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Jatropha Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Glycemic Index / Load
Physic Nut, Leprous Tree
Botanical Name
Jatropha Curcas
Hindi Name
Pahari Erand, Jangli Arandi, Danti Badi
Chinese Name
Ma Feng Shu
Homeopathic Name
Jatropha Curcas   -   Mother Tincture

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Jatropha Cures

Highly Effective


Action of Jatropha

Nutrients in Jatropha

Combines With

Taste of

Parts Used

Leaves, Seeds, Oil

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Jatropha

Prolonged and excessive intake of Jatropha may cause :
Abdominal Pain

Children are highly susceptible to Jatropha Poisoning. Strictly avoid giving Jatropha to kids.

The side effects are real and serious. There should be no delay in seeing a doctor, in case you suffer from any of the symptoms given above.
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Jatropha is a flowering plant.
It is perennial.
It grows in subtropical and tropical climate.
It grows up to 6 M.
Best used for Gingivitis, Skin Problems.


Grown In

Common Names

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Materia Medica for Jatropha

Single Herb

Jatropha for Wounds

Apply fresh latex of Jatropha on your Wounds. It helps to heal them fast.

Jatropha for Skin Diseases

Use latex of Jatropha as an ointment over damaged Skin.

Jatropha for Gum Diseases

Use leave decoction of Jatropha as Mouth wash.

Jatropha for Scabies

Make a leave decoction of Jatropha. Wash your infected Skin with it.

Jatropha as Maturant

Grind Jatropha leaves to make paste. Apply it over Abscess.

Jatropha as Galactagogue

Heat few leaves of Jatropha. Tie them in a piece of cloth. Use it as poultice on your Breast.

Jatropha as Purgative

Roast 3-4 Jatropha seeds. Take them with lukewarm water.

Jatropha for Insufficient Breast Milk

Jatropha poultice is good to increase milk supply. Heat 3 to 4 Jatropha leaves. Put on breast and bandage.
Queries on Jatropha
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Actual users may approach us through emails. Please write an email to info@herbpathy.com.
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24 Oct 2016
how many percent npk ratio in jatropha seed
oil % in jatropha seed
npk ratio in husk of jatropha seed
24 Oct 2016

24 Oct 2016
Samuel nunoo ( Ghana-accra )
22 Dec 2016
22 Dec 2016
Samuel. Why do you want to give this tea to children?
What is the age of the child?
What is the problem that needs to be taken care of? Let us know the answers to these questions .
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Guy Seabrook ( South Carolina, USA )
27 Dec 2016
Is Jatropha Leaf Extract effective in controlling, mold, algae, mildew & bacteria on surfaces?

What are health benefits for intenal use?

