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Mucuna Pruriens Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Mucuna Pruriens
Glycemic Index / Load
Velvet Bean, Cowhage
Botanical Name
Mucuna Pruriens
Hindi Name
Kiwanch, Konch
Chinese Name
Ci Mao Li Dou
Homeopathic Name
Dolichos Pruriens   -   Mother Tincture

Do you know this herb by any other name ? Click Here.

Mucuna Pruriens Cures


Action of Mucuna Pruriens

Most Effective

Highly Effective

Nutrients in Mucuna Pruriens

Most Effective

Taste of
Mucuna Pruriens

Nature of
Mucuna Pruriens


Parts Used

Fruits, Seeds, Root

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Mucuna Pruriens

The reddish orange hair covering the pods of the Mucuna Pruriens plant can cause Skin Irritation.

Avoid use if you have Liver Disease.

Avoid use during pregnancy and breast feeding.

CAUTION : Take the dosage, as directed.
An overdose may cause symptoms like-
Sleeping Disorders
Increased Body temperature

STOP the usage, if any of the above symptoms are observed.
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Mucuna Pruriens is a long climbing shrub that belongs to the Fabaceae family.
It is an annual.
It grows in a tropical, sub-tropical climate.
It grows up to 15 M.
Best used for Elephantiasis.

Recommended Doses :
Powder : 1 to 5 gms
OR, Tincture : 10 drops 2 times in a day.
OR, Tablets : 2 pills every day.


Common Names

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Materia Medica for Mucuna Pruriens

Mucuna Pruriens General

Mucuna Pruriens is an Adaptogen. It is also known as Velvet Bean. It is well known for its Aphrodisiac properties and can be used by both men and women. It is not a specific for nay one disease, but covers a multitude of Health Disorders. All parts of the plant are medicinal. The seed extract is used to treat Parkinson's Disease. Root extract is good for the treatment of Stunted Growth in Children. The main ingredient of Mucuna Puriens is L-Dopa which can literally raise your spirits.

Mucuna Puriens for the Brain:
It protects the Brain cells from free radical's damage. It enhances the cognitive memory and increases Neural activity. It prevents the Brain cells from degeneration and increases the functioning of the Brain. It reduces Stress, treats depression and improves mental health too. It calms the nervous tension, relaxes the mind and helps to get better Sleep. It provides a better coordination between the neurotransmitters. It makes you feel light. Give a feeling as if we are enjoying life.

Mucuna Puriens for Parkinson's Disorder
It is a good herbal treatment for Parkinson's Disorder. One of the reasons behind Parkinson's is depletion of Dopamine. Dopamine is a chemical which is needed by the Brain to function properly. It communicates between the Brain and the Nervous System. When there is Dopamine depletion in the body, we try external sources. But the Liver acts against it. The Blood Brain Barrier will not allow it to pass through to the Brain. The Dopamine is not able to cross this Barrier. Valvet Bean contains a Nutrient known as L- Dopa. It is not a Dopamine. It has the ability to cross the Blood Brain Barrier. Once it enters the Brain, it then converts into Dopamine. Seed Extract is the best for Parkinson's Disease; because it contains L- Dopa.

Mucuna Puriens for Reproductive Organs
It is well known for its Aphrodisiac nature and its influence on the production of Testosterone. People with low Libido should add Valvet Bean to their daily diet. Valvet Beas contains L-Dopa, which helps enhance the mood and increases the sexual performance. It is good for both men and women. It increases the sperms quality, quantity and motility in males. After infertility, spermatorrhea is the second most common problem in Men. Disorders like Low Libido, Oligospermia, Night Emission, Premature Ejaculation and Erectile Dysfunction are all treated By Mucuna Prureins. In females it treats Leucorrhea and helps to deal with menstrual Problems. Nursing mothers should eat Valvet Beans, as it improves the production of Breast Milk.

Mucuna Puriens has Anti Venom properties. It is used to treat Snake Bites and Scorpion bites. It helps in lowering the Blood Sugar and reduces the risk of Digestive Disorders. People with lean body may take Mucuna Puriens as it helps in building muscles.

