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Horse Chestnut Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Horse Chestnut
Glycemic Index / Load
Horse Chestnut, Conker Tree
Botanical Name
Aesculus Hippocastanum
Hindi Name
Ban Khaur
Homeopathic Name
Aesculus Hippocastanum   -   Mother Tincture

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Horse Chestnut Cures

Super Effective


Action of Horse Chestnut

Highly Effective

Nutrients in Horse Chestnut

Highly Effective

Horse Chestnut
Combines With

Taste of
Horse Chestnut

Parts Used

Bark, Fruit, Leaves, Seeds, Oil

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Horse Chestnut

Horse chestnut is safe in use, if it is used in a suggested amount. If it is used in high doses for long time, it may cause side effects like..
Stomach Upset
Itching in Anal

It may cause allergic reactions in those who are more prone to allergens.

Do not consume raw form of seed, bark and flower of the tree as it may upset the Stomach and cause Vomiting, and Diarrhea.
Severe other allergic reactions may be
Yellowing Of The Skin Or Eyes
Swelling Of The Mouth, Lips Or Tongue
Difficulty in Breathing
Tightness In The Chest
Liver Problems
Kidney Problems
Loss of Coordination
Enlargement of Pupil in the Eyes

Avoid usage during Pregnancy and Breast Feeding: Always chose a safe side during Breast Feeding and Pregnancy. It may harm your baby.
Avoid the after having any kind of Surgery.

Bleeding disorders: It may slow down the process of Blood clotting and increase the risk of Bleeding Disorders.
Avoid the usage if you have Liver or Kidney Problems. It may cause irritation in the Gastrointestinal Tract, which may interfere your bowel movement.

Diabetes: High doses of Horse chestnut may lower your blood sugar than normal.

Latex allergy: People with latex allergy should avoid Horse Chestnut
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Horse Chestnut is a plant.
It is a large, deciduous hardwood tree.
It grows in temperate climates. It has large, green leaves and white flowers. It grows up to 35 M.
The Horse Chestnut extract called Saponin ( Aescin ) has Anti-Inflammatory properties. It is used as a Skin purifier. It strengthens the walls of veins and arteries, giving it Vascoprotective properties. It is used to treat Diarrhea, Fever, and Enlarged Prostate.

Oral supplements of Horse Chestnut extract are found in capsule and tablet format.
For dosing and exact usage, follow as recommended by your Physician.

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Materia Medica for Horse Chestnut

Single Herb

Horse Chestnut for Dry Skin

Boil dried fruits of Horse Chestnut in water. Mash them in same water. Use it as a body lotion.

Horse Chestnut for Diarrhea

Boil 1 tsp seeds of Horse Chestnut in 1 liter of water. Take 1 tsp of it twice a day.

Horse Chestnut for Bloody Stools

Prepare a decoction of the bark of Horsechestnut. Have a cup once a day.

Horse Chestnut for Chronic Venous Insufficiency

Aescin present in Horse Chestnut improves the blood circulation in the Feet and Legs. It has strong Analgesic and Anti inflammatory properties. These properties help to reduce the inflammation and pain due Chronic Venous insufficiency.
Take Horse Chestnut extract in capsule form of 50 mg twice a day. Have it for 2 to 3 months.

Horse Chestnut for Varicose Veins

Consume 350 mg of Horse Chestnut seed extract. Consume it two times a day.
Horse Chestnut also contains a toxic agent called esculin, therefore, consuming it raw is not recommended. But, Horse Chestnut extract is free of any poison and gets removed while processing the herb.

Horse Chestnut for Buerger's Disease

Consume 1 teaspoon of Horse Chestnut seed extract twice daily.
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Herbal Treatment For Varicose Veins 2

Take powder form of 5 tablespoon of Witchhazels nut and one tablespoon of Horsechestnut. Mix it well. Apply it over the affected area.
Queries on Horse Chestnut
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Dennise ( United States/utah )
18 Oct 2016
Hi I have piles and varicose veins. Can you instruct me how to use horse chestnut for both of these issues?
21 Oct 2016
Horse chestnut extract can be taken to cure both of your problems. Take 200 mg water extract twice a day.
Also, fr varicose veins you may massage the affected area with castor oil. Pile can be cured by taking Milk thistle capsules everyday. One daily. Take this for a month.
radish juice is another very very effective cure for piles.
Uzzy ( Nigeria )
12 Jun 2020
Am suffering from pile and it's difficult getting fresh radish in Nigeria. I was able to get the powdered. Can I take that and is it as effective bad the fresh one? If yes, how should I prepare it before taking it?
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