How can I order seeds?
Solomon Gyimah
06 Jan 2020
Am a Chanson, can help you to get some.
Jhonny samera ( Ksa )
17 Feb 2017
what is the benefit of a boling leaves of jatropha in a pregnant mom
20 Feb 2017
Dear Jhonny Samera
Jatropha leaves effects has contradictive evidence. It can develop the fetus in pregnant women but it also induces an abortion and may lead to death.
Better is that you should avoid its use and clarify us about what kind of Disease you want to cure.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Patrick Omoit ( Uganda )
20 Feb 2017
Am in Uganda and Jatropha plants are grown where can I get market for the seeds.
Kirabo Angel
10 Jun 2019
Patrick pliz how can I reach you
Yaw Solomon
23 Jul 2020
Good day Mr Patrick, am a Ghanaian and can help you get it if only you still interested in it.
25 Feb 2021
Where in Ghana are you please
Abdullahi ( Nigeria )
12 Mar 2017
what are the steps in biodiesell extraction
Abdullahi ( Nigeria )
12 Mar 2017
what are the steps in biodiesell extraction
13 Apr 2017
Sorry, You need to ask an expert in this subject.
Sandy ( Philippines )
10 Apr 2017
Hi. Can the leaves of jatropha be boiled and drink? Cure for back pain. Please help
13 Apr 2017
Yes, you can drink it. This herb acts as a strong pain killer. You can have it to suppress your back pain. But, please note, it is not a permanent cure for back ache. For that you will have to share other symptoms as well .
Also, please share if you ever have experienced a back injury .
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Mrs.Sindhu Arunkumar ( India )
21 Apr 2017
Is there any herbal treatment available for chicken pox . My 3 year old twin have got affected with chicken pox.
Randeep Matra ( India )
02 May 2017
Please, let the disease take its course. DO not try to interfere it.
Your babies would be okay in time. It is a bad idea to try interrupt, when your child is already affected and so many days have already passed. By 6th or 7th May, he/she would be okay. Do not worry. Or, talk to your family doctor about it.
23 Jul 2020
Yes please chicken pox can be cured.
You can contact me on 0543475310
Hassana ( Nigeria )
25 Apr 2017
please my sister of 38 years ate jathropha roasted seeds immediately she got a reaction of vomiting, stooling and weakness is the the seed that dangerous need a reply as soon as possible. thanks
Ritwik Man ( India )
02 May 2017
Please visit a doctor. The herb did not suit her or might have been taken in excess.
There should be no delay in seeing a doctor now. She needs medical aid, Hope she gets okay.
08 May 2017
yeah she is better now thanks, the doctors said she took the seeds in excess. so others be aware
29 Jun 2017
Pls how can I use Jatropha to ease my knee pains. I have had the pains for about two weeks now and I have just been using a balm which has not helped. I just heard about Jatropha and I want to know if it can help and how.
Many thanks. My name is Osome (Nigeria ).
01 Aug 2017
What is your age ?
Do you have any history of knee injury ?
Did you get yourself diagnosed by a doctor ?
Is the pain only whne you walk, or is it all the time, does it get better when you lie down ?
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
28 Jun 2019
pls Doc,Guday sir, pls clear me how best way to prepare red jotropha leave for HIV cure,permanent cure sir,pls sir explain more to me on d best preparation
Dr. Thomas
02 Jul 2019
Jatropha herb is not a sure source for treating HIV. You can try the following:
1. Have Nigella Sativa ( Black Seeds ). Take 2 teaspoons of Black seeds and make a concoction. Take it twice daily for 6 months. 2. Add Drumsticks to your diet. It will help you get relief from symptoms of HIV. Have it two times in a day.
3. Take lots of Vitamin C, which will increase your body's immunity against antibodies.
4. Take Echinacea capsule, daily for 15 days. It will also improve your immunity. All the best. Hope you get well soon!
Jack dee
26 Mar 2021
Will this cure if i add cassava root also?
Bridget ( Nigeria/Lagos )
24 Aug 2017
Can physic nut be used for family planning?
Samuel Zuze ( Malawit )
21 Oct 2017
My mum had been feeling hot on her feet for more than 6 months. Will taking jatropha be effective and what part? How to process it
Madeline ( Grenada, West Indies )
08 Dec 2017
will it help for someone with a foot ulcer.....they have had it a couple of years....it gets better and then opens up again after a couple of months? how to use?
Salaudeen ( Nigeria )
12 Feb 2018
Please where can I get Jatropha seed for planting purpose
Brite ( Nigeria )
21 Apr 2018
Can Jatropha cure pile ?
Assiamah kwadwo ( Ghanaian )
08 May 2018
