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Pancreatitis Herbal Treatment, Prevention, Symptoms, Causes, Cured By

General Name
Medical Name
Pancreatitis Symptoms
Inflammation of Pancreas
Abdominal Pain
Clammy Skin
Loss of Weight
Tenderness of Abdomen
Swelling in Abdomen
Smelly Stools

Pancreatitis Cured By

Most Effective

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Pancreatitis is a disease of the Pancreas.
The inflammation of the Pancreas is Pancreatitis.
The Pancreas is an elongated pear shaped organ. It is located in the Abdomen, behind the Stomach.

Normal Functions of Pancreas
1) The production of digestive enzymes that help in breaking down Carbohydrates, Fats and Proteins.
2) Production of Hormones such as Insulin and Glucagon. These Hormones control the sugar level in the Blood.
3) Secretion of digestive Juices into the Bloodstream and Ducts.

Normally, the Pancreas produce the digestive Enzymes for digestion. These inactivated enzymes move into the Small Intestines and Ducts. They become activated there and help in digestion.

Diseased State. If the enzymes get activated inside the Pancreas, they cause Inflammation. This causes disruption in the functioning of the Pancreas. The result is a diseased state as given in the symptoms.

Causes of Pancreatitis
Drug Abuse
Pancreatic Cancer
Stones in Gallbladder

If not treated properly, Pancreatitis may cause
Organ Failure
Permanent damage of Pancreas

Body Part(s)

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Materia Medica for Pancreatitis

Single Herb

Nut Grass ( Motha ) for Pancreatitis

The Antiinflammatory property of Nut Grass ( Motha ) helps to reduce the inflammation of the Pancreas. It reduces the Abdominal Pain caused due to Pancreatitis.
Add 1/2 teaspoon of Nut Grass powder in 2 glass of water. Boil it until the water remains half. Add black pepper for taste. Drink it daily for a month to cure Pancreatitis.

Bitter Gourd ( Karela ) for Pancreatitis

Bitter Gourd ( Karela in India ) reduces the inflammation of the Pancreas. It supports the proper functioning of the Pancreas and gives relief from the Abdominal Pain.
Have 3 to 4 teaspoons of fresh Bitter Gourd juice daily for a month.

Basil ( Tulsi ) for Pancreatitis

Antiinflammatory property of Basil ( Tulsi ) helps to reduce the inflammation of the Pancreas. Add 4 to 5 fresh Basil leaves in a cup of hot water. Boil it for 5 minutes. Strain it off. Drink this tea twice day to get relief from the Pancreatitis symptoms.

Ginger (Adrak ) for Pancreatitis

Gingerol present in Ginger ( Adrak in India ) helps to sooth the Pancreas. Ginger has strong Antiinflammatory property. This helps to reduce the inflammation and pain in the Pancreas.
Add raw Ginger in your daily diet.
OR : Add 1 to 2 piece of fresh Ginger in a cup of hot water. Boil it for 5 minutes. Strain and drink. Have this tea twice a day.

Pancreatitis 2

A good combination of herbs is Fringe Tree, Chelone glabra and Milk Thistle.
And, do not forget to supplement the herbs with Chromium. Chromium helps regulate blood sugar levels.
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Herbal Treatment For Pancreatitis 1

The Antiinflammatory property of Ginger ( Adrak in India ) helps to reduce the inflammation of the Pancreas. Tinospora Cordifolia ( Giloy in India ) rejuvenates and strengthens it. This is an ideal herbal combination to treat Pancreatitis.
Mix 1/2 teaspoon of Tinospora Cordifolia powder and 1/4 teaspoon of dried Ginger powder. Have it with warm water 2 times a day. Do this for 15 days.
OR : Add 1/2 teaspoon of fresh Ginger juice in 3 to 4 teaspoons of fresh Tinospora Cordifolia juice. Mix well. Drink it an hour before meal for 2 weeks.
Queries on Pancreatitis
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Actual users may approach us through emails. Please write an email to info@herbpathy.com.
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G.A. Qureshi
11 Jan 2016
Dear Herbpathy Team,

