Arborvitae is known as the Tree of Life. The essential oil produced from it has therapeutic effects. Thuja counters the effects of Oral Contraceptives, Hormone Replacement Therapy ( HRT ), Fertility treatments, Chemotherapy and Steroid therapy.
The use of Contraceptive pills causes Lymphatic Oedema. It causes weight gain. HRT causes the breasts to grow abnormally. It may cause one breast to grow in size and not the other one. It may make the enlarged breast overweight. Infertility caused because of fertility treatments. Thuja is the answer for all.
Thuja affects all the organs that are ovoid shape ( Egg shaped ) like Polyps, Ovaries, Testes, Pancreas, Spleen, Endocrine Glands, Thyroid and excess of discharges.
Thuja is best recommendation for a number of physical and mental symptoms and diseases. It is good for people who do Self Abuse. Self abuse can be with drugs, Excessive Tea, Alcohol, Coffee, Tobacco and even Sexual Excess. For all of the above, Thuja is the answer.
Arborvitae is also for those having Birth Trauma.
Water Retention is very common nowadays. It makes the Body swell and increases the Body weight. The weight change can be noticed in a day period from morning to night.
Thuja is recommended to improve Skin tone. It is recommended to those having coarse skin with an orange peel appearance. It has Anti Acne property. It treats and lightens old scars and acne. It also treats Hairfall. Hair falling from Eyebrows, Scalp and Pubic hair.
It is a good remedy for smelly Sweat. Smelly Sweat on feet, armpits and groin can be treated with Thuja.
Thuja possesses Antitumor property. It is used to treat eruptions and growth, warts and tumor of all types, particularly face.
It also treats Fungal infections as Mycosis and Candida.
Methods of Administration. How to takeTincture. The best and the most potent method of consuming Red Clover is to Tincture it.
To learn how to make your own Tinctures Click hereDecoction: Make a tea.
Put l/2 teaspoonful of the powdered root in a cup of water. Boil it. Simmer for 10 minutes. Drink three times a day.