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Turkey Berry Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Turkey Berry
Glycemic Index / Load
Devil's Fig, Turkey Berry, Plate Brush
Botanical Name
Solanum Torvum
Hindi Name
Titbaigun, Tint

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Turkey Berry Cures


Action of Turkey Berry

Most Effective

Nutrients in Turkey Berry

Taste of
Turkey Berry

Parts Used

Fruit, Leaves, Root , Seeds
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Turkey Berry is a shrub.
It is perennial.
Its flowers are white in color.
Its fruit is green in color.
It grows in a tropical climate.
It grows up to 4 M.
Best used for Diabetes.

Common Names

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Materia Medica : How to use Turkey Berry - Uses and Benefits

Turkey Berry General

Turkey Berry is Antibacterial and Antifungal in nature. It is helpful in stopping the excessive cell growth in the Body. It protects the Body from tumorous cells. It protects the Body against Lung Cancer.
The leaf of Turkey Berry is Antiinflammatory in nature. It is rich in Soasoline. Soasoline is a natural steroid. It is good for treating Arthritis, Lower back Pain and general Swelling and Pain. It combats Inflammation.
Fresh or Dried Turkey Berry is beneficial in treating Cardiovascular diseases and Stroke. Dried Turkey Berry powder helps to lower Blood Pressure and prevent Heart attacks.
It treats Gout and related symptoms. It flushes out the Uric acid from the Body. It reduces pain, redness and symptoms related to Gout.
Turkey Berry helps in preventing and healing Colds and Flu. It helps to get rid of Phlegm and mucus. Dry berry powder helps to treat Asthma, Cough and Lung inflammation.
It prevents and treats Kidney diseases. It reverses Tubular Necrosis and Glomerular Congestion.
Regular consumption of Turkey Berry regulates Menstruation.
Turkey Berry is rich in Iron. It is beneficial for treating Anemia. It stimulates the production of Red Blood cells.
It prevents the development of Intestinal worms.
Single Herb

Turkey Berry for Anemia

Take 5 to 6 Turkey Berry. Fry them in Ghee. Powder. Have 1/4 teaspoon thrice a day.

Turkey Berry for Chest Congestion

Roast 5 to 6 Turkey Berry in Ghee. Powder them. Take 1/4 teaspoon thrice a day.

Turkey Berry for Cough

Grind 2 teaspoon dried Turkey Berry. Fry powder in Ghee. Take half teaspoon twice a day.
OR : Crush a fig. Mix in a glass of milk. take once a day.

Turkey Berry for Cold

Prepare a paste of Fresh Turkey Berry. Mix half teaspoon in a glass of milk. Drink once a day.

Turkey Berry for Dog Bite

Take a handful of fresh Turkey Berry leaves. Grind them. Add one teaspoon salt. Apply on the affected part twice a day for 3 days.
Caution : Avoid sour things to eat for few days.

Turkey Berry for Headache

Crush some dried Turkey Berry . Breathe in, a little powder once a day.

Turkey Berry for Stomach Ache

Take 5 to 6 dried Turkey Berry . Fry in Ghee. Have it once a day.
OR : Prepare a paste of Turkey Berry roots. Make pepper size pills. Keep them dry. Take 2 pills with lukewarm water once a day.

Turkey Berry ( Titbaigun ) for Anemia

Turkey Berry ( Titbaigun in india ) possesses Anti-anemic property. It helps to increase the red blood counts.
Take dried Turkey Berry ( Titbaigun in india ). Roast 8 to 10 berries in Clarified Butter ( Desi Ghee in India ). Grind the roasted berries. Sprinkle the powder over whole day meals. Repeat the process daily for a month and then go for your hemoglobin tested.
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Multiple Herbs How to Use Herbal Treatment? Click Here +

Herbal Treatment For Asthma 14

Take equal quantity of Turkey Berry ( Tint in India ), Carom ( Ajvayan in India ), Indian Gooseberry ( Aamla in India ), Curry Leaf ( Karipatta in India ), Fenugreek ( Methi in India ) , Ginger ( Adrak in India ) , Mango ( Aam in India ) kernel and Pomegranate ( Anar in India ) rind. Fry all of them in little Ghee. Allow it to dry and then powder them together. Have half teaspoon once a day with lukewarm milk.

Herbal Treatment For Chest Congestion 2

Grind equal quantity of Turkey Berry ( Tint in India ), Carom ( Ajvayan in India ), Indian Gooseberry ( Aamla in India ), Curry Leaf ( Karipatta in India ), Fenugreek ( Methi in India ) , Ginger ( Adrak in India ), Mango ( Aam in India ) kernel and Pomegranate ( Anar in India ) rind. Fry them in little Ghee. Take 1/4 teaspoon twice a day with milk.

Herbal Treatment For Diabetes 5

Roast equal quantity of Turkey Berry ( Tint in India ), Carom ( Ajvayan in India ), Indian Gooseberry ( Aamla in India ), Curry Leaf ( Karipatta in India ), Fenugreek ( Methi in India ) , Ginger ( Adrak in India ), Mango ( Aam in India ) kernel and Pomegranate (Anar in India ) rind in little Ghee. Powder them together. Take half teaspoon once a day with lukewarm milk.

Herbal Treatment For Piles 7

Fry equal quantity of Turkey Berry, Carom, Indian Gooseberry, Curry Leaf, Fenugreek, Ginger, Mango kernel and Pomegranate rind Ghee. Grind them together. Take half teaspoon powder twice e a day with lukewarm milk.

Herbal Treatment For Tuberculosis 1

Take equal quantity of Turkey Berry ( Tint in India ), Carom ( Ajvayan in India ), Indian Gooseberry ( Aamla in India ), Curry Leaf ( Karipatta in India ), Fenugreek ( Methi in India ), Ginger ( Adrak in India ), Mango ( Aam in India ) kernel and Pomegranate ( Anar in India ) rind. Roast in Ghee and powder. Have half teaspoon once a day with lukewarm milk.

Herbal Treatment For Fever 14

Take equal quantity of Turkey Berry root, Sandalwood and Achyranthes Aspera. Make a paste of them. Prepare pepper size pills. Have 2 pills a day.

Herbal Treatment For Malaria 1

Grind Turkey Berry root, Sandalwood and Achyranthes Aspera in equal quantity. Take 2 pinches thrice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Anorexia 1

Take Turkey Berry , Black Pepper, Curry Leaf, Cumin and Fenugreek seed in equal quantity. Fry in Castor oil. Grind them together. Add 2 pinches of salt. Have one teaspoon with steamed rice once a day.

Herbal Treatment For Piles 8

Grind equal quantity of Turkey Berry , Black Pepper, Curry Leaf, Cumin and Fenugreek seed together. Fry in Castor oil. Add little salt. Take one teaspoon with cooked rice once a day.

Herbal Treatment For Night Blindness 1

Take 5 to 6 Turkey Berry. Fry in Ghee. Have it with Finger Millet once a day for one month.
Attention : It may be taken again after a break of one month if needed.

Herbal Treatment For Cold 8

Take 10 grams each of Dry Ginger ( Adrak in India ), root of Turkey Berry ( Tint in India ), Chirreta ( Kariyat in India ), root of Adhatoda Vasica ( Safed Vasa in India ) Tree and half quantity of Black Pepper ( Kali Mirch in India ). Boil all these in 1 cup of water until it remains half. Filter and drink.