Please suggest any herbal treatment for swear / unbearable pain in the Pancreas of a female patient aging about 34 years. Nut grass proposed on your sites does not provide any details of how and in what quantity to be used.
G.A. Qureshi
14 Jan 2016

Dear Herbpathy Team,

As I have not received your response to my review of 11 Jan 2016, I repeat my same message as under with the request to please provide me with your professional advice:

"Please suggest any herbal treatment for swear / unbearable pain the Pancreas of a female patient aging about 34 years. Nut grass proposed on your site does not provide any details of how and what quantity to be used"

Thanks in advance.
Herbpathy Research Team
15 Jan 2016
Dear G. A. Qureshi
We apologize for the inconvenience caused. Due, to some technical issues. we could not write to you. Nut grass is highly effective cure for Pancreatitis. It is known to reduce Abdominal Pain caused due to Pancreatits. Method--
Add 1/2 teaspoon of Nut Grass powder in 2 glasses of water. Boil it until the water remains half. Add black pepper for taste. Drink it regularly, once a day.
Continue for 20 to 25 days. It is advised that you should consult your doctor before taking any Herb.
Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
G.A. Qureshi
19 Jan 2016
Many Thanks Sir. I have noted and will act accordingly.
Darshan Singh Ajimal ( England )
14 Oct 2016
I have been suffering from digestive problems for a many many years. After long investigation by hospital , consultant come to conclusion that my pancreas is not making enough digestive enzymes. He prescribed me artificial enzymes ( creon150mg ) four capsules with food. My symptoms have improved now.. I have noticed few natural herbs which I am using at present. Please help me. Thanks
21 Oct 2016
Dear Darshan Singh
We prescribe you a glass of green juice daily. Take a hand full leaves of Carrot, Spinach, Beetroot and Water cress. Take out fresh juice and have one glass every day for 15 days.
Avoid white bread, white sugar, white rice and all purpose flour.
Also avoid tea and coffee.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Pratima vaidya ( India )
21 Oct 2016
Dear sir,
My husband suffered from pancreatitis attack about 8 years back and since then is a diabetic patient there is no other problem apart from this is there any medicine that can reactivate the pancreas without any side effect in long run.
21 Oct 2016
Dear Pratima
Follow the protocol.
For first 15 days give him a glass of green juice daily. You may take leaves of Spinach, Carrot, Beetroot and Water Cress. Give him one glass of fresh green juice daily. Ask him to stop eating White sugar, white bread, white rice and all purpose flour for 15 days.
Write us back after 15 days then we will prescribe you further.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Darshan Singh Ajimal ( England )
26 Oct 2016
Dear sir
My wife have been suffering from Gout problems for 4-5 years Her doctor prescribed her
Allopurinol 300mg daily. This meds only give her temporary relief.
Some days her body gets very stiff in the morning. She keeps herself mobile during day.
Please advise us what she can take to stop Uric Acid build up.

Darshan Singh ( LEEDS) U.K
Darshan singh ( England )
30 Oct 2016
Dear Herbpathy team

Is it possible I could speak o your experts and discuss my problems. Please let me know.

