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Swietenia Mahagoni Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Swietenia Mahagoni
Glycemic Index / Load
West Indies Mahogany, Indian Mahogany
Botanical Name
Swietenia Mahagoni

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Swietenia Mahagoni Cures


Action of Swietenia Mahagoni

Nutrients in Swietenia Mahagoni

Parts Used

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Swietenia Mahagoni is a tree.
It is evergreen.
It grows in a tropical climate.
It grows up to 35 M.
Best used for Wounds.
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Materia Medica for Swietenia Mahagoni

Swietenia Mahagoni General

The stem bark of Swietenia Mahagoni is Antiseptic, Astringent and Febrifuge. It is rich in Iron and Vitamins. The bark extract is used to cure Malaria, Anemia, Diarrhea, Fever, Dysentery. The decoction is taken orally for the cure.
A decoction of the bark is used externally for dressing Wounds caused by firearms.
Queries on Swietenia Mahagoni
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Jini ( India )
08 Jul 2018
What is use of mahogany wood in medicines?
S. B. Patel ( India )
19 Feb 2019
We have large number of Swietenia Mahogani plants available for sell to any of the Pharma units.
Would be keen to have their requirements etc.
Palash Barui ( West Bengal ( haldia) )
11 May 2020
I have this type of mehogin .. 27 year old .. what is its market price?? How to gate good buyers?
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