Velvet Bean General

Velvet Bean or Kapi Kachu is botanically called Mucuna Pruriens.
Velvet Bean is a friend of the Kidneys and the Nervous System. It brings balance to their functioning. It is good for both, men and women. It rejuvenates the system. It enjoys a reputation as an Aphrodisiac and as an Anti Aging agent. Kapi Kachu seed helps men produce human seed. It promotes fertility. It is a herbal cure for Azoospermia and Oligospermia. It improves sperm count and motility. Consumption of powdered seed increases testosterone.
Single Herb

Velvet Bean for Leucorrhoea

Grind dried seeds of Velvet Bean to make powder. Take 1 g of it with lukewarm water. Have it twice a day.
Dip 50 g seeds of Velvet Bean in 200 ml Milk. Boil until the milk gets evaporated. Powder the residue and add 30 g sugar. Take quarter tsp of it with Honey or Clarified Butter. Have it twice a day.

Velvet Bean for Cholera

Prepare root decoction of Velvet Bean. Have 20 ml once a day.

Velvet Bean for Inflammation

Crush the roots of Velvet Bean to make a paste. Apply it over the inflamed Skin.

Velvet Bean ( Kiwanch ) for Spermatorrhea

Grind Velvet Bean ( Kiwanch ). Take one teaspoon of powder with water daily.

Mucuna Pruriens for Brain Disorders

Consume quarter a teaspoon of Mucuna Pruriens seed powder with water daily.

Mucuna Pruriens as an Aphrodisiac

Mucuna Pruriens is a strong Aphrodisiac and Rejuvenating herb for both Men and Women. It enhances the sexual potency and reverse the aging process by nourishing the kidneys and nervous system.
Mucuna Pruriens seed powder promotes fertility and improves the sperm count and motility.
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Multiple Herbs How to Use Herbal Treatment? Click Here +

Herbal Treatment For Oligospermia 3

Take the following herbs :
Black gram : Uarad : Powdered : Half cup
Velvet Bean : Konch : Powdered : Half cup
Asparagus Racemosus : Shatavari : Powdered : 3 to 4 pinches
Withania Somnifera : Ashwagandha : Powdered : 3 to 4 pinches
Licorice : Mulethi : Powdered : 3 to 4 pinches
Clarified Butter : Ghee : Cow's milk preferred : 2 tablespoons
Kudzu : Sural : Fruit : Juice : 2 tablespoons
Sugarcane : Ganna : Juice : 2 tablespoons. Optional
Sugar Candy : Mishri : Powdered : 1 tablespoon
Honey : Shehad : 1 tablespoon
Long Pepper : Pipli : 1 pinch
Milk : Cow's milk preferred : Half glass
Take a wok. Put all dry ingredients except Long Pepper and 3 glasses water in it. Boil till it remains 1/4. Add Clarified Butter, Kudzu Juice, Sugarcane Juice and Milk. Heat again till Clarified Butter floats to the top. Stir time to time. Remove from heat. Add Sugar Candy, Honey and Long Pepper. Mix all. Have one teaspoon once a day. Preferable at night.

Herbal Treatment For Asthenospermia 2

Take 100 gram Black gram, 100 gram Velvet Bean, 10 gram Asparagus Racemosus, 10 gram Withania Somnifera and 10 gram Licorice. Powder them together. Boil in 10 glasses of water till it remains 1/4 part. Add half cup Ghee, half cup Kudzu, half cup Sugarcane juice and 2 glass milk (Cow). Heat on low flame till Ghee floats. remove from heat. Now add 4 tablespoons Sugar Candy, 4 tablespoons Honey and 4 pinches Long Pepper powder. Stir. Have one teaspoon once a day.

Herbal Treatment For Libido Loss Male 2

Take the following herbs :
Indian Spider Plant ( Safed Musli in India )
Liquorice ( Mulethi in India ) : 1 tablespoon
Trailing Eclipta ( Bhringraj in India ) : 1 tablespoon
Velvet Bean ( Konch in India ) : 5 tablespoons
Ginger ( Adrak in India ) : 1.5 tablespoons
Black Henbane ( Khurasani Ajavayan in India ) : 1 tablespoon
Black Cumin ( Kala Jeera in India ) : 2 to 3 pinches
Powder them together. Have half teaspoon with water.

