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Eye Diseases Herbal Treatment, Prevention, Symptoms, Causes, Cured By

General Name
Eye Diseases
Medical Name
Eye Disease
Hindi Name
Ankh Rog, Netra Roga,
Eye Diseases Symptoms
Painful Eyes
Redness in the white portion of the eye Discharge of yellow pus
Tears from the Eyes
Swollen Eyelids
Involuntary blinking
Blurred Vision
Blind Spots

Eye Diseases Cured By

Super Effective


Acalypha Psilos...
Ajuga Bracteosa
Ajuga Decumbens
Alafia Barteri
Alafia Lucida
Albizia Adianth...
Albizia Gummife...
Aloe Turkanensi...
Aquilaria Malac...
Asparagus Flage...
Baruwa Sugarcan...
Berberis Asiati...
Bersama Abyssin...
Bruguiera Gymno...
Bryonia Japonic...
Bryophyllum Pin...
Caesalpinia Vol...
Capparis Toment...
Carpodiptera Af...
Cassia Kleinii
Chamaecrista Ab...
Cleidion Spicif...
Cnestis Ferrugi...
Colophospermum ...
Combretum Acule...
Combretum Platy...
Commelina Afric...
Commiphora Rost...
Costus Lucanusi...
Costus Phylloce...
Croton Lobatus
Cyperus Papyrus
Deinbollia Gran...
Desmodium Trifl...
Diospyros Lycio...
Dysophylla Auri...
Dysoxylum Malab...
Erythrococca An...
Euadenia Eminen...
Euonymus Tingen...
Euphorbia Convo...
Ferry Sulphaz
Flickingeria Ma...
Geophila Repens
Geranium Wallic...
Green Birdflowe...
Hedyotis Scande...
Heliotropium Ke...
Himalayan Musk ...
Hippobroma Long...
Holostemma Heed
Hordeum Jubatum
Hypoxis Aurea
Indian Thorny B...
Isodon Rugosus
Jasminum Scande...
Jatropha Glandu...
Kokoona Zeylani...
Little Amhersti...
Lobelia Nicotia...
Lygodium Circin...
Lygodium Circin...
Mahonia Nervosa
Merremia Peltat...
Mollugo Pentaph...
Murdannia Nudif...
Muscadine Grape
Myosotis Scorpi...
Pandanus Ceylan...
Phyllanthus Vir...
Pithroj Tree
Plains Wild Ind...
Poikilospermum ...
Polianthes Tube...
Red Pagoda Plan...
Riverbank Grape
Roxburgh s Worm...
Safawi Date
Salvia Serotina
Sapphire Berry
Scepa Lindleyan...
Schoenoplectus ...
Scoparia Dulcis
Senecio Scanden...
Shrubby Sea Bli...
Silene Indica
Small Flowered ...
Snow Pea
Solandra Brevic...
Spigelia Anthel...
Stephania Glabr...
Syngonium Angus...
Thalictrum Dali...
Thunbergia Frag...
Tree Fern
Two Flowered Le...
Utricularia Ret...
Vachellia Xanth...
Viburnum Grandi...
Vigna Marina
Vitis Heyneana
Water Morning G...
Wild Himalayan ...
Yellow Throated...
Zygophyllum Sim...
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Eye Disease is a disease of the Eyes.
There are specific diseases related to Eyes.
Eye Problems mean any problem of the eye. It can be a minor infection or a severe impairment.

The various Eye Diseases are
Blurred Vision
Dry Eye Syndrome
Weak Eyesight
Drooping Eyelids
Diabetic retinopathy

These are all covered separately.

Body Part(s)

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Materia Medica for Eye Diseases

Single Herb

Guava ( Amrood ) for Eyes

Macerate Guava flowers and apply to painful eyes.

Alum ( Fitakari ) for Eye Diseases

Take 2 gram Alum. Powder. Mix in 80 Ml Rosewater. Dripping 2 drops twice a day.

Aniseed for Eye Diseases

Extract the juice of Aniseed. Take one or two teaspoons daily.

Ivy Gourd for Eye Diseases

Extract the juice of Ivy Gourd leaves. Put three drops in eye daily for a week.

Adhatoda Vasica for Eye Disease

Take some flowers and fry them in ghee. Let it cool. Apply it over closed eyes. Wrap the the eyes with a cloth for half an hour.

Berberis Aristata ( Rasont ) for Eye Diseases

Apply Berberis Aristata ( Rasont ) locally on the eyelids.

