• Disease
  • Herb
  • Action
  • Nutrient
  • Massage Therapy
  • Glossary

What does Protein do for the body

Proteins are large, complex molecules in the body. They are found in every cell. Protein is required for the structure , functions , and regulation of the body Tissues and Organs. They are made up of large number of units called Amino Acids. They are attached to one another in Long Chains. There are 20 various kinds of amino acids. Put together, they make a protein. Protein is known as Macro nutrient. Body requires them in huge amounts every day to function properly. The Skin, Muscles, Hair, Blood , Body organs and the Eyes, all constitute proteins. Proteins consist of small units. These units are the Amino Acids called the Building Blocks of Protein. Protein is an essential part of our Diet.

Normal Level of Protein in the Blood
6 to 8 gm/dL (grams per deciliter)

Daily Requirement of Protein of the Body
50 to 56 gram ( gm )

Functions of Protein in the Body
Protein has an important Physiological functions. It is a source of Energy. Protein Maintains and Repairs the Body Tissues. It makes Antibodies for the Immune System. Protein Makes Hormones, which help Cells to send messages and coordinate Bodily activities. Actin and Myosin are the two types of Proteins. They help in Muscle Contraction and movement. Proteins make Enzymes to facilitates a Biochemical reaction. Rhodopsin Protein in the Eye is used for Vision. Ferritin Protein stores Iron in the Liver. It keeps the Skin , Hair , and Nails healthy. Proteins are important to cell division. They are necessary for Growth, Reproduction and healing wounds. It maintains a proper Fluid Balance. It is important for Replenishing aged or Damaged Cells. Antibody Proteins protect the Immune system and fight Infections caused by Bacteria and Viruses.

Benefits of Protein in the Body
Body Growth
Muscle Building Power
Replacement of Dead Cells
Substitute for Meat Protein
Healing of Wounds and Scars
Boost Nervous and Immunity Systems
Soy Protein Reduce LDL Cholesterol
Promote Metabolic and Physiological Process
Soy Protein Reduces the Risk of Heart Diseases

Effects of Protein Deficiency in the Body
Protein Deficiency is known as Kwashiorkor.
Loss of Hair
Liver Damage
Poor Immunity
Retarded Growth
Poor Digestibility
Slow Healing of Wounds
Diminishing of Blood Protein
Draining of fluid from the Blood (edema)

Effects of Excess Protein in the Body
Weight gain
Risk of Cancer
Kidney problems
Intestinal irritation
Risk of heart disease
Nutritional deficiencies
Increase in liver Enzymes
Damage to Internal Organs
Cause Nutritional Deficiencies
Increases the Risk Of Osteoporosis

Symptoms of Excess Protein in the Body
Weight Gain
High Cholesterol
Lower Back Pain
Apathetic Feelings
Excess Sweating or Urination
Reduced Liver and Brain Functions
Note. The misapprehension about Weight Loss
When we go on a high Protein diet, the initial result is loss of weight. But eventually you will gain weight.

Figures given in brackets indicates amount present in grams per 100 gram :
Information given herein is for informational purposes only. It is not an indicator of what you should do. Please consult your doctor before consuming any food or herb.

Herbs Containing Protein

Most Effective

White Truffle Mushroom


Abutilon Ramosum
Acalypha Bipartita
Acanthosicyos Naudinianus
Adenia Digitata
Afzelia Africana
Agaricus Campestris
Albizia Altissima
Albizia Ferruginea
Albizia Zygia
Alectra Sessiliflora
Aleurites Moluccanus
Allanblackia Stuhlmannii
Alnus Acuminata
Alternanthera Littoralis
Amaranthus Blitum
Amaranthus Dubius
Amaranthus Graecizans
Annona Diversifolia
Artemisia Keiskeana
Auricularia Auricula Judae
Balsamorhiza Sagittata
Bambara Groundnut
Barleria Opaca
Bastard Oleaster
Bauhinia Petersiana
Beet Greens
Beilschmiedia Mannii
Bird's Nest
Bladder Campion
Blumea Pubigera
Boletus Edulis
Borassus Madagascariensis
Boscia Angustifolia
Boscia Salicifolia
Bouea Macrophylla
Brassica Carinata
Brassica Napobrassica
Brussels Sprout
Byttneria Pilosa
Camelina Sativa
Castanea Mollissima
Cenchrus Biflorus
Cenchrus Ciliaris
Cenchrus Prieurii
Ceratotheca Sesamoides
Ceropegia Papillata
Ceylon Gooseberry
Chaerophyllum Bulbosum
Chinese Elm
Chrysophyllum Lacourtianum
Cleome Monophylla
Cleome Rutidosperma
Cnidoscolus Aconitifolius
Coccinia Adoensis
Coccinia Sessilifolia
Colophospermum Mopane
Combretum Aculeatum
Corchorus Aestuans
Cordeauxia Edulis
Cordia Africana
Crambe Hispanica
Crassocephalum Rubens
Crested floating Heart
Crested Lepidagathis
Crotalaria Brevidens
Croton Megalocarpus
Cryptotympana Pustulata
Cucumeropsis Mannii
Cucumis Africanus
Cucumis Anguria
Cucurbita Ficifolia
Daniellia Ogea
Daniellia Oliveri
Descurainia Sophia
Digitaria Exilis
Dioscorea Hispida
Diospyros Lycioides
Dombeya Quinqueseta
Eremospatha Macrocarpa
Erythrococca Bongensis
Erythrococca Kirkii
Ficus Variegata
Fishbone Fern
Gilbertiodendron Dewevrei
Gnetum Africanum
Gnetum Buchholzianum
Grewia Mollis
Guibourtia Coleosperma
Guinea Grass
Gynura Procumbens
Hibiscus Congestiflorus
Hibiscus Panduriformis
Indian Lovegrass
Indian Thorny Bamboo
Japanese Angelica Tree
Jungle Rice
Khalas Date
Khorasan Wheat
Ludwigia Adscendens
Medicago Lupulina
Medicated Leaven
Miracle Fruit
Nephelium Mutabile
Nymphoides Peltata
Oenanthe Javanica
Peperomia Tetraphylla
Portulaca Pilosa
Potentilla indica
Pouteria Viridis
Quararibea Cordata
Sea Cucumber
Snow Pea
Solanum Verbascifolim
Sow Thistle
Tacca Integrifolia
Vigna Aconitifolia
Violet Asystasia
Water Morning Glory
Wild Himalayan Pear
Wild Indian Strawberry
Wild Leek
Ziziphus Rugosa
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