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  • Nutrient
  • Massage Therapy
  • Glossary

What does Lipids do for the body

Lipids are a type of Fatty Acid. These are insoluble in water but are soluble in organic solvents. They provide energy to the body and supports the production of hormones. Lipids form a protective layer around the organs to protect them from injuries.

Requirement of Lipids per day
50 gm to 70 gm

Benefits of Lipids
Lipids play an important role in proper digestion and absorption of the food. Lipids boost the immune system and maintains the vision. They provide structure and support for the walls of cells in the body. Lipids are responsible for communication between the cells and the Brain. They balance the internal body temperature despite of the external environmental temperature.

Functions of Lipids
Lipids maintain the teeth and bone health. Lipids boost the metabolism and provide energy to the body. They produce Bile Acid in the Liver which helps to mix fat and water in the intestine. This supports the breakdown and absorption of the food. Lipids help to transport fat soluble vitamins from the Intestines to the blood stream.

Effects of Lipids Deficiency
Cardiovascular Diseases
Loss of Libido
Weak Eyesight

Effects of Excessive Lipids in the body
Heart Diseases
Weight Gain

Herbs Containing Lipids

Most Effective

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