Herbal Treatment For Kidney Diseases 2

Add 50 g Velvet Bean seed powder in same quantity of Land Caltrops powder. Take quarter tsp of it twice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Sexual Health

Today our lives have become fast and we face many day to day problems. It affects both our physical and mental health. Restlessness and Fatigue are the order of the day. Sex can and should be used as a cathartic. The secret lies in achieving a healthy orgasm. If that does not happen you are in deeper trouble than before. Why would you not have an orgasm? The Reasons may be physical and or psychological. Both sexes face the same monster.
Herbs can help. What is required is to improve your sexual health and to calm the nerves to pacify psychological disturbance. Overall permanent health should be the aim. What is not desired is to enhance the power to expend spurts of energy on debauchery. Just like sportsmen crave for a temporary boost in energy to enhance performance, some people take drugs to enhance their sexual prowess. In both cases it harms the individual and that is why they are and should be banned.
If overall health is your aim, a simple formula is given below. It will work for both sexes.
Take the following dried herbs
Velvet Bean ( Kiwanch ) : 10 gram
Indian Spider Plant ( Safed Musli ) : 10 gram
Black Musli ( Kalimusli ) : 3 gram
Indian Gooseberry ( Amla ) : 10 gram
Land Caltrops ( Gokharu ) : 10 gram
Nutmeg ( Jaiphal ) : Dried : 10 gram
Grind them together. Store in a glass jar. Take quarter teaspoon with milk at night. It will cure your deficiency and boost your energy.
Queries on Mucuna Pruriens
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08 Oct 2015
good. please connect by Facebook
Herbpathy Research Team
08 Oct 2015
Dear Bhowmick

Thank you for your appreciation.
Our facebook link is " https://www.facebook.com/TheHerbpathy ". You can search on facebook by typing Herbpathy.com.

Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Sadia Wicar
14 Jan 2019
Thanks, just want to confirm the homeopathic name of macums pruriens as I couldn’t find any indication for parkinson disese in Dolichos homeo medicine, thanks a lot
Sadia Wicar
14 Jan 2019
Macuna pruriens i meant.
Ramesh ( India )
02 Jul 2016
can I use kapikachhu herb for treating hyperthyroidism.
04 Jul 2016
So far there is no relevance of This herb with hyperthyroidism, however the best herbs for it are Lemon balm and mother wort Ginseng siberian capsules have shown great results in curing hyperthyroidism. Stinging nettle tincture.
Bhai ( India )
16 Jul 2016
What is the dosage you didnt mention reply on email or cell

awadashing@gmail.com 9553741064
Chhavi Mittal
04 Aug 2016
You can take two capsules in a day. One in the morning and one in the evening. This is an excellent herb for Nervous system. Try this for a month.
Dr gohar
21 Apr 2021
Whats the difference between white mucuna pruriens & velvet mucuna pruriens seeds?
Ratna ( Nepal )
08 Aug 2016
Since we have beans available it would be a pleasure to know the dosage, usage of the beans for treatment of Parkinson's. Also, should the Parkinson's allopathic medications be stopped once replaced with velvet beans. Thank You.
12 Aug 2016
We do not advise you to stop the intake of allopathic medicine that you have been taking. However, you may gradually decrease the dosage, once you start taking Mucuna Pruriens capsules. Or, then there will be a time then you would not even need to take allopathic medicine. Please always consult your health care provider before taking any herb.
you may take quarter spoon of it's seed powder with water everyday. other cure is Take coconut oil, freeze it and eat 2 teaspoons everyday.
Shahbaz ( Kuwait )
19 Sep 2016
Sir i need jar koonch jari booti can you provide me.
20 Sep 2016
Shahbaz We are sorry. We can not provide you the herb as Herbpathy is an informative site , not an e commerce website. You might have to do your own research to find the herbs.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
J Mooday ( Mal;aysia )
29 Sep 2016
Can I get the medicine for Erectile dysfunction in Malaysia?
30 Sep 2016
J Mooday Yes, you can get the medicine. The only thing that you need to do is ;
Do a little research on your side. Herbpathy does not deal with buying or selling of herbs. This is an informative website. You might have to order the herbs over the internet. Before that, we suggest that you visit the page Erectile Dysfunction in the DISEASE SECTION OF THIS WEBSITE. Thank you.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Patricia ( New York )
01 Oct 2016
Can velvet bean be given to children
05 Oct 2016
Depends on the age of the child. It is important that you explain the problem in detail, only then we can suggest if it is to be given or not.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
11 Nov 2016
I have hypoglycemia but i also have erectile dysfunction, i need to use this herb but you warned people with blood sugar issues not to take it .Is it not possible for me to use this herb?As it is the most effective treatment for the erectile dysfunction.
17 Nov 2016
Necdet For erectile dysfunction, you may take :
1. Ashwagandha powder. Take a half teaspoon with warm milk. Take it for 15 days.
2. Buy Land Caltrops capsule and take 1 every day for 15 days.
3. Take Asparagus in your salad. Regular exercise and yoga enhances your circulatory system. which improves blood circulation in the whole body. As a result the body functions get improved, because every cell gets enough oxygen.
Apart from this you may take Ashwagandha powder too.
Santosh ( India/Delhi )
21 Dec 2016
To Herbpathy

