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Antidiabetic Herbs


Antidiabetic herbs are those herbs which control blood sugar level in people with diabetes mellitus.

Effect of an Antidiabetic on Body or Organ :
These herbs effect Pancreas and or Liver.

How does an Antidiabetic work :
These herbs effect Pancreas to produce a hormone (called Insulin) which is used to regulate the Blood Sugar. Some herbs may affect functioning of Liver. This result in less production of Glucose in the Body.

Excess of Antidiabetic herbs may cause :
Low Appetite

Highly Effective

Guava Leaf
Indian Stinging Nettle
Kaempferia Parviflora


Acalypha Paniculata
Aglaia Lawii
American Mistletoe
Boletus Edulis
Canarium Strictum
Cassia Kleinii
Chinese Mesona
Chionanthus Zeylanica
Christmas tree plant
Cyathea Gigantea
Cylicodiscus Gabunensis
Decalepis Hamiltonii
Fumaria Muralis
Gomphia Serrata
Gongronema Latifolium
Hibiscus Macranthus
Mango Seed
Miracle Fruit
Picralima Nitida
Pithroj Tree
Rheed's False Olive
Rice Vinegar
Richardia Brasiliensis
Salvia Splendens
Scoparia Dulcis
Tetracera Sarmentosa
Wild Nutmeg
Ziziphus Rugosa
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Materia Medica for Antidiabetic

Single Herbs

Indian Rennet for Diabetes

Take 9 pods of Indian Rennet. Soak overnight. Next morning, mash them. Strain. Drink daily. If acceptable. do not strain, drink the pulp as well.
Caution : Take care if you are on prescription medicines. Indian Rennet becomes effective immediately. Blood sugar may fall suddenly. Get your blood tested regularly. Adjust the dose of the remedies accordingly.

Sida Cordifolia for Diabetes

Grind the plant of Sida Cordifolia. Strain. Take half tsp of the extract thrice a day.

Argyreia Nervosa for Diabetes

Consume 10 ml plant extract of Argyreia Nervosa. It is easily available in the market.

Achyranthes Aspera for Diabetes

Achyranthes Aspera has Antidiabetic effect. Therefore, it lowers down the blood sugar.
Crush Achyranthes Aspera plant to extract its juice. Take one teaspoon of juice once a day.

Curry Leaf ( Karipatta ) for Diabetes

Make a decoction of the fresh Curry leaves. Drink 10 ml of it thrice a day.
Or : Add Curry Leaf ( Karipatta ) in your daily food. It Control Diabetes by managing blood glucose levels.
Or : Chew 10 curry leaves daily for 3 months. This is effective in treating Genetic Diabetes and Diabetes in which weight gain occurs.

Blue Water Lily for Diabetes

Crush dried flowers of Blue Water Lily. Take 3 g of these crushed leaves with lukewarm water, twice a day.

Citron for Diabetes

Prepere a decoction with seeds of Citron. Drink 5 ml of it twice a day.
OR : Take half tsp peel extract of Citron once a day.

Clove ( Laung ) for Diabetes

Consume 2 Cloves per day. It helps in improving the blood sugar level.

Boerhavia Diffusa (Punarnava) for Diabetes

Add 2 g root powder of Boerhavia Diffusa (Punarnava) in a cup of lukewarm water. Drink it twice a day.

Bauhinia for Diabetes

Drink 10 ml leaf decoction of Bauhinia once a day. Use it regularly for one month.

Black Cumin for Diabetes

Drink 20 ml decoction of Black Cumin seed. Have it once a day. Use it for one month and see the results.

Pomegranate ( Anar ) for Diabetes

Consume 30 ml Pomegranate ( Anar ) juice daily.

Banyan for Diabetes

Make an infusion using bark of Banyan. Consume 15 ml twice a day.

Cashew for Diabetes

Boil 5 g bark of Cashew tree in a cup of water. Have it twice a day.

Java Tea for Diabetes

Crush few leaves of Java Tea plant. Extract its juice. Take half tsp of the juice thrice a day.

Indian Kino ( Bijasal ) for Diabetes

Keep water in Vijaysar wood glass overnight. Drink that water. The color of water might turn reddish brown because of tumbler. But it will be neutral in taste.
Or Take 1-2 Vijaysar capsules/ 1/4 to half teaspoon of powder with lukewarm water twice a day before meals. Keep a regular check on blood sugar readings after taking Vijaysar.

Brown Rice Soup

Travails of modern life make us a little sick. Genetically engineered food makes us a little more sick. Pollution and pesticides make us more more sick. What to do ? Drink Brown Rice Soup.
Take about 250 gms of Brown Rice. Dry roast the Rice in a pan till they are very dark brown. Take care, do not burn them. Set aside in a glass bowl.
Boil two liters of water. Pour half over the brown rice. Retain the other half in the pan. Wait 5 minutes. Strain the water in a glass jug. Add the same rice to the water in the pan. Simmer on low heat for 5 minutes. Strain the water into the jug. Discard the rice. You now have a jug full of soup. Cool, store in fridge.
Drink one cup a day for one month at least. Repeat at least 3 to 4 times a year.
NOTE 1 : If you are a patient of High Blood Pressure, take the soup on alternative days.
NOTE 2 : Do not eat or drink anything ( other than water ) for half an hour before or after the soup. Can be taken concurrently with Health Soup. Health Soup preparation is given in Immunity Booster. Please do not mix them. Take at least three hours apart.
Recommendation. Take Health Soup in the morning, and Brown Rice Soup in the evening.
NOTE 3 :
If you are not sick or little sick, take little soup. You will not be sick any more. If you are more sick, take more soup.
Do not combine with high protein foods.
NOTE 4 : When the body corrects itself, there may be a reaction. It could be any or all of the following.
Itchy skin, Eczema, Diarrhea.
If you are on medication, or if you already have an Eczema, the reaction may be strong. Bear it. It will go away.
Patients with a head injury may get a headache. This is a good reaction, one you should want.
If a patient has eye disease, he may develop temporary blurred vision or itching around eyes. But, subsequently the eyesight will get better.
Body temperature may fall.

Cinnamon Essential Oil for Diabetes

Cinnamon Essential Oil has Cinnamaldehyde compound. This compound lowers the glucose level in blood. It works as a tonic for Pancreas.
Add one drop of Cinnamon Essential Oil in salad. One drop is enough to get essential nutrients of Cinnamon Essential Oil.

Jasminum Sambac as an Antidiabetic

Jasminum Sambac roots help in regulating the Blood Sugar levels.
Prepare a decoction of Jasminum Sambac roots in one cup of water. Strain and drink it.
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Multiple Herbs How to Use Herbal Treatment? Click Here +

Herbal Treatment For Diabetes 10

Take Fenugreek ( Mehti in Hindi ) seeds, Bayleaf ( Tejpatta in Hindi ), Black Plum ( Jamun in Hindi ) seed and Bael Patra, leaves of Bael, in the ration of 1:1:2:3 . Grind them to make powder. Take 2 tsp a day. Take one teaspoon one hour before breakfast and one teaspoon one hour before dinner.
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