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Datura Stramonium Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Datura Stramonium
Glycemic Index / Load
Botanical Name
Datura Stramonium
Hindi Name
Dhatura, Dhatoora
Chinese Name
Man Tuo Luo
Homeopathic Name
Stramonium   -   Mother Tincture

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Datura Stramonium Cures

Super Effective

Most Effective


Action of Datura Stramonium

Highly Effective

Nutrients in Datura Stramonium

Taste of
Datura Stramonium

Parts Used

Leaves, Seeds, Roots, Flower

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Datura Stramonium

High doses may cause Toxicity. It may cause serious side effects. It is advised to use it in expert supervision. It contains poisonous ingredients. Its side effects may include :
Nervous System Problems
Blurred Vision
Heart Problem
Dilated Pupils
Blurred Vision
Fast Heart Rate
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Datura Stramonium is a shrub.
It is annual.
It grows in tropical and temperate climates.
It grows up to One Meter.
Best used for Dyslexia.

The Homeopathic medicine , Stramonium is best used to treat :
Convulsions with Consciousness
Fear of water with excessive aversion to liquids.

Note : Datura Stramonium and Datura Metel are relative species of the same family. They share almost similar medicinal properties. The only difference is in their appearance.
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Materia Medica : How to use Datura Stramonium - Uses and Benefits

Datura Stramonium General

Datura Stramonium is also familiar as Thorn Apple and Dhatura. It is associated to the Solanaceae family. It is an aborigine of India. It is a naturally growing plant and found in abundance in the foothills of Himalayas. It easily grows in temperate and tropical climates. Dhatura seeds, leaves and flowers are used for medicinal purpose in Ayurveda, except the Dhatura fruit which is not known for any benefits, it is neither edible nor of any medicinal value.

Care must be taken while using Dhatura, it is known for causing toxicity. It has a history of causing delirium, stress and even death. Discussion with a qualified Healthcare Professional is must before use.

Several different species of Dhatura are available. Dhatura Alba or White Dhatura grows naturally in the Himalayas. It bears white flowers. Dhatura Metal or Purple Dhatura is used in treating Asthma, Cough and Pain. It is used in Ayurvedic medicines and religious activities. Dhatura Stramonium or Black Dhatura is famous for its sedative effects. All the species are similar in medicinal properties. However, Ayurveda describes Dhatura Metal as the most suitable for medicinal purpose.

Dhatura leaves are loaded with powerful alkaloids and thus used for therapeutic and healing effects. Cultivated Dhatura contains more alkaloids than the natural one. Dhatura leaves counter Fever, Malarial Fever and Headaches. A combination of Dhatura leaf and Jaggery is used for lowering the temperature in Malaria.

Dhatura leaves are suitable for treating Asthma. The fumes produced by burning dried Dhatura leaves are antispasmodic in nature. Inhaling the fumes provides relief during an Asthma attack. Dhatura leaves are useful in treating various Heart ailments. It helps in keeping Cardiac troubles at bay and regulates Heat Beat. The leaves are an effective treatment for Hypertension and Distress. The juice of Dhatura leaves is beneficial in treating Earaches and Ear infections. The leaves are also used for enhancing milk production in lactating mothers.

Dhatura seeds are used in Ayurvedic and Unani medicines. Raw seeds are highly poisonous and therefore under a series of detoxifying and purifying processes before use. You should consult with a qualified Doctor before using Dhatura seeds.

Dhatura Seeds are beneficial in curbing Hair troubles like Dandruff and Hair fall. Dhatura seed oil is applied on bald patches to enhance hair growth. The seeds of a ripe Dhatura fruit are dried and boiled in cow's milk for treating Impotence. The method is known for enhancing the blood circulation to the genitals. Dhatura, Longwort and Laung are taken with milk in the treatment of early discharge in men.

Dhatura seed ash is taken in low dosage for countering excessive sweating in hands and feet. Dhatura flowers are an ideal remedy for treating infertility in women. Flower powder is taken with honey 10 days post menstruation. Dhatura seeds are antidiabetic in nature, they are used along with Black pepper in reducing sugar levels.