Dear Sir/Madam

If one takes water as a herb in which about hundred grams of Mucuna pruriens seeds have been boiled, will this be effective and how much should be the dose of this water. Does the effect of seeds come in this water when boiled with seeds.
22 Dec 2016
Santosh. Effective for what?
Please be specific. What is the disease that you are trying to cure with this herb. As it used for a number of purposes ( medicinal of course ). Please let us know the symptoms or the disorder, then only we can suggest the dosage. Thank You.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Santosh ( India )
22 Dec 2016
To: Herbpathy

Thanks a lot for paying immediate attention to my query. My intention of asking this question is that immaterial of whatever good it is taken for, I mean to know that does the water boiled with about 100gms of seeds in it imbibe its properties or as compared to when taken in powdered form of this herb or in other words, how much quantity (in ml) of such water will be equivalent to about 1teaspoon of powdered herb. You may please advise its dosage for physical stamina or muscle growth.

I hope I have explained my query in a proper way now. My interest is to know about efficacy of this water as a remedy when boiled along with seeds.

Thanks and regards.
22 Dec 2016
Dear Santosh.
You are most welcome. We would like to tell you that the best form of a herb which is completely bioavailable to the body is the tincture of the herb. It is this form of herb that has all the nutrients and properties in it i
You can make your own tincture. Here is the link of how to prepare a tincture. http://herbpathy.com/Glossary-meaning-of-Tincture-hid-d Or, you may buy it from a homeopathic store. Its homeopathic name is Dolichos and is easily available in any homeopathic shop.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
20 Mar 2017
Dolichos pruriens is a different genus from that of Mucuna Pruriens, right?
22 Dec 2016
Dear Sir/Madam

Thanks a lot for your early reply.
Monika katyal ( India /Noida /UP )
03 Jan 2017
My husband is suffering from Parkinson disease for about 6 years. He is 52years,the disease struck him quite early, since then he is on syndopa 110mg. Since last 6,7months he has developed balance problem, he tends to fall back as the effect of the medicine reduces after 4 hours. A few days back I got to know about koonch seeds n I can see a ray of hope for him, can you please advise regarding the dosage of this seed powder,
12 Jan 2017
Monika Katyal.
Yes, you can take this herb in the capsule form or its homeopathic tincture. It is known as Dolichos. Buy the mother tincture from any homeopathic store. Add 5 drops to a glass of water, give him every day for a month. If your husband is suffering from Diabetes or any sort of Liver Disorder, then he must not take it. Consult your doctor before you ty any new remedy, as he is already taking the allopathic drug you have mentioned. You can give him 10-15 Pine Nuts (chilgoza ) everyday . Do not give this during summers , please.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Jayant ( Uae )
09 Feb 2017
Can kaunch beej be powered without peeling off the skin or is it compulsory to remove the skin and use for medicical purpose
13 Feb 2017
The seeds can either be soaked in milk and then the outer skin can be peeled off. Or ou may grind it as it is. Depends on the disease you want to cure. And if you need to powder the seeds only, then yes you will have to remove the outer skin so that you can grind the beans into fine powder. Or, take out the seeds, dry them in the sun and then grind them. Yes, it will still have its medicinal properties.
Atta Ul Haq ( Lahore, Pakistan )
16 Feb 2017
My Wife 45 years suffering from obesity as well as leucorrhoea so i just want to know that remedy that you had suggested for sexual problem can be taken with kattah that is suggested for obesity and for how long katha can be taken in a month. Should it be taken for a week and taken again after one week gap.
17 Feb 2017
We are not sure of the interaction between Mucuna Pruriens and Kattha.
You may try it at your own risk.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Hasan khamis
06 Mar 2017
Mucuna and tribulus cure azoospermia....
Atta Ul haq ( Lahore, Pakistan )
10 Mar 2017
Dear Sir
I am suffering from chronic Premature Ejaculation. Can a remedy you had mention for overall sexual health benefits me or recommend me other medicine.

