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Kiwi Fruit Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Kiwi Fruit
Glycemic Index / Load
GI 50. GL 7.3
Botanical Name
Actinidia Deliciosa, Radix Actinidiae Chinensis
Chinese Name
Yang Tao, Teng Li Gen

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Kiwi Fruit Cures

Most Effective


Action of Kiwi Fruit

Nutrients in Kiwi Fruit

Most Effective

Taste of
Kiwi Fruit

Nature of
Kiwi Fruit


Parts Used


Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Kiwi Fruit

It can cause allergic reactions such as Vomiting and Hives.
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Kiwi Fruit is fruit of a vine.
It is perennial.
It grows in a cold climate.
It grows up to 4 M.
Best used for Weight Loss.
Meridians affected : Stomach,Spleen,Lung,Liver,Large Intestine
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Materia Medica : How to use Kiwi Fruit - Uses and Benefits

Kiwi Fruit General

Kiwi Fruit is associated to the Actinidiaceae family. It is native to China. It is popular by the name of Chinese Gooseberry.
Kiwi fruit is a cure for Insomnia. It improves the quality and duration of sleep. Eating 1 to 2 Kiwi fruits before bedtime is advised for a person with Sleep disorder.
The high amount of antioxidants present in the Kiwi fruit fights against the free radicals. It prevents the damage to the DNA cells which may cause Inflammation and Cancer. It improves the functioning of the Immune system and increases the resistance in combating Infections.
Its regular consumption provides relief from Constipation. It curbs the problems like Stomach Pain, Diarrhea, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
With aging the eye muscles go weak. This increases the risk of eye diseases like Cataract and Macular Degeneration. The Kiwi fruit contains eye protective Carotenoids like Lutein and Zeaxanthin. These prevent the occurrence of Cataract and Macular Degeneration.
The Kiwi fruit is good for skin health. It protects the skin from sun damage. It improves the skin complexion and prevents the occurrence of Wrinkles. It rejuvenates the damaged skin and makes the skin look younger and glowing.
The presence of Potassium in the Kiwi fruit regulates the Blood Pressure. It counters the ill effects of excessive sodium and maintains a balance of electrolytes in the body.
The Kiwi fruit promotes Heart health. The richness of Fiber regulates the level of Cholesterol in the blood. It prevents the occurrence of Heart Attack and Stroke. It cures the problem of Irregular Heartbeat.
The Kiwi fruit being low in calories is an ideal fruit for weight loss.
It prevents the shortness of breath and boosts the functioning of the Respiratory System. It is helpful in treating Lung inflammation. It provides relief in Respiratory Problems like Asthma, Cough and Wheezing.

Keywords : Wrinkles, High Blood Pressure, Cardiovascular Diseases, Heart Attack, Stroke, High Cholesterol, Irregular Heartbeat, Infections, Constipation, Stomach Pain, Diarrhea, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Eye Disorders, Macular Degeneration, Asthma, Cough, Wheezing, Respiratory Problems.
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Herbal Treatment For Immunity Booster 4

Add 2 cutted Kiwi Fruits with 1 Lemon, some leaves of Parsley, 2 to 3 leaves of Mint and a half teaspoon of Honey ( Shehad ) into a half glass of water, Blend all together. Drink this mixture daily. This healthy juice will enhance your immunity.

Herbal Treatment For Obesity 14

Blend 2 leaves of Mint, some fresh leaves of Parsley, a half teaspoon of Honey ( Shehad ), half Lemon and 2 Kiwi Fruits with a glass of fresh water. Daily intake of this juice will help you in reducing your weight.
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Aziz ( India )
25 Mar 2018
I used eat kiwi fruit for that I have side effects with that what medicine I have to taken
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