Is jatropha curcas use to treat hapititis b?
Ahmed Adewoyin
10 Aug 2018
Yes. Add 2 tsp of stem exudates of jatropha c. with equal measures of jaggery ( soaked extract of okro boiled with sugarcane extract. Watch how jaggery is made on YouTube) and natural honey and mix. Drink at least, 2 times daily for 9-12 days and bid farewell or bid good riddance to bad hepatitis B. It also cures E.coli.
Please let's help humanity with our knowledge before we die and go with it.
Jaspa tucano
26 Mar 2021
What about hiv??? I would like to safely come off AVR. do you have a cure?
Vikash ( U P )
10 May 2018
Is jatropha stalk use for brushing teeth will help
to cure of cancer cyst .
Paul Anim ( Ghana Accra )
21 May 2018
Am Paul from Ghana
My grand paa is suffering from prostate. May I know if seed of Jatropha can be used to cure him and how ?
2. Can this plant be used to cure prolapse of the rectum ? and which part of the Jatropha is used and how . Thank you
Michael ( Ghana, Accra )
02 Sep 2018
Can Jethropha be used to cure glaucoma and how or any remedies for glaucoma
Lusekelo Ndile ( Zambia )
30 Sep 2018
I am from zambia can jatropha help to cure aids and permanent and if not which herbal can be replaced for art
Brighton (Zambia)
28 Oct 2018
Hi Lusekelo, yes it can be used to Cure AIDS based on the available research I have come across. I have gotten the right Jatropha plant at home and am currently researching on how best to make the herb. So far I got a recip of how to prepare it however they will be need to have a few HIV infected people take it to see its effectiveness. You can get in touch with me and see how we help each other.
Abdulhanan y
25 Jul 2019
Okay I’m in Ghana want to take part in the treatment
Sandra (Uganda)
10 Jun 2019
Can I plant this jetropha at my home. How do I get the seedlings
06 Jan 2020
Yes you can, am a Ghanaian and can help you get some .
28 Jan 2019
You call me i missed your call and forgot to save your line.
Samson ( Nigeria )
04 Oct 2018
I'm from Nigeria can jetropha helps to cure asthma especially wheezing at night
Abosede ( Nigeria / Ondo state )
12 Oct 2018
Pls can Jatropha curcas cured hepatitis B and C? Have been using drugs but no improvement. Please am in need of your help. Thanks
Robert ( Zambia )
16 Oct 2018
Is jatropha help to cure anal fusure? if yes explain to me is now 6moths. 2,What typ of diseases cain jatropha roots works.
Brighton ( Zambia )
28 Oct 2018
How are you Dr. Could you kindly share the method of preparing the Jatropha herb for curing HIV.
John ( Nigeria )
23 Nov 2018
Pls can Jatropha leaves cure diabetes? If yes, how is it use. Thank you
Layo ( Nigeria/lagos )
09 Dec 2018
Is jathropha seed save to use while breasfeeding
Riyoo ( India )
17 Mar 2019
Please include the family of the plant..
Bukky Adesegha ( Nigeria/Lagos )
12 Apr 2019
Can jatropha be used to treat kidney disease
Kingsley Essel ( Ghana )
28 May 2019
Please why are you not replying to how to treat HIV with Jatropha,does it mean you guys are living when you said it inhibits HIV with low effect cytotoxicity?please tell us the Gospel truth so we know why we are on your sight..deos it treat HIV and how?thank you
Tevin Moeti ( Botswana )
21 Jun 2019
know about Jatropha herb
Geofrey ( 254 )
19 Jan 2020
Can this plant (jatropha) be used to cure HIV and if yes,how? Where can it be found in Kenya?
22 Jan 2020
Dear Geofrey The leaves of Jatropha have Anti-HIV properties. Leaf extract can be taken to treat HIV.
You may take the following herbs as wEll for HIV: 1. Echinacea and Goldenseal combination capsules. Take 1 capsule daily for 1 month.
2. Nigella Sativa: Take 2 tablespoon of Black seed concoction twice daily for 6 months.
3. Have ripe Elder fruit. The raw form of fruit is toxic.
Herbpathy is not into buying/selling of herbs. So, you have to find hem on your own. Visit an Ayurvedic shop or check the herbs online.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Hitman ( Zambia )
03 Feb 2020
What are the side effects if roast Jatropha seeds and drink them for cleaning the bowels or diarrehea?
20 Feb 2020
The seeds are often roasted and taken after meals. It reduces toxicity. The toxicity of seeds is known to be reduced by roasting. However, it is to roasted properly dear. And I suggest you to follow a good technique for roasting. It is quite toxic and don't give it to your children. Any side effect measured, just rush to your doctor.
30 Sep 2020
Jatropha seeds are toxic and roasting will not reduce toxicity!! Only Mexican cultivars can be non-toxic sometimes, but the true origin needs to be confirmed and preserved accurately. Never give seeds in any from to children, they are very susceptible to jatropha poisoning. Adults should only consume maximum 3 seeds a day if they want to cure health issues.
