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Senecio Aureus Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Senecio Aureus
Glycemic Index / Load
Golden Ragwort
Botanical Name
Senecio Aureus, Packera Aurea
Hindi Name
Homeopathic Name
Senecio Aureus   -   Mother Tincture

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Senecio Aureus Cures

Highly Effective


Action of Senecio Aureus

Most Effective

Nutrients in Senecio Aureus

Nature of
Senecio Aureus


Parts Used

Dried Aerial Part

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Senecio Aureus

It may cause Liver Damage.
Consult with your practitioner before consuming it for more than a month as it contains toxicity.
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Senecio Aureus is a plant.
It is perennial.
It grows up to 60 Cm.
Best used for Female Disorders.

Meridians associated : Lung, Liver and Large Intestine
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Materia Medica : How to use Senecio Aureus - Uses and Benefits

Single Herb

Senecio Aureus for Menses Scanty

Take 4-5 tablespoon of Senecio Aureus in two glasses of water. Have one glass three times a day.

Senecio Aureus for Dysentery

Prepare a decoction and take half cup 2-3 times a day.

Senecio Aureus for Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

It has astringent property that provides strength to the weak tissues.
Make a decoction of dried aerial parts and drink it 2 times in a day.
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Multiple Herbs How to Use Herbal Treatment? Click Here +

Herbal Treatment For Menstrual Disorders 2

Make decoction of False Unicorn Root and Life Root. Take it two times a day.

Herbal Treatment For Menopause 1

Mix powder of Golden Ragwort, St. John's Wort, Oats or Pasque Flower in equal parts. Store in a jar. Take twice a day.
OR : Use capsules.
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Kriti ( Australia )
03 Dec 2016
I have started taking senecio aureus 2X as I have no periods because of pcos, I want to know how long should I take it and can It be taken during periods or shoukd i stop it when periods r going on.

I'm taking 15 drops 4 times in a day in lukewarm water.

Kindly assist.
05 Dec 2016
Sorr, we would not be able to comment, as we do lack expertise in this medicine for PCOS.
However, there are other many effective herbs that may help to cure PCOS. There have been evidences of the disease being cure by the herbs.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Partha Ghatak ( India )
28 Apr 2017
I did sex last 16march,2017 and had my last period on 20march,2017. Since then till April28,2017 I have no period and also I did not any sex from my last period date.For regularise my period I am using senecio medicine since last 4 days. Till my period is not started. I am very afraid of pregnancy. Please advise me.
03 May 2017
Partha. I would suggest that you get your pregnancy test done. There might be chance that you have conceived. Also get our Pelvic Ultrasound test done. The periods stopping like this is not normal. So, physical diagnosis is important here.
Get yourself examined by a doctor.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Aneela ( Pakistan )
26 Sep 2017
Mysister 13years old has no period since last two months doctors advice senecio. Aureus. 5 drops three times. She did 15days but not period started. Can I increase. Drops or stop giving this medicine?
24 Oct 2017
No. Please take Fever nut decoction, that will help to resume the periods. Give her one cup of Fevernut decoction, every day for 20 days. Get her hormonal balance test done and an ultrasound also for PCOS.
Naina ( India )
20 Oct 2017
I have my marriage on 5th nov and my periods date is 3rd nov so can i pre pone my periods by taking ?senecio aureus for it? And if yes what doseage should i take and how many times a day?? Please help me i am very worried and feeling shy about it..
24 Oct 2017
No. PLEASE !!!!!! Do not take any remedy to postpone or prepone the periods, this may disturb your cycle permanently. Do not Naina.
Nabila ( Pakistan )
21 Sep 2018
Hey Dr,
Im 21 and unmarried. My problem is that I usually have delayed periods. My cycle tends to be like 37 38 days. I wanted to ask if its normal to have delayed/irregular menses date ?
Tupur ( India )
13 Feb 2019
I had regular period from the age of 10. But from the last 3 months it became very scanty with a severe pain in lower abdomen. I am using senecio aureus Q 10 drops twice daily before meal. I want to know whether it will help me and is there any side effects?
Roma ( INDIA )
22 Apr 2019
My name is Roma i have pcos i didn't get periods from November and i take senecio aureus for it for 10days 10drops 3times in a day I didn't get.. what to do??
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