Dhatura is effective in combating Mental disorders namely Epilepsy, Schizophrenia, Coma and Insomnia. It is advantageous in treatment of Nervous disorders namely Parkinson's Disorder and Neuralgia. It is effective in treating Dryness in Mouth and Toothache. It relieves Throat infections.

Datura Stramonium is a good herbal remedy for curing Respiratory troubles namely Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Asthma and Cold. It is favourable for Skin troubles like Blisters, Abscess, Boils and Itching. A decoction prepared from its leaves is a Pain reliever and recovers Injuries and Wounds. It is useful for patients battling chronic disease.

It is helpful in overcoming Motion Sickness and Giddiness. It mitigates Abdominal pain. It helps in getting rid of Intestinal worms and prevent further invasion.
Datura Stramonium soothes Sciatica pain. It curbs Muscle Spasm. It helps in relieving Rheumatism and pain in the Feet. It arrests Diarrhea. It combats Enuresis i.e. Bed wetting. It counteracts Piles.

Dosage : Dhatura being toxic in nature is always used in low dosage. These dosage are
Dhatura Seed / Flower Powder : 60 to 125 mg
Dhatura Leaf / Root Powder : 60 to 200 mg

Emergency treatment
Clearing gastrointestinal tract is the first priority. Use activated charcoal for clearing out the gastrointestinal tract.
The overdose of Dhatura may cause respiratory depression, seizures and coma. Use Physostigmine for reversing these symptoms.
Benzodiazepines like ativan and valium are used in treating extreme Hallucinations.

Caution : Consult a doctor before consuming it.
Keywords : Hair Problems, Brain Problems, Ear Problems, Fever, Malaria, Nervous Problems, Oral Problems, Throat infections, Heart Diseases, Hyperlactation, Respiratory Problems, Skin Problems, Wounds, Motion Sickness, Abdominal Problems, Intestinal worms, Sciatica, Spasm, Rheumatism, Diarrhea, Bed wetting, Piles, Impotency.
Single Herb

Datura Stramonium ( Dhatura ) for Bronchitis

Datura Stramonium ( Dhatura in India ) clears the Respiratory Tract. The Anti inflammatory property of Datura Stramonium reduces the inflammation in the Bronchi.
Take 4 to 5 dried Datura Stramonium leaves. Burn them. Breath the smoke for 2 to 3 minutes. Repeat this for 3 to 4 days.

Datura Stramonium ( Datura ) Leaves for Respiratory Diseases

Datura Stramonium ( Datura ) Leaves works for every type of respiratory problem. If some one is facing difficulty in breathing, just burn 4 to 5 dried Datura Stramonium ( Datura ) Leaves. Inhale the smoke for 2 minutes. It gives instant relief.

Datura Stramonium ( Dhatura ) for Asthma

Datura Stramonium ( Dhatura in India ) contains Atropine. The Atropine helps in soothing the respiratory tract and treats Asthma.
Take 4 to 5 dried Datura Stramonium leaves. Burn them. Inhale the smoke, repeat it 2 times in a day. Daily use is beneficial for Asthma and Bronchitis.

Datura Stramonium ( Datura ) Leaves for Abscess

Datura Stramonium ( Datura ) Leaves are very useful in case of Abscess. Heat required fresh Datura Stramonium ( Datura ) Leaves. Place on the affected part and bandage. It helps to cure Abscess and pain.
Note : You may put Castor Oil over Leaf for additional benefits.

Datura Stramonium ( Datura ) for Toothache

Many parts of Datura Stramonium ( Datura ) has been used to treat toothache with different methods.
Seeds : Burn some Datura Stramonium ( Datura ) seeds. Breath in the smoke of burnt seeds. It alleviates the toothache.
Roots : Take fresh or dried Datura Stramonium ( Datura ) roots. Grind them by adding little water. Apply paste on the affected tooth. Leave for 10 to 15 minutes. It provides an effective relief.

Datura Stramonium ( Datura ) Leaves for Wounds

Datura Stramonium ( Datura ) Leaves act as Vulnerary. It alleviates pain and provides quick healing.
Make a decoction of Datura Stramonium ( Datura ) Leaves. Leave it to cool down the decoction. Use it to wash wounds at least twice a day.

