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Catharanthus Roseus Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Catharanthus Roseus
Glycemic Index / Load
Rosy Periwinkle, Madagascar Periwinkle
Botanical Name
Catharanthus Roseus, Vinca Rosea
Hindi Name
Chinese Name
Chang Chun Hua
Homeopathic Name
Catharanthus Roseus   -   Mother Tincture

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Catharanthus Roseus Cures


Action of Catharanthus Roseus

Nutrients in Catharanthus Roseus

Highly Effective

Catharanthus Roseus
Combines With

Taste of
Catharanthus Roseus

Parts Used

Whole Plant, Roots, Leaves

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Catharanthus Roseus

It may cause Nausea and Vomiting.
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Catharanthus Roseus is a shrub.
It is an evergreen.
It grows in tropical and subtropical regions.
It grows up to 60 Cm.
Best used for Cancer.

In TCM :
All Grass of Madagascar Periwinlke : Chang Chun Hua


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Materia Medica : How to use Catharanthus Roseus - Uses and Benefits

Catharanthus Roseus General

Catharanthus Roseus efficiently lowers the High Blood Pressure.
It has Anticancer attribute which combats and prevents Cancer.
It is widely used in the treatment of Lung Cancer.
Due to Antidiabetic properties, it regulates blood Sugar levels and prevents Diabetes.
It is Antiviral in nature, therefore, it potentially work against Viral Infections.
It is an optimal herb for avoiding Blood Cancer.
It has Antibacterial properties which fight against Bacteria.
Catharanthus Roseus extract is used to counter Dysentery.
It is also effective for Diarrhea.
It has the Antiinflammatory attribute which heals the inflammation.
It is a Skin Toning herb that promotes glow and rejuvenates the skin. Thus, it effectively cures Skin Disease.
It is potent to reduce Acne. It also relieves from Eczema and suppresses the swelling of the skin.
This herb is considered for the treatment of Bleeding Nose. Often, it is used to prevent Gingivitis.
It counters Piles.
It protects the eyes from Inflammation and Bacterial Infection. Effectively used to cure Conjunctivitis.
It is widely used to cure Aphthous Ulcers.
It is a helpful remedy for Headache.
During Fatigue, it relaxes the mind and the body and helps to gain the energy back.
Catharanthus Roseus counters Depression and Nausea.
It is considered during Malaria to get rid of it.
It eases the breathing problem in asthmatic patients and helps to completely cures it.
It protects the body from Infections that affect the health.
It is used to suppress Swelling.
It works against Insect Bites.
It guards against Urinary Problems.
Single Herb

Catharanthus Roseus for Scanty Menses

Take Catharanthus Roseus leaves. Prepare an infusion. Use it as a douche.

Catharanthus Roseus for External Bleeding

Take Catharanthus Roseus leaves. Boil them. Prepare poultice. Apply on affected part.

Catharanthus Roseus for Insect Bites

Take Catharanthus Roseus leaves. Boil them. Extract them. Apply it on the affected area.

Catharanthus Roseus for Diabetes

Take Catharanthus Roseus leaves. Prepare decoction. Drink early in the morning for 7 days.

Catharanthus Roseus for Wounds

Take Catharanthus Roseus roots. Prepare decoction. Wash the wounds with it twice a day.

Catharanthus Roseus for Piles

Take Catharanthus Roseus leaves. Boil them. Strain. Drink it twice a day.
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Yash jaiswal
17 Jan 2016
It is very helpful for me and project . I like it
Samuel M.Wambugu ( Kenya )
23 Oct 2016
It is stated that Vinca roseus/ Catharathus roseus is toxic or highly poisonous. In Italy is is called the plant of death. Yet it said to cure so many diseases. What a contradiction! How can someone prepare it at home in order to avoid toxicity and which parts of the pkants are used for treating which diseases. If the leaves, flowers, stem and roots are dried and then milled into a powder separately and stored under room temperature in sealed containers (eg. Polyethylene satchels, glass bottles or tins with lids on, are the health benefits lost and what is the shelf life under normal room temperature (20 -30 degrees centigrade)?
Yvette St Martin
18 Jun 2017
I am hypertensive and use only alternative meds to control it. Periwinkle is one of the herbs that I use regularly.I use both leaves and flowers. I simply pour boiling water over them, let sit for approx 15 min then drink. It is recommended 30g of root flower or leaves per litre of water.
27 Aug 2020
How many leaves and how many of flowers plz?
How long u have to taken sir?
Reena Mauritius
07 Aug 2017
I myself have tried it. I must tell you that it's not poisonous at all.
John Makombe ( Zimbabwe )
17 Jan 2017
periwinkle plant is miracle herb. I helped many women to stop menstrual problem pain.
Abegail ( Philippines )
22 Mar 2017
Can this plant can be used as an Insecticide? If yes, what component does the plant have?
Anand ( Andhra pradesh )
12 Apr 2017
Which plant used for cancer treatment especially in case of cervical cancer
Maatulya Ghai
19 Apr 2017
Anand. Drink an infusion of Red Clover every day for a week.
Have 100 ml of Soursop juice every day for a month. Drink 3 glass of carrot juice every day for 8 weeks. This is very very effective cure for you. Have turmeric Lehyam every day with a glass of milk for 15 days. Galium Aparine tincture. once in a day, for a month. 10 drops in a glass of water.
Visit, Cervical Cancer page given in the disease section of this website.
20 Jul 2017
Vani ( Andhra )
21 Jul 2017
It can reduce the Breast cancer or not

