Urtica Urens is a plant.
It is annual.
It grows up to 60 Cm.
Best used for Gout, Prostate Enlargement, Diabetes with urticaria and Urticaria.
Urtica Urens General
Urtica Urens and Urtica Dioica are plants belonging to the same family. Urtica Dioica ( Stinging Nettle ) is tall, however, Urtica Urens is dwarf. For the purpose of phytotherapy, both have similar properties and can be used interchangeably.
It is an excellent herbal treatment for Urticaria. The symptoms include, Intense itching and burning, as if the parts were scorched. Red and raised blotches, with constant desire to scratch.
Many herbs may have these symptoms, but Urtica Urens property can be isolated by the fact that the eruption and the itching disappear when the patient lies down and reappear when he stands up.
These patches are a beginning of Rheumatism. The pain is most striking in the Deltoid muscle.
In case of an acute attack of Gout, administer 5 drops of mother tincture of Urtica Urens in warm water, every two to three hours. It is very effective if the patient also has fever.
The symptoms of Urtica Urens are periodical. They return every year in the same season.
It relieves Pruritis Valvae. The Labia will thicken, there will be fissures and scaly eruption. It is accompanied by acute sexual excitement caused by constant rubbing. This is the main symptom that differentiate Urtica Urens and Urtica Dioica. Urtica Dioica does not have this symptom.
Breast Milk : Urtica Urens is an effective herbal treatment for Aglactica.
It is a good herbal remedy for burns of the first degree.
Apply locally if stung by insects.