Datura Stramonium ( Datura ) as an Antigalactagogue

Datura Stramonium ( Datura ) is effective in stopping Lactation and curing Breast Pain in case of abortion or miscarriage.
Warm Datura Stramonium leaves and wrap it over the breasts. Repeat the process two times a day.

Datura Stramonium ( Dhatura ) for Rheumatism

The Anti rheumatic property of Datura Stramonium ( Dhatura in India ) reduces the pain and swelling of Joints due to Rheumatism.
Have 1 to 2 tablespoons of Datura Stramonium leaves juice daily.
OR : Crush the leaves of Datura Stramonium and use as a poultice on the affected area 2 to 3 times a day.

Datura Stramonium ( Dhatura ) for Earache

Datura Stramonium ( Dhatura in India ) has strong Analgesic property. This property helps to reduce the pain and treat Earache.
Boil 3 to 4 leaves of Datura Stramonium in a cup of water for 10 to 12 minutes. Strain the solution and let it cool. Put 1-2 drops in Ear two times a day.

Datura Stramonium ( Dhatura ) for Baldness

Datura Stramonium ( Dhatura in India ) penetrates the hair follicles and stimulates the hair growth.
Take the seeds of 1 to 2 Datura Stramonium fruits. Grind it with a little bit of water to form a paste. Apply it on the affected area. Leave it for 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse off. Do this twice a week.
OR : Apply Datura oil on your scalp for Hair Fall.
OR : You may apply juice of Datura on your scalp to get rid off Hair fall.

Datura Stramonium ( Datura ) for Dandruff

The anti fungal property of Datura Stramonium ( Dhatura in India ) helps to remove fungi from the scalp. It reduces the itching and treats Dandruff.
Take the 1 to 2 tablespoons of fresh juice of Damiana Stramonium leaves. Apply to the scalp. Rinse off with water after 2-3 hours. Repeat this 2 to 3 times a week

Datura Stramonium ( Dhatura ) for Hydrophobia

Apply the juice of Datura Stramonium (Dhatura ) by mixing it with Red Chili.

Datura Stramonium as an Aphrodisiac

Prepare a decoction, made of Datura Stramonium leaves or flowers and one cup of water. Strain and drink it.

Datura Stramonium ( Dhatura ) for Pain

Datura leaves have pain relieving properties. Roast a hand full leaves of Datura and make a paste. Apply this on the affected area to get relief from pain.

Datura Stramonium ( Dhatura ) for Headache

Take some fresh leaves of Datura Stramonium ( Dhatura ) and make a paste. Now apply this paste on your forehead. It gives relief from Headache.

Datura Stramonium ( Datura ) for Impotence

Take dried seeds of Datura Stramonium obtained from the ripened fruit. Boil these seeds in Cow's Milk to obtain the extract. Apply this extract on the penis, two times a day.
Regular Massage will help to improve the blood circulation to the genital organs, thus help in curing Impotence.
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Herbal Treatment For Baldness 31

Datura Stramonium ( Dhatura in India ) stimulates the hair growth and treats Baldness. Liquorice ( Mulethi in India ) strengthens the hair. Coconut Oil ( Nariyal Ka Tel in India ) nourishes the scalp.
Take 2 to 3 teaspoons Datura Stramonium seeds. Add 1 to 2 teaspoons of Milk Cream and 2 to 3 teaspoons of Liquorice powder in it. Grind to form a paste. Heat this paste in 1 to 2 tablespoons of Coconut Oil until it gets charred. Let the solution cool. Apply it on the affected area. Leave it for 15 to 20 minutes. Wash with shampoo. Do this 2 to 3 times a week.

