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Butter Tree Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Butter Tree
Glycemic Index / Load
Butter Tree
Botanical Name
Madhuca Longifolia, Madhuca Indica
Hindi Name

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Butter Tree Cures


Action of Butter Tree

Highly Effective

Nutrients in Butter Tree

Butter Tree
Combines With

Taste of
Butter Tree

Nature of
Butter Tree


Parts Used

Bark, Heart Wood, Flowers, Fruits, Seeds
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Butter Tree is a tree.
It is deciduous.
It grows in a tropical climate.
It grows up to 20 M.
Best used for Eye Problems.


Grown In

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Materia Medica : How to use Butter Tree - Uses and Benefits

Single Herb

Butter Tree ( Mahua ) Flowers for Bronchitis

Take dried Butter Tree ( Mahua ) Flowers. Powder. Have one teaspoon with one glass of milk.

Butter Tree ( Mahua ) Bark for Rheumatism

Prepare a decoction of Butter Tree ( Mahua ) Bark. Take 2 teaspoons once a day.

Butter Tree ( Mahua ) Bark for Ascaris

Make a decoction using bark of Butter Tree ( Mahua ). Drink 30 ml once a day.

Butter Tree ( Mahua ) Bark for Liver Congestion

Add quarter tsp bark powder of Butter Tree ( Mahua ) in a cup of lukewarm water. Have it once a day.

Butter Tree ( Mahua ) Bark for Biliousness

Drink 10 ml bark decoction of Butter Tree ( Mahua ) thrice a day.

Butter Tree ( Mahua ) Bark for Ulcers

Boil 3 g bark of Butter Tree ( Mahua ) in 50 ml water. Have it twice a day.

Butter Tree ( Mahua ) as Cardio Tonic

Take few flowers of Butter Tree ( Mahua ). Make decoction. Drink 20 ml thrice a day.

Butter Tree ( Mahua ) for Piles

Fry few flowers of Butter Tree ( Mahua ) with Clarified Butter. Take 1 tsp twice a day.

Butter Tree ( Mahua ) as Expectorant

Consume half cup flower decoction of Butter Tree ( Mahua ) twice a day.

Butter Tree ( Mahua ) for Tuberculosis

Boil 10 g crushed fruit of Butter Tree ( Mahua ) in 100 ml water. Drink 20 ml twice a day.

Butter Tree ( Mahua ) as Galactagogue

Add 1 tsp Butter Tree ( Mahua ) seeds in a cup of water. Boil. Drink once a day when bearable hot.

Butter Tree ( Mahua ) for Orchitis

Soak leaves of Butter Tree ( Mahua ) in boiled water for half hour. Tie them on Testes.

Butter Tree ( Mahua ) for Eczema

Apply Castor oil over leaves of Butter Tree ( Mahua ). Heat. Use as poultice over affected areas.

Butter Tree ( Mahua ) for Gum Diseases

Use bark decoction of Butter Tree ( Mahua ) as Mouth wash.

Butter Tree ( Mahua ) for Insufficient Breast Milk

Butter Tree ( Mahua ) helps to produce more milk. You need to boil 5 grams of Butter Tree ( Mahua ) seeds in a cup of water. Strain. Have it lukewarm once a day.
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Qasim Ansari ( India )
18 Nov 2016
butter tree oil effect or not on kidney patient.
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