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Bidens Alba Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Bidens Alba
Glycemic Index / Load
Shepherd's Needles
Botanical Name
Bidens Alba

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Bidens Alba Cures

Most Effective


Action of Bidens Alba

Most Effective

Nutrients in Bidens Alba

Parts Used

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Bidens Alba is a plant.
It is an annual.
It grows in tropical and subtropical climate.
It grows up to 10 Cm.
Best used for Snake Bite.
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Materia Medica for Bidens Alba

Bidens Alba General

Bidens Alba is an immunity promoter. It aids in combating parasitic invasion.
Bidens alba is a good herbal remedy for curing Feverishness.
It is beneficial for treating Colorectal Cancer.
It is used as an Antidote against Snake Bite.
This herb is often used to treat Jaundice.
It controls fluctuated levels of Glucose and helps to treat Diabetes.
It is effective for alleviating the problem of High Blood Pressure and High Blood Sugar.
Caution : Consult a Doctor before consuming it.
Queries on Bidens Alba
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Diwani ( Philippines )
09 Feb 2017
I agree that romerillo is immune promoter. I cook the young leaves and they help me to have better health.
Diwani ( Philippines/luzon island )
09 Feb 2017
I got the seeds from okinawa,japan and succesfully grown in sierra made,rizal province. The plant can be grown by seeds and rooted cuttings. By the time this plant dominate the sorroundings, free edible leaves can be harvested in many areas for welness of human population.
Shirley stewart ( Fl )
05 Oct 2020
How many leaves should be used for a 6 oz cup of tea, and how long should it be steeped? Is it wise to use it along with other teas (green, black, etc.)?
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