26 Sep 2017
For Breast Cancer, drink a cup of Fagonia Cretica tea every day for a month. Also have Cleavers capsules, one daily for a month.
Gowtham Ramasamy ( India )
25 Sep 2017
I'm Gowtham I'm suffering stomach disorder and pain,whether it's useful for my problem.
26 Sep 2017
What is the exact disorder? Please share the symptoms ---
Constipation ?
Bloating ?
Burning?, etc what ?
Gowtham Ramasamy
30 Sep 2017
I'm problems is indigestion and infection.
25 Oct 2017
Take Green Leaf juice for 15 days. Do you suffer from stomach infection ? You may also take Pipali tincture, one drop in half glass of water for 10 days. Consume 4 to 5 fresh Basil leaves after having your major meals. Make detoxifying water for your self to be consumed the entire day : Add half lemon to the container containg 3 to 4 litres of water, 10 mint leaves, orange cut into two halves with the peel, cucumber slices, pinch of baking soda,10 basil leaves.
Drink this throughout the day.
You may drink it regularly.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Shivam ( India )
23 Oct 2017
For Hodgkin lymphoma what should we drink or eat
Naagesh Das ( Kolkata )
25 Oct 2017
https://herbpathy.com/Herbal-Treatment-for-Hodgkin-Lymphoma-Cid4427 Read the link I have shared with you. Sweetwormwood is the best herb for Hodgkin Lyphoma. Eat a bowl of Strawberries and blueberries every day.
Sushma ( India )
01 Dec 2017
I'm suffering from poly cystic ovarian disease. Is this plant useful for me?
19 Dec 2017
The best plant for you is Chaste Berry. You may take it in the form of Tea or buy the capsules.... Take CHASTE BERRY for a month.
Evelyn Valles ( Sri lanka )
02 Mar 2019
does it really help for diabetic patients i want to try these for my husband and if it does how to prepare it for him to drink these?
Soni ( India )
10 Jun 2019
What should be used for the blood cancer?
Kritika ( Tamilnadu )
02 Oct 2019
taking fenugreek seeds soaked overnight will really help in reducing diabetes
03 Oct 2019
Dear Kritika, Fenugreek seeds are good for controlling Diabetes but regular intake can cause impotency in some cases. We suggest you take the most effective herb to control Diabetes i.e Gurmar. For Diabetes, try the following: You may buy tincture from a homeopathy shop " Gymnema Sylvestre " ( Gurmar ). Take 5 drops once in a day. Take it for 15 days and keep a regular check on your Blood Sugar.
Write back for further assessment after 15 days. The dosage is to be altered after few days keeping in view the sugar levels.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Kritika ( Tamilnadu )
03 Oct 2019
dear doctor,
thanks so much for ur reply......will try the above said remedy
David steck ( Australia )
31 Jan 2020
Why do not people know, research, and self test herbs that work instead of getting cut up and nuked? Wake up, everyone!
31 Jan 2020
Hey David. We do check on your own. But reading such forums help to understand about the practicality of the herb. I consider it to be good that multiple people have put their experiences and we can benefit from that.
Muhammad Ahmad ( Pakistan )
30 May 2020
Need sweet worm wood
Sania Hayat ( Pakistan )
22 Jun 2020
What is the fracture and odor of Catharanthus roseus
Raja ( India )
27 Aug 2020
Can it's fresh leaf 3nos along with soursop leave 8nos make tea help for reducing cancer cells in the body?
It's fresh leave tea are poison?
Ramakrishna ( India, andhra )
14 Oct 2020
I am suffering from pancreas cancer which herbs I have to use
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