Pink Trumpet Tree contains a number of nutrients such as Naphthaquinones which has the ability to fight Malaria.
It is a good Immunity booster. It increases the ability of Immune System to fight for Infections.
It strengthens the body and eases Body Pain or Back Pain.
It is used to reduce the pain in Arthritis, Joint Pain, and Rheumatism
Its antiviral properties help to fight various viral infections such as Cold, Cough, H1N1 and Respiratory problems.
Pink Trumpet Tree is a herbal remedy for Toothache.
Being antiinflammtory in nature, it is effective in reducing Inflammation.
It is a cooling herb that lowers the Fever.
It is effective for Skin Diseases like Eczema, Herpes, and Scabies.
Pink Trumpet Tree has the Astringent properties. It treats Peptic Ulcers, Acne and Sore Throat.
Its leaves are used to heal Boils and Wounds.
It is a good Herbal remedy for High Blood Pressure. It improves Blood Circulation.
It prevents the risk of Cardiovascular Diseases and High Cholesterol.
It increases the production of Red Blood Cells. Hence it is good for Anemic patients.
Pink Trumpet Tree has antibacterial and antifungal properties. This helps to cure a number of bacterial and Fungal Infections.
It treats Candidiasis and Athlete's Foot.
Its Laxative action is good for constipation and Stomach Diseases. It cures Gastritis, Parasitic Worms, and Hernia.
It is a good tonic for Liver. It improves the overall health of the Liver.
It is used for chronic degenerative diseases including Cancer. Its anticancer properties inhibit the growth of Cancer cells.
Pink Trumpet Tree is a good herbal remedy for Sexually transmitted or Venereal Diseases. It treats Gonorrhea and Syphilis.
It is effective for Bladder infections.
It is a good tonic to improve the overall health.
Methods of Administration. How to takeTincture. The best and the most potent method of consuming Pink Trumpet Tree is to Tincture it.
To learn how to make your own Tinctures Click hereDecoction: Make a tea.
Put l/2 teaspoonful of the powdered bark or flower in a cup of water. Boil it. Simmer for 10 minutes. Drink three times a day.