take the following herbs on regular basis since a year ..Apple vinegar, jeeva powder cummin powder ..Ashwaganda cummin powder ...garlic clove ..in water ...milk ?s required .....
Please suggest a remedy. ..
Manaswini patra ( India )
07 Aug 2020
Hello doctor,
I am 31 years old and I am suffering from uterine fibroid measuring around 6 cms. I doubt I have also some thyroid issues. Please help.
Santana Gorai ( India,Jharkhand )
25 Oct 2020
Is chuna good to apply on the face to remove pimples.
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