Herbal Treatment For Repeated Miscarriage 2

Mix Winter Cherry and Turkey Berry juice in equal quantity. Take this for five months.
Queries on Turkey Berry
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09 Oct 2015
You are on point. I used this to recover from anemia pain within a week.
I blend it, sieve it and add creamy milk.
23 May 2016
Hi saint I'm about to be on the same process but first I want to know is it totally gone or what?
10 Feb 2019
Hello there anaemia pain ?? I dunt understand anaemia oain
06 Apr 2020
You blend it raw or dry?
25 Aug 2020
Raw and drink a cup full each day
Konadu ( Ghana )
24 Feb 2016
how can turkey berry help in blood clotting
07 Mar 2016
Dear Konadu Turkey berry has anti-platelet property which makes it a beneficial Herb for cardiovascular disorders. It does not help in clotting, in fact prevents it and used to treat diseases like Thrombosis.
Emmanuel Okyere ( Ghana/Kumasi )
25 Feb 2016
Please can turkey berries cure hepatites B?
07 Mar 2016
Dear Emmanuel Okyere
Hepatitis B is a problem of the Liver. To bring the liver back to the state of normal, The following the course is recommended below. Step 1
Drink two tablespoon of Radish juice for one week. Step 2
Take Milk Thistle for ten days. You may take capsules also. It is easily available in the market. Step 3
Take 1/4th of Sugarcane juice. Add 1/2 cup of Curd into it. Eat it for 15 days. This course will tone up your liver and help in treating Hepatitis B
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Joe ( Ghana )
22 Mar 2016
Please can turkey berry help in my kidney disease,am on dialysis
Herbpathy Team
23 Mar 2016
Dear Joe,
You may try following herbs
1. Tribulus Terrestris : Buy a tincture from a Homeopathy Shop. Take 10 drops 3 times in a day. It will take care of the Kidneys. 2. Buy Punarnava extract ( Boerhavia Diffusa ) : Take 10 drops 2 times in a day.
3. Buy tincture Varuna ( Crataeva Nurvala ) : Take 10 drops 2 times in a day.
Take this medication for 15 days and Study the results.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
02 Apr 2017
Dear Joe Have you tried this ? Did it help in anyway. thanks
Felix Addo
17 Mar 2018
Joe if you are on dialysis then it means both kidneys are not functioning so in this case I don't think it will have any effect on the kidneys. Thank you
Nana Andoh ( Ghana )
01 Apr 2016
What can cure chronic halitosis?
20 Apr 2016
Dear Nana Andoh Sage, Lemon Balm, Dill, , Peppermint , Fennel are some Herbs which can cure your condition. Cinnamon- take 5 gm Cinnamon. Boil it in a cup of water. Use it as mouth was daily before going to bed. Do it on alternate days, for a month. Sage- Chew 2-4 Sage leaves daily.
Dill- Chew a tea spoon of dill seeds thrice a week. Peppermint- Prepare dry peppermint tea. Drink it thrice a day. Fennel- Chew half tea spoon of fennel seeds twice a day. do this for 7 days. You may try any two or three of the above methods.
FB ( Ghana )
12 Apr 2016
Is turkey berry good for treatment of menstrual disorder
27 Mar 2017
Yes, blend turkey berries, strain and drink. Drink once every week and your disorder will be resolved . Best of luck.
Naa (Ghana)
22 May 2018
Very true.. I have hormonal imbalance since childhood thus it affected my cycle. But since I started taking the juiced form of the turkey berry it has regulated.
In fact I have observed that months in which I don't drink my cycle becomes a mess
FB ( Ghana )
12 Apr 2016
Is turkey berry good for treatment of menstrual disorder
20 Apr 2016
FB Turkey berry is an effective Herb to cure the problem of Scanty Menses in women. However, if we talk about other Menstrual disorders like, Painful Menses, Menstrual Cramps, Heavy Bleeding, Irregular Periods, Delayed Menses. For that, the super effective Herb is Dong Quai and Lady's Mantle. You may take Dong Quai capsules, everyday, once a day for a month. there are three herbs which are like a boon for females. They have an incredible effect on a female's reproductive organs. What ever the problem is whether you have irregular periods, heavy bleeding or other problems, the combination of these three herbs help to get rid off all problems. The herbs are...
Shatavari - may take capsules. One daily for 30 days.
Dong Quai
It is advised to consult your health care provider before taking any medicine.
Kobby ( Ghana )
28 Apr 2016
can turkey berries cure piles?
06 May 2016
Kobby Piles is the disease of Liver. It is a result of a Faulty Liver. No amount of local application or pain killers are going to help, until the Liver disorder is corrected.
Read the Liver Damage page under disease section on this website for information purpose. However, the course of action to be followed is - Take fresh Radish, grate it to squeeze the juice. Drink 40 ml or half a glass of this juice on an empty stomach for 3 days. Do not take it for a week. Now after skipping it for 7 days, again drink it for 3 days. Skip for a week. Again, take for 3 days.
Repeat this course for a month. If the problem still persists, let us know. We will suggest you another cure. We advise you not to drink alcohol. Avoid spicy food, oily food, coffee and tea. God Bless !!!!
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Olusesan Williams
15 Feb 2017
Good morning. Please can 10months old baby take this Turkey Berry? My name is Olusesan
Kwame ( Ghana )
29 Apr 2016
Hello. The information here is good. What's the natural way to treat erectile dysfunction - where the erect penis is not "hard" enough and does not stay hard for long?
06 May 2016
Take Maca and Saffron Maca capsules are readily available in the market. Take one capsule everyday. Try this for a month. You may buy Saffron tincture, it is known as Crocus Sativa. Take 5 drops in a glass of water every day. Initially take 5 drops for a week, then you increase the dosage to 10 drops. All the very best...!!!!
consult your health care provider before taking any medicine.
Lardi ( Ghana )
09 May 2016
I have swollen hand for 20 years, is it elephantiasis, how can I cure it
16 Jun 2016
Dear Lardi Do you suffer from other symptoms like--
Fever, chills, headache, joint pain, skin ulcers, inflammation, extreme swelling of limbs especially.
If not, then do not worry you do not suffer from Elephantiasis. But, still it is important that you get yourself checked by a doctor. Since, we can not diagnose your physical condition. So, get yourself examined first. also, mention if you suffer from any other symptoms, or if you have noticed any changes.
Ama ( Ghana )
16 May 2016
please i am a pregnant woman how can I use turkey berries to treat anemia
16 Jun 2016
Dear Ama Take dried Turkey berries- 10. Roast them in clarified butter. Then, grind the roasted berries into powdered form. Sprinkle the powder on your meals. Take this for a month. Eat 8 to 10 cherries everyday.
Take Beetroot in the juice form, in salads or in soups. Drink pomegranate juice. One glass everyday for a month
Eat one Indian gooseberry in a day, for 20 days.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Samira (Ghana)
24 Sep 2019
Please in which stage of pregnancy can you drink turkey berries juice for a person with repeated and is pregnant
24 Sep 2019
repeated miscarriages
25 Sep 2019
Hey Samira, Turkey Berry is good for Anemia. During childbirth, the level of Haemoglobin in the body should be good. But as you had problems earlier too, I suggest you visit a physician for the intake. It is however not known to cause any major side effects, but a consultation is a must for you. Well, may I ask why you want to take it?
Akosua ( London )
19 May 2016
I have irregular period for about 20 years. Please where can I get manjakni, shat avarice and doing quaint to buy as one of your questions says these can make the period regular. Thanks
20 May 2016
Dear Akosua
Please visit our Buy/Sell Herbs page. It may help you to get the remedies as we are not into selling Herbs.
Cecilia coffie ( United Kingdom )
19 May 2016
Where can I get the medicines to buy for irregular period and which particular ones should I buy. My daughter of 12 years is also experiencing irregular period as well.
20 May 2016
I think you search online.
22 Jun 2016
See there are three herbs which are like a boon for females. They have an incredible effect on a female's reproductive organs. What ever the problem is whether you have irregular periods, heavy bleeding or other problems, the combination of these three herbs help to get rid off all problems. The herbs are...
Dong quai
I have read herbpathy also, they have given a good description of all three. You can go for them.
Kwaku ( Ghana )
23 May 2016
I am hypertensive how can it help lower my blood pressure
08 Jun 2016
Giloy is also known to lower the blood pressure. So, if you wish to use this herbs as a cure, make sure you are not taking any high bp medicinesTincture can be bought.
Giloy ( Tinospora Cordifolia ) : 10 drops of the tincture in a glass of water. Try this for a month. Drink one cup of grape juice every morning.
Albert koby ( Ghana )
23 May 2016
Pls when I stand on my legs for a long time I fill pains
08 Jun 2016
Dear Albert
Will you please tell if you ever had a leg injury. Since when do you face this problem ?
Do you feel any sense of numbness or tingling in legs.?
Do you feel such pain in any other body part, like arms, lower back, shoulders?
Are you taking any medicines for it ?
Did you get yourself diagnosed by a doctor?
Please answer these questions, so that we can suggest you a cure.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Emelia ( Ghana )
25 May 2016
How can Polycystic ovarian syndrome be cured
08 Jun 2016
Dear Emelia
PCOS is the disease of Ovaries. Caused due to hormonal imbalance, like Insulin, Estrogen, etc.
So the cure lies in the Herbs that help to balance hormone levels.
Cinnamon and Chaste Berry are highly effective Herbs to cure PCOS.
Add one tsp of Cinnamon powder to a glass of hot water. Drink it daily for a month.
Or you may take this herb in the capsule form. Take one capsule 500 mg twice a day for a month.
Do consult your doctor before taking any Herb. CHASTE BERRY- It aids in balancing the Hormones.
Take a cup of hot water. Add a spoon of fresh or dried Chaste Berries to it. Steep for 10 minutes. Then, strain it and drink this tea daily for 30 days. SAW PALMETTO -Take one capsule, everyday. Try this for a month. SAY NO TO FOOD LIKE,
Sugar, Barley, Potatoes, White Bread. INCLUDE FOOD IN YOUR DIET,
Flax Seed, Fenugreek, Apple Cider Vinegar, Basil,Liquorice.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Sakina ( Ghana )
25 May 2016
Please can turkey berry cure HIV.
16 Jun 2016
Dear Sakina
Take 2 teaspoon or 10 ml concoction of black seed. twice a day. try this for a month. Olive leaf extract and oregano oil are very good herbs that will boost your immune system
Eat walnuts and a proper diet rich in all nutrients. Take loads of fruits and veggies in a day. Omega 3 fatty acids and omega 6 fatty acid are very very beneficial for HIV patient.
05 Oct 2016
Is it going to cure it or bring it down?
Simon Tamakloe ( Ghana, Gr. Accra )
25 May 2016
Hello, how do I use Turkey berries in treating rheumatoid arthritis?
16 Jun 2016
Dear Simon
To cure RA, Turkey Berry is not the Herb, you may try-
Giloy tincture, it is known as Tinospora Cordifolia( homeopathic name). Take 10 drops of this tincture in a glass of water, everyday. Avoid it, if you have Low blood Pressure problem. Apply sweet flag roots paste on the affceted are , twice a day. Boswellia is the super effective herb for you. Take this herb in capsule form. One capsule, everyday for a month. Another Herb is Fevernut. Use fever nut seed oil to massage the affected area. Please consult your health care provider before taking any herb.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Nat Adu ( Ghana )
26 May 2016
Side effects of taking turkey berries
08 Jun 2016
I don't think there are any side effects of turkey berry. Just excess should be avoided. That's all.
Jennie ( Ghana )
28 May 2016
can the juice of turkey berry leaves be use as nostril drops to treat bad breath
08 Jun 2016
Dear Jennie Almost all the teeth related problems are cured if you take the powdered Turkey Berry added with salt. apply it on teeth just like you brush your teeth. Dill is another very effective herb for bad breath. Dink Dill leaves tea. Drink it twice a day, for a month. Chew 2-3 leaves of Sage everyday. Take some coriander leaves. Chew every day. Good luck !!
Aba ( Ghana )
29 May 2016
Can turkey berry cure hepatitisB ?
16 Jun 2016
Dear Aba
Three steps process---- 1.Drink two tablespoon of Radish juice for one week. 2.Take Milk Thistle for ten days. You may take capsules also. It is easily available in the market.
