Argyreia Nervosa Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients
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General Name
Argyreia Nervosa
Glycemic Index / Load
Elephant Creeper
Botanical Name
Argyreia Nervosa
Hindi Name
Vridhadaraka, Vidhara,
Argyreia Nervosa Cures
Nerve Disorder
Viral Infection
Action of Argyreia Nervosa
Nutrients in Argyreia Nervosa
Taste of
Argyreia Nervosa
Parts Used
Aerial Part, Seeds, Bark, Root, Leaf
Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Argyreia Nervosa
Do not eat food for 4 to 6 hours before taking seeds. Chew the seeds properly.
It may cause Nausea and Stomach upset.
Argyreia Nervosa is a vine.
It is perennial.
It grows in a tropical climate.
It crawls up to 10 M.
Best used for Diabetes.
Materia Medica : How to use Argyreia Nervosa - Uses and Benefits
Argyreia Nervosa General
Argyreia Nervosa lowers the Blood Sugar Levels that is beneficial for the Diabetic patient.
Due to the Antiaging effect, it slow downs the Aging process. It also provides a fairer complexion and rejuvenates the Skin.
It has Digestive properties which strengthen the Digestive System of the body. Thus, it is a good cure to Indigestion.
The Antibacterial content of this herb protects from Bacterial Attacks. Often, it hinders the risk of Bacterial Infections.
The Antiarthritic attribute prevents from Arthritis and associated symptoms.
It is Antifertility in nature, therefore, it hinders the risk of Infertility.
Argyreia Nervosa is potent in treating Fungal Infection, due to the Antifungal effect within the body.
It is used to heal the inflammation.
It has the ability to inhibit the growth of microorganisms, to cure Infections.
It has Antioxidant properties which efficiently inhibits the oxidation.
It has the Antiphlogistic effect to the body which provides relief from Fever.
The Antirheumatic impact of this remedy potentially cures Rheumatoid Arthritis.
It is a beneficial remedy which promotes healing of Ulcers.
It has the Antiviral content that combats against Viral Infection.
It is good herbal remedy to enhance the Brain functions.
It's Cardio Tonic attribute is essential in avoiding the risk of Heart Diseases.
The Carminative content superiorly expels gas from the Stomach and Intestine.
It serves as Diuretic, which potentially increases the rate of urination and avoids Urinary Problems.
The Hepatoprotective characteristics protect the Liver from Damage and cures Liver Diseases.
It is considered to alleviate the Low Blood Pressure for its adequate Hypertensive effect.
It is a Tonic for the Body, that promotes strength to the Body. Often, it boosts up the Immune System.
Single Herb
Argyreia Nervosa for Boils
Apply poultice of Elephant Creeper leaves, locally on the infected skin.
Consume 10 ml plant extract of Argyreia Nervosa. It is easily available in the market.
Argyreia Nervosa as an Aphrodisiac
Prepare a decoction, made of Argyreia Nervosa seeds and one cup of water. Strain and drink it.
It enhances male sexual activity.
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Multiple Herbs How to Use Herbal Treatment? Click Here + Herbal Treatment For Argyreia Nervosa for Rheumatism
Make the paste of the Elephant Creeper root with rice water. Apply topically on the infected skin.