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Liver Cirrhosis Herbal Treatment, Prevention, Symptoms, Causes, Cured By

General Name
Liver Cirrhosis
Medical Name
Liver Cirrhosis
Liver Cirrhosis Symptoms
Blood capillaries
Loss of Appetite
Sudden loss of Body Weight
Pain in the upper Abdomen ( at the region where Liver is located )
Edema On Feet and Ankles
Hair loss
Body becomes more prone to bruises
Liver Inflammation
Degeneration of Liver Cells
Frequent episodes of Fever
Muscle Cramps
Nose Bleeding
Shortness of Breath
Black and tarry Stools
Dark Urine
Bloody Vomiting

Liver Cirrhosis Cured By

Super Effective

Most Effective

Highly Effective

Vitamin C
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Cirrhosis is a disease of the Liver.
The progressive liver disorder that causes damage to the tissues of the Liver is Cirrhosis. It causes inflammation, cell degeneration and fibrous thickening of tissues. This disrupts the normal functions of the Liver.

The Liver is the largest organ of the Body. It is located at the upper right abdomen. It has a number of functions in the human body.
It fights for infections and plays a role in the immune system.
It synthesizes the blood proteins that help in clotting the blood during bleeding.
It decomposes the Red Blood Cells and produces amino acids.
It store the Glycogen.
It detoxifies the Body.
It produces bile that is stored in the Gallbladder. Bile helps in digestion.
It produces Cholesterol to break down the fatty substances.

When the toxicity increases in the Liver, It causes blockage of collagen production and hardening of the Liver tissues. The blood fails to reach the healthy tissues and results in scarring of the Tissues.
It interrupts the regular job of the Liver. This may result in fatal changes. The condition may give rise to Cirrhosis.

Causes of Cirrhosis
Cystic Fibrosis
Wilson's Disease
Chronic Hepatitis C and D
Problem With the Bile Duct
Viral or Bacterial Infections

If not treated properly, Cirrhosis may cause
Memory Problems
Enlarged Spleen
Internal Bleeding
High Blood Pressure
Digestion Problems

Body Part(s)

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Materia Medica for Liver Cirrhosis

Single Herb

Sea Buckthorn for Cirrhosis

Take 16 grams of Sea Buckthorn Extract, consume it orally with a glass of fresh water thrice a day.

Picrorhiza Kurroa ( Kutki ) for Liver Cirrhosis

Picrorhiza Kurroa or Kutki is detoxificant in nature. It is a bitter tonic for Liver, Gallbladder and Spleen. It provides strength to these organs and enhances their functions.
For Liver Cirrhosis, take half a tablespoon of Kutki powder and have it every day in the morning and evening. You can also add 1 tablespoon of fresh Aloe Vera gel and half a tablespoon of Honey for better taste.
Kutki tablets and capsules are also available in the market. Take 2 every day.

Vitamin C for Liver Cirrhosis

Vitamin C eliminates the toxins from the blood. It protects the Liver tissues of being damage and prevents Liver diseases.
Have massive doses of Vitamin C.
OR : Have Vitamin C rich foods every day.

Green Tea for Liver Cirrhosis

Liver Cirrhosis is a result of increases of toxins in the body. Green Tea helps in removing the toxins from the Body.
have 2 to 3 cups of herbal Green Tea every day.

Milk Thistle for Liver Corrhosis

Milk Thistle is hepatoprotective in nature. It contains strong antioxidant and detoxifying agents. It protects the liver from oxidative damage and improve the Liver functions.
Milk Thistle capsules are available in market. Have 2 every day.

Schisandra for Liver Cirrhosis

Schisandra has antioxidant properties that prevent the Liver tissues from oxidative damage.
Have 1 Schisandra capsule every day.
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15 Dec 2017
Dear herbpathy team
I have liver cirrhosis.. I feel fatigue loss of appetite and have terrys nail.. Other than that i m normal.. Currently i m taking kutki radish juice and pathanjali vit d 38 capsule.. Please help me.. Is it possible to heal my liver completely..
Anil Kumar
19 Dec 2017
Kutki and radish are very good for liver diseases. Milk thistle is also very good.
And Ptanjali vit d 38 is also very good . You may try it for 1 month and see the results.
DEVDUTT SINGH ( Uttar Pradesh )
29 Apr 2020
29age , I have been suffering from liver cirrhosis and hepatitis B and with the disease for the last 3 years, also suffer from round worm in stool to long time ,doing Ayurvedic treatment. I suffer from blood vomiting and stools due to portal hypertension. I am currently taking Bhoomi Amla capsules, Kalmegh capsules, and some other medicines.
I request that you tell me the appropriate medicine. I am very upset .

I believe in ayurved or hemopathy medicine , allopathy does not comfort to me .

Kindly help me herbpathy.
Thank you
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