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Achyranthes Aspera Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Achyranthes Aspera
Glycemic Index / Load
Prickly Chaff Flower
Botanical Name
Achyranthes Aspera, Achyranthes Bidenta
Hindi Name
Apamarga, Chichri
Chinese Name
Tu Niu Xi
Homeopathic Name
Achyranthes Aspera   -   Mother Tincture

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Achyranthes Aspera Cures

Super Effective


Action of Achyranthes Aspera

Most Effective

Nutrients in Achyranthes Aspera

Taste of
Achyranthes Aspera

Nature of
Achyranthes Aspera


Parts Used

Dried Whole Plant, Roots, Seeds, Leaves

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Achyranthes Aspera

Avoid its use during Pregnancy.
Excess dosage and or duration may cause vomiting and nausea.
Prolonged use is likely to interfere in the treatment of men undergoing infertility treatment.
Achyranthes aspera should be avoided during breastfeeding.
Should be avoided during pregnancy.
Must not be given to children under 12 without a medical prescription.
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Achyranthes Aspera is a small shrub.
It may be annual or perennial.
It grows in tropical, subtropical climates.
It grows up to One Meter.
Best used for Piles, Skin diseases.

In TCM :
Meridians associated : Liver and Kidney.


Grown In

Common Names

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Materia Medica for Achyranthes Aspera

Achyranthes Aspera General

Achyranthes Aspera is known for its Astringent, Purgative, and Diuretic properties.
It is used in Dropsy especially- Renal Dropsy.
Cures Boils, Piles, Skin Eruptions, and Colic.
The Plant is used externally for Snake Bites.
Achyranthes Aspera decoction is helpful in Pneumonia, Bronchial Infections, and Cough.
It cures Kidney Stones.
The antipyretic action of the herb makes it beneficial to cure Fever with Thirst and Dizziness. You may try 3x potency for such cases.
In large doses, the herb acts as Ecbolic- which means it aids in inducing contractions during childbirth, thus, easing Labor. It also takes care of other Labor complaints.
Achyranthes Aspera is beneficial for those suffering from Atrophy, Cachexia, Rheumatism and Syphilis.
The herb has Hypoglycemic action, thus, lowers Blood Sugar, and is used to treat Diabetes.
The alcoholic extract of the plant has Antifungal properties, therefore, cures Skin Infections like Scabies.
The plant aids in curing Urinary Tract Infections.
The alcoholic and aqueous extracts are Antibacterial against bacteria, like Micrococcus Pyogenes var. Aureus and Escherichia Coli.
The herb is known to lower Hypertension and reduce the Heart rate. Thus, it is effective for managing High Blood Pressure and Tachycardia.
It causes Vasodilation and increases Respiration.
Achyranthes Aspera tincture can be used to cure Diarrhea, Dysentery, and Dizziness.
The tincture, both internally and externally (in diluted form) is highly effective in providing relief from Burning Pain of Carbuncles.
Single Herb

Achyranthes Aspera for Cholera

Make powder of Achyranthes Aspera roots. Mix one teaspoon of the powder with warm water. Drink it.
Wash Achyranthes Aspera roots with clean water. Grind it to make paste. Add one teaspoonful of the paste in lukewarm water. Let it infuse for 10 minutes. Drink the clear water. Use twice a day.

Achyranthes Aspera for Urine Retention

Wash the roots with clean water. Grind it to make paste. Add one teaspoonful of the paste in lukewarm water. Infuse for 10 minutes. Drink the clear water. Use it, twice a day.

Achyranthes Aspera for Cough

Prepare Achyranthes Aspera leaves or flowers infusion. Take it, twice a day.

Achyranthes Aspera for Cold

Make an infusion of Achyranthes Aspera flowers. Drink it, twice a day.

Achyranthes Aspera for Piles

Add crushed seeds in your daily meal.
Store the water after washing rice. Stir one teaspoon of crushed seeds in it. Drink twice a day.
Apply the ash after burning the roots on the affected area .

Achyranthes Aspera for Swelling

Prepare a decoction of the Achyranthes Aspera root. Filter it. Take it, twice a day.

Achyranthes Aspera for Skin Diseases

Make fine paste of Achyranthes Aspera leaves. Apply it on the affected part on the skin.

