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Uterine Cancer Herbal Treatment, Prevention, Symptoms, Causes, Cured By

General Name
Uterine Cancer
Medical Name
Uterine Cancer
Hindi Name
Kokh Cancer, Bachedani Ka Cancer,
Uterine Cancer Symptoms
Pain in the Abdomen
Premenopausal Abnormal Bleeding
Pain in Pelvis
Pressure in Pelvis

Uterine Cancer Cured By

Super Effective

Most Effective

Highly Effective

Hydrogen Peroxide
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Uterine Cancer is a disease of the Uterus.
The cancer that originates from the Uterus is Uterine Cancer.
The uncontrolled growth of cells give rise to the Cancer.
Uterus (Womb) is the muscular Organ present in the lower abdomen behind the Bladder. The fetus develops inside the uterus and get nourishment from it. The inner lining of the Uterus is Endometrium. The cancer that originates from this lining is Endometrial Cancer. The thick middle lining of the uterus is Myometrium and the outer lining is Perimetrium. The lower part of the uterus that extend into the Vagina is Cervix. Cancer of cervix is Cervical Cancer and is covered separately on this portal.

Normally the cells divide in a regular manner. But if there is no control over the division of cells it gives rise to Cancer.

Causes of Uterine Cancer
Acidic Metabolism
Cancer of other Body parts

If not treated properly, Uterine Cancer may cause
Cancer of other body parts

Alkalize or Suffer

Body Part(s)

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Materia Medica for Uterine Cancer

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Arjun Singh ( India )
15 Jun 2017
Dear Sir,

I have operate uterus of my wife but biopsy report says cancer. Please give advice treatement of ayurved padhati.

Thanks & Regards
Arjun Singh
16 Jun 2017
Dear Arjun Singh
Try the following Herbs.
Please follow the regimen.
1. Ginger for Digestive Disorders : Drink Ginger tea or chew a few slices of Ginger in the Morning. It will also help in Nausea.
2. Beetroot for Anemia: Add Beetroot to your Salad. Or take fresh Beetroot juice.
3. Passion Flower for Anxiety: Drink the decoction made of Passion Flower Leaves.
4. A shot of fresh Wheat Grass Juice.
5. Take Carrot and beetroot juice every day 2 to 3 times. By continuing the carrot juice for eight months the cancer was gone and the 6. 3 Apricot Kernels 3 times in a day.
7. Take 1 tablespoon of Turmeric with Black Pepper.
8. Fresh Soursoup Juice daily. Take these herbs for 1 month and see the results.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
10 Jul 2018
My grandma having stage 3b uterus cancer....she is afraid of taking any scans and treatments...is it possible to cure her using herbs...
Shu amanwi ( Cameroon )
26 Feb 2019
my mother has been diagnosed of uterine cancer which herbal treatment can i admistered to her
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