Thank & Regards
16 Mar 2017
Dear Atta
--Drink an infusion prepared by Damiana leaves. Have one cup twice in a day.
--Eat one capsule of Mucuna Pruriens every day, twice in a day for a month. -- Add 5 drops of essential oil of clove in 50 ml of chameli oil ( Jasmine ) . Massage your Penis with this oil for 10 min every day for one month.
-- Take one Capsule of Land Caltrops on alternative Days.
-- Buy Crocus Sativa Tincture and take 10 drops daily. This is not only for your Premature Ejaculation,it will also improve the quantity and quantity of Sperms.
All the best.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
22 Mar 2017
Mucuna pruriens take with milk..it causes any side effect..
Khanak Bindra
23 Mar 2017
Reza. Yes, this herb can be taken with milk, in fact, it is said that if you take it with milk, the action of Mucuna Pruriens is enhanced. So, take it. Just do not take the herb in excess.
Jeevan Kumar ( India/ap )
23 Mar 2017
Dear sir
I'm S.Jeevan Kumar am doing M.Pharmacy 2nd year
for project purpose i need some anti parkinsonisms disesases used plants available in india.....
24 Mar 2017
How long do I mucuna pruriens ? at least 3 months use causes any side effect..I have personality disorder problem please advice me ..
Saket Niroy
24 Mar 2017
Take this herb for a month. One capsule daily. Then you may skip it for a few weeks and then may again take for one more month. Whenever you start to take the herb again, observe the symptoms very closely. I you notice any of the symptoms given in the side effects section of this herb, Then stop the consumption. You may also take Valerian herb. It is also very effective for curing Personality Disorders. Add half tea spoon of Valerian root powder to water. Boil it for 5 minutes. Let it cool for 10 minutes . Then drink one cup every day for 15 days. Consume Magnesium rich diet. This is very important for you.
26 Mar 2017
Mucuna pruriens cure azoospermia?
06 Apr 2017
Yes. Mucuna Pruriens help to cure Azoospermia . Buy Land Caltrops capsule and take 1 every day.
Have one Mucuna Pruriens capsule every day.
Other herbs are-- Safed Musli and Astragalus. Both the herbs are known to improve sperm count, volume and sperm motility. You may take Astragalus capsules. One every day for a month.
Take half teaspoon of Safed Musli powder, dissolved in warm milk before going to bed. Or you may boil the powder in milk for 5 minutes and then consume it. Take this herb for 7 days only.
Rahman razi
11 May 2017
My sperm is leakage in urine continusly..my sperm count is nil..sperm is watery ..mucuna cure this problem...pls advice me..I have personality disorder problem also
Mikinz D
19 May 2017
The herbs which will improve the semen quality and motility are Mucuna Pruriens, Horny Goatweed and Indian Spiderplant.
I will advise you to take one capsule of each, every day for a month.
Drink a cup of Astragalus tea, every day for 20 days.
P.kmar ( UP. India )
18 May 2017
Sir for testosterone level how much time is required for treatment
19 May 2017
Please explain your query in detail ?
Do you suffer from a low level of testosterone ? Explain all the symptoms.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Guy'o Casuccio ( USA/ Pa. )
25 May 2017
Can you please tell me if velvet bean would be safe for a kidney transplant patient to take. All anti depressants that I have taken have had horrible side effects for me. This herb has great reviews and i would love your opinion on it. Thank you my doctors wanna give me more pharmacy meds. I would like to know if any other patient may have asked about this wonder herb.
Mani ( Bihar )
28 May 2017
Is macuna is benificial in pcos or pcod problem . I m suffering from it severely
Vidhya kanwar ( India )
08 Jun 2017
Saw Palmetto and Chaste Berry are the herbs that will help to cure PCOS.
Take one capsule of Saw Palmetto every day for a month.
Drink a cup of Chaste Berry tea, for one month.
Sundaram ( India )
01 Jun 2017
Can a diabetic take this medicine safely? Are this powder and Kounch beej are same or different?
Gunjan ( Assam )
08 Jun 2017
Yes, Mucuna Pruriens has antidiabetic action. It ca be sued by those suffering from Diabetes. Are you taking any other medicine for Diabetes ?
Shivam ( India )
10 Jun 2017
helo I m 19yrs old boy it also helps in increasing the height ?? it also any side effect related toh sexual matter for me ?
Mantheesh ( India )
13 Jun 2017
The height can be increased by taking Ashwagandha powder. Do regular swimming for 3 to 6 months.
Stretching exercise will help you to increase your height. for at least 3 to 4 years, you can increase your height.
Savar ( India / Chandigarh )
27 Jun 2017
Dear Dr.
I am suffering from male infertility.
Can you pl suggest permanent treatment.
Here is my siemen analysis report:
Volume – 5.2 ml
Colour – Cloudy white
Reaction – Alkaline (PH 10)
Odour- Seminal
Total count- 15mil/mL
Active motile- 2%
Sluggish motile – 0%
Non motile – 98%
Immature forms – Nil
RBC – Nil
PUS cells – 20-25 /hpf