Achyranthes Aspera for Insect Bites

Apply paste of Achyranthes Aspera leaves on the affected part.

Achyranthes Aspera for Stomach Ache

Extract Achyranthes Aspera leaf juice. Mix one teaspoon with 4 teaspoons of water. Take once in a day.

Achyranthes Aspera for Toothache

Achyranthes Aspera ( Apamarga in India ) is a good herbal cure to treat pain in tooth. Regular use of Achyranthes Aspera leaf powder extract provide relief from Toothache. Its roots are used for brushing Teeth. It helps to tighten the gums.
Take quarter teaspoon each of dried leaf and root powder. Add a pinch of salt in it. Use it as a Tooth powder. Do it daily.

Achyranthes Aspera for Wounds

Wash the wounds with Achyranthes Aspera leaf juice. After this, bandage it with leaves.

Achyranthes Aspera Gereral

How to use Achyranthes aspera
1. Apamarga Jucie with water
a. Take 1-2 teaspoon Apamarga Juice
b. Add same quantity of water
c. Take it before taking food once a day.

2. Apamarga Churna with Honey or water
a. Take ¼-½ teaspoon Apamarga Churna
b. Mix with honey or with water
c. Take it after lunch and dinner.

3. Apamarga or Apamarga kshara Capsule with water
a. Take 1-2 Apamarga or Apamarga kshara capsule
b. Take it with water after taking lunch and dinner.

4. Apamarga Kshar with Honey
Take 1- 2 pinch Apamarga Kshar with honey after taking lunch and dinner.

Achyranthes Aspera for Abdominal Diseases

Boil roots of Achyranthes Aspera in water. Consume 40 ml of it once a day.

Achyranthes Aspera for Diarrhea

Take 3 g dried leaves of Achyranthes Aspera with Honey. Take it twice a day.

Achyranthes Aspera as Antidote

Crush leaves of Achyranthes Aspera to make paste. Apply it on the toxic bites.

Achyranthes Aspera ( Chichri ) for Acne

Crush Achyranthes Aspera ( Chichri ) flowers. Add Honey ( Shehad ). Apply on affected parts. Pat dry and wash with normal water.

Achyranthes Aspera for Diabetes

Achyranthes Aspera has Antidiabetic effect. Therefore, it lowers down the blood sugar.
Crush Achyranthes Aspera plant to extract its juice. Take one teaspoon of juice once a day.

Achyranthes Aspera for High Cholesterol

Take 5 ml plant extract of Achyranthes Aspera once a day. It helps in lowering your elevated Cholesterol.

Achyranthes Aspera for Eyes

Make root decoction of Achyranthes Aspera. Cool. Use it to wash your Eyes.

Achyranthes Aspera for Kidney

Crush leaves of Achyranthes Aspera to extract its juice. Take half tsp of it twice a day.

Achyranthes Aspera for Asthma

Crush dried leaves of Achyranthes Aspera to make powder. Add Honey in it to make paste. Take half tsp of it thrice a day.

Achyranthes Aspera for Pneumonia

Prepare a decoction of Achyranthes Aspera plant. Drink 20 ml of it two times a day.

Achyranthes Aspera for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Make an infusion with roots of Achyranthes Aspera. Consume 25 ml twice a day.

Achyranthes Aspera for Snake Bite

Grind the seeds of Achyranthes Aspera with water to make paste. Apply it over bitten area.

Achyranthes Aspera for Night Blindness

Add 1 g dried root powder of Achyranthes Aspera in a cup of lukewarm water. Drink it during bed time.
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Herbal Treatment For Piles 5

Take leaves of Achyranthes Aspera. Grind them to make paste. Add some Sesame oil in it. Mix it. Apply it twice a day on the affected area. Use for 7 days.

Herbal Treatment For Cough 5

Take dried roots of Achyranthes Aspera. Grind to make a powder. Mix 50 gram powder with 50 gram Honey and 13 gram crushed Black Pepper. Take thrice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Cough 6

Burn dried roots of Achyranthes Aspera. Mix half teaspoon of ash with one teaspoon of Honey. Take it, thrice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Deafness 1

Take the dried Achyranthes Aspera plant. Burn it. Mix the ash with Sesame Oil in same quantity. Heat the mixture. Cool it down. Filter it. Use it as ear drops.

