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Vetiver Essential Oil Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Vetiver Essential Oil
Glycemic Index / Load
Vetiver Essential Oil

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Vetiver Essential Oil Cures


Action of Vetiver Essential Oil

Nutrients in Vetiver Essential Oil

Taste of
Vetiver Essential Oil

Nature of
Vetiver Essential Oil


Parts Used


Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Vetiver Essential Oil

Avoid use during Pregnancy and Breast Feeding.
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Vetiver Essential Oil is extracted from the roots of Vetiver Plant.
It is produced by steam distillation process. It has a strong, earthy and woody fragrance.
Vetiver Essential Oil is best used for Scars and Loss of Libido. It supports the healthy blood circulation and calms the mind.

In TCM :
Meridians associated are Central Nervous System and Brain.


Grown In

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Materia Medica : How to use Vetiver Essential Oil - Uses and Benefits

Vetiver Essential Oil General

Vetiver Essential Oil ( Khus Ka Tel in India ) is processed from the Vetiver roots.
It promotes the growth of new tissues, thus, clear the Scars and Marks on the skin. It gives an even Skin tone. It is also useful in treating Stretch Marks, Spots left by Pox and Cracks.
The Antiinflammatory action soothes the Inflammation caused by Burns and Wounds.
Due to its Antiseptic properties, it inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria.
The Aphrodisiac property enhances the Libido and is sexually arousing. It strengthens the reproductive system and balances the hormones. It also helps in treating Menstrual discomforts such as Fatigue, Bloating, Emotional changes, Breast Tenderness and Cramps.
It acts as a tonic on the body. It boosts your metabolism, gives strength and increases immunity.
The Calming, Sedative and Antidepressant nature help to deal with Depression, Stress, Insomnia and Anxiety. It eliminates the negative feeling and refreshes the mind. It promotes emotional balance and well-being.
Single Herb

Vetiver Essential Oil for Fibromyalgia

Take one cup of Coconut Oil ( or any other carrier oil ) and mix 40 drops of Vetiver Essential Oil in it. Mix them well. Apply half tablespoon of this oil blend over the affected areas and massage it. Repeat the process once a day.
It provides relief from Pain.
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Multiple Herbs How to Use Herbal Treatment? Click Here +

Herbal Treatment For Rheumatoid Arthritis 4

Take one tablespoon of Coconut Oil ( or any other carrier oil ) and add six drops each of Vetiver and Ylang Ylang Essential Oil in it. Mix them well. Add this oil blend to a warm bathtub and soak in it for 15 minutes. Repeat the process once a day.
It eases the Pain.
Queries on Vetiver Essential Oil
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Margaret ( New South Wales Australia )
31 Jan 2018
Looking for an essential oil that is safe during lactation and effective for anxiety related to milk ejection reflex
Misha ( India )
08 Feb 2018
Margaret. I hope you know that it is not safe to consume any essential oil. Never ever.
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