Neuralgia is a disease of the Nerve.
The Pain in the nerve pathway is Neuralgia.
The pain is very sharp and shocking pain leading to nerve damage. It may be intermittent.
Causes of Neuralgia
Hepatitis C
Nerve Injury
Lyme Disease
Multiple Sclerosis
Pressure on Nerves
Chemical Irritation
Continuous exposure to cold
Disorders Connective tissue
If not treated properly, Neuralgia may cause
Permanent damage to the Nerves
Your best bet is, Jamaican Dogwood.
A visit to the Doctor is a must.
Materia Medica for Neuralgia
Single Herb Soften some Cabbage leaves in warm water. Apply on the affected area.
Take the grass. Add Margosa oil. Warm it for half minute. Apply on the affected area.
Extract juice from Bacopa Monnieri leaves. Mix it with molten petroleum jelly. Apply on the affected areas when bearably hot.
Soak dried Angelica root in some water for 2 hours. Wash the affected area with this water.
Warm water can be more effective.
Peppermint Essential Oil soothes the nerves.
Massage with Peppermint Essential Oil on the affected area for 15 minutes. Repeat the process two times a day.
Prepare infusion of Celery ( Shalari ). Take half cup twice a day.
Brown Mustard ( Lal Sarson ) Oil for Neuralgia
Massage affected parts with lukewarm Brown Mustard ( Lal Sarson ) Oil twice a day.
Take cotton cloth. Fill with dried Thyme ( Ajavayan Ke Phul ). Place it over affected part for half an hour.
Massage affected area with lukewarm St John's Wort ( Choli Phulya ) oil for 10 minutes at night daily.
OR :
Boil a teaspoon of dried St John's Wort ( Choli Phulya ) in a cup of water. Drink it thrice a day.
OR :
Take 5 drops of St John's Wort ( Choli Phulya ) tincture with lukewarm water daily.
Drink 3 cups of Kava tea once a day to soothe your inflamed nerves by reducing pain.
Take Adhatoda leaves. Warm the leaves and crush them to make a paste. Apply the paste over affected area.