21 May 2020
How can I use it for the body cream
Mercy ( Nigeria )
06 Jun 2020
Pls is jatropha seed very effective for family planning, how long will it take one seed to work
Clement Omotunde ( Nigeria )
08 Jun 2020
Can Jatropha carcus Linn or other Jatropha cure Tuberculosis ?
Funmilola ( Nigeria/ Lagos State )
09 Jun 2020
Good morning,pls can we use jatropha carcus seeds as a cause of family planning
Clement Omotunde ( Nigeria )
10 Jun 2020
Can Jatropha carcus Linn or any other Jatropha cure Tuberculosis kindly explain pls sir
Folakemi ( Nigeria )
12 Jun 2020
Folakemi (Nigeria)
Good morning sir, please how can I use jatropha carcus to cure infection and infertility. Thanks
Cecilia ( Ghana )
04 Aug 2020
Please Dr, can I get your contact and chat with you privately
Herbpathy Research Team
04 Aug 2020
Dear Cecilia. Herbpathy is an open platform, such a facility as of private chat is not available as of now. Please write your query here. Our experts will get back to you.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Funmex ( Lagos )
04 Aug 2020
Can Jatropha leaves be squeezed with water and drink or grind together with honey and lick
Favor ( Nigeria / Kano )
15 Aug 2020
Hello. I have been on HIV drugs for 3years but I decided to stop the drug last month in order to seek permanent cure. I have been taking red Jatropha juice since but it's purging me. Can you help with other effective herb to use to get the permanent cure, I was at undetected level before I stopped. I don't want the virus to replicate again and for how long can I take the herb since the virus is already at undetected level?
Mr johanides
25 Aug 2020
mullaca also should be effective but also its a amazon herb now after all those there is safe to drink essential oils like cinnamon ceylon but bio and for internal use with many good reviews this contain many powerfull antioxidants that are antivirals and eugenol and cinnameldahyde that are very effective vs many viruses, also even good quality oregano essential oil capsules (greek prefered)
but all those must be taken WITH PREBIOTICS coz they mascare good and bad bacteria (this also help haveing more good bacteria that create T cells)
08 Feb 2021
Hiv cure: make a tea of black seed, neem leaves and Karla ( bitter melon) leaves/ vibe. Add natural honey and drink 3 times daily for 40 days. During these 40 days, eat fruits especially oranges with the pulp and bananas. You must get 40 mins sunshine daily. do not eat cooked foods. EAT RAW FRUITS ONLY FOR 40 DATS. YES. GET TESTED AFTER.
Mr johanides
25 Aug 2020
Jergón Sacha is mainstream amazon herb no1 for hiv check rain tree site for info and dosages also cats claw reduce hiv 50% or somethings but it needs to be peruvian wildcrafted, and the queen of antivirals is red propolis of brazil (black red) very safe but also expensive and very powerfull mix of many antivirals
24 Sep 2020
Hi dear im hiv postive also ..can you please tell me the directions how you use it and also did you do ant diet please help may i have your email thanks dear.
24 Sep 2020
Hi dear im hiv postive also can you please tell me how you used the directions also did you do any diet instructions during the jatropha please help may i have your email please thank you so much.
Esther ( Nigeria lagos )
30 Aug 2020
Will jatropha seed good for family planning and how to use it and period it will last. Thank you
Ada chioma ( Nigeria/Abuja )
31 Aug 2020
Can I use red jatropha along side with my HIV drugs
Jejelola khadijat ( Nigeria lagos )
16 Sep 2020
Can I drink red jatropha with small pinch of salt to get pregnant easily
Jejelola khadijat ( Nigeria lagos )
16 Sep 2020
Can I drink red jatropha with small pinch of salt to get pregnant easily
Melly ( 234 )
07 Oct 2020
Where can I get the red jathropa in Plateau State Nigeria?
Solomon (Ghanaian)
04 Jan 2021
Am a Ghanaian located at Accra, and I use to provide for others in need.
Contact me on 0543475310 yawsolomon58@gmail.com
14 Jan 2021
Am in Lagos
If you have someone here, arrange to meet me
I will give you for free
And include a stem so you can plant too
Someone did me this favour about a year ago
26 Mar 2021
I would like some of the leaves or leave powder. cam you help?
Wendy ( Ghana )
18 Oct 2020
Do boiled red jatropha leaves drink cure anemia?
Theo Boss
20 Jan 2021
Can red jatropha leaves treat premature ejaculation and ED?
Olaribigbe Muyiwa
19 Sep 2023
it is called ewe lapalapa in Yoruba language
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