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Jamaican Dogwood Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Jamaican Dogwood
Glycemic Index / Load
Jamaican Dogwood
Botanical Name
Piscidia Piscipula, Piscidia Erythrina
Homeopathic Name
Piscidia Erythrina   -   Mother Tincture

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Jamaican Dogwood Cures

Highly Effective


Action of Jamaican Dogwood

Most Effective

Highly Effective

Nutrients in Jamaican Dogwood

Jamaican Dogwood
Combines With

Taste of
Jamaican Dogwood

Parts Used

Stem, Bark, Root Bark

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Jamaican Dogwood

Avoid use during pregnancy and Breast feeding.
Do not give Jamaican dogwood to children.
Stop using Jamaican dogwood at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.
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Jamaican Dogwood is a Shrub.
It is deciduous
It grows in a tropical climate.
It grows up to 6 M.
it belongs to Fabiaceae family.
Best used for Neuralgia and Migraine.

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Materia Medica for Jamaican Dogwood

Jamaican Dogwood General

Jamaican Dogwood curbs Brain troubles namely Anxiety, Nervous Breakdown, Fear, and Sleeplessness.
It is effective in countering Fever and enhances Sweating.
It makes relieve from Headache and Migraines.
It is beneficial in curing Nerve related complaints like Nerve pain and Neuralgia.
It eases the condition of Toothache.
It acts as Antispasmodic for Asthma.
It is useful for Skin Problems like Wounds and Rash.
It counteracts Hysteria.
Jamaican Dogwood is a good herbal remedy for Whooping Cough which may lead to discomfort while Breathing.
It alleviates Diarrhea and Dysentery.
It treats Anhidrosis i.e. Less Perspiration.
It is used as an insecticide to prevent flea, lice, and larvae.
It curbs Lumbago i.e. Back pain.
It is good remedy to cure Rheumatism.
Jamaican Dogwood is a good herbal remedy for Menopausal complaints namely Dysmenorrhea.
It is favourable in relieving Muscle Spasm.
It is a pain reliever thus, eases Arthritic pain.
Caution : Consult a doctor before consuming it.
Single Herb

Jamaica Dogwood for Backache

Drink tea made from the bark of Jamaica Dogwood. Repeat 2-3 times a day.

Jamaican Dogwood for Endometriosis

It reduces pain and good for Heavy menses.
Take dried Jamacian Dogwood bark. Make a tea and drink it 2 times in a day.
Or Take 10 drops of Mother tincture 2 times in a day.

Jamaican Dogwood for Difficult Menses

It has antispasmodic in nature, that helps to reduce spasms.
Take 10 drops of mother tincture 2 times in a day.
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Multiple Herbs How to Use Herbal Treatment? Click Here +

Herbal Treatment For Insomnia 1

Take Hops, Valerian, and Jamaica Dogwood in equal quantity. Make a decoction. Have it twice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Difficult Menses 2

Take Black Haw and Jamaica Dogwood in equal quantity. Prepare a decoction. Take two times a day .

Herbal Treatment For Lower Back Pain 3

Prepare a decoction of Valerian roots and Jamaican bark. Drink 2 times a day.
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