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Jamun Vinegar Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Jamun Vinegar
Glycemic Index / Load
Black Plum Vinegar
Hindi Name
Jamun ka Sirka

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Jamun Vinegar Cures


Action of Jamun Vinegar

Nutrients in Jamun Vinegar

Most Effective

Taste of
Jamun Vinegar

Nature of
Jamun Vinegar


Parts Used

Whole fruit

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Jamun Vinegar

Jamun Sirka may cause Constipation in a few.
Topical application of Black Plum Vinegar may cause Skin Ulcers.
The use of Vinegar as a gargle may cause Sore Throat and Mouth.
Consumption of more than 100ml a day may cause low potassium levels in the blood.
Common side effects are Heartburn, Gastritis, Burning sensation in Abdomen.
Do not consume it after having milk.
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Jamun Sirka or Black Plum Vinegar is a type of Vinegar.
It is dark purplish or black in color.
It is made from Jamun juice or pulp.
Best used for Diabetes.

In Ayurveda,
It maintains a balance between the three doshas i.e. Vata, Pitta, Kapha.
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Materia Medica : How to use Jamun Vinegar - Uses and Benefits

Jamun Vinegar General

Jamun or Black Plum Vinegar is prepared by using raw juice or pulp of Black Plum. It can also be used for cooking. Jamun Sirka contains Vitamins, Minerals, and Nutrients. It boosts energy and stamina. It alleviates weakness and boosts memory.
The properties of Black Plum Vinegar helps in maintaining the blood sugar levels in the body. It is Antidiabetic in nature and most effective in controlling Diabetes. It converts the starch and sugar into energy, thus keeping the sugar levels normal. The consumption of Jamun vinegar at night before bedtime is considered beneficial. It also reduces the frequency of Diabetic symptoms at night such as frequent urination, feeling thirsty, Nausea, and weakness.
It is a home remedy for treating Abdominal problems.
Jamun Sirka helps to fight infection in the Kidney, Bladder, and Urinary Tract.
The Black Plum Vinegar is rich in Vitamins and Minerals. It treats bacterial infections in the Bladder, Kidney, Urethra, Ureter, and Urinary Tract. It controls the formation of bacteria as well. It provides relief from symptoms of Urinary Tract Infection ( UTI ) as Abdominal Pain, Muscle Pain, Nausea, Vomiting, Excess Urination, Painful Urination.
It is rich in Polyphonic compounds. It is effectively used in treatment against Cancer, Asthma, and Heart ailments.
Jamun Sirka helps in removing the Kidney stones. It also provides relief from the pain due to stones and burning during urination. It alleviates the foul smell during urination.
Laxative property improves Bowel movements. It also cures Piles, Constipation.
The Antibacterial property also strengthens Gums and Teeth. It prevents them from bacterial attacks and treats Bad breath.
The Antimicrobial property fights off bacteria. It thus alleviates Digestive disorders and provides effective functioning of the Digestive system.
Jamun Vinegar is rich in Iron and Vitamin C. It helps to treat Anemia and increases the blood count. It acts as a blood purifier. It increases the level of Haemoglobin in the blood.
It holds Astringent property. It contains essential Vitamins, Nutrients, and Iron. It treats Acne, Dark Spots, and Patches on Skin and makes the Skin radiant.
The presence of Vitamin A and Vitamin C in Jamun Sirka is good for the Eyes. The consumption of Vinegar prevents Cataract, Itching, and redness of Eyes.
The cooling effect of Jamun Sirka treats Acidity in the Stomach and Flatulence. It prevents Gastric disorders.
Single Herb

Jamun Vinegar for Throat Disorder

Gargle with Jamun juice 1-2 times a day helps to treat Throat problems.
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