Herbal Treatment For Dysentery 3

Take dried leaves of Achyranthes Aspera. Grind them to make a powder. Mix this powder with Honey in equal ratio. Take twice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Diarrhea 5

Take dried leaves of Achyranthes Aspera . Grind them to make a powder. Mix the powder with Honey in equal ratio. Take it, thrice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Nose Bleed 2

Burn the dried Achyranthes Aspera plant. Mix 20 gram of the ash with 20 gram Sesame Oil. Heat the mixture. Cool it down. Filter it. Use it as nasal drops.

Herbal Treatment For Paralysis 1

Make fine powder of the roots of Achyranthes Aspera. Mix quarter part of the powder with one crushed Black Pepper and one teaspoon of Milk. Use it as nasal drops. It is used mainly for Partial Paralysis.
Caution : Proper physiotherapy is must.

Herbal Treatment For Fever 14

Take equal quantity of Turkey Berry root, Sandalwood and Achyranthes Aspera. Make a paste of them. Prepare pepper size pills. Have 2 pills a day.

Herbal Treatment For Malaria 1

Grind Turkey Berry root, Sandalwood and Achyranthes Aspera in equal quantity. Take 2 pinches thrice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Fever 15

Grind Achyranthes Aspera leaves to make a paste. Take one teaspoon of the paste with 2 teaspoon of crushed Caryota Urens nuts.

Herbal Treatment For Spleen Enlargment 2

Take the dried plant of Achyranthes Aspera . Grind it to make fine powder. Mix 2 teaspoon of the powder with beaten Yoghurt. Have it twice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Acid Reflux 11

Take 10 g Gmelina leaves, 4 g Bombax Ceiba bark and 8 g Achyranthes Aspera root. Crush them using Milk to make paste. Take quarter tsp of the paste twice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Reproductive Problems of Males 1

Following herbs, in conjunction are beneficial for Reproductive Problems of Males and act as a powerful Kidney tonic. It is also useful in increasing low levels of Libido.
Ginseng Korean
Dong Quai
Chinese Liquorice
Atractylodes Macrocephala
Black Musli
Dipsacus Fullonum
Morinda Officinalis
Cynomorium Songaricum
Horny Goat Weed
Mondo Grass
Chinese Raspberry
Achyranthes Aspera
Cistanche Deserticola
Goji Berry
Paeonia Suffruticosa
You may buy the formula, containing the above mentioned Herbs. Capsule form is readily available. Consume 2 capsules per day.

Herbal Treatment For Reproductive Problems of Males 2

Following herbs, in conjunction are beneficial for Reproductive Problems of Males and act as a powerful kidney tonic.
Ginseng Korean
Dong Quai
Cuscuta Chinensis
Goji Berry
Zanthoxylum Piperitum
Morinda Officinalis
Cornus Officinalis
Polyporus Umbellatus
Achyranthes Aspera
Yam Rhizome
Horny Goat Weed
Paeonia Suffruticosa
Chinese Knotweed
Atractylodes Macrocephala
Water Plantain
White Peony
Anemone Chinensis
You may buy the formula, containing the above mentioned Herbs. Capsule form is readily available. Consume 1 capsule 3 times a day.
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10 Jun 2015
Dear Herbpathy Team

I appreciate Your efforts. Hats off to u guys. Can u please tell me how it is used to treat pain in tooth.
Herbpathy Research Team
10 Jun 2015
Dear Venkat

Thank you so much for your appreciation.
The best remedy for toothache is Clove Essential Oil. You can apply the oil on the affected area by a cotton bud.
Add 2 to 3 drops of Clove oil in a glass of water. Swish it every day. It is also useful for other dental problems.
To keep a good care of your teeth, add one tbs of salt to lukewarm water and swish it for at least one min. Repeat this every night before going to bed.
This will help in preventing Dental Cavities.

Hearbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Dr.Mohammed Younus, M.Sc, BUMS
01 Feb 2016
It is one of the best sites I have ever seen on the medicinal uses of plants. It would be more useful if a picture of the plant is also added.
Eknath Sonawane ( India )
12 Mar 2016
is Aghada use in control of Jaundice.if yes how to take
pl guide
Eknath Sonwane
Aman Sehgal
18 Mar 2016
Eknath, This herb is not effective for jaundice. Since jaundice is a disease of Liver you can try Milk thistle or Radish.
Sugarcane juice is also considered good in case of jaundice.
Manimala ( Malaysia )
04 Apr 2016
With the seeds powder mix with milk or honey,its that can take fot diet.i here before the seeds can despite the hunger.
Herbpathy Admin
05 Apr 2016
Dear Manimala
Please explain your query in detail. We are sorry, but we could not understand your question. Would you write back to us again ?
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Mithra ( Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu )
25 Apr 2016
Does this herb is helpfull for obesity ... Need reply please
03 May 2016
Dear Mithra For Obesity, why don't you visit the disease section of this website and search obesity there and look for the cure. There are so many cures available for it. However, my favorite ones, which really helped me and my cousin out are----
For reducing weight, drink green tea daily, early morning.
Swallow a tablespoon of raw Fenugreek seeds daily. Eating 250 gm of Papaya daily for dinner will also help to reduce weight. Avocado. This is a great fruit, which helps in reducing weight. It will suppress your hunger, reduces the urge to eat and will help to shed off extra calories, that too without any side effect.
12 Apr 2017
Madam: nayuruvi moligai anaku side effact aki vittathu
Sunita ( India/Himachall )
06 Jun 2016
Sir the seeds of chia are different from puthkanda? Somebody said they are same.Are chia seeds useful in reducing obesity?
14 Jun 2016
Hello Sunita Chia and Puthkanda are different herbs. Yes, Chia seeds reduce Obesity. This is because chia seeds are rich in soluble fiber content. The soluble fiber content will fill you up fast and limit you from feeling hungry and eating a lot.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Leah Pine ( Georgia )
24 Jun 2016
Can Achyranthes japonica be substituted for A. aspera? It has become invasive in many parts of the U.S.
24 Jun 2016
Firstly, u need to tell us for which disease you were taking Achyranthes? Then only we will be able to suggest to proper treatment.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Rengi ( India/Tamil nadu )
02 Aug 2016
my daughter is 21 years old and unmarried. she is fat and she have periods problem for lost 3 years. we consult gynocologist she prescribe medicine after using medicine periods come but the irregularity still continue and doctor says my daughter has abnormal overy growth and slight hormonal disturbance. i worried my daguther and this causes her future preganancy pls give me the solution and weight loss tips
03 Aug 2016
Do not worry
This hormonal imbalance can be taken care of. Give her Chaste Berry. This is a an amazing herb for menses problem and hormonal imbalance. Take a cup of hot water. Add a spoon of fresh or dried Chaste Berries to it. Steep for 10 minutes. Then, strain it and drink this tea daily for 30 days. Other herb you may give her is Saw palmetto capsule. Give her one capsule everyday for a month.
For reducing weight, she may take
green tea daily, early morning. Eating 250 gm of Papaya daily for dinner will also help to reduce weight. Avocado. This is a great fruit, which helps in reducing weight. It will suppress her hunger, reduces the urge to eat and will help to shed off extra calories, that too without any side effect. Consult your health care provider before giving her any herb.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
03 Aug 2016
once the hormonal balance is set right, your daughter's period problem will be gone.
Mateen ahmed ( India/karnataka )
10 Sep 2016
I have skin disease (pilonidal sinus).I consult to doctor and he suggest to a surgery
sir what to do and
sir i how to use achyranthes aspera pilonidal sinus and
achyranthes aspera work in how many days please tell me
i am a student
14 Sep 2016
Fill your bathtub with warm water and mix four tablespoon of Epsom salts into it. Soak yourself for half an hour in this water. Epsom salt will reduce the inflammation and provide relief in the pain. Tea tree oil is another cure for you.
Mix a drop of Tree Tea oil in a cup of water. Apply it on the affected area. Do this thrice in a day. Drink a glass warm water, added to it a teaspoon of honey regularly for a month.
Bhushan Kumar Venu
14 Sep 2016
Ksharasutra treatment is a non surgical treatment that cures Pilonidal Cysts. This is an Ayurvedic practice. So, it is suggested that you get it done by an ayurveda expert.
31 Oct 2016

