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Malaria Herbal Treatment, Prevention, Symptoms, Causes, Cured By

General Name
Medical Name
Hindi Name
Malaria Symptoms
Joint Pains
Muscle Pains
Fever that come and goes
Fever alternates with chills

Malaria Cured By

Super Effective


Afzelia Quanzen...
Ajuga Brachyste...
Ajuga Bracteosa
Alafia Barteri
Albertisia Vill...
Albizia Ferrugi...
Albizia Gummife...
Albizia Zygia
Aloe Buettneri
Aloe Lateritia
Aloe Secundiflo...
Alstonia Boonei
Alstonia Congen...
American Mint
Anthocleista Am...
Anthocleista Dj...
Anthocleista Ma...
Anthocleista Sc...
Asplenium Falca...
Asplenium Nidus
Asystasia Mysor...
Atalantia Buxif...
Balanites Roxbu...
Bersama Abyssin...
Bischofia Javan...
Boscia Angustif...
Boscia Salicifo...
Bruguiera Gymno...
Burasaia Madaga...
Caesalpinia Vol...
Capparis Toment...
Casearia Battis...
Cassia Abbrevia...
Cassia Sieberia...
Celtis Mildbrae...
Chamaecrista Ni...
Chasmanthera De...
Chrysophyllum B...
Ciliated Swerti...
Cladostigma Hil...
Cleistopholis P...
Clutia Abyssini...
Cochlospermum P...
Cochlospermum T...
Comastoma Tenel...
Combretum Adeno...
Combretum Gluti...
Combretum Micra...
Combretum Molle
Combretum Padoi...
Combretum Platy...
Copaifera Relig...
Craterispermum ...
Crested Lepidag...
Crotalaria Brev...
Croton Barorum
Croton Macrosta...
Croton Megaloca...
Croton Menyhart...
Croton Nitidulu...
Croton Sylvatic...
Cryptolepis Obl...
Cussonia Zimmer...
Cyclosorus Inte...
Cylicodiscus Ga...
Cyphostemma Ade...
Dalbergia Louve...
Dalbergia Nitid...
Daniellia Ogea
Desmos Cochinch...
Diospyros Abyss...
Distemonanthus ...
Dombeya Quinque...
Dypsis Fibrosa
Dysophylla Auri...
Erythrina Abyss...
Erythrococca An...
Euphorbia Cande...
Euphorbia Croto...
Euphorbia Pseud...
Europe Aromatic...
Fagaropsis Ango...
Faidherbia Albi...
Ficus Septica
Flat Leaved Spu...
Geum Alatum
Givotia Madagas...
Gomphocarpus Fr...
Gomphocarpus Se...
Gongronema Lati...
Gonocaryum Call...
Graceful Forres...
Guibourtia Tess...
Guiera Senegale...
Guizotia Scabra
Hazomalania Voy...
Hibiscus Asper
Hibiscus Divers...
Himalayan White...
Himatanthus Lan...
Holarrhena Flor...
Homalomena Coer...
Hydrangea Panic...
Hydrogen Peroxi...
Hygrophila Stri...
Khaya Senegalen...
Lime Berry
Munronia Pinnat...
Mysore Fig
Picralima Nitid...
Pitcher Sage
Pleioceras Bart...
Poison Sumac
Powder Puff Tre...
Sapphire Berry
Sarcostemma Vim...
Schkuhria Pinna...
Scoparia Dulcis
Sea Poison Tree
Senecio Scanden...
Small Flowered ...
Sterculia Apeta...
Swertia Angusti...
Tree Vernonia
Tulip Poplar
Vachellia Xanth...
Vernonia Patula
Vitex Pinnata
White Butterfly...
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Malaria is a disease of the Body.
Repeated attacks of fever and chills caused by the bite of a mosquito is Malaria.
It is an infectious disease.
It spreads through the bite of an infected female Anopheles mosquito.
It multiplies in the Liver and infect the red blood cells.

Causes of Malaria
Bite of an infected female Anopheles mosquito
The parasites from the genus Plasmodium
Plasmodium falciparum
Plasmodium vivax
Plasmodium ovale
Plasmodium malaria
It may spread through organ transplant and blood transfusion
Contact with Infected person

If not treated properly, Malaria may cause

Body Part(s)

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Materia Medica for Malaria

Single Herb

Mugwort for Malaria

Make a decoction of the dried leaves of Mugwort. Take twice a day.

Cryptolepis for Malaria

Prepare a decoction of Cryptolepis. Take two times a day.
Or It can be taken in the form of Tincture .
Or Buy Capsules of Cryptolepis from the market. Take two capsules per day.

Acacia Ferruginea for Malaria

Take root decoction of Acacia Ferruginea twice a day.
Heat the Rock Salt ( Sandha Namak ) till get brown. Give one table spoon on an empty stomach and half tablespoon to children.

Chirreta for Malaria

Boil leaves of Chirreta. Take boiled leaves twice a day..

Onion ( Pyaj ) for Malaria

Take half onion juice with a pinch of Black Pepper.

Orange ( Santra ) for Malaria

Drink 1 glass Orange juice whenever feel thirsty.

Basil ( Tulsi ) for Malaria

Prepare a decoction of Basil leaves. Have 1 cup once day.
OR : Chew 4 leaves of Basil leaves daily.

