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Urine Retention Herbal Treatment, Prevention, Symptoms, Causes, Cured By

General Name
Urine Retention
Medical Name
Urine Retention Symptoms
Frequent urination
Unable to emptying the bladder
Difficult to start to urination
Increased pressure on the bladder
Need to urinate more than two times at night

Urine Retention Cured By

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Urine Retention is a disease of the Urinary Bladder.
When a person is not able to empty the bladder completely it is Urine Retention. The urine may come drop by drop. It may cause pain during urination.

Causes of Urine Retention
Brain Injury
Pelvic Injury
Kidney Stones
Bladder stones
Muscle Weakness
Injury to spinal chord
Impaired Nerve Function
Enlarged Prostrate or Prostrate cancer

If not treated properly, Urine retention may cause
Urinary Tract Infection

Body Part(s)

Urinary Bladder
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Materia Medica for Urine Retention

Single Herb

Flame Of The Forest for Urine Retention

Tie the warm leaves of Flame Of The Forest from lower abdomen to excite the pubic area.
OR : Make a decoction of Flame Of The Forest flowers. Filter it. Drink whenever feel thirsty by adding some salt in it.

Ashoka for Urine Retention

Make a paste of Ashoka seeds with water. Take 2 teaspoons daily.

Achyranthes Aspera for Urine Retention

Wash the roots with clean water. Grind it to make paste. Add one teaspoonful of the paste in lukewarm water. Infuse for 10 minutes. Drink the clear water. Use it, twice a day.

Cyclea Peltata for Urinary Problems

Boil 50 g root powder of Cyclea Peltata in 450 ml water until it gets half. Drink 30 ml twice a day.

Chayote for Urine Retention

Boil few leaves of Chayote in a cup of water. Drink once a day.

Spiny Restharrow for Urine Retention

Spiny Restharrow contains essential oils which are diuretic. Diuretic attribute of Spiny Restharrow is beneficial to treat Urine Retention.
Grind the dry roots of Spiny Restharrow. Put a teaspoon of powdered root in a cup of hot water. Cover the cup and leave it for 15 minutes. Drink this thrice a day.
OR : Buy or make your own tincture of Spiny Restharrow roots. Add 20 drops of tincture in half glass of water. Drink it twice a day.
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