Cassia Auriculata for Eye Diseases

Fry some leaves of Cassia Auriculata in ghee. Cool it. Place on closed eyelids for ten minutes. Tie bandage.

Turmeric ( Haldi ) for Eyes Infection

Turmeric ( Haldi ) is a good Antibiotic and contains steroid. Therefore, it provides relief to an infected eye.
Boil one tablespoon of Turmeric ( Haldi ) powder in a liter of water until it reduces to half. Dip a towel in the lukewarm solution and dab it over the infected eye. Repeat it for 5 to 6 times.

Indian Gooseberry ( Amla ) for Eye Diseases

Indian Gooseberry ( Amla ) contains Vitamin C and Bioflavonoids. These nutrients make Indian Gooseberry ( Amla ) a powerful Antioxidant. Hence, it keeps eyes healthy and prevents from eye diseases.
Take dry gram Indian Gooseberry ( Amla ) fruit. Grind coarsely. Boil in 2 glasses of water till it remains one-fourth. Cool and strain. Drip into eyes twice a day.
OR : Simply take a teaspoon of Indian Gooseberry ( Amla ) powder with water on a daily basis.

Aloe Vera ( Gheekumari ) for Eye Problems

Mix half tsp Aloe juice with 1 tsp Boric Acid in 50 ml water. Use it as an eyewash.
Caution : To prevent infection take proper hygiene.
OR : Tie the pulp on the eyelids before going to bed. Use for 3 days.

Cucumber ( Kheera ) for Eye Problems

Cut thin slices of Cucumber and place on both the eyelids. Lie down for 30 Minutes. It prevents redness, burning sensation and swelling of eyes.
Include Spinach in your daily diet. You may consume it in cooked, soup or juice form.

Carrot ( Gaajar ) for Eye Diseases

Drink 1 glass of Carrot juice once a day.

Tomato ( Tamatar ) for Eye Diseases

Include Tomato in your diet. You may eat it in the salad or in soup form.

Black Pepper ( Kali Mirch ) for Eye Diseases

Take 2 pinches Black Pepper ( Kali Mirch ) powder. Mix in little Clarified Butter ( Ghee ). Have it daily.
Drumstick ( Sahjan in India ) possesses potent Anti-inflammatory and Antimicrobial properties. These properties help to prevent the Eye infections and reduce swelling.
Use leaf juice of Drumstick ( Sahjan ) as an eye drop. It helps in curing various Eye related problems.
OR : Prepare a homemade Kohl ( Kajal ) by using Drumstick ( Sahjan ) seeds.

Ionidium Suffruticosum for Eye Diseases

Crush whole plant of Ionidium Suffruticosum. Make an infusion of it. Use it as an Eye wash.
Use root juice of Indian Sarsaparilla ( Anantmool) as an Eye drop.

Crape Jasmine for Eye Diseases

Crush flowers of Crape Jasmine to obtain juice. Use it as an Eye drop.
OR : Mix leaf juice of Crape Jasmine with Coconut oil. Apply it on your forehead to get rid of pain in Eyes.

Cynodon Dactylon for Eye Diseases

Extract the juice of Cynodon Dactylon grass, by crushing it. Apply it over your infected Eye.

Honey ( Shehad ) for Conjunctivitis

Add 2 tsp Honey in a cup of lukewarm water. Use it as an Eye Wash. Honey is Antibacterial, it helps to cure Conjunctivitis fast.

Milk for Eyes

Mix water with Milk in 1:2 ratio. Heat. Use it to wash your eyes when bearable hot.

Potato ( Aalu ) for Eyes

Put Potato slices over infected Eye for 15 mins.

Barberry as Ophthalmic

Crush dried roots of Barberry to make powder. Add 8 g of it in lukewarm water. Use it as an Eyewash or Eye Compress.

Castor Oil ( Arandi ) for Conjunctivitis

Use Castor oil as an Eye Drop in the affected Eye.

Alternanthera Sessilis ( Garundi ) Leaves for Eye Diseases

Take fresh Alternanthera Sessilis ( Garundi ) Leaves. Grind. Have one teaspoon twice a day for one month.
OR : Take it in the form of decoction.

Fennel ( Saunf ) for Eye Diseases

Boil half tablespoon seed in some water.
Let it cool and filter.
Use as an Eye wash thrice daily.
It is helpful in many Infections of eyes.

Operculina Turpethum as an Ophthalmic

Extract leaf juice of Operculina Turpethum by crushing them. Use it as an Eye Drop.

