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Beach Morning Glory Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Beach Morning Glory
Glycemic Index / Load
Beach Morning Glory
Botanical Name
Ipomoea Pes Caprae
Hindi Name

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Beach Morning Glory Cures

Most Effective


Action of Beach Morning Glory

Nutrients in Beach Morning Glory

Taste of
Beach Morning Glory

Parts Used

Leaves, Bark, Whole Plant

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Beach Morning Glory

Avoid use during Pregnancy.
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Beach Morning Glory is a vine.
It is an evergreen
It grows in a tropical climate.
It grows up to 15 Cm.
Best used for Swelling, Digestive Problem.
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Materia Medica : How to use Beach Morning Glory - Uses and Benefits

Beach Morning Glory General

Beach Morning Glory is familiar as Dopatilata. It is of great medicinal value.
It is used to combat Headache.
It is potent for treatment of Stomach Ache and Stomach Cramps.
It is Anodyne ( painkiller ) in nature, hence it helps in treating Colic.
It helps in eliminating Intestinal Worms.
It is a good herbal remedy for Diuresis.
It is effective in treating Skin Ulcers, Abscess and Wounds.
A decoction prepared from Morning Glory is applied to get relief from Rheumatic Pain.
It is an Antidote For fish bite.
Caution : Consult a Doctor before consuming it.
Keywords : Headache, Stomach Problems, Colic, Intestinal Worms, Diuresis, Skin Ailments, Rheumatic Pain.
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Nanabour1 ( Tema )
15 Oct 2017
Hello, May I please know the correct dosage for each illness and which part must one use for which illness. thanks.
Zampu ( Ghana )
06 Oct 2020
Pls, what's the common name in any Ghanaian dialect. Kindly help identify it
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