Darshan Ajimal Leeds Uk
01 Nov 2016
Dear Darshan Singh
We suggest your wife to take Green leaf juice daily. Take some Carrot leaves, Beetroot juice, Spinach and Wheat Grass. Take out fresh juice and have 1 glass every day. Take this juice for 15 days, do not exceed than 15 days. Right now, our expert on this concern is out of town. We may let you know and try to make a conversation with him. If it is possible, you may leave your contact number here and we will contact you when possible.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Siya chopra
15 Mar 2017
i have been recently diagnosed with diabetes type 1 and i have inflammation in pancreas and some stones too. i am taking insulin right now. it is in chronic stage. what should i do ?
16 Mar 2017
Dear Siya Chopra
You may try the following Regimen.
1. First of all set your Kidneys right. Buy Tribulus Terrestris tincture from a Homeopathy shop and have 10 drops 3 times in a day. It will support your Kidney functions.
2. Buy Tinsopora Cordifolia tincture and have10 drops in a glass of water 2 times in a day. It will help you for inflammation and Blood Sugar.
3. Buy Berberis Vulgaris tincture and have 10 drops 3 times in a day. This will help in lower your blood sugar and is also dissolve the stones.
4. Buy Crataeva Nurvala ( Varuna ) tincture or extract and have 10 drops 2 times in a day. This will detoxify your body.
5. Have 1 tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar in a glass of water. Take it half an before every meal.
6. Have a fresh shot of Wheat Grass juice daily. Or you can take 1 tablespoon of Wheat Grass powder every day with a glass of warm water.
Have these remedies for 1 month and keep a check on your Blood Sugar. Once the level goes down, reduce the doses accordingly.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Suresh Ram ( India/ Assam )
26 Aug 2017
sir I am 28 and suffering from pancreatities since 9 years many times i got hospitalize but still pain comes stomach remains discomfort anything i eat i feel like my stomach is heavy loaded bowels are not cleared sometimes suddenly i loose my weight.. after every two three month i used to get pain and have to see the doctors.. Is it safe for me to take nut grass juice on empty stomach.. Sir please help me i have so many responsiblilty for my as i am only member who is running my family
04 Oct 2017
Dear Suresh Ram
Try the following herbs.
Have a cup of Nut grass tea every day. You may take it after having breakfast.
Have 1 glass of green leaf juice every day.
Have Basil and Ginger tea every day.
Try these for 15 days.
Shyam ( Delhi )
03 Feb 2018
I am suffering from calcific chronic pancreatitis. I go to washroom daily 4-5 time with oily stools & loosing weight continuously. Please suggest me some herb. Now i have started to take Aloe Vera Juice twice in a day.
07 Feb 2018
Give 10 drops of Mother tincture of Colocynthis. wait for 3 to 4 days if not cure than take 1 dose again. Get this tincture from a Homeopathy shop.
P.Satyanarayana Murthy ( India, Andhra Pradesh )
08 Dec 2018
Sir, I am suffering from Calcified Chronic Pancreatitis for the last 5 years. Severe abnormal pain. Without pain killers, it is not possible for me to live. Daily three times pain killer tablets are using. Unbearable pain and continuous weight loss. Now, I am only 40 Kgs.

Please advise me.

Edwin Baloyi ( South Africa )
26 Nov 2020
Hi Herbpathy,

I have been diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis and from a CT SCAN Dr found a Cyst, of which I’m booked to get an endoscopy done for the Dr to collect a tissue sample from the cyst.
I am a 33 year old male I have had multiple acute pancreatitis attacks over the last 4 years, I had my gallbladder removed around March 2020 which had gallstones, and now I had an attack again and the Dr says it’s now chronic, I’m am not yet diabetic I would like to heal or not get worse from this condition what can I do Please Please
Nidhi ( New jesery, USA )
17 Dec 2020
Dear Herbpathy,
My 21 yrs old son has been recently diagnosed with pancreatic insufficiency. He does not have any other symptoms and is not a diabetic. He has been going to bathroom after every meal. Loose stools but not diarrhea. Pls advice if there are any medications that can restart the production of digestive juices ( Lipase) on its own. Looking forward to hearing back from you.
Rita ( Nigeria )
13 Jan 2021
Please I have a 12 year old daughter diagonised of pancreatitis, she has lost weight.. always in and out of the hospital. She vomits, cries of pain that radiated from the tummy to the back, please what can I do to reduce the pancreas to normal and cute her of this please
Paula Harless ( United states )
29 Mar 2021
Would like some help with small duct idiopathic chronic pancreatitis.
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