Polianthes Tuberosa for Eyes

Make a decoction of Polianthes Tuberosa flowers. Cool. Use it to wash your Eyes.
Use the root decoction of Anacyclus Pyrethrum to wash your Eyes.
Make root decoction of Achyranthes Aspera. Cool. Use it to wash your Eyes.
Crush leaves of Indian Sorrel ( Sarvajjaya ) to make paste. Strain and extract its juice. Use it as an Eye drop.

Elder for Eyes

Dry the berries of Elder. Grind them to make powder. Take 1 tsp of it thrice a day.

Black Cumin for Eye Diseases

Make a mixture by adding half tsp Black Cumin seed oil in a cup of Carrot juice. Have it twice a day.

Cabbage Rose for Eyes

Use infusion made by petals of Cabbage Rose as an Eye wash.
Boil 3-4 threads of Saffron ( Kesar ) in a cup of water. Use it as an Eye Wash when bearable hot.

Flaxseed ( Alsi ) for Eyes

Make decoction of Flaxseed ( Alsi ). Dip a piece of cloth in the decoction when bearable hot. Put it on your Eyes. You may use it as an Eye wash.
Boil 20 g Chamomile ( Babunah ) flowers in 50 ml water. Use it to wash your Eyes when bearable hot.

Solidago Virgaurea for Eyes

Use leaf juice of Solidago Virgaurea as an Ear drop.

Acacia Nilotica for Eye Diseases

Make leave paste of Acacia Nilotica. Tie it in a piece of cloth. Use it as a poultice.

Bael for Eyes

Heat few leaves of Bael. Tie them in a piece of cloth. Use it as poultice over Eyes.

Agave for Eyes

Use infusion of Agave leaves as an Eye wash. It cure Irritation in Eyes.

Asparagus Racemosus for Eye Diseases

Take the tubers of Asparagus Racemosus and grind them. Extract juice from it. Drink 15 to 20 ml of this juice twice a day.

Goji Berry ( Kad Mool ) for Eye Diseases

Daily intake of 30 ml Goji Berry ( Kad Mool ) juice is beneficial to keep eyes protected from diseases.
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Multiple Herbs How to Use Herbal Treatment? Click Here +

Herbal Treatment For Eye Diseases 1

Drumstick ( Sahjan in India ) is a rich source of Vitamin A and Vitamin C. Vitamin A improves vision and strengthens the capillaries. Vitamin C is a strong Antioxidant which protects the Eyes from Diseases.
Honey has Anti inflammatory property which soothes the eyes and reduces inflammation.
Take 4 to 5 fresh Drumstick ( Sahjan in India ) leaves. Wash the leaves and extract their juice. Add 3 to 4 teaspoons of Honey ( Shehad in India ) in the juice. Apply on the Eyelids to cure Eye Diseases.

Herbal Treatment For Eye Diseases 2

Indian Gooseberry ( Amla in India ) has strong Antioxidant property. This property protects retina from free radicals.
Coriander ( Dhaniya in India ) contains Beta Carotene which protects from contagious Eye infections.
Take one teaspoon of Indian Gooseberry ( Amla in India ) powder and one teaspoon of Coriander ( Dhaniya in India ) powder. Mix them in a glass of water. Drink daily for a week. It gives relief from irritation and inflammation of the eyes.

Herbal Treatment For Eye Diseases 3

Almond ( Badam in India ) is rich in Vitamin E which slows the macular degeneration.
Fennel ( Saunf in India ) contains Vitamin C and Vitamin A. These nutrients helps to keep the eyes healthy and free from infections.
Take Almonds ( Badam in India ), Fennel ( Saunf in India ) and Sugar in equal amount. Grind them in form of fine powder. Take 1 tablespoon of the powder mixture. Have it with a glass of lukewarm water. Take it daily before going to sleep for a week.