3.Take 1/4th of Sugarcane juice. Add 1/2 cup of Curd into it. Eat it for 15 days. This course will tone up your liver and help in treating Hepatitis B
12 Dec 2018
Is hepatitis B has a cure
Hoya ( Ghana )
30 May 2016
can turkey berries cures sinusitis?
08 Jun 2016
Dear Hoya
Turkey Berry is not known to cure Sinusitis. However, there are other quite effective herbs that you can take to cure this problem.
1. Basil- Take fresh leaves of Basil. Squeeze it's juice, sniff it. Try this once in a day for about a week.
2. Put a few drops of essential oil of Oregano in warm water and inhale the steam to clear the sinuses.
3.Ginger with honey will also provide relief.
02 Jul 2016
Is turkey Berry good for pregnant women
Donblay ( Ghana )
02 Jun 2016
Please team,can Turkey berry prevent sexual weakness.
08 Jun 2016
Dear Donblay
Yes, Turkey berry is somewhat good for male reproductive system. CAn be used to cure impoptence. But, if you are looking for a cure for Sexual debility or weakness, then Herbs are :
Maca : Take maca capsules everyday. Try for a month.
Saffron added to milk is also good for you. two or three stands of Saffron should be added to mil. Drink it everyday before going to bed.
Gokharu capsules are also very effective to cure sexual weakness.
Ernest Asumani ( Kumasi, Ghana )
04 Jun 2016
How can Solanum Torvum cure grade 3 haemorrhoids?
28 Jun 2016
There is a very little information regarding Solanum Torvum cures grade 3 Haemorrhoids.
However, one the best herbs to cure Haemorrhoids is Fig ( Anjeer). Take 2 dry figs (Anjeer) and soak them in water for the whole night. Next morning eat these figs with an empty stomach. Now soak 2 figs in the morning and eat in the evening.
Do not eat anything for next 1 hour after eating figs. Repeat this process for 10 days to get a complete cure from Haemorrhoids .
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Yawa ( Ghana )
04 Jun 2016
Turkey berry to cure recurrent miscarriage,how should it be taken
08 Jun 2016
Dear Yawa
First of all, we recommend you to get yourself checked for the cause of recurrent miscarriage. Certain tests are done to get to the cause - Hysterosalpingogram test ( HSG), test to check hormone level- high estrogen or progesterone Pelvic Ultrasound- test for PCOS and Auto immune testing. Herbs for recurrent miscarriages are----
Abuta ~Take Abuta capsules everyday for first three months of pregnancy. This will avoid the chance of miscarriage and will stop uterine hemorrhages after childbirth.
Cramp bark~ drink its tea or decoction , once in a day , to reduce spasm of the uterine muscles and ovaries.
Saw Palmetto~ one capsule can be taken everyday for a month, this is help to cure PCOs. Once, the reason is clear , like low progesterone or high progesterone or PCOS, then we can suggest you more appropriate Herb. This is why we recommend you to get yourself thoroughly diagnosed first. Always consult your health care provider before taking any Herb.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
08 Jun 2016
Take some amount of Asafetida and dissolve it in water. This must be consumed once every day during the months of pregnancy. If you have had a miscarriage before, then this asafetida water must be certainly given in that particular month. Considered to be a very effective precaution against miscarriage. Some women are tempted to take antibiotics in order to stop the vomiting and the giddiness in the first trimester. This is highly dangerous. So avoid the use to reduce the risk of miscarriage.
Lydia ( Ghana )
13 Jun 2016
I have numbness in my legs when I sit for long periods or stand for say more than 5 minutes. The legs gets painful and at times swollen. I have consulted the doctor and he said there was nothing wrong so I consulted a Physiotherapist and he said it was due to nerves at ma back since I cannot bend for long and also feels pains at my back. Currently undergoing Physiotherapy Treatment. Any advice on herbs to help the nerves?
24 Jun 2016
Ashwagandha is the Herb that will open the blocked channels. and will relieve you from the back pain, Include garlic in your diet. Try Hypericum tincture for the nerve pain. 5 drops in a glass of water for a month.
Consult your doctor before taking any medication.
13 Jun 2017
please where can we buy all these herbs you're talking about
Kwabena bonsu ( Ghana )
29 Jun 2016
Can i drink turkey berry juice as blood tonic?
30 Jun 2016
yes, you may drink the juice, or another very effective method is---- Take dried Turkey berries- 10. Roast them in clarified butter. Then, grind the roasted berries into powdered form. Sprinkle the powder on your meals. Take this for a month. Or you may take Turkey soup. Drink it hot. Very beneficial to cure Anemia and raises the blood count.
29 Jun 2016
05 Jul 2016
So does it mean there is no need for turkey berry again?
30 Jun 2016
Soak 20 raisins in water, keep it overnight, next morning, eat those raisins and drink that water in the morning. This will cure your Anemia. Also, include herbs in your daily diet like,
Carrot, Dandelion, Beetroot, Pomegranate, Apricot, Cherry, Jaggery and Papaya, Kiwi.
These herbs can be taken everyday. You may read : The Disease Anemia......... for any query, you may write back to us.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Mercedes Ghana
05 Jan 2018
Pls I need the name of that tall tree which looks like neem tree...tnx
15 Feb 2019
polyalthia longifolia
Wolf gang.
06 Jun 2020
Yes, you need to take the turkey berries even if it is sour or bitter
My son's blood got very low, and he doesn't have to take too much iron so the doctor said that he should be taking the turkey berries like that One week later, his blood level got high to 9.5 mean while, it was 4.3 when it was low. So I will prescribe turkey berries for you, and to avoid anemia.
Your brother wolf venglence(Germany).
06 Jun 2020
Thanks very much for the information.
Michael ( United States )
02 Jul 2016
Is turkey Berry good for pregnant women
04 Jul 2016
Michael Yes, it is good for pregnancy, in case the person is anemic. Dried Turkey berries can be taken - 10. Roast them in clarified butter. Then, grind the roasted berries into powdered form. Sprinkle the powder on your meals. Take this for a month
20 Feb 2018
You keep saying dried turkey berries...... Can't blended turkey berries with milk and also boost blood level and stop anaemia? I Pls explain
Wise ( Ghana )
03 Jul 2016
is turkey Berry good for urine track infections?
04 Jul 2016
Turkey berry is effective herb in curing UTI, However the most effective herb is Cranberry and is easily available
Cranberry juice can save UTi and cure it effectively.. Course of action ---
1.) Take half a teaspoon of Baking Powder in half a glass of water, thrice a day for 10 days. 2.) Eat alkaline food. 3.) Take Echinacea (given on the website) 4.) Take plenty of Cranberry and Blueberry.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Kwabena ( Ghana )
19 Jul 2016
Please can I juice raw turkey berries ( without boiling or roasting it )and drink to cure UTI ?
Shwetha Kaul
01 Aug 2016
Kwabena Turkey berry is effective herb in curing UTI, the juice helps in curing Anemia and when the berries are roasted and taken with calrified butter, it cures UTI However the most effective herb is Cranberry. Drink it'
s juice everyday. As mentioned above, Course of action ---
1.) Take half a teaspoon of Baking Powder in half a glass of water, thrice a day for 10 days. 2.) Eat alkaline food. 3.) Take Echinacea (given on the website) 4.) Take plenty of Cranberry and Blueberry.
26 Sep 2016
Please are you referring to baking soda?Cos i know baking powder is very strong and its the soda which is normally recommended for uti.So please do ur research well and confirm
Don Oppong ( Ghana, Kumasi )
20 Jul 2016
Hello, can Turkey Berries cure Postrate cancer and enlargement? thank you.
04 Aug 2016
Don Oppong Turkey Berries are not associated with the cure of Prostate enlargement. For this condition, you may take the following herbs--
Tomatoes are highly effective in preventing enlargement of the prostate and even prostate cancer. Include tomatoes in your salad every day. Chew on pumpkin seeds since these are believed to be helpful in this medical condition. Pumpkin seeds contain a high amount of unsaturated fatty acids. Goldenseal not only heals the urinary tract, but also helps to bring down the swelling of a swollen prostate gland.
Debrah kobby ( Ghana/Accra )
08 Aug 2016
Please how do I get rid of the bitter taste in Turkey berry and also can I add some carbonated water and other sweetness to use at home? ??
25 Aug 2016
Yes the herb is bitter in taste . But You will have to take it as it is. There are certain methods to take herb and that depends on the condition to be cured.
Wolf gang (Germany).
06 Jun 2020
Please, you do not add anything to it, because it is medicine. you can add milk, but I will prescribe you to take it without adding anything to it .
22 Jul 2020
Please turkey berry for the treatment of anaemia Is it compulsory I add milk to the juice or I can take it without milk Thank you
Esinam ( Ghana )
09 Aug 2016
please I have been taking turkey berry since I was 6months pregnant because the doc recommended it based on insufficient blood I have. I usually take it raw after blending it or add milk to it. I would like to know if excess will have effect on my baby. Thank you
12 Aug 2016
Esinam Turkey Berries are good for pregnancy, in case the person is anemic. Dried Turkey berries can be taken - 10. Roast them in clarified butter. Then, grind the roasted berries into powdered form. Sprinkle the powder on your meals. Yes excess will harm you and your baby both. Excess of everything is bad. It is advised that yo do not exceed the dose recommended by your doctor. Take only the dosage as suggested by your doctor.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Richmond ( Ghana )
10 Aug 2016
Please I have had severe burning sensation on my body mostly at my feet, legs, tongue and thighs for about 5yrs. Due to this I have lost greater percentage of my thigh muscles and eventually losing weight. I visit the gym a lot but the muscles shrink quickly because the body discomfort and the burning sensation starts right after I exercise and sweat. Numbness is also becoming a very common symptoms I suffer daily. Sadly, I have lost my sexual strength and capacity. Again, I can't eat any dairies, meat, pepper and any junk food. There has been several consultations by doctors but to no avail.
Please can I get any help?
12 Aug 2016
As you said that you have visited many doctors, so would share the diagnosis first.
What did the doctors diagnosis say ?
What all tests have you got done . Are you taking any medication for it ? If yes, mention the name and the dosage ?
Since, we can not diagnose you physically, so it is important that you get yourself diagnosed and let us know the result, only then we can suggest you a cure.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
13 Aug 2016
Well initially I was diagnosed of typhoid fever. But that has been cured since last year through herbal medication. The symptoms typhoid fever are no more. Later after series of lab text revealed that I have Hepatitis B so I had to eschew some food that I eat esp. meat, egg, some processed foods etc and eat more of dandelion other vegies and more fruits which I comply. Another doctor also said I had problems with my nerve functions hence the body discomfort, drugs were given but no positive impact. The burning sensation developed to attack my stomach. And so I went for endoscopy text and the results was that my bile had a little defect so they gave me motelium, anti acid medicine, bco strong, nexium and not to eat spices. I really want to opt for herbal medication.
06 Feb 2018
Try Taking Herbs for your LIver. Like MIlk Thistle, Dong Quai, Dandelion, Radish. These may help you. You have shared ,multiple diagnosis here. I would suggest that you start by taking herbs and veggies for your Liver.
Tina ( Ghana )
14 Aug 2016
Can turkey berry help with high blood pressure in pregnancy. I have been advised to take Tetrapleura Tetraptera. I boil it and take it as tea. Will it have any effect on the baby
25 Aug 2016
Dear Tina
Well, I suggest you not to take any medication, because it might contain some side effects. Consult your doctor before taking any medication.
Faye Caraballo ( TRINIDAD )
15 Aug 2016
Can Turkey Berries help in building my immune system? and how long can i use it for? Green or dry?
25 Aug 2016
Dear Faye Caraballo
The uses of Turkey Berry is mentioned above. To boost your Immune system, cluck on Action Button and type Immunity Booster, You will get a number of herbs that helps to enhance your Immunity. Apart from increasing immunity, it is very important to detoxify to your body. It improves the metabolic activities in your body.
