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Alstonia Scholaris Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Alstonia Scholaris
Glycemic Index / Load
Devil's Tree, Dita Bark
Botanical Name
Alstonia Scholaris
Hindi Name
Satvan, Chativan, Shaitan ka Jhar, Chitvan
Chinese Name
Tang Jiao Shu
Homeopathic Name
Alstonia Constricta   -   Mother Tincture

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Alstonia Scholaris Cures

Most Effective


Action of Alstonia Scholaris

Most Effective

Nutrients in Alstonia Scholaris

Taste of
Alstonia Scholaris

Nature of
Alstonia Scholaris


Parts Used

Stem Bark, Root, Sap, Bark, Leave, Seeds

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Alstonia Scholaris

High doses may lead to Toxicity.
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Alstonia Scholaris is a tree.
It is an evergreen.
It grows in a tropical climate.
It grows up to 15 M.
Best used for Malaria.
Its milky sap is best to treat Ulcers.
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Materia Medica : How to use Alstonia Scholaris - Uses and Benefits

Single Herb

Alstonia Scholaris for Diarrhea

Prepare a decoction of Alstonia Scholaris bark. Take it, twice a day.

Alstonia Scholaris for Arthritis

Prepare a decoction of Alstonia Scholaris root. Take it, twice a day.

Alstonia Scholaris for Indigestion

Make an infusion of Alstonia Scholaris bark powder. Drink during bedtime.

Alstonia Scholaris for Slimy Stools

Drink the infusion of Alstonia Scholaris bark powder at night.

Alstonia Scholaris for Fatigue

Make an infusion of Alstonia Scholaris bark powder. Filter it. Drink 2 tsp, thrice a day.

Alstonia Scholaris for Fever

Crush the roots of Alstonia Scholaris. Take quarter tsp with 1 cup hot water.

Alstonia Scholaris for Ascaris

Take powder of Alstonia Scholaris root. Take it with lukewarm water.

Alstonia Scholaris for Phlegm

Grind roots of Alstonia Scholaris to make powder. Have 1/4 tsp with warm water.

Alstonia Scholaris for Rheumatism

Take quarter tsp of Alstonia Scholaris root powder with hot water once a day.
OR : Make a paste of Alstonia Scholaris bark powder. Warm and bandage it tightly on the affected area.
OR : Apply the milky sap of Alstonia Scholaris locally on the affected part.
OR : Use the tender leaves as poultice.

Alstonia Scholaris ( Satvan ) for Headache

Grind the bark of Alstonia Scholaris ( Satvan ). Mix some water to make paste. Warm it and apply it as bandage on forehead.
OR : Take tender leaves of Alstonia Scholaris ( Satvan ). Use them as poultice.
OR : Locally apply milky extract of Alstonia Scholaris ( Satvan ) on the affected parts.

Alstonia Scholaris for Ulcers

Prepare a thick paste of Alstonia Scholaris bark powder with water. Heat it. Apply on affected part and bandage tightly.
OR : Apply sap of Alstonia Scholaris locally on the affected area.
OR : Use fresh leaves of Alstonia Scholaris as poultice.

Alstonia Scholaris as an Aphrodisiac

Alstonia Scholaris seeds has strong stimulating effect on genitals. It promotes Better Erection and increases sexual potency.
Prepare a decoction of Alstonia Scholaris seeds in one cup of water.
Queries on Alstonia Scholaris
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Dr. Joydeep Chaudhuri
04 Jun 2015
This is a useful information about this herb. We want to download it.
Herbpathy Research Team
10 Jun 2015
Dear Joydeep Chaudhuri

Your appreciation is lauded.
And, we suggest you to save the URL of the page so that you may refer to it, whenever required in future.

Herbpathy Research Team
(Make Life Healthy)
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Naeem Ahmad ( Pakistan )
13 Jun 2016
Weather it controls Diabetes???
28 Jun 2016
NAeem This is not the right herb to control Diabetes. The best herb is Gudmar. Check the link given below-- http://herbpathy.com/Uses-and-Benefits-of-Gudmar-Cid886 This is the best herb for Diabetes.
S.K. Chakrabortty ( India/Haryana )
28 Jun 2016
Is it a fact that scented flowers of Alstonia Scholaris is alergatic to asthmatic patient ? If so please advice whether it will be advisable to plant in residential complexes ?
Sheeshum Singh
30 Jun 2016
Dear S.K. Chakrabortty , Indeed the flowers of Alstonia Scholaris are allergic to asthmatic patient according to the Horticulture department of Noida.
It is not recommended to even plant it.
Jaydip ( India )
06 Nov 2016
Some people tell that Alstonia scholaris releases carbon dioxide so that's why we can not grow it near to house is that true?
T Abraham ( India/Maharashtra )
04 Feb 2017
Is this effective in treating tooth pain
07 Feb 2017
T Abraham.
Yes, this herb is effective in curing toothache. However, the best herbs are--
Clove, Lavender, East India Rosebay.
What is the cause of your Tooth pain?
Is it Infection, Cavity or Dental Abscess? Will you be a little more specific about the problem?
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Saleem H ( Pakistan )
28 Mar 2017
Namaskar! How to plant the tree and which season is suitable
Bhavin ( INDIA )
07 Apr 2017
Does alstonia tree's milky sap affect our eyes, if it goes into our eye?
Himanshu Sharma ( Rajasthan )
18 Apr 2017
Are there bad effects of growing Alstonia scholaris in houses
Rohit ( India )
16 Oct 2018
Hiw to use alstonia tree for treatment of asthma. Since I have grown a alstonia tree at my home front and my wife is asthmatic, please inform the precautions and uses and how to use. Thanks and regards.
Nagender ( India )
18 Nov 2018
Dose the air (flowers) harms human body or near by trees . there is anti publicity in India regarding this tree , most of the people are cutting this trees . weather this tree can grow in houses or not?
Mya ( Motueka )
02 Jun 2020
The chase bloopers on tv
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