Doctors are saying semen production is correct but because of alkaline PH 10 level, count of active motile cells decreases and demages active cells. I am taking medicines since last 1 year. But no results with allopathy. Can you pl help me to treat for this problem to be a father?

Thanks in advance.
Charul Tegta
01 Aug 2017
Take Cordyceps capsules, one daily for a month. The best herb to improve the sperm motility is Horny Goatweed and Saffron. Take Maca powder, a half teaspoon with a glass of water. Gokharu capsules, daily for a month.
Ravi ( Punjab )
04 Jul 2017
i am suffering from Tinnitus , high bad cholesterol level and less intercourse time
can i take Mucuna pruriens seeds and how?
26 Jul 2017
Yes, you may take Mucuna Pruriens capsule, one everyday for a month. For Tinnitus, take Amaranth capsules, one daily for 15 days. I would that you consult your docotor before you try any remedy.
25 Jul 2017
Hi ...my problem is low eriction..sperm watery and sperm leake in urine and nil sperm count ..mucuna pruriens cure this problem ...how to take with water or milk ..how long take for better result
27 Sep 2017
Take one capsule of Mucuna Pruriens every day for a month with a glass of water. Another herb for you is Horny Goatweed. buy the capsules, one daily for 20 days. I will also suggest that you Read about all these problems in the disease section of the website. And then take the best herbs for each. Bbye Razzak..
Chintan ( Gujarat )
18 Aug 2017
I read somewhere that hair loss is one of the side effects and one article prefer to take to mucuna prurien for hair growth.. .so help me out with this
27 Sep 2017
What do you mean by the side effect ?
Did you take something that may have caused the side effect. What is your age? Is there any other symptom other than the Hair loss?
Vinu ( India )
01 Sep 2017
How to take this for body hair growth without water?
27 Sep 2017
Body Hair growth and Mucuna Pruriens ? You want body growth. I did not understand your problem. Please share your symptoms in detail.
Faraz khan ( Karachi pakistan )
15 Sep 2017
exactly I have read also these article related to hair loss side effect through mucuna pruriens .is it true. plz elaborate it. thanks in advanced
27 Sep 2017
There is no Hair Loss reported by those who take Mucuna Pruriens
Unknown ( India )
03 Oct 2017
Sir, My age is 32.
My intercourse duration is very short...
How should be my doses of mucuna pruriens powder with milk?
Girish ( India )
19 Dec 2017
Do you mean the stamina is not there? Is it about the erection ? Or is it about the ejaculation. Mucuna Pruriens capsules can be taken, one every day for a month. Do regular exercise. Farbah Oil may be beneficial for your problem, you may apply it on the Penis and massage it regularly.
Jayant ( India )
08 Oct 2017
Sir i am suffering from OCD and took medicine for that i.e. SSRI... Due to which i got erectile dysfunction. I did testosterone analysis and it was towards low level... I am not developing muscles even after so much exercises... I took Mucuna puririens Pak but after that i got too thin sperm.Is there any co relation? Kindly guide me to develop muscles, Cure OCD, Can Mucuna cure OCD?
VJ ( India )
26 Nov 2017
19 age.. Can use mucuna powder for beard growth
Unknown ( India )
03 Dec 2017