Patie ( Accra )
15 Aug 2016
I am diabetic and I feel so much pains in my body, joints, muscles and pulling on left side of my head.
Which of the herbs are good for my situation? Grateful for your help.
Thank you.
25 Aug 2016
Dear Patie
You should try the following Herbs.
For Diabetes :
1. Buy Gymnema Sylvestre tincture from a homeopathy shop and take 10 drops 3 times in a day.
2. Buy Land Caltrops capsule and take 1 every day.
3. Buy Tinospora Cordifolia tincture and take 10 drops 3 times in a day.
4. Take out Bitter gourd juice and soak your feet in that juice until your taste becomes bitter.
For Muscles pain, you may take Maha Yograj Guggul from Dhootapapeshwar and take 2 tablets every day. Follow this regimen for a month and keep a regular check on your Blood Sugar. Once the level goes down, reduce the dosages.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Grace ( United States )
20 Aug 2016
Please can turkey berries cure candidiasis?
23 Aug 2016
Dear Grace
I don't think so that they are helpful in Candidiasis. But yes, Cranberries are useful to treat this disorder. have fresh berries every day.
Yaw cosby ( Ghana kumasi )
24 Aug 2016
Can turkey berry cure sexual weakness?
Dr. Neeraj
25 Aug 2016
Dear Yaw
For Sexual weakness, the following herbs are very effective.
1. Maca : You may take powder with warm water or warm milk.
2. White Musli and Black Musli, you may buy the combo and take 1 pill every day.
3. Land Caltrops capsule, take 1 every day.
4. Mucuna Prureins , take 1 capsule every day.
5. Shilajit ( Asphaltum ), you may take it in winter season only. But it is very effective and also enhances your immune system.
You may try these herbs to increase the stamina and they also tone up the reproductive organs.
John (Denver)
26 May 2017
Hello Dr. Neeraj,
As far as the various names you have mentioned, are you suggesting that one could take all (Maca, White/Black Musli, Land Caltrops, Mucuna Prureins & Shilajit) at the same time, or select one route from the various options?
Grateful if you can clarify.
Thanks a bunch.
John ( GHANA )
03 Sep 2016
Please my mum had a kidney injury as a result of high blood pressure. Can turkey berries help restore it?
13 Sep 2016
Dear John
You better take the following Herbs.
1. Have Arjuna tea every day.
2. Add celery to your daily diet.
3. Have 2 cups green tea daily.
4. Buy Land Caltrops capsule, and take 1 every day. Take it for 1 month and study the results.
Also go for regular exercise.
Dufie ( Ghana )
10 Sep 2016
I am preparing a tincture with a combination of dandelion, ginger and garlic. Will this be effective in treating uterine fibroids? And what is the recommended dosage?
14 Sep 2016
Do you really mean tincture ? Or are you talking about preparing a decoction ? What is the potency of the tincture. Please elaborate.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Akua ( Ghana )
10 Sep 2016
Pls my question is can turkey berries help u loose weight or help in weight gain. Thanks
13 Sep 2016
Dear Akua
I think you better go for exercise and take a healthy diet. Avoid white sugar, white bread and white rice. Avoid products made of all purpose flour. And take 1 tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar half an hour before every meal.
Akosua ( Ghana )
15 Sep 2016
Please my question is,Is it advisable to add milk to blended turkey berries to treat aneamia
16 Sep 2016
Akosua NO, the only way you can cure Anaemia with turkey berry is : by frying 2 to 3 teaspoons of dried berries in a little clarified butter or ghee. Powder these roasted berries and add your meals thrice in a day. Or you can drink fresh juice of turkey berry, but that of course would taste very bitter.
Ama ( Ghana )
24 Sep 2016
Please what is clarified butter
26 Sep 2016
Ama. This link is for you. Copy it and paste it in your url bar, you will get all the information you want-- http://herbpathy.com/Uses-and-Benefits-of-Clarified-Butter-Cid4949
Joseph ekuban ( Ghana )
27 Sep 2016
Turkey berry with honey is good for blood tunics or what else ? Please teach me how to use this black herbal
20 Oct 2016
Yes, you can. Take turkey berry added to a spoon of honey. Then drink a glass of milk after you eat it. Or Take dried Turkey berries- 10. Roast them in clarified butter. Then, grind the roasted berries into powdered form. Sprinkle the powder on your meals. Take this for a month. Or you may take Turkey soup. Drink it hot.
Akosua ( Ghana )
05 Oct 2016
Please my question is can i take in blended and sieved ginger to reduce my weight? If not then what can I take in to reduce my weight? THANK YOU
13 Oct 2016
Akosua You may take Ginger to reduce your weight. To reduce, you may start by taking an Avocado every day for a month .
An d drink a bowl of horse gram soup thrice in a week. Eat papaya every day for a meal. Avoid junk food. You may also drink fennel water to reduce weight.
Patriccia ( Ghana )
09 Oct 2016
Please i will to know this i get tired easyly without any hardwork done and will be sweating and havinng heart papitation most of the time.i have gone to do ecg and the result was okey.any advice or herbal medication for hypertension.
13 Oct 2016
Please be specific that do you suffer from Hypertension or Is it Palpitation ?
You question is a bit confusion, Please be exact.
Ekuban joseph ( Ghana )
15 Oct 2016
Please sir or madam please can you mixed turkey berry with honey as blood tonic please please please teach me please thank you be bless By GodN71
20 Oct 2016
Yes, you can. Take turkey berry added to a spoon of honey. Then drink a glass of milk after you eat it. Or Take dried Turkey berries- 10. Roast them in clarified butter. Then, grind the roasted berries into powdered form. Sprinkle the powder on your meals. Take this for a month. Or you may take Turkey soup. Drink it hot.
Tino ( Ghana )
31 Oct 2016
Thank you very much for all these informations. But the only thing is that we don't know some of the herbs in our local dialect i mean Twi.
Jack ( UK )
05 Nov 2016
Is there any herbal cure/treatment for pre mature ejaculation? Helped needed,????????
11 Nov 2016
Jack Take Ashwagandha powder. Take a half teaspoon with warm for every day for 15 days.
2. Buy Maca powder and take 1 capsule every day for 15 days.
3. Add Asparagus in your daily diet.
4. Also go for some exercise and do some yoga asans. It will improve the blood circulation in your body organs.
Take these remedies as suggested and write us back after 1 month.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Kafui ( Ghana )
05 Nov 2016
is it safe to give a 3 yr old child turkey berry juice. I usually blend the fresh berries with water, sieve it and keep it refrigerated for her to enjoy as a drink. She totally luvs it but I want to know if it is safe for her.
11 Nov 2016
You may give it. But, if she is not suffering from any disease , then , just avoid it.
The berries are used to cure a number of diseases. Giving her this juice, just like that and that too everyday is not suggested. You ma limit the dosage to twice in a week. the herb is a great remedy to cure Anemia.
Ellen Addai ( Ghana )
05 Nov 2016
Am 23 but i weigh 37kg can i take turkey berry every day to gain weigh.Thank you
11 Nov 2016
Dear Ellen, the solution to your problem--------- Soak 3 figs in a glass of milk, keep it overnight and next day consume it,other than this, do the following- 1.Start doing some exercise and build your body.
2. Eat 2 Bananas and followed by a glass of Milk every morning. Or drink 2 glasses of Banana shake every morning.
3. Eat a healthy diet, like increase amount of green vegetables in your daily diet.
4. Eat mushrooms and soya products.
5. Eat a bowl of curd every day.
Just follow the instructions strictly for at least 1 month. Measure your body weight before starting the regimen and after completion of 1 month.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Djormor ( Ghana )
10 Nov 2016
What is the best way to lower my cholesterol? In addition, which foods/diet would you recommend? Thank you.
11 Nov 2016
Djormor If you are suffering from High Cholesterol, then the best herbs for you are--- Spirulina and Burdock. Take one capsule of each everyday. Spirulina after breakfast and burdock capsule after dinner
John K. Owusu ( Accra- Ghana )
14 Nov 2016
I had blood clotting and I was giving Wafferin. I also get tired easily climing a stair case or hill. Went to the hospital and was diagonise of Pulminary Hypentension. Pls can drinking blended Turkey berry help me?
18 Nov 2016
You may take Hawthorn tea everyday for a month. For how long have you been taking Warfarin ? Do you know that Warfarin will help to cure or prevent blood clots in the blood vessels, but it will not cure them completely, it will only migrate the clots to the other part of the body. So you should not be taking it for long.
Samuel ( Ghana )
01 Dec 2016
are there herbs or ways natural ways of correcting mens boobs or breast
Atulya Jagat
06 Dec 2016
Sameul PLease explain, what is the problem, do you suffer from increased size of breasts or tenderness or pain ? The disease associated with men boobs is due to hormonal imbalance. The best herb to be taken is Saw palmetto. One capsules daily, for a month. If you are taking any medication, then you must not take this herb without a prior consultation. Passion Flower tea is also another cure.
07 Dec 2016
My is hormonal imbalance, so is my solution taking saw palmetto or passion flower tea . or any other ways
07 Dec 2016
so my is increase size
07 Dec 2016
my is increased size of the male breast
Reuben ( GHANA )
05 Dec 2016
Please is it safe to blend with cold water, remove seed and drink the of juice of turkey berries daily?
Karam ( India)
06 Dec 2016
Yes, it is safe to blend it with water. But, I will suggest that you rather take the fresh juice, without diluting it .
Akua A ( Ghana )
13 Dec 2016
Please can you loose weight taking turkey berry everyday or not. Thanks.
14 Dec 2016
No, I do not think there is any evidence like such. But, yes, you can easily reduce weight by taking Apple Cider Vinegar, Avocado. Horse Gram is also quite effective to reduce weight. So, You may try other herbs than Turkey Berry.
Lary E ( Trinidad )
25 Dec 2016
Can you blend turkey berry with goat milk
28 Dec 2016
Lary E Yes, you may blend it with milk.
Nana adjaw ( United Kingdom )
30 Dec 2016
Hi I have been diagnosed with fatty liver .
Due to a fibroid operation I had a year ago. And lack of exercise.
What Herb will be beneficial for me to get rid of the fat on my liver.
I am 5ft tall and I wight 60kg
So I don't think I'm over Wight.
Bakar Delo
06 Jan 2017
Nana. For Fatty Liver. Take Kutki powder, half teaspoon every morning with a glass of water, after breakfast.
Take this for a week. After that, start by taking one capsule of Milk Thistle daily for a month.
Ama ( Ghana )
13 Jan 2017
Can Turkey berry help me loose weight?. How?
Chiraag ( India )
25 Jan 2017
Turkey Berry has a number of health benefit, but not weight loss. The herbs for weight loss are---
Apple CIder Vinegar, Avocado, Black Cumin seed oil and Honey, HOrsegram.
These herbs are one of the best herbs for weight loss. You may try any of these.
Lary E ( Trinidad )
18 Jan 2017
Can you drink the water after boiling turkey berry.
25 Jan 2017
Of course, you can drink water after boiling turkey berry.
Lary E ( Trinidad )
03 Feb 2017
Is it wise to soak the berry in alcohol for an aphrodisiac.
Lary E
27 Feb 2017
Can I get a response to my question please
10 Feb 2017
am a footballer please how can Turkey Berry help me
13 Feb 2017
How ? I mean, what for ?
Sarah ( India/Karnataka )
10 Feb 2017
Please give a remedy to treat varicose veins. My mom faces a lot of pain in her legs.
13 Feb 2017
Take 2 teaspoons of leaf extract of Indian Pennywort every day.
One tablespoon extract of Butcher's broom tincture is also very effective in curing Varicose Veins.
Consume about 300 mg of Horse chestnut seed extract for the cure.
Mills ( Ghana )
13 Feb 2017
Please I have this phlegm like substance on my eye ( petrygium) to be specific.what medication do I need to take? I have only been given eye drops after visiting the hospital and it's still not gone. Please I need your help thank you
Iksha Delnaaz
14 Feb 2017
You may take one dose of a homeopathic remedy called Argentum Nitricum 200. It is strictly advised to take only one dose.
Do, not repeat the in ake please. Please, write again after a month. Discuss with your health care provider before you try any remedy.
Fred ( Ghana/Accra )
15 Feb 2017
How long can one keep dried powdered turkey berries and it be added in ones soup.
23 Feb 2017
You may keep the berries for 6 month, may be.
Joshua Bright ( Ghana )
07 Mar 2017
I'm Josh