Herbal Treatment For Earache 10

The Analgesic property of Datura Stramonium helps to ease the pain. Sesame Oil soothes the Ears. Sodom ( Madar in India ) kill harmful bacteria causing infection and pain in the Ears.
Take 125 gm juice of Datura Stramonium ( Dhatura in India ) leaves and same amount of Sesame Oil. Mix well. Boil in a tin vessel for 5 to 10 minutes on medium flame till the juice remains half. Add 5 top 6 leaves of Sodom and a pinch of salt in it. Boil till it gets a thick consistency. Strain and let it cool. Put 2 to 3 drops of this solution in the affected areas twice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Insanity 1

Datura Stramonium ( Dhatura in India ) possesses strong Sedative and Carminative properties. These properties help to calm the mind and soothe the nervous system.
Take the following :
Datura Stramonium Root Powder : 125 mg
Milk : 500 ml
Jaggery ( Gur in India ) : 5 gm
Clarified Butter ( Ghee in India ) : 5 ml
Take Milk in a saucepan. Add Datura Stramonium root powder, Jaggery and Clarified Butter in it. Stir well. Boil for 5 to 10 minutes. Strain the Milk. Drink twice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Malaria 10

The Anti pyretic property of Datura Stramonium ( Dhatura in India ) helps to lower down the body temperature. It inhibits the infection and treats Malaria.
Grind 1 to 2 fresh leaves of Datura Stramonium to form a paste. Add 1 to 2 teaspoons of Jaggery ( Gur in India ) in it. Mix well. Have it daily to cure Malaria.

Herbal Treatment For Leucoderma 8

Grind Ziziphus Xylopyrus leaves and Datura Stramonium flowers. Apply it over the affected areas before going to bed.

Herbal Treatment For Hysteria 9

Grind Ziziphus Xylopyrus leaves and Datura Stramonium flowers. Apply it over the affected areas before going to bed.

Herbal Treatment For Headache 17

Grind Ziziphus Xylopyrus leaves and Datura Stramonium flowers. Apply it over the affected areas before going to bed.
Queries on Datura Stramonium
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Actual users may approach us through emails. Please write an email to info@herbpathy.com.
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Boris Efremov ( USA )
05 May 2016
Dear sir,
where can I buy Datura stramonium herb ?
Please, let me know.
I leave in USA.
Thank you, Boris
09 Jun 2016
Dear Boris We do not deal in sales or purchase of any herb or herbal product.
You can buy this herb online or any near-by herbal store. Herbal products are available on e-commerce websites. Check for the quality and the authenticity of the product and the seller before you buy.
We have moved your query to the Buy/Sell page of our website. Users post their contact details on that page for the purpose of buying or selling herbs. That is entirely a user affair. You may visit that page and look for the users selling the needed herb. Herbpathy.com has just provided the platform for communication for the users.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
N S MALLIWAL ( India/ Maharashtra )
16 Jun 2016
How much is a leathal dose for a pamelian dog weighing 5kg approximate
Faiz raza khan ( India )
06 May 2017
what we do when dhatura milk is in our eyes
Rehban Singh ( India )
09 May 2017
What do you mean ?
Did you put the milk in your eyes ?
The milk or juice of Dhatura herb can be dangerous for the eyes.
What all symptoms did you notice ?
Wash the eyes thoroughly with water and take the patient to the doctor, so that the eyes can be diagnosed physically.
Aditya verma ( UP )
16 Feb 2018
For Cancer treatment
Jasmine Arias ( California )
10 Apr 2018
I am writing a story where a character gets poisoned with this plant. I want to know how to treat it if you cannot access a hospital or poison control. What are you supposed to do if you ingest it? If you only have other plants to deal with the poisoning, which would help, and how long would it take for the patient to recover?
Nicola Roberts ( New Zealand )
08 Sep 2018
Can stramonium be used safely on a dog, what would be the dose for a 24 kg dog, thank you.
Nicola Roberts ( New Zealand )
09 Sep 2018
Hi again, i asked previously about the dosage for a dog if it is safe to use, I would be using a store bought preparation of stramonium 30c, thanks again.
Dimple Bhatia ( India )
25 Aug 2020
Can we take plumbum met for cerebral atrophy and stramonium (symptoms matches )for atrophy induced psychosis
As on is antidote for other can we take both med on alternate day
Muhammad Abubakar ( Pakistan )
21 Dec 2020
How can we prepare datura oil for hair growth?
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