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Stevia Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Glycemic Index / Load
Botanical Name
Stevia Rebaudiana

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Stevia Cures

Most Effective


Action of Stevia

Most Effective

Nutrients in Stevia

Combines With

Taste of

Parts Used

Whole Plant

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Stevia

It may cause Bloating and Nausea.
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Stevia is a shrub.
It is perennial.
It grows in a tropical climate.
It grows up to 80 Cm.
Best used for Obesity.


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Materia Medica : How to use Stevia - Uses and Benefits

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Herbal Treatment For Energy Tonic

Disease is not only responsible for laziness. Several internal factors stop you to be cool and active. An active person may win the top of the world. So lets do something to gain activeness. Take the following herbs in dried form :
Burdock : Fruit : 10 gram
Chaenomeles Speciosa : Fruit : 10 gram
Mandarin Orange : Kinoo : 20 gram
Acorus Gramineus : Haimavati : Rhizome : 10 gram
China Root : Cobcini : Root : 10 gram
Snow Lotus : Kutha : Root : 20 gram
Glehnia : Root : 10 gram
Yam Rhizome : Jimikand : 20 gram
Ginseng Siberian : Root : 10 gram
Stevia : Leaves : 20 gram
Liquorice : Mulethi : 10 gram
Clove : Laung : Bud : 5 gram
Put all ingredients in a grinder. Make powder. Store in a jar. Boil half a teaspoon in a cup of water. Strain. Have it early in the morning. This tonic increases your stamina and feels you energetic whole day. It cleans liver and gallbladder by removing toxicity. Results healthy and ideal immune system, good digestive system and keeps away morning sickness. Try it.
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Vishal singh solanki ( India/mp )
28 Oct 2017
Stevia can used as antituberculosis.
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