Sweet Clover Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients
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General Name
Sweet Clover
Glycemic Index / Load
Sweet Clover
Botanical Name
Melilotus Officinalis, Melilotus Indica
Sweet Clover Cures
Action of Sweet Clover
Nutrients in Sweet Clover
Sweet Clover
Combines With
Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Sweet Clover
Pregnant and nursing women should not use this.
People with blood clotting problem should avoid this herb.
Overdose may cause vomiting.
Consult a doctor before taking it.
High doses may cause Liver problems .
Sweet Clover is a small plant.
It is an erect and annual plant.
It grows in a temperate climate.
It grows up to 1.5 M.
It thrives well-drained soil.
It has smooth and multi branched stems.
It bears pale yellow flowers.
Best used for varicose veins, Hemorrhoids.
Materia Medica:
Used in form of a tea.
Materia Medica : How to use Sweet Clover - Uses and Benefits
Sweet Clover General
Sweet Clover increases the blood flow through the veins to the heart.
It is used to treat swollen veins of the legs. It helps to alleviate Varicose veins, Blood clots, Phlebitis and Thrombotic conditions.
It relieves congestion of the Lymph glands and painful Menstruation. It eases the condition of Hemorrhoids.
Sweet Clover is very effective in case of Flatulence. It relieves Colic, Indigestion and Stomach problems. It promotes the flow of Urine. It relieves excess Fluid Retention.
It relieves Sleeplessness, Spasms, Anxiety, Earaches, Neuralgia and the pain of Tension Headaches. It is best to loosen and expel phlegm from the Lungs.
It is beneficial in treating Inflammation and Wounds. It eases painful swollen joints. It is useful for treating Boils and Skin problems.
Single Herb
Sweet Clover for Chilblains
Prepare a tea made from the leaves of Sweet Clover. Have one cup once a day.