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Cardamom Essential Oil Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Cardamom Essential Oil
Glycemic Index / Load
Cardamom Essential Oil
Chinese Name
Choti Ilaichi Ka Tel

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Cardamom Essential Oil Cures


Action of Cardamom Essential Oil

Nutrients in Cardamom Essential Oil

Taste of
Cardamom Essential Oil

Nature of
Cardamom Essential Oil


Parts Used


Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Cardamom Essential Oil

Avoid its use during Pregnancy and Breast Feeding.
Don't use undiluted.
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Cardamom Essential Oil is extracted from seeds of Cardamom. It is made by steam distillation.

To make Cardamom Essential Oil at home :

Grind 1/2 cup of raw Cardamom seeds into coarse powder.
Put the Cardamom powder in the middle of the Cheesecloth and fold it into three layer.
Tie its top portion with a string and seal it to form a pouch.
Boil 3 to 4 cups of water in a saucepan on medium flame.
Put the pouch in the water. Let it boil until the water is only 1/2 inch layer in the saucepan.
Skim oil droples with a cotton ball that rises to the top of water during boiling.
Squeeze it in a glass jar. Cover the jar with a cheesecloth and put it under the sunlight. Alllow the water to evaporate completely.
The remaining solution is the Cardamom Oil. Store it in a small jar.
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Materia Medica : How to use Cardamom Essential Oil - Uses and Benefits

Cardamom Essential Oil General

Cardamom Essential Oil is processed from the Cardamom seeds. Besides its unique taste and aroma, it is also known for its medicinal properties. It can be used internally, externally and aromatically.
The Antiseptic and Antimicrobial properties disinfect and refresh the mouth. It cures the problem of Bad Breath. It fights against germs and prevents the formation of Cavities.
The Antispasmodic property provides relief from Muscular and Respiratory Spasms.
Its Stomachic action secretes gastric juices, acids and bile in the stomach, thus promotes better digestion. It cures Digestive Disorders like Stomach Cramps, Bloating, Constipation and Indigestion. It also improves the appetite and relieves Gas problems.
The stimulant action boosts various body functions. It manages the metabolic activity.
Due to its warming effect, it promotes Sweating. It provides relief from the symptoms of Common Cold and helps clear Chest Congestion.
The Diuretic action cleanses the Urinary tract and Kidneys. It removes toxins, waste and excessive salt from the body.
The Aphrodisiac property enhances the Libido and is sexually arousing. It strengthens the reproductive system and balances the hormones.
It also induces mental peace, relaxation, and feeling of satisfaction.
How to Take :
Topical : Massage the oil over the affected area. It can be applied directly to the skin or mixed with Carrier Oil.
Inhalation : Oil can be sprinkled over a clean cloth and inhale it or Diffuse it in the area where you spend most of the time.
For internal consumption, you may use it as salad dressings, marinades, and sauces.
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