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Whitlow Herbal Treatment, Prevention, Symptoms, Causes, Cured By

General Name
Hindi Name
Whitlow Symptoms
Pus filled Blisters
Swelling on the affected region
Blisters on Fingernail
Blisters on Toenails

Whitlow Cured By

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Whitlow is a disease of the Skin.
An infection of the deeper tissues that surrounds the Fingernails or Toenails is Whitlow.
It is a purulent infection. It forms pus. It causes inflammation and an Abscess near Fingernails or Toenails.
It occurs if the broken skin comes in contact with the cold sores or genital lesions. It is caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus.
Whitlow causes pain and small blisters on the affected region.

Causes of Whitlow
Herpes Simplex Virus

If not treated properly, Whitlow may cause

Body Part(s)

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Materia Medica : Herbal Treatment for Whitlow

Whitlow General

Whitlow is an infection of the fingertip. In Whitlow, one or both edges of the finger gets inflamed and develop small corny appearance. These small corns often burst to bleeding and cause pus. In Ayurveda, this condition is known as Chippa or Upanakha or Nakhapaka.
Whitlow is caused by Herpes Simplex Virus ( HSV ). HSV 1 and HSV 2 are common and highly communicable viruses.
HSV 1 affects the face and may cause blisters on lips. It can spread through kiss or oral sex.
HSV 2 causes painful genital blisters. It spreads by skin to skin contact with infected genitals. Stress and lack of immunity triggers the virus and makes you more sick.
Whitlow is further categorized as
Herpetic Whitlow : It is caused by Herpes Simplex virus on finger or thumb. It is a painful infection. Often occurs on toes or nail cuticle.
Melanotic Whitlow : It is a melanoma beginning in the skin at the border or beneath the nail.
Consult your Physician if you experience any inflammation.
Single Herb

Whitlow 1

Warm the leaves of Crinum Asiaticum. Apply Castor oil on it. Bandage it on the affected area.

Carrot ( Gaajar ) for Whitlow

Grate 2 Carrots. Heat them. Tie them in a piece of cloth. Use it as a poultice over Abscess over Finger or Nail.
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Multiple Herbs How to Use Herbal Treatment? Click Here +

Herbal Treatment For Whitlow 2

Roast 4-5 Terminalia Chebula ( Harad ) without seeds. Grind them with Tamarind pulp to make paste. Apply it over infected Skin.
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Halima ( Nigeria/Kano )
05 Jan 2019
How can I be cured from diabetes.
Chris otten
09 Jul 2020
Look into Inula Helenium. Consult the section in a book called 'A Modern Herbal' by Mrs. Grieve. This herb is a harmoniser, and will lower or increase blood sugars safely.
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