Attention : Rush patient to hospital immediately.
Heart Attack is a disease of the Heart.
It is a damage or death of the Heart muscles.
It is due to loss of blood supply to the Heart muscles.
When the Arteries that supply blood to the Heart muscles get blocked, it causes a Heart Attack. It causes a sharp pain at the center of the Chest and may remain for 10 to 15 minutes.
It is an emergency. The patient must be rushed to the hospital immediately.
Herbs are useful in preventing it. But, once it has occurred the answer is immediate hospitalization.
Herbs will help again during convalescence.
If you feel frequent Pain in the Chest, Neck or Arm, You may consult a doctor.
The symptoms of Heart Attack may vary from person to person. Some times we ignore the symptoms or you may get confused with a number of other disorders like Heart burn or some Abdominal Pain due associated with gas trouble.
Causes of Heart AttackDrugs
Fried Food
High Cholesterol
High Blood Pressure
If not treated properly Heart Attack may causeDeath
If an heart attach has occurred it means it is an emergency. Lie flat on the ground, no matter where you are. Even on the road. Call an ambulance and go to the hospital. Get expert treatment. When out of danger resort to herbs.
To prevent heart attack avoidAlcohol
Junk food
Drug abuse
Your best bet is, Hawthorn, Garlic.
A visit to the Doctor is a must.
Differential Diagnosis: We often use the terms Heart Attack, Cardiac arrest and Stroke.
But these three are separate terms. However, they are related to Heart only. These are all serious conditions and may need emergency.
Heart Attack: When we talk about heart attack, it means the blockage in the Arteries. In this a person has extreme pain and sweating and it causes death.
The Heart pumps blood. It takes deoxygenated blood from the body and supply oxygen rich blood to the body parts. But Heart itself also needs oxygen rich blood to function properly. If there is some blockage in the Arteries, that supply oxygen rich blood, it causes Heart Attack.
The blockage causes restriction of oxygen rich blood to the muscles due to which they die. As a result, if the muscles do not get oxygen rich blood, then within hours the person will die.
Cardiac Arrest : It occurs all of sudden due to heart palpitation. It affects the electrical function( the contraction and relaxation of the Heart muscles ) of the Heart muscles. As a result the Heart fails to pump the blood, which is the main function of the Heart. Due to which, the body organs will not get oxygen rich blood and they will die soon. This in turn makes the person unconsciousness soon.
Stroke : It is a Brain disorder that occurs due to Heart Disorder. As the main function of the Heart is to pump the Blood and supply oxygen rich blood to the vital organs of the Body. But if the Heart fails to do so, the body organs will not get oxygen rich blood and will die soon. When the Brain does not get the sufficient supply of oxygen rich blood, Stroke will develop.