Richard Gudoi Gid'Agui ( Uganda )
18 Nov 2016
compliment! Sure my grandma used its ash filtrate as accecerator to increase heat when boiling dried beans. I saw it break them so easily. too, it is filtrate when added in thick bean paste, lasts longer as a preservative. also when it was evaporated, the residue or concentrate was moulded into a ball to be used later as rare salt. It would also increase the boiling point when cooking bamboo shoots a delicacy of communities living on Mt. Elgon. It was also given to use as children for dry cough.
Mateen ahmed ( India/Karnataka )
20 Dec 2016
My cousin has childhood problem ,
He has salivation problem from childhood and 24 hours salivation .

Please reply
Prem Kumar ( Patna/Bihar/India )
11 Jan 2017
Sir, I'm suffering from anal fistula (fistula in ano) for the last 10 months. There is an abscess like structure just an inch away from the anus. I'm taking Calcarea Sulphurica and Silicea, for the last 4 months months, on the prescription of a Homoeopathic Doctor ( who confirmed it as an anal fistula). Before taking medicines there was sever pain and heavy bloody pus discharge from the abscess (not with stool). On taking medicine there is an occasional pain only & a very light normal pus discarge(sometimes bloody pus). About a month ago there was blood discharge(with stool) and pain in anus. Doctor confirmed it as "piles" and gave medicine consequently this issue of "piles" got solved. I'm still on Calcarea Sulph & Silicea.

Please, suggest some herbs to aid to my nomal course of medicine in order to inhance the rate of recovery.

Thank You
27 Jan 2017
Prem. Please stop the homeopathic medicines that you have been taking. You are suffering from Homeopathy. If you want to be cured, stop the medicines and wait for a month. You shall be cured. If you continue to take these remedies, ten you will not be cured.
Prem Kumar/Patna/Bihar/India.
14 Mar 2017
Hello! Sir. Thanks for your kind suggestion. But what remedy shoul I take to heal this fistula?
By the way, I, unintentionally, stopped homoeopathic medicines for a few day and I'm feeling a bit comfortable with occasional blockage of fistula opening (and thereby pain). What is the logic behind stopping homoeopathic medicines and what remedy should I take? Would you please give me your contact number? Mine is +917091483334
A hafiz
09 Aug 2017
for piles take 4 figs every morning empty stomac,day before put 4 in water, drink same water also.rub mango seeds powder and drink butter milk also.it may help.
Aman ( Punjab )
26 Mar 2017
Hello sir
My sons are 8 years and 6 years .They have allergic cough almost when they were 3.someone suggested me to give the ash of this herb with honey.is it fine to give it to kids.
29 Mar 2017
Please let us know that do they suffer from a dry cough or a productive cough?
Is it only during a particular season, or is it throughout the year?
As you have said that they suffer from an allergic cough, so have you noticed when does their cough gets triggered?
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
04 Apr 2017
hello sir

i am having periapical abscess below front teeth of lower jaw.. doctors are suggesting for operation for abscess removal and they also say it might return after 2-3 years.. my friend suggested to put 4-5 drops of juice from Achyranthes Aspera leaves in ear..
will it help and are there any side effect of this..

please guide me with proper way..
thank you..
Anubhav Mittal
21 Apr 2017
Abhishek. You can visit this page in the disease section of the website . It contains very effective herbs for the cure... https://herbpathy.com/Herbal-Treatment-for-Abscessed-Tooth-Cid252
Omalal ( Fl )
13 Apr 2017
How do I get aspera to purchase
Vinod topare. ( India/Maharashtra. )
20 Jul 2017
Is aghada plant seeds reduce appetite when taken with milk khir.
Anil bhangale ( Gujrat )
26 Sep 2017
it useful for backpain yes or not
how it use
Rajeswari ( Tamil nadu )
28 Oct 2017
Is naayuruvi ver use for pregnancy? Ca n i have this kashayam in my pregnancy time?Coz, its my 9th month running..My uncle asked me to have the naayuruvi kashayam..
Waqar Ahmad ( Pakistan )
03 Apr 2020
Plz how to make simul far mudabir with Puth Kanda ?
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