Herbal Treatment For Eye Diseases 4

The Antibacterial property of Cow Urine ( Gomutra in India ) helps to fight harmful bacteria that produces irritation and develops infection in the eyes.
Anti-irritant effect of Azadirachta Indica ( Neem in India ) reduces irritation and provides soothing effect to the eyes.
Honey ( Shehad in India ) has strong Anti-inflammatory property which reduces the inflammation of the eyes.
Combination of above three proves to be an ideal care for Eyes. Take the following herbs :
Cow Urine ( Gomutra in India ) : 500 gram
Azadirachta Indica ( Neem in India ) : 10 leaves
Honey ( Shehad in India ) : 5 gram
Put Cow Urine ( Gomutra in India ) and Azadirachta Indica ( Neem in India ) in a copper vessel. Boil on a low flame until it remains one-forth. Filter. Add Honey ( Shehad in India ). Let it cool. Put one drop in each eye. Repeat the process twice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Eye Diseases 5

Berberis Aristata ( Rasont in India ) has Antiinflammatory and Ophthalmic properties. These properties reduce inflammation and infection of eyes.
Alum ( Fitakari in India ) has Antifungal and Antibacterial property which fights infection causing bacteria and fungus.
Clarified Butter ( Ghee in India ) strengthens the eyes and improves vision.
Mix Berberis Aristata ( Rasont in India ) with Clarified Butter ( Ghee in India ) and Alum ( Fitakari in India ). Apply on the eyelids.

Herbal Treatment For Eye Care

Eye is the most sensitive and beautiful part of our body. Eyes reflect our expressions. It needs too much care, if compared to other body parts. We can not be careless for eyes. This era prefers all in one formula. keeping all this in mind, at the time of research we have found a very effective formula for total eye care. Whether a person has stressed eyes or any other eye problem, answer is one. You may rely upon the formula as all the ingredients used are 100 % pure without any chemical. Now let's move on to the formula below :
Ingredients Needed :
Onion : Preferably white ( Pyaz in India ) Juice Half teaspoon
Lemon ( Nimbo in India ) Juice Half teaspoon
Ginger ( Adrak in India ) Juice Half teaspoon
Honey ( Shehad in India ) One teaspoon
Take a small glass bottle. Pour all ingredients in bottle. Shake well. Your Eye drop is ready to use. Put one drop in both eyes. You may use it once or twice a day.
This will produce irritation in eyes but don't worry it's normal. This happens only because of pure ingredients used.
Note : While following the instructions, please pay attention to the clean objects ( Like- Knife, Squeezer, Bottle etc).
Additional Benefit : You may use it, Even if you don't have any eye problem. Why ? It strengthens the eye muscles and keeps your eyes healthy.

Herbal Treatment For Eye Diseases 6

The fusion of Chicory ( Kasni in India ), Celery ( Shalari in India ), Parsley ( Ajmood in India ) and Carrot ( Gaajar in India ) is an ideal remedy for healthy Eyes.
Chicory ( Kasni in India ) is a rich source of Vitamin A. Vitamin A nourishes the optic nerves. It also works as an Anti-inflammatory and irritation reducing remedy.
Celery ( Shalari in India ) protects the eyes from free radicals and improves vision.
Parsley ( Ajmood in India ) is a rich source of Beta Carotene and Vitamin C. It stimulates blood vessels and improves Eyesight.
Carrot ( Gaajar in India ) is a rich source of Vitamin A. This nutrient helps to improve Eyesight and protect it from Eye Diseases.
Take the following herbs :
Chicory ( Kasni in India ) juice 20 ml
Celery ( Shalari in India ) juice 50 ml
Parsley ( Ajmood in India ) juice 40 ml
Carrot ( Gaajar in India ) juice 70 to 80 ml
Mix all the juices and drink it 2 times a day.

Herbal Treatment For Eye Diseases 7

Mix 5 teaspoons fresh juice of Drumstick Leaf with 2 teaspoons of Honey ( Shehad ) . Consume it for one time a day before sleep.
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09 Aug 2016
I have alopecia areata (circular bald patch on scalp) since I was 10 years old. The bald patch will appear every few years for 6 months and then the hair will start growing back. The bald patch on scalp is not at the same place, it keeps moving. What could be possible causes? Is there a treatment and diet plan for this?
10 Aug 2016
Dear Sita
Try Onion juice and take 2 tablet of Land Caltrops every day.
Or you may try Babchi oil. Dilute it with some oil, as it is very strong.
Kim Melbourne ( USA )
15 Nov 2017
I’m disabled. I had a very large brain tumor removed 5 years ago. I had a stroke after surgery. I have tumor remaining behind my right eye—this is my current and urgent concern.
I’ve read that mistletoe is being used in the UK to dissolve tumors. I’m not feeling confident enough to try that. I may have to soon decide to remove my right eye sight or my entire right eye. Any ideas! I eat carrots and spinach regularly but have not tried anything topical not even cucumber! Any advice? Any questions? Thanks!
Reagan M
25 Jul 2024
I have failed to know the effective herbs for eye disease
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