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Viola Odorata Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Viola Odorata
Glycemic Index / Load
Sweet Violet
Botanical Name
Viola Odorata
Hindi Name
Homeopathic Name
Viola Odorata   -   Mother Tincture

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Viola Odorata Cures


Action of Viola Odorata

Nutrients in Viola Odorata

Taste of
Viola Odorata

Nature of
Viola Odorata


Parts Used

Whole Plant, Root, Fruit, Flower,

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Viola Odorata

It may cause Stomach Upset.
High doses may cause Nausea and Vomiting.
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Violet is a creeper.
It is semi-evergreen perennial.
It grows in temperate, tropical climate.
It grows up to 15 Cm.
Best used for Cough and Headache.

The Homeopathic medicine , Viola Odorata is best used to treat :
Worm affections of children.
Deafness with pain in eye balls.
Recurrent Epithelioma of tonsils.
Meridians Associated : Liver, Lungs and Stomach.
Cancer Treatment: Useful in treating the Cancer of Breast Cancer, Lung Cancer and Cancer of Gastrointestinal Tract.

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Materia Medica for Viola Odorata

Viola Odorata General

Tea made from Viola Odorata Is very nutritious. The tea is rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Iron and Calcium. It possesses Antiinflammatory, Diuretic, Diaphoretic and Expectorant properties.
Internally it is taken for the treatment of Bronchitis, Respiratory Catarrah, Cough, Asthma and Cancer.
The flowers of the herb are Anodyne, Demulcent, Purgative and Emollient. It is used to treat Respiratory ailments.
Single Herb

Violet for Tonsillitis

Boil some Violet flowers in a glass of Milk. Filter and cool. Drink it at night.
OR : Boil Violet flowers with 20 g Milk. Fry this mixture in Ghee ( Purifying Butter ). Apply it over Throat at night.
Prepare a decoction of the roots of Voilet. Dip a piece of cloth into it. Wash the affected area with this decoction.
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Heather Penfold ( United Kingdom )
24 May 2019
1) what is the difference between MOTHER Viola Adorata and Viola Adorata ?
2) ' Dogs Naturally' herbalist says that Vilola Adorata in tincture form given to my dog will reduce and eliminate the fat lump on his side. Your opinion please.
3) Is there any way of giving him this without the bitter taste ?
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