Cassia Obtusifolia Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients
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General Name
Cassia Obtusifolia
Glycemic Index / Load
Chinese Senna, Sicklepod
Botanical Name
Cassia Obtusifolia, Senna Obtusifolia
Hindi Name
Chirauta Chokad
Cassia Obtusifolia Cures
Action of Cassia Obtusifolia
Nutrients in Cassia Obtusifolia
Cassia Obtusifolia
Combines With
Taste of
Cassia Obtusifolia
Nature of
Cassia Obtusifolia
Parts Used
Leaves, Seeds, Roots, Fruit
Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Cassia Obtusifolia
Avoid use for patients with diarrhea from Spleen deficiency.
Avoid use for patients with hypotension and Low Blood Pressure.
Cassia Obtusifolia is a plant.
It is perennial.
It grows in a tropical climate.
It grows up to 1.5 M.
Best use for Eye Disease.
In TCM :
Cassia Obtusifolia Seed : Cao Jue Ming
Cassia Obtusifolia Seed : Jue Ming Zi
Meridians associated : Liver, Kidney and Large Intestine.
Materia Medica : How to use Cassia Obtusifolia - Uses and Benefits
Cassia Obtusifolia General
Cassia Obtusifolia is favorable in the prevention of Eye Diseases.
It comforts during Stomach Ache and completely cures it.
It serves as Laxative, which promotes the evacuation of the bowels. It softens the stool and cures Constipation.
The Febrifuge attribute of this remedy is effective in reducing Fever.
It overcomes Fatigue.
It provides relief from Headache.
Due to Liver Tonic effect, it tonifies the Liver and stimulates its functions. Thus, it keeps Liver Diseases at bay.
It has Antiinflammatory properties which efficiently heals the inflammation within the body.
It is beneficial in purifying and eliminating the impurities from the Blood.
It impacts as Cardio Tonic within the body to maintain the Heart functions. Thus, it reduces the risk of Heart Diseases.
Cassia Obtusifolia fruit is a good remedy for curing Arthritis and Herpes.
It is Nervine in nature, which promotes strength and calms the Nervous System.
This herb has Stimulant content which increases Stamina. Often, it triggers several Brain activities and avoids the risk of Brain Disorders.
Single Herb Cassia Obtusifolia for Colic
Make an infusion of Cassia Obtusifolia leaves. Take it, twice a day.
Cassia Obtusifolia for Skin Disease
Make a poultice of Cassia Obtusifolia leaves and the seeds. Apply it gently on the affected skin.
Cassia Obtusifolia for Fever
Prepare a decoction of Cassia Obtusifolia fruit. Keep it for 5 minutes. Take it twice a day.
Make an alcoholic or vinegar maceration of pounded fresh Cassia Obtusifolia leaves. Use it, externally on the affected skin.