Can we take kauchbeej power 3gm directly with cold water??
19 Dec 2017
Why do you want to Take Mucuna Pruriens powder ?
Atta Ul Haq
07 Mar 2018
can Ashwagandha be taken with Vellvet beans
Atul purwant ( India maharastra )
20 Mar 2018
My wife age is 39 years she is suffering from Parkinsons since 2 years I have a treatment of allopathy but can a try kapikachu or other herbal medicine with allopathy treatment pls guide
Bharati Bhatkar ( India )
15 May 2018
Dear Sir/madam,
Recently my husband has been diagnosed with parkinsons, he doesn't have bp, cholesterol or diabetes. We don't want to take allopathic medicines. Almost since last two years he has been suffering from erectile dysfunction ( no morning elections too) and before that also if at all he used to get erection, he was not able to ejeculate. His reflexes have become slow and has tremors in left hand, nightmares etc. Kindly suggest some remedies.
Reza ( India )
29 May 2018
How to use Mucuna pruriens for cure azoospermia ..how many months take for better result
Sadia Wicar
14 Jan 2019
What is homepathic name for Macuna pruriens as Dolichos indicatons dont say to use for parkinsons, thanks lot.
Degan ( Ghana )
09 Sep 2019
please i have premature ejaculation problem. what herb should i use?
11 Sep 2019
Dear Degan,
1. Take Ashwagandha powder for 15 days. Take 1 teaspoon daily with milk.
2. Take Mucuna Pruriens capsule. 1 capsule daily for 15 days.
3. Take Maca powder daily for 15 days. Take 1 teaspoon with milk daily.

Analyze yourself and reply to us after 15 days.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
21 Apr 2020
If Mucuna Pruiens capsules are not available then how much powder of mucuna pruiens shall be used.
also can we use all 3 herbs at one time or shall be used in different times.
Natalie ( Arizona, USA )
16 Jun 2020
Hello :) i am curious about the "anti-venom" use of Velvet bean for scorpion sting or snake bite. I assume this is something that would be convenient in the wild to use the leaf as a poultice. but it doesn't grow where i live, and as i keep a supply of the seed powder to consume, i am wondering if you think the seed powder would be sufficient to use in one of these more urgent situations-- applied to the skin as a paste?
Also, I very much appreciate this info as I have had some trouble finding information on this herb in the herbals i own. Thank you! <3
Sajjad ( Pakistan )
29 Jun 2020
Hope u r in good health.
I just want to know that what are the side effects of taking Mucuna Pruriens for purpose of increasing sperm count/volume and motility?
What are the liver diseases with we should not use this herb?
29 Jun 2020
Hey Sajjad. It is hot in potency, so its better not to take it. Also an overuse in normal health condition might cause palpitations, disturbed sleep patterns. It is better to try the herbs which will not impact your Liver.
Take 2 to 3 strands of Saffron in a cup of warm milk. Have it during bedtime. It will improve Liver health too.
Take 4 to 5 dates daily. These will not cause any major problem to the Liver. Good luck
Sadeeq ( Nigeria/kano )
31 Oct 2020
I have velvet beans for sale
Ahmed Nawaz Khan
22 Jul 2024
you do not add method to purified it because it is poison herb
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