Azadirachta Indica Oil ( Neem Oil ) as Mosquito Repellent

Apply Azadirachta Indica Oil ( Neem Oil ) on the body to keep away mosquitos. It reduces the risk of diseases caused by mosquito bite.

Azadirachta Indica ( Neem ) as Malaria Prevention

Chew 4 Azadirachta Indica ( Neem ) leaves once a day. This remedy prevents the risk of Malaria. It is also believed that if you have Neem tree in your house or surrounding, then that area is mosquito free.
Prepare an infusion using seeds of Bitter Gourd ( Karela ). Drink half cup of it twice a day.

Quinine ( Kunain ) for Malaria

Quinine ( Kunain in India ) is commonly known as "Fever Tree". As its name defines, Quinine ( Kunain ) works the same. It produces Quinina which has Antibacterial and Antimalarial effects. Quinine ( Kunain in India ) is an ideal herbal remedy to treat Malaria.
Grind the dried bark of Quinine ( Kunain in India ) to make a powder. Put a teaspoon of powder in a cup of boiling water. Let it boil for 5 minutes. Drink it lukewarm thrice a day.

Simarouba for Malaria

Crush dried 3-4 Simarouba Glauca leaves, 5 cm long sticks, Bark (1 piece for 10kg body weight and accordingly increase the bark pieces ). Put them in 200 ml of water. Boil the mixture at low flame for 10 minutes. Let it stay overnight. The next morning, warm the decoction and filter it. Drink 150 ml of it sip by sip on an empty stomach in the morning, one cup in the evening and one cup in the night for 15 days. Course is repeated once in 6 months.
Note : Do not eat anything for half an hour.

Bael for Malaria

Extract the juice of Bael leaves and flowers by grinding and squeezing it. Mix this juice with one teaspoon of Honey. Consume it two times a day.
Take 2 Garlic cloves and a pinch of Black Pepper powder. Boil it in a half glass of water for 7-8 minutes. Add one teaspoon of Honey in it and consume it.

Bitter Leaf for Malaria

Boil some fresh Bitter leaves in 100 ml of water for 5 to 10 minutes. Strain it off. Drink this decoction daily to get rid of Malaria.

Sodom ( Madar ) for Maleria

Sodom ( Calotropis ) is a shrub. It is found at the road sides and the corner of the streets.
Pluck a leaf of Sodom and collect a drop of the milky sap in a spoon. Add some palm jaggery and make a small pill. Ask the Malaria patient to swallow this pill on empty stomach.
Note : Pluck the leaf before sunrise as after sunrise that milky sap turns poisonous.
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Multiple Herbs How to Use Herbal Treatment? Click Here +

Herbal Treatment For Malaria 1

Grind Turkey Berry root, Sandalwood and Achyranthes Aspera in equal quantity. Take 2 pinches thrice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Malaria 2

Take equal quantity of Coriander ( Dhaniya in India ) and dried Ginger ( Adrak in India ). Powder them together. Have half teaspoon thrice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Malaria 3

Take the following herbs in equal quantity :
Coriander ( Dhaniya in India ) seeds, Ginger ( Adrak in India ) and Carom ( Ajvayan in India ) seeds. Powder them together. Add little Salt ( Namak in India ). Have half teaspoon thrice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Malaria 4

Dip Fig in Vinegar for 2-4 hours. Give it to affected person twice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Malaria 5

Add 2 tsp Honey, 1 tsp Black Pepper powder and half tsp Cinnamon powder in a glass of water. Boil it. Let it cool. Drink it once a day.

Herbal Treatment For Malaria 6

Add 5 g Ginger ( Adrak in India ) and 8 g Raisins ( Kishmish in India ) in 200 ml water. Boil and let it cool. Drink 1 cup of it once a day.

Herbal Treatment For Malaria 7

Mix seed powder of both Caesalpinia Bonduc ( Karanjwa ) and Black Pepper ( Kali Mirch ) in 2:1 ratio. Take 4 g twice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Malaria 8

Take equal quantity of Caesalpinia Bonduc( Karanjwa ) seedsand Black Pepper ( kali Mirch ). Grind them together. Have 2 pinches with water once a day.

Herbal Treatment For Malaria 9

Combination of Night Jasmine ( Harsingar in India ) stem bark, Long Pepper ( Pippali in India ) and Ginger ( Adrak in India ) is a good Anti Malarial agent.
Take 2 grams of each Night Jasmine ( Harsingar in India ) stem bark, Long Pepper ( Pippli in India ) and Ginger ( Adrak in India ).
Boil them in a glass of water on a low flame. Have it for 2 to 3 days.

Herbal Treatment For Malaria 10

The Anti pyretic property of Datura Stramonium ( Dhatura in India ) helps to lower down the body temperature. It inhibits the infection and treats Malaria.
Grind 1 to 2 fresh leaves of Datura Stramonium to form a paste. Add 1 to 2 teaspoons of Jaggery ( Gur in India ) in it. Mix well. Have it daily to cure Malaria.
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Guru ( Ghana )
01 Oct 2020
Please I want to know.. Which is the best way to get the best out of a herbal plant in the treatment of disease, is it by drying the root , leaves or bark and boiling them or by boiling them fresh without drying ???
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