I'm sick with bilateral multicystic dysplastic kidney disease on both kidneys and I am 30 years old, how can I use turkey berry to slow my disease into kidney failure. This disease has made me hypertensive too, please help me. I appreciate your help.
Kamini Goel
09 Mar 2017
Joshua Bright.
I understand your problem. The best herb for you to prevent the Kidney Failure is-
Gokkharu. Its general name is Land Caltrops. Take one capsule every day for a month.
Also take Varuna capsules every day for one month. These two herbs are excellent for Kidney Disorder.
Drink Punarnava water extract daily for 2 months. 10 drops per day.
I would appreciate if you share your feedback after a month.
Rita ( Ghana )
21 Apr 2017
pls i want to know if turkey berries can be use to treat breast cancer
Vaishali Naag ( India )
02 May 2017
The best herb for Breast Cancer are -- Garlic, Fagonia Cretica, Cleavers and Soursop.
Please read the disease Breast Cancer, I am sharing the link with you--- https://herbpathy.com/Herbal-Treatment-for-Breast-Cancer-Cid2775
Richmond ( Ghana )
12 May 2017
Tell me about its diabetic healing properties as well as how to prepare such a cure
Dora ( CA )
25 May 2017
Turkey Berry cures Diabetes, Anemia, Pains, Tumors, Spasms, Sprains, etc. This herb has many medicinal uses.
Which one is of your concern ?
Bernard Antwi ( Ghana )
17 May 2017
I want to know more of these common herbs that are very effective and important for our health and it benefit.
08 Dec 2019
Can turkey berry cure fibroid
Sumitvardhan Rao ( India )
25 May 2017
Bernard. I am so happy to read your query here. Thank you. There are a very few who are absolute;y healthy and are till concerned about their health. Looking for the herbs that are important for your health when you have no disorder as such, is what will help you to achieve the greatest health attainable.
I will suggest that you visit the Vibrant Health Portal given on this website.
Tportal is quite informative, I am sure it will be of help to you. I will share the link with you here---
Mavis ( Ghana )
26 May 2017
Please how can I treat urinal tract infection with turkey Barry
Kanan Jha ( India )
31 May 2017
Mavis. I have not heard about Turkey Berry curing UTI, but Cranberry does. It is widely used by those suffering from Urinary Tract Infections, that too chronic. Eat a small bowl fo Cranberries every day for a month. Blueberry is also very effective to cure UTI.
Patricia ( Ghana )
27 May 2017
Is turkey berry leaves edible like vegetable
Satya Menon ( Pune )
31 May 2017
The green fruit of Turkey berry is edible nd is used in many cuisines. And if I talk about the leaves, the leaves are growing on a thorny bush. I do not know if they are edible as such.
But, yes you can always dry them and make a powder. Ths is very effective in curing Diabetes.
Patriicia ( Ghana )
27 May 2017
Is turkey berry leaves edible as vegetales
03 Jul 2017
Yes, It is edible. you can use it to cure certain diseases.
Sika ( Ghana )
06 Jun 2017
What is the health benefit of blended turkey berries, garlic and lemon with its seeds?
Aida ( Ghana )
08 Jun 2017
will my iron levels improve within 24 hours of drinking blended turkey berries with milk?
03 Jul 2017
Yes, Turkey Berries contain a lot of iron and is known to increase the iron level in the body. You may consume this herb wither in the fresh form or in the dried.
Priscilla Amoah mensah ( Ghana )
17 Aug 2017
How can I cure my stomach ulcer. Am also pregnant
27 Nov 2017
Since, you are pregnant, it would not be okay to try any remedy on your own. Please consult your health care provider regarding this case.
Joe ampofo ( Ghana/Kumasi )
04 Sep 2017
I have a hole in my tooth,cavity. How can I use turkey berry to eradicate it. Thank you
Herttie [Ghana]
27 Dec 2017
Joe Ampofo please see the dentist as soon as possible for immediate treatment to be done for you. Turkey berries cannot seal the cavity in your tooth. THANK YOU.
Rosemary ( Nigeria /Lagos )
27 Sep 2017
Please can turkey berry cure fibroid, and how will I use it?
Mariam ( Ghana )
24 Oct 2017
Please can I use turkey berry during first semester of pregnancy and I have ulcer
Delphine ( Ghana )
26 Nov 2017
Please can Turkey Berry cures glaucoma?
Rina ( India ))
27 Nov 2017
Turkey Berry is used to lower the Sugar Levels. It may cause Hypoglycemia, if taken in excess.
Lassy ( Ghana )
13 Dec 2017
I suffer from hydradennitis Supparativa and have been told there is permanent cure for it....recently I chanced upon an article written by someone with the same condition who is now on remision. Any help on what herbs she may have taken?
Lassy ( Ghana )
13 Dec 2017
No permanent cure for it*** I mean
Lassy ( Ghana )
13 Dec 2017
Is there a cut off point for taking Turkey berry?
Boas ( Ghana )
04 Jan 2018
How can I jump into space?
Adzoa Pee
24 Aug 2018
Herh, be serious waati. siasem...
Rodriguez Sergei ( Ghana )
16 Jan 2018
I suffer from a periferal nerve sheath tumor at my foot for the past 4 years and have undergone 2 surgeries already. if possible how do I use turkey berries to reduce the growth of the tumor (internal and external) and why not kill it completely. Is quite painful and I'm done taking diclofenac-tramadol-caffeine-morphine sulphate to name a few. Something for the pain too. Thanks!!
Kwame ( Ghana )
02 Feb 2018
Can you take turkey berry smoothie every morning after workout?
Pearl ( Ghana )
06 Feb 2018
Can turkey berry make u gain weight ?
06 Feb 2018
I do not think that it has an effect on the weight. yes, but it definitely helps to improve haemoglobin in the blood.
Kwasi ( Ghana now UAE )
09 Feb 2018
I am suffering from pterygium or surfers eye. It is a condition where something is growing towards the black spot of the eye. The doctor said is too early for surgery to be done so now am using eye lubricant to relieve reddish and pain as well as dryness. I will like to know if there is some vegetables or fruits I can be taking to stop this growing towards the black spot, pupil.
Lwashi Kaul
26 Feb 2018
https://herbpathy.com/Herbal-Treatment-for-Pterygium-Cid3974 Read this link, given above. If Pterygium in the eye is pink, then remedy is different, if it is white, then it is different.
Sophia ( Ghana )
19 Feb 2018
Please I have been diagnosed of Sarcoidosis and have been placed on one year steriod but want to go herbal, is there any help you can offer.
26 Feb 2018
The best herb is Ginger. Have Ginger tea, one cup every day for a month. Also, Milk Thistle capsules, have one every day for a month.
Fely ( Ghana )
24 Feb 2018
Can I drink fresh turkey berry juice to get pregnant??
26 Feb 2018
Fely. No Turkey berry has got nothing to do with conceiving. What is the exact problem ?
Aka Adoma ( Ghana )
09 Mar 2018
Im a married lady of 28 years of age, please I dnt feel anything wen I hav sex with my husband
09 Mar 2018
Aka. Do you have any kind of stress?
Are you occupied with any thought while having sex ? Do you have the desire to do it ? Have you fantasized about it, have you felt any arousal then ?
Please answer
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Seno ( Ghana )
15 Mar 2018
Please i have been diagnosed of having a high coronary risk ratio and feel pains in my left chest.Any advice
Rachna Khera
02 Apr 2018
Seno. Are you suffering from Coronary Artery Disease? You may try herbs like Ginger, Basil and coriander. Include them in your daily diet. My Aunt also suffered from the same. Please tell if you are already taking any allopathic drugs for Heart.
Seth ( Obuasi (Ghana) )
06 Apr 2018
Please I am pastor who preaches three times a week can I use turkey berry for my tea everyday by boiling n grinding it as a tea every morning n evening. I wat to is there any side effects in doing that.
Sofa Yaw ( Ghana )
16 Apr 2018
Can turkey berry cure prostrate cancer?
Theresa ( Ghana,Sunyani )
19 Apr 2018
Please I have been having miscarriages always at the first month of my of my pregnancy.i need help
Afua ( Ghana )
25 Apr 2018
Been blending and drinking Turkey Berries 3 times a day per mug. I hope I'm not abusing it. I was diagnoses with a an upper respiratory tract infection and I lost weight too.
Ernest darko ( Ghana )
18 Jun 2018
Please I have a fatty liver issues, any help for that
Princess ( Ghana )
25 Jun 2018
Am pregnant and having piles
Mimi ( Ghana )
03 Aug 2018
Pls i have 10.2 blood count which is low. how many days can i drink turkey berry in order to increase my blood count. And can i blend the cooked ones. tnx
Nana ( Ghana )
03 Aug 2018
Pls i have 10.2 blood count which is low. How many days can i drink turkey berry in order to increase my blood count. And can i blend the cooked ones.

Also does it increase your weight gain.
Shrinath Goenkkar
06 Aug 2018
Just take 5 to 6 berries. That's all, it will increase your blood count. Also, take Kiwiw fruit every day, it will also improve the blood count. Have a bowl of pomegranate every day. Or alternatively, drink a glass of turkey berry juice every day for a month. Take the fruits that will help in increasing the blood count.
Kantimpo ( Ghana )
14 Aug 2018
I learnt drinking Turkey berry juice during pregnancy can cause abortion.please how to true is it.
Paulina ( Ghana )
30 Sep 2018
Hello,please can turkey berries cure asthma completely? Please help my daughter who has been having frequent asthmatic attack. Thanks
Naa ( Ghana )
13 Oct 2018
Hi I have bile acidic reflex can I try turkey berry please?
Evelyn ( Ghana )
14 Nov 2018
Can Turkey berry help in treatment of typhoid fever
Mira ( Ghana )
19 Nov 2018
I have blend cook turkey berries and taking it ever night before sleeping, because I want to gain weight and stabilised my blood pressure, please I want to ask, am I doing the right cause, am 40yrs this year. Thank you
Patricia ( Ghana )
15 Dec 2018
Please I was diagnosed of uti and the doctor gave me an injection, omega 3 and some silver tablets that I don't know the name. I can't tell if is gone or is still there so I want to ask if I can take the turkey berries juice for sometime. Also I have been experiencing numbness in my right hand and leg and also weak muscles and bones.
I don't if is due to the dexamethasone I took for weight gain without any doctor's prescription
Ebenezer Nomo ( Accra Ghana )
17 Dec 2018
Please I have a young girl of four (4)years old and she has issues with persistent cough and cold itching nostrils and red eyes. Someone recommended turkey berry to me that it will be of great help. Please how can I prepare that for her. Thank you
Faaiza ( Ghana )
24 Dec 2018
Is it advisable to drink turkey berry juice half a glass every night before going in other to gain weight.
Kofi ( Ghana )
18 Feb 2019
Please can I take Turkey Berry Powder in a tea form every morning?
Dzigbordi ( Ghana )
27 Feb 2019
Please can turkey berry shrink or dissolve Fibriods. How can Fibriods shrink or dissolve with herbal medicine.
Derrick ( Ghana )
13 Mar 2019
Hello i have been diagnosed of higher cholesterol can turkey berry help lower it
Afua ( Ghana )
04 May 2019
Can Turkey berries cure cardiovascular disease
Ivy Best ( Ghana )
27 May 2019
Best Ghana
Can turkey berry cure Fibroid?
Prince ( Ghana )
07 Sep 2019
How can turkey berries be eaten raw?
11 Sep 2019
Hello Prince,

Turkey berry can be eaten raw. It is rich in Iron and very good for anemia when eaten in raw form.
You can mix it in your fruit bowl or salad. You can blend the berries too.

However, it is always suggested to eat it with caution. It needs to be washed thoroughly since it is toxic.
It can cause side effects if not washed properly.
Also, if you are allergic, do not take it in raw form.
Alex ( Ghana )
18 Sep 2019
Want to gain weight, how do I use turkey berry?
19 Sep 2019
Dear Alex,
Turkey Berry is not known to have such effects. We suggest you do the following.
1. First of all, start doing some exercise and build your body.
2. Eat 2 Bananas and followed by a glass of milk every morning. Or drink 2 glasses of Banana shake every morning.
3. Eat a healthy diet, like increase amount of green vegetables in your daily diet.
4. Eat mushrooms and soya products.
5. Eat a bowl of curd every day.
Just follow the instructions strictly for at least 1 month. Measure your body weight before starting the regimen and after completion of 1 month.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Eve ( Ghana )
23 Oct 2019
Can turkey berry cure inguinal hernia of over 7 years in a female? Sometimes very painful with discomfort
11 Nov 2019
Hey Eve. Hernia from herbs gives relief but for the cure, I think you should visit a doctor.
You can take the Drumstick root bark. Make a decoction and consume 10 ml of it twice a day. Take it for 10-15 days.
Lynn ( Ghana )
23 Oct 2019
Body not absorbing nutrients so loosing weight over the years. What can one do?
11 Nov 2019
Dear Lynn You can take the following for your problem: 1. Ashwagandha: Take Ashwagandha capsules with milk or a month. Take 1 capsule on alternate days. 2. Take Amla juice daily for a month. Also, keep a regular check on your food habits. Eat healthy food and eat on time. Avoid spicy and junk food. These problems are somehow somewhere also related to our routine and eating habits.
Write back after a month.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
AlisA ( Greater Accra )
02 Nov 2019
What herbs can be used to treat blocked fallopian tube and fabroid
05 Nov 2019
Dear Alisa,
For Blocked Fallopian tubes try the following:

1. Buy Drypetes Roxburghii seed powder and have 1 teaspoon with a glass of water. Have it every morning.
2. Buy Stripped Cucumber seed powder and take 1 teaspoon with a glass of water.

Just try these two herbs for at least 1 month first. If you see some positive results, then continue it for the next 1 month.

For Uterine Fibroids:

1. Have a cup of Chasteberry tea every day or Have 10 drops of tincture in a glass of water 2 times a day. Or you can also have dried chaste berries 5 to 10 in a day. Have it for 20 days.
2. Have a cup of Ginger tea every day.

Write back after a month. You can share your feedback here on this portal.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Menaka ( India )
07 Nov 2019
How to improve thyroid... I have hypothyroid for past 10 years... now I am taking 150mg.... gradually increased in 10years from 25mg to 150mg... increased weight tiredness. Kindly help me out...
11 Nov 2019
Hey Menaka You can take Pituitary Gland Whole- 6 C. It is homeopathic medicine. I suggest you visit a homeopathic doctor near you to confirm and buy this. My sister was recommended this for her Thyroid, she is much better now. You can also try this Meneka. take care!
Reney ( Ghana )
10 Nov 2019
Please my 1 year old son has adenoid enlargement and always have cold, in what way can I use turkey berry.
Bismark Boachie ( Ghana / Kumasi )
03 Dec 2019
Please can blended turkey berry and lemon juice cure liver diseases
Herbpathy Research Team
05 Dec 2019
Dear Bismark. Please mention your problem in detail. Read the link below on Liver Diseases in detail and write back for further assistance. https://herbpathy.com/Herbal-Treatment-for-Liver-Diseases-Cid2150
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Sakina ( Ghana )
08 Dec 2019
Can turkey berry cure fibroid
10 Dec 2019
Dear Sakina, Turkey Berry is not that good in treating fibroids. However, herbs are there to treat Fibroids effectively. Please explain the type of fibroid you have. ( Like in lungs, uterus or else). You can check on the Fibroids in the "Disease" section on Herbpathy. Read on and write back for further assistance.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Dede ( Ghana )
16 Dec 2019
Please can turkey Berry cure fibroid
Millicent Mensah ( Ghana )
23 Dec 2019
Can my 2yrs old who’s sickle cell (SS) take turkey berries and if yes how does she take it. Also what’s the health benefits of turkey berry to a sickle cell patient
26 Dec 2019
Dear Millicent Mensah Redroot is effective for the ailment. Take homeopathic tincture of Redroot. Take 5 drops daily in half a glass of water. Take it once in day for 15 days. Share your results after 15 days.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Sammy ( Ghana )
01 Jan 2020
Can turkey berry cure stomach ulcer ?
James ( Accra )
03 Jan 2020
Please how do I take turkey berry for my hypertension? Please advise accordingly. I'm 48 years old. Cheers
Joe ( Ghana )
25 Jan 2020
Hi am Joe
pls I wanna no if Turkey Berry can cure Kooko .
27 Jan 2020
Joe, Piles or Kooko is the disease of the Liver. No amount of local applications or pain killers will help until the Liver functioning is corrected.
You can consume fresh Turkey Berry in your food for strengthening the nerves. However, Take the following course of action: Take fresh Radish. Grate it to squeeze the juice. Drink 40 ml or half a glass of this juice on an empty stomach for 3 days. Do not take it for a week. Now after skipping for 7 days, again drink it for 3 days. Skip for a week. Again take for 3 days.
Repeat this course for a month. If the problem still persists, let us know. We will suggest you another cure. We advise you not to drink alcohol. Avoid spicy food, oily food, coffee, and tea.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Ruqoyah ( Ghana )
20 Feb 2020
how can turkeryberry be used for cancer?
Bnezzw ( Ghana )
06 Apr 2020
Good day Herbpathy, I have read all the comments from 2015 to date and some prescription where roast about 5-10 turkey berries .....
Question 1. Doesn't roasting it kills some of the nutrients.
Being researching on how to treat erectile dysfunction and I came across beetroot and asparagus....I started eating beetroot and in my urine it turns red or pink. Made me research why then per studies it says I lack iron in my system
Making me conclude I am anemic. I get tired easily......

Question 2. So will just blending it and drinking equally ok am not bored about the bitterness.

Question 3. But if Turkey berries helps in the productions of RBCs and increase in them doesn't it help with erectile dysfunction...... Thank you. Will ask further ones this is answered thank you.
15 Apr 2020
Dear Bnezzw
Please check the following for you queries. * Dry cooking methods such as grilling, roasting and stir-frying retains a greater amount of nutrients than boiling. So, do not worry about its nutrients being lost. * Regarding Anemia and Iron deficiency: Did you go for a test to confirm the amounts of Iron in your blood ? If no, it is suggested that you must. Also, get a CBC test done. * There is nothing to worry about the urine turning pink. Asparagus tends to make the urine smelly ( an odd one) and beetroot turns it pink. * The foods rich in flavonoids will help in curing Erectile Dysfunction. The best herb for Erectile Dysfunction is Mucuna pruriens, you may try that. There is no strong research or recommendation for Turkey Berry for Erectile dysfunction. For more options on cure for Erectile Dysfunction, check the disease page Erectile Dysfunction.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Kirbie ( USA/Tennessee )
14 May 2020
I am stage 4 kidney failure. How can I use turkey berries to slow the progression of the disease. Will my gfr increase. My red blood count dropped to 9 and my platelets increased. Please advise
Boye Braimah ( Ghana )
27 May 2020
Please I want to know how I can use turkey berry to cure diabetes?
Joyce ( Ghana )
29 Jun 2020
Can turkey berry treat fibroids
29 Jun 2020
Turkey Berry is not most effective in treating Fibroids. Herbs can treat Fibroids. Do you have Uterine Fibroid or in Lungs or other. Check Fibroids in Disease section, specific type of Fibroid is mentioned on this website. Please check for a good remedy
Franca ( Ghana )
02 Jul 2020
Can turkey berries cure sarcoidosis?
Oppong ( Ghana )
31 Jul 2020
Can turkey berry help in nerve pain and what other food can help in nerve pain
Elan( Ghana) ( Ghana )
20 Aug 2020
At what time of the day is is adviseable to take blended Turkey berry when pregnant.
20 Aug 2020
Dear Elan. - Dried Turkey Berry can be taken- 10. Roast them in clarified butter. Grind the roasted berries into powdered form. Sprinkle the powder on your meals. Take this for a month. It is good in pregnancy, in case the person is Anemic.
Excess can be harmful. It is recommended to consult Doctor for dosage and does not exceed that.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Yvonne ( Ghana )
15 Sep 2020
Please can a partial stroke/ diebietic patient drink turkey berry on an empty stomach?
Priscilla Sakyi ( Ghana )
12 Oct 2020
How can I increase my blood in the first trimester of my pregnancy using turkey berries?
Sala ( United Kingdom )
11 Nov 2020
Please I've been diagnosed with fatty liver, hypothyroid and acid reflux what herb can help me thanks
Ella ( GHANA )
29 Nov 2020
Please I started taking Turkey berry by blending it with half water and drinking it before going to bed .but my stomach doesn't feel too good to me after that. Am taking it because I want to gain weight please what should I do?
Naomi ( Ghana )
13 Dec 2020
Please I have vulva itching for 5 years and all test done came negative. No discharge. I see positive sign when I start taking hospital medication but the itching comes back after sometime. Please help me
B R P Sharma ( India )
08 Jan 2021
Can Turkey berry cure Herpes simplex
B Gibbons ( UK )
23 Feb 2021
Can I rate turkey berry if I’m takin warfin
Uday Pratap Singh ( India Uttar Pradesh )
02 Apr 2021
Turkey berry I where sell
24 Apr 2021
Please is turkey berry good for someone with fibroid or